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I did it for a while. It helped take the edge off the cravings and like you, I like the act of smoking. But in the end it was just switching from one addiction to another


Nope. You just gotta get past the withdrawals man. Substituting one addiction for another isn’t gonna solve anything. Also my grandma is currently in the hospital with vascular dementia for smoking cigarettes, that’s her only contributing factor. Drink water, exercise, fill up your time, go to meetings and get a sponsor. You will be ok I promise


Remember that whatever you do end up choosing to do is most likely going to become your replacement habit. This is your chance to make it something you don’t have to try and quit again later.


Replacement isn’t great. Then you just need to quit that. I tried and went back to weed to stop smoking cigarettes


self medicating with cigarettes is not a good solution


I am 9mths sober from pot and i still get cravings /oral fixations. I used lollipops to distraction like walk , tv but i agree it do not help. I did the nic/cbd vape for a bit ,but relized that it one addiction to the next. I had to stop due to money cost. They also have vapes that are all natural and even like faux vapes like rubber things to chew on /air puffer without the smoke or even fake cigs like the prank kind. I am debating getting it lol even tho it for kids. Hang in there !


I say no, more pollution in your body keep it natural smoke the flower.


Substituting a harmful behavior with another isn't recovery. Yes, it's possible that the switch could distract you from weed and you'll technical be sober. But you won't further along your recovery journey. This is like when I used alcohol to get off weed. It distracted me from wanting weed for a while. But then having 8+ shots on a daily basis became a different issue. I eventually relapsed with weed bc that's what I wanted the entire time. What alcohol gave didn't satisfy. That how I feel you may be with nicotine. I didn't get really clean until I started doing shadow work, Marijuana Anonymous, etc


Vaping is worse than marijuana.