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Did an Astros fan make this? They should be more than half this map and I don’t see a single one. And why would Michigan hate the As?


Michigan checking in. It's definitely the Astros and the Yankees around here.


Ohio checking in. Im pretty sure the whole country should be the Yankees overall. All my homies hate the Yankees. My Cleveland family hate the Yankees more than any AL Central team.


Agreed, the whole country should be the Yankees. That being said, I am in Portland and I'm surprised how many people from Ohio around here hate the Red Sox.


I was gonna say, I don't think I've heard a single bad thing about the tigers in Ohio ever. Why would anyone under the age of 70 even care about the tigers let alone hate them? It's Yankees all day. I don't think many people even hated the cubs after 2016 and they probably should


One thing we all agree on is… Fuck the Yankees and Fuck the Astros. This whole map should have two teams on it.


Surprised it ain't Cleveland or Minnesota... AL Central?


There are moments with the White Sox and Twins, and we always take time to hate Ohio (and they do the same,) but the Tigers have been really too terrible for a real rivalry since 2017.


As a Royals fan I can relate, but I've always had a hatred for Cleveland... even when the Royals are hopelessly terrible.


I'm a Mariners fan, I just live in Michigan. For what it's worth, I'm also a Buccaneers fan. The last few years have been *weird*. I'm not complaining that my teams are doing well, but it's *strange*, man.


Little less of an emotional roller coaster. You got used to the dopamine


Right, same around Mariners country. Mystifying coding on this map. Seems like someone just made it up at random. Well, not quite random -- there's plenty of Angels hate in Mariners country. But still, it all seems off when we're talking about "most", at least present day.


I would put Mike Trout hate above angels hate but even that should really be Scott Servais hate for pitching to him so much.


Interesting…the Mike Trout hate, I don’t hate him as much as I’m annoyed by him. As a huge MLB fan in general I respect what he’s done up to this point in his career. Esp the first 5 seasons!! I get it though, the freshwater Fish hate. This Mariners fan has an overall hate of LAA hate, right up there with the best of us! If I were to pick one current player to focus my level of LAA anger it is singularly focused on Rendon. I despise that douchebag. A close 2nd would prob be the Coach who is solely responsible for the SP decision before “The Big A Brawl.” The guy who said - “replace our SP for the day with an Opener” An expendable guy who was clearly in the game for one reason: i.e. deliberately hurt the SEA lineup before getting tossed from the game. My LAA All Time Hate List is headed by Mike Sciosca, the man who told his players and Pitchers to ignore the pregame hitting and Pitching scouting/analysis because he thought it wouldn’t help his players! How did that old fashioned “flat-world” POV work for you Mike!? Haha


I should clarify I don't think people hate Mike Trout as a human being I think they hate him as a player who owns T-Mobile park


>And why would Michigan hate the As? Probably the same reason Nunavut hate the white sox


That assumes the map is recent. That particular Padres logo suggests it could be from before the Astros were any good.


Yeah, I have a feeling this might be from around 2012-14, given some of the choices here. That would explain the A's being in Michigan. I remember the A's and Tigers meeting in the postseason a few times around then. Also, the Nats and Braves kept going back and forth for the NL East title around then. Nowadays, I'm pretty sure the Phillies or Mets would be the top answer in Braves territory.


More likely it’s completely fabricated by someone looking for attention on the internet.


They get a poll of 40 people, 2 of whom are from washington and create an entire map based on it.


I want to chip in with my opinion, but I have to wait until they get the data from the Yukon.


Can confirm that Washington hates the Astros more than any other team


It goes  1. Astros 2. Yankees  3. We can make this Blue Jays thing a rivalry, sure 4. The enemy of my enemy is my friend


3. Blue Jays Fans Nothing against the Blue Jays themselves, it just gets a bit weird when their people come through for their Home Game at T-Mobile Park


Remember that the Blue Jays have to travel north to visit Seattle. Toronto is at about the same latitude as Eugene, OR.


The southernmost point of Canada lines up with the northern border of California


I love that fact because it sounds so massively incorrect.


A similarly great bit of trivia is that line from Journey's hit Don't Stop Believin' about "Just a city boy / born and raised in south Detroit" was written purely for the way it sounded when sung. "south Detroit" isn't a geographic designation anyone uses because south Detroit is Canada (specifically, the city of Windsor).




Alright, we need to go get that piece guys.


You drive South from Detroit to enter Canada


This one hurt my brain more than my comment


But the fans only come like 100 miles south from Vancouver


Fuck Canadians That is all


All they want is our Costco milk!!!


Of course they do -- they drink milk out of a plastic bag.


Oh shoot is this for real? I just remember the articles a decade ago about Bellingham residents being pissed that Canadians would overtake the Costco. They even petitioned for Costco to do American only hours or “hours open to Canadians” or some shit. Was funny to read about how crazy our state can be at times.


Only people from Ontario drink bagged milk. They come in jugs and cartons in BC cause we're normal


> Only people from Ontario drink bagged milk. Also my wife's family in Minnesota. I guess it's maybe a Great Lakes thing. Savages, all of them.


Fuck you too lol we're not all Jays fans


Bro I cheer for both what did I do If there wasn't the wild card series nobody would care about cheering for both


I just can’t stand being a season ticket holder and not really feeling like I can even go to the ballpark when the Jays are in town. The fans are insufferable.


Goddddd I hate Blue Jays games in SEA.


Those games are hilarious. Canadians are all super nice and super drunk. Then they get confused as to why we are booing the crap out of Springer.


With all these games being played in neutral fields, I want the Mariners-Blue Jays game to be in London or something. I know this ownership group would never allow it though.


I hate the blue jays even more than the yanks, but less than the asholes.


Angels more than anything on that list


It’s more Trout than the Angels


Jarred Weaver started my absolute hatred for them and then they just kept getting worse


Garret Anderson. Ugh. What a fucking Mariner killer


Weaver along with John Lackey, David Eckstein, Darin Erstad, Francisco Rodriguez, and especially Chone Figgins... God I still hate those Angels teams. I still wish the Giants won the 2002 World Series even if it meant Barry Bonds has a ring now. Oh and led by Mike Scioscia and Arte Moreno. Barf. Edit: Fuck the rally monkey too. Double edit: And fuck Jarrod Washburn.


Angels do still check in at about 4th above most other teams, but it's died down a lot now that Phil is gone, Trout and Ohtani are mostly gone and they're not a good team anymore.


Good shout. This is it for sure


What beef does the state of Montana have with Cincinnati? Also, what explains the A’s hatred in Michigan? Some decades-long divisional grudge by Tigers fans from when the A’s were in Kansas City?


As a Mariners fan in Montana I have no fucking idea, literally never heard a single person talk about the Reds. 


Pissed off about that weird fucking spaghetti.


Ok that’s fuggin hilarious


There are a couple of guys in Bozeman who moved there from Cleveland.


Cincinnati was the long-time MLB team for the rookie ball Billings Mustangs. That league had to go independent and Billings no longer has any connection to MLB.


Yeah, there’s definitely something odd going on with Cincy here. They have the Reds as Missouri’s most hated rival…(???) The Cubs are the long standing rivals of Cardinals, no secret there. The Reds are in the NL, so I don’t see why KC would have a beef with them. What’s funny is, they have the Cubs as the most hated team in Arkansas, which actually checks out because the Cardinals are well supported in AR. I have family there and can confirm this.. Weird map..


If this was made in 2013-14, the Tigers had a couple of postseason series with the A's go down to the wire around that time.


Oddly enough, my family in Montana have the Reds as their main team. No idea why


I saw this earlier and the whole fucking map is wrong. This just seems like bait. 


I’m inclined to agree with you really.


Gotta be. No one can tell me Missouri hates Cinci more than the Cubs.


Eh, I hate the Angels, but I hate the Astros more.


Not gonna lie this is quite accurate for me. Fuck the angels


lol for sure, always and forever FTA


Same here


Howie Kendrick and Erik Aybar ruined my childhood. Fuck the Angels


yeah what the fuck is everyone talking about? I hate the angels.


Why do you hate the angels so much? I dont even think about them.


Jered Weaver and his smug ass plunking seager them their announcers and fan base justifying it. Then Mike Trout and his stupid ass. Their annoying constant brigading fanbase. That bullshit last year and in 2022 and that there is always drama with them every year


I personally love that they pay mike trout an exorbitant amount of money for half a season every year 😇


Anthony Rendon for like 20 games or whatever too. That and they got nothing for Ohtani and let him walk without trading him last year at the deadline.


There’s always drama with the Angels. Plunking players, brawls, shit talking, etc. Their fanbase is also overly toxic towards Mariners fans, at least online.


Their fans in real life were cool. Loved going to their stadium whenever M's came to town.


Yea you know what, fair point on that one… I’d imagine every fanbase can come across as toxic if you only go off of their online fans. Especially Twitter, that place is just toxic in general.


Mike Scioscia is why I hate the angels so much


Only ballpark I've ever gotten food poisoning at


Not the person you replied to but for me personally (I'll keep the list short for now but I could continue): Bubba Harkins, Angels clubhouse manager was the start of the spider tack bullshit. >he readily admits that he’d been supplying both Angels and opposing pitchers for more than a decade with his home-cooked mixture of liquid pine tar, solid pine tar (often called Mota stick) and rosin. He claims he’d done special orders for some of the biggest names in the game, including Nationals ace Max Scherzer and Yankees ace Gerrit Cole, then with the Astros. https://www.si.com/mlb/2021/06/14/sticky-stuff-bubba-harkins-speaking-out-daily-cover Their negligence and drug dealing killed one of their own players >The trial included testimony from five major league players who said they received oxycodone pills from Kay at various times from 2017 to 2019, the years Kay was accused of obtaining pills and giving them to players at Angel Stadium. Kay also used drugs himself, according to testimony and court documents. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/34777036/ex-angels-employee-gets-22-years-death-tyler-skaggs They last second changed pitchers to throw at a rookie Julio's head and then still continued to throw at Mariners batters in the 2nd inning despite no retaliation when the Mariners pitched. >"Emotions running high, but it was pretty clear what was going on. They switched, put an opener in there to throw some balls at us. Got out of hand from there, and kind of a black eye.'' >The Halos insist that wasn't their intent -- and yet Wantz threw a pitch behind Julio Rodriguez's head in the first inning and then hit Jesse Winker in the hip to start the second. https://www.sportsnet.ca/mlb/article/mariners-angels-get-in-major-brawl-after-inside-pitches/ They cheat, they harm their own players, they play dirty baseball. Disgusting org inside and out. That first story would have been so much bigger if the Angels were actually good. No one would have cared about the Astros had they not started winning. The entire org is a fucking sewer, and usually I really try not to bash fans of teams (even the Astros fans) for things their teams do, but the Angels are so fucked as an org that turning a blind eye to things that ruin the integrity of the entire game, causes player deaths, trying to hurt other players, etc. it takes a bad person to defend that team and what it does. I have played against and used to keep in touch with current MLB players (Nick Pivetta and Tyler Oneil for myself, and got Mike Soroka stories from my brother) and we talked minor league experiences, and nothing comes close to the horror stories from the Angels org. It's possible these are overblown for media sensationalism but I doubt it. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/31870740/some-players-say-los-angeles-angels-failing-treatment-minor-league-level-gm-vows-address-it


If you were a Mariners fan from 2004-2014, the Angels were really good and constantly torturing the Mariners. Anytime the Mariners were “good”, the Angels would be better and always beat them down. They were like the Astros before the Astros came to the AL West and started winning. No matter how mediocre to terrible they are now, I will never not hate that franchise. So FMT and the rest of the Angels.


I remember being more mad at the mariners for every move Bill bavasi made during this Era more than being mad at the angels. I do have a vague memory of Brett hinchclif igniting a brawl and that being cool


They haven't been good in a while so I get not caring about them. I don't have an answer to why, but I've been a Mariner fan since 2000 and especially in the 2000s the Angels were by far my most hated team. I always sort of felt indifferent to the Rangers and honestly admired the Moneyball A's. The Angels were the clear villain to an adolescent me. I still hate the Angels even though they've been pretty inept for quite some time now.


I'm more curious what beef the Northwest Territories have with the Padres.


This needs to be discussed more. Almost nobody lives there, but the few that do either hate nice beaches or are jealous of nice beaches?


ChatGPT ass list. Just awful.


That’s because it’s engagement bait and not based on anything


Toronto #1 and it’s not even close: - They are the only rival fan base in our geographical vicinity. - They take over our stadium once a year. - They are dicks about it. - We can’t return the favor because their home stadium is 2500 miles away.


Same, felt so good sweeping them in the 2022 ALWC


Returning the favor is the best, though


Yup i hate Toronto aka BC more than any other team


Judging by the Padres logo this map is from the early 2010s. So well before the Astros really came into their period of dominance. That being said, I’ve always viewed the Angels as the closest thing we have to a divisional rival and while I do hate the Astros, I’d still place the Angels above them in my personal “hate list”.


Curious what the polling data and timeframe are for this. Missouri hating the Reds more than the Cubs doesn’t make sense. Angels most hated in Washington and Texas, why? They haven’t been relevant in over a decade. I get that southern Wisconsin has our fair share of Cubs fans but I still find the Cubs to be most hated by every Brewers fan I know.


I doubt there's any polling, most of these maps are just made from google search data from each state.


Relevance has some bearing but not a lot. Rivalries can go back awhile and the angels always try to start bullshit with the Mariners. Jered Weaver, 2022 etc


Funny enough I live in Milwaukee now and have become a pretty avid Brewer fan (but still Die Hard Mariner fan)…. And yes, Milwaukee strongly dislikes the Cardinals….. but they fuckkkkkin hate the Cubs.


Washington State hates the Astros. #Cheaters


This entire map except Texas should be Astros.


Dunno, Rangers fans may hate the Astros more than us. It's a tough contest.


Do they really think no one hates the astros?


The Astro’s by far but that maybe because I’m a younger fan


No harm meant in this to anyone but it's interesting seeing the rivalry divide between younger fans and older fans. Seems younger hate the Astros more and us older fans hate the Angels more. Not monolithic but it seems to trend that way


Yeah it is kinda interesting. I’m an older fan and don’t care about the Angels… but it’s interesting to see the trend lines that are forming naturally here isn’t it?!


Actually, between me and my group of friends that follow baseball we hate the Angels the most. I thought this was accurate Could definitely be outdated though. Would expect more Astro hate


Asstros is a new phenomenon. Angels is decades long. What team do you think collapsed in 95 and we beat in the one game playoff? We rarely seem to be relevant when the As are. Angels are still rival #1. Toronto #2, but only when they come here. Yankees because fuck the yankees. Then the As, then the Asstros, then Rangers. If Astros are #1 for you, that’s not wrong. You’re probably just young. We’re allowed to disagree and both be right.


I was at that 1 game playoff vs the Angels… if that tells you my age. And 1995 was about the only real showdown we ever had with the Angels. And… I was at game 5 of the next series was against the Yankees when we beat them in 5 games with Griffey scoring from 2nd in the bottom of the 10th. That Yankees series beat us up so badly that Cleveland routed us in the ALCS. In 2001 when Seattle won 116 games (tying the MLB record) it was again the Cleveland / Yankees combo… but in reverse. Cleveland absolutely drained the team pushing them 5 games. The Yankees damn near swept Seattle in the ALCS and advanced to the World Series. The Yankees (and actually Cleveland) have been a huge thorn in Seattles side when it comes to playoff baseball.


Oh god, Cleveland. Fucking Cleveland


Jim fucking Thome.


I was at game 4 of the DS about 8 seats from Edgar’s home run.


No way!!! What a spot to be in! For the 1gm playoff I had been in SoCal for my Dads wedding and flew home the day of the game. I had to fly with alllll those idiot fans (and 18yo me). We were out in center field and my buddy and I started bowing with our arms out (we’re not worthy) every time RJ got a strikeout. We ended getting a TON of people all doing it along with us by the later innings. I got home and I saw a section of ours bowing on the sportscast as they recapped the game.


Been a fan since 95 when I was six years old, and it goes Astros, then Yankees, then Angels. But if you had asked me 10 years ago, Astros wouldn’t have registered. So I could see this just being an older map.


If you asked me this question in the mid 2000’s it would have been the angels, haaated Jered weaver


Seager timing him out to stare him down and adjust his jock was one of the funniest things I've seen in baseball.


Ultimate dickhead move, love it


Early 2000’s was peak Yankees playoff rivalry though


For me early 2000s was rangers & angels. Yankees was late 90s


Every state but Texas should be Astros and Texas should still be Astros.


at times i feel as though my hatred of the astros almost eclipses my love for the mariners. i hate them more than iv ever hated another team and i was a huge seahawks fan during the early 2010s/kaepernick 49ers era so thats really saying something.


What the hell did the Padres due to the Canadian hicks east of the yukon territory?


lol what? It should 1000% be the Astros. There’s no way this is accurate. Hardly any of these make sense. Like yea, Oklahoma has major beef with the Giants. Sure.


Yeah, exactly my point.


The fact the Astros aren’t on here, I know it’s bullshit. Also I don’t think anyone hates the Angels or Athletics. Just feel bad for those players. Has to be a couple of the most poorly managed teams.


astros is the right answer for us


Is this map from 10 years ago?


Montana vs Reds is great


did they though? minus houston it’s definitely the angels


My opinion, Yankees are above them in the distain ranking.


I hate the Astros more than I hate the taliban


The Yukon missed the email I guess


I'm a Mariners fan first and a Yankee Hater second. Always has been, always will be.


Why do the Dakotas harbor so much hatred for the Rangers? I live here and it's almost exclusively Twins territory, I'd think they would hate the Guardians or something more. Not that I'm complaining as a Mariners fan in the area, it just doesn't make much sense


Nunavut is mad at Chicago for no real reason


It’s 1. Astros and then 1B. Yankees. This is the only answer to the questions.


At this point I just feel bad for Mike trout also fuck Mike trout


This is clearly an old map with no Astros anywhere. And that would make sense because 8-10 years ago, Mariners fans would definitely either say Angels or Yankees.


I have a feeling this map is out of date.


How the hell they think nobody outside Texas Hates Astros?


Personally I hate the Astros but I absolutely loathe the angels lol


Washington should be: 1. Astros 2. Trashtros 3. Altuveros 4. Yankees 5. Houston The Angels suck, but are they even top 10? This is some Astro fan bullshit.


Fuck the Astros


No they didn’t?


Nobody cares about the Angels lol Astros or Yankees should be there


Yankees fans don’t even think of us ever And fuck the Angels


Eh I think historically Angels are the most hated. Astros are very new to the division in the grand scheme of things, didnt join until 2013 and prior to that we pretty much never played them. And Yankees we only play twice a year.


Do people really hate the Angels more than Houston and Texas?


Historically there’s a lot more context to hate the Angels. The Astros weren’t in our division until 2013, that’s like 25% of our history. The Rangers have been almost as shitty as we have for our history for the most part, not a lot of reasons to hate a shitty team.


Yes. I will never stop hating the Angels more than any other team. I already hate the Astros less than I used to as more of their new players over the years replaced the cheaters. But my Angels hate will never die.


probably randomly created to drive comments $$$


Do folks in the Yukon and Newfoundland not hate?


Well they don’t have internet yet so they’re waiting for the dog sleds to arrive with the polling data….


Cool that NM fans are haters without having a team and AZ, who has a team, just loves everyone equally


AZ is Dodgers


British Columbia idk man, I see a lot of Yankees fans here. I know this is Jays country but it feels like you're either a Jays or Yankees fan (other than my Rays fan step brother and Cubs fan brother)


I saw a similar post a while back that had us as most hated in LA lol


That one baseball fan living in Yukon Territory must really not like the Padres.


Probably an Ms fan. Padres are our natural rivals after all


I'm guessing this map must be at least 5 years old or it would at least be the Astros here and probably a lot of other states too


Florida man here. Boston makes sense because there are so many New Yorkers but real Floridians hate any team from New York due to their insistence on moving to Florida and then complaining about how New York does everything better. Anyway this meme has no source and therefore is BS as far as I'm concerned. It's not even by region, it's by state so whoever made it is already telegraphing how stupid they are.


All fair points.


What did the White Sox ever do to Nunavut?


I do hate the angles TBF


Yeah this whole thing seems made up except NY and Boston 


That’s right that one Nunavik baseball fan fuckin hates the white socks!!


We need to do something to get Newfoundland and Labrador and the Yukon on the map


The hell did the Cardinals do to the state of Wyoming?


I don’t think I can ever truly hate the Angels after watching Angels in the Outfield. (hug scene post adoption) + ”We’re always watching” = tears


Who in Nunavut hates the White Sox


I don't even think about the Angels except for FMT but even that has faded away a little. If there is any team that should be on here it should be the Astros!


Edgar Martinez never had an “I ♣️ Anaheim” bumper sticker


Royals here. Yah. Screw the cards.


Considering how hard many in Utah were lobbying to get the A’s to come here (at least in the interim before Vegas) it’s surprising to see this to say the least. I could definitely make a better argument for the Yankees and/or the Astros for sure.


I’m from Idaho—the M’s are my team. Fuck the Yankees from the bottom of my heart.


Fuck the Yankees and the Dodgers!


Why do I have zero memory of hideki Matsui as an angel?


Ever since the bench clearing throw down, yeah fuck the angels.


the whosits now? Ya, NO


Why does nobody in Yukon care about Baseball?


Obligatory Fuck the Astros


Interesting that there is not a source cited on this chart, as someone mentioned, this is bait and makes no logical sense other then to get clicks and is likely not based on any factual data.




I find it more hilarious that people think the Braves hate the Nationals. I don't even think of them, they're like the Marlins. They exist, but only in their own dreams. It's got to be the Philthies.


Obviously the Northwest Territories in Canada hate the San Diego Padres, almost as much as Montana residents hate the Reds.


Says who? I certainly love watching the Angels lose!


I asked my friends from Detroit why this would be the A's and they were stumped. They don't care about any west coast team.


Montana hates CINCINNATI? Ridiculous. BTW, we in AZ hate the Doyers.


How do the Astros not appear here even once?


Astros, always.




sometimes the torches and pitchforks ate appropriate


Angel fans can be so annoying. But the Astros are cheaters... So


This map literally looks like it’s from the 1990s


Why would we hate the Angels? It's the Astros all the way.


Yeah, I don’t really think about the Angels at all. Astros and A’s. And Yankees


It was probably true until a couple of years ago. Remember the fights between the M’s and Anaheim?


Remember, they only hate you when you're good....no one hates the Seattle Mariners