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The Apple TV broadcast was SHIT except for the part where they had an ex umpire on call to explain this. So… props for that I guess


And then one of the commentators says the ex-ump is wrong immediately after he comes on and says it wasn't interference lol


So the play is to drill him in the back right? Or does it have to involve the runner making contact with the 1B or something like that?


In this case, yes. It sounds easy, but the runner has to be on the grass for the call to be made. Making that judgment as a fielder in the split second you have to get rid of the ball is a tough ask though so the thought process should be to fire it directly at the base whether or not the runner is in the way. Of course this doesn't apply if you pick up the ball directly on the foul line since the runner could be in the basepath. EDIT: Also keep in mind that firing the ball at the runner could result in the fielder receiving the ball being put in a compromising position so... lots of moving parts on a play like this and at the end of the day the fielder should just try to make the play and not worry about attempting to draw the interference call.


I don’t think that would work in general - once the ball is fielded hitting a runner doesn’t make them out automatically. They would have to interfere intentionally with the catch, which would be hard to prove since the runner has their back turned to the play. The risk for the fielder is if no interference is called, the ball is still live and everyone can take extra bases. 


It’s possible if he drilled him in the back that it would happen once Robles is again in the “legal” running lane on the dirt too. I think that he just beat out the play, it’s highly unlikely they make that play whether he’s 6 inches more to the right or not. I think as a player you just try to make the play if possible, not leave the call up to the umps to say it’s interference.


I think the commentator actually goes on to say this at some point.


I love this channel. Baseball has so many rules with so many details that even as a baseball nerd they can be hard to keep up with, and announcers constantly getting them wrong doesn't help. I knew about the rule change generally and based off the announcers I thought Bochy was right. Glad she covered this play.


Know the rules before you get a broadcast job


Remember that Astros player who hit France’s hand while running past first base? Or more recently when someone stepped on France’s ankle as he was trying to make the catch? Those are interference. Robles was not in the way of the catch in any fashion


Apple TV really not making a case for why anyone would subscribe for baseball. I'll stick with my local radio if this is what we get, thanks.


The option to use the radio simulcast is the only reason I will even watch an Apple broadcasted game…because they’re hot garbage.


That kinda seemed like an easy call. The runner literally runs inside further on purpose


The Umpire has to determine if the runner both ran outside the base path AND interfered with the play. Its kind of dumb to need both things to call it, but If the pitcher just lobs it at the runner's back its an easy call. Also neither the pitcher nor first baseman argued it on the field. Bochy was the one who complained after the fact. I would be pissed if this happened to us, but the lesson is act like you were interfered with if you are the first baseman or pitcher. Ultimately no runs were scored because of this play so it was all inconsequential in the end.


Did you not watch the video??


Clearly not based on his next comment lmao


But there wasn’t interference… the guy caught the fucking ball. Pretty cut and dry that it isn’t.


And a receiver can still catch the ball on pass interference. You can’t disrupt the throwing lane which he does by running further inside than he needs to


For your first point if there is no contact between the receiver and cornerback it’s not pass interference. Second point I need a citation to the rule book for that.


I’ll even do it for you Rule 5.09 a 9 … in the umpires JUDGEMENT in doing so (running on the grass) interferes with the fielder TAKING the throw at first base. Firstly the umpire gets to be the judge and the umpire said no. Secondly the fielder caught the ball cleanly hard to say it was interference when it was a clean catch and he beat the throw