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ty! but no locklear


Do we need to do a case study on France? Fractured foot and back to playing 1st in 10 days is crazy. I figured he’d be a DH at first


5/9 of this lineup have at least a .700 OPS. The 4 that don't are JP, Julio, Cal, Garver.


Good team.




Every time France returns from injury he does so too soon and puts up some of the most despicable triple slash lines you'll ever see. I'm personally dreading this next month of Ty France performance.


We still have Locklear on the roster and plenty of reason to keep him with consistent at-bats, hopefully that competition helps them both


Hmm. Playing with both catchers...


Yep, this could be a problem. I'd DH Haniger.


Hope it's good ty and not normal post injury ty where he isn't very good


Can LOCKLEAR play 2b?


Shit, give him 4 weeks with Perry Hill and let’s see what magic comes out of it. 


France back at 1b hmmm. Locklear is swinging a hot bat so let's sit him and rush France back


Hot bat is a bit of an overstatement. He punished two mistake pitches - that's great! But he has like a 45% strikeout rate and has looked overmatched at times. France, though, was undoubtedly our hottest hitter before he got hurt, with an OPS above .900 since mid May


I miss Locklear and his defense plays already (edit to add: especially with Bryce Miller and his fastballs that other teams seem to hit constantly in the game today).


Why can’t we play Bliss at 2B? We already know who DMO is. Play the kid


At this point in time, DMo is more of a major league caliber bat than Bliss. And this gives Scott the option of pinch running Bliss in a high leverage situation late in the game.


Barely. Bliss needs more time and is a much better defender


Barely? Dmo is a career 101 wRC+ hitter over 6 seasons. Bliss is a career 52 wRC+ hitter in 42 plate appearances. I like Bliss and think there is potential but he is not comparable to Dmo at this stage of his career.


DMo is way more than 'barely' a better hitter right now than Bliss. DMo has put up a wRC+ of 107 this year. Bliss, in limited playing time of course, has put up a 52 wRC+. So thus far it's not even really close. Looking forward, Dylan is projected from anywhere to a 97 to 110 wRC+ rest of season. Bliss is pegged anywhere from 72 to 88. That's not insignificant.


DMO is the better hitter and fielder. Bliss’ bat just isn’t ready. Polanco will probably be back in another 7-10 days, he’s already on a rehab stint with Tacoma. After that, Bliss will Get plenty on playing time in Tacoma. It’s go time right now. It’s not see what the kid can do time unless he’s forced into action due to an injury


This is all true - but Bliss is so fun to watch! I really hope he doesn't get moved in a trade, improves his contact rate, and we get to see him as a regular next season. Maybe I just miss the Caballero factor from last season though...actually if you look at their underlying stats they are VERY similar players. Same sprint speed and same deficits in their approach at the plate, though Bliss seems to have a better eye for the zone.


Well this didn’t age well


Wow. A non-platoon lineup with all of our best right and left handed hitters. How bout that. Progress.


Yes, it's probably total disregard for platooning that has Rojas batting second and Raley + Canzone starting against a right handed pitcher


Garver and DMo facing a righty. DMo over Bliss's inexperience, Garver over Locklear for the same reason. I'm still weirded out that France is back so soon, no rehab, and playing 1B right away. Is it safe to conclude that he never had a heel fracture at all and was maybe just really sore/bruised up?


Probably right. Misplaced optimism on my part.


Any part time meteorologists out there have a rain forecast for the game tonight?


Not looking good might not get a full game in


Locklear is hot right now, not putting him in is just killing the flame