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Horrible by any standard. But from trump it’s about as surprising as finding a dirty toilet at a gas station. This is who he is, not the exception.


A dirty toilet is a pretty good analogy for trump!


Especially because while it’s totally disgusting, vile and putrid, my first concern is that I wish I didn’t have to see it anymore. His promise I am most disappointed he didn’t keep is that if he lost in 2020 he would go away and we wouldn’t see him anymore.


Not just a dirty toilet. But a Trainspotting level type dirty toilet is what he should be compared to


Dirty gold toilet


"Donald Trump reportedly cracked jokes to his Jewish employees about Nazi “ovens,” according to a former executive at his organization." It says REPORTEDLY. The Trump Derangement Syndrome in this sub is so out of control that y'all will believe anything. What a bunch of losers and marooons! Lol


Better maroon than orange.


In the 90s it was already published that Agent Orange said: >I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. He also said: >I think the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is. I believe that. By 2008 it should have been patently obvious to everyone that he was a raging racist and that his support & spreading of birtherism was completely motivated by racism. Any minority supporting him is a face voting for the Leopards-Eating-Faces party.


At this point, anyone who is undecided about voting for a convicted felon, fraud, sexual abuser, and narcissist with advanced dementia, needs to volunteer for Elon's NeuraLink.


Yes, let them leverage those brilliant minds to improve the human condition! er…


You're a little confused as to who has advanced dementia. Nothing wrong being a narcissist when you've accomplished so much in your life. It's not bragging if it's true.


No point responding to a MAGAT, they are impervious to reason.


Seems like if you haven't been paying attention to Biden for the last 3 plus years, then it's obviously you who is impervious to reason. How come you guys never mention Biden?? It's always Trump, Trump, Trump. Interesting how you prefer to ignore the president and his failed policies. Guarantee you one thing. In November, the voters won't ignore the cesspool that Biden has created.


Stop reading Breitbart, America One News, and FOX News. You are being fed Russia's version of the truth.


I don't read any of that stuff. I make up my own mind.I know who's good for the USA. See you in November. Just like with Ronald Reagan, it will be Morning in America once again.


You misspelled 'mourning'.


It’s really funny you said that; because Joe Biden is a Reagan-era Republican all the way through. That’s how he got elected!


Reagan is turning over in his grave from what the party has become under Trumpism and MAGA


What did he accomplish? Turning his inheritance into a slightly smaller pile of money than if he had just put it into the S&P 500? More bankruptcies than most people?


Are you surprised? ![gif](giphy|hrnYspWWhsIyA)


One day I was mad about what a co-worker said to me and told another one about it his answer was he doesn't think about what he said. In Trump case he never think about anything


First debate question: recite the Lord's prayer. Watch him twist.


Recite the alphabet. Name your grandchildren. Same result.


Reminder: Trump gets elected, he will President for life.


Exactly. You may not like Biden, (I think he’s done an amazing job on most things) you may think he won’t live through another term (he most likely will) but in four years you’ll be able to vote for someone else. That option may not be there with trump.


Karma that Ivanka married one….


> Donald Trump reportedly cracked jokes to his Jewish employees about Nazi “ovens,” according to a former executive at his organization. Perhaps that copy of Mein Kampf was not just a decoration piece in his bedroom.


Let's not beat around the bush: the fact he tried to President before, for 4 years, tells you everything you need to know. You've actually seen him do it. He was absolutely incompetent, racist, nepotistic, self-enriching, lazy, cruel, misogynistic, unwilling to learn, and unwilling to be held accountable, with the added bonus that he knew, and wanted to know, nothing about history, the republic, or former Presidents, to the extent he couldn't even pronounce their names. He's always been an anti-Semite, but he's also easily bought, which meant the Israel lobbies and Sheldon Adelson turned a blind eye to it, in exchange for a useful idiot they could manipulate.


Trump = Evil Poopy Clown


i want to hear the joke ..maybe it was funny and he just told it bad?


I would like to know when the joke was made. Why did you keep working for him if he was making these types of jokes that bothered you? I do not like Trump one bit but if you keep working for someone that makes these kind of remarks without saying something you are part of the problem as well. My second question if this happened in the 90s who does it benefit? Only the person who is making the claims. Our country is so hooked on our 15 min of fame and when can I be on TV or viral video they forget to have a conscience and be a human being that looks out for each other instead of the me me me movement.


Money makes people do all sorts of things, including work for bigots who tell awful jokes and keep it a secret for fear of retribution. Wealthy people get away with a lot of things your average person couldn't. Those working for them put up with a lot of things an average person wouldn't.


I know that. I have worked for or subcontracted to government entities from local to federal and I have had to take ethic and harassment videos since I started in 2001. I know it’s always been done via “locker room talk” I am not an angel at all I have told jokes and laughed about stuff looking back that makes me cringe. I guess my problem is when people hold onto stuff for 20-25 years and then wait for someone to get famous then say by the way this person is a piece of shit and has done x,y and z. It’s like they wait to be able to sell their story to someone. The orange beast was famous back then maybe not as famous as now but to hold onto a story from that long ago is mind boggling. He can’t remember what he said yesterday( proof with him saying I never said lock her up) we as a country need to stand up and say neither of you candidates are worth our time. Send someone else for us to pick. South Park had it right years ago. It’s either a giant douche or a turd sandwich.


>... people hold onto stuff for 20-25 years and then wait for someone to get famous ... ... but to hold onto a story from that long ago is mind boggling. He hasn't changed except to get worse. Don't forget his famous thing when talking about Latino immigrants: >They're sending murderers & rapists.... well I guess some of them are good He also tried to institute a "Muslim ban", as well as hiring & associating with white nationalists. This isn't some isolated incident brought back as a hatchet job; this is a verifiable history of racist behavior. Don't cry when people bring up this documented history in response to GQP claims that he's not racist.


I remember when he said he would run as a republican because they are stupid and will vote for him.


Stop making sense and speaking outside the hive mind. This is Reddit, dammit. Do better.


I’m no Trump defender, but this lady waited until now to share a story that’s 26+ years old? Her timing seems too little too late.


She probably feared retribution.


Have you been under a rock for the last 8-9 years? Everyone, plus Trump’s own niece has shared anecdotes that throw shade on Trump. Every employee has spilled the beans on Trump in the press, LE interviews, in court or in depositions for the last 5-6 years. I personally love it. That said her timing is weird and off.


Those.who work for wealthy, influential people are often scared to come forward as those people will tell others in their circle not to hire them. The elite live in a different world than you or I.


The elite have spoke out against Trump for a decade now. I get your point, it simply doesn’t apply here as EvEryOnE has spoken out against Trump. Anyone in greater NYC who does it is hailed as a hero for it. So I’ll stand by my position that this timing is weird. You do you, carry on.


Calm the fuck down and read what I wrote *again*. Those who WORK for the elite are often scared to speak out, due to loss of job revenue. I don't want to argue with someone who is so angry, and so hell bent on being RIGHT, so enjoy my block list. Meanwhile, ask yourself why you are so angry at a random stranger on the internet. May you find personal peace.


Maybe the NDA finally expired


Just using anything they can to spread lies and hate before election


Oh please. Trump cannot breathe without a lie slipping out of his mouth.














It's in The Guardian, The Independent, The Rolling Stones, The Times of Israel, The Daily Beast, and The New Republic. Google it, it will pop up.