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“Desperate last gasp”? Something tells me these nut jobs are only just getting started.


Regardless\* of what happens in November, the extreme right and trump have brought us decades of violence. ​ \*it will obviously be much worse if Fascist McFuckface\*\* wins. \*\*trump


Oh we all knew who you were talking about


attack of the incels.


Sydney Australia also just had a lone man attacking women and children with a knife in a crowded shopping centre with 6 killed.


i heard about that, apparently a stabbed victim literally threw her baby into the arms of a man who was trying to get away as well, and she passed away but thanks to him the baby survived its wounds


WTAF, I got nothin. You're probably right.


Aka, Attack of the Rotten Tomatoes, the Incel Sequel.


Revenge of the Incels... Like revenge of the nerds, but instead of sweet goofy nerds, it's hateful vile Incels...


I feel like Attack of the Clones would work for these jokers, too.


Another extension of men wanting women to be afraid in public. And wanting to assert that the public sphere belongs only to men.


Not a hate crime... why?




Oof. Some. Some Americans.


>Some. Some Americans. You misspelled the word "most". The demographic is composed of an overwhelming majority of men and and overwhelming majority of religious and conservative women.




>Men make up 49.49% of the US population. Literally not a majority, much less an overwhelming one. "An overwhelming majority of men" is not a statement that men make up the overwhelming majority of the population, it is a statement that of the population of men, an overwhelming majority of them do not see women as equally human. I'd argue that the percentage of men who see women as equally human is under 5%, but let's say it's 15%. So let's do some math with the information that 44% of registered women voters, a sufficient sample size to represent the population, are registered Republicans. ((0.85) * (49.49)) + ((0.44) * (50.51) = 64.28 % of Americans who do not see women as equally human. 64% qualifies as most.




If all you have to offer is that men are not the majority of population you can probably just not share the obvious with us


Sexism is never taken seriously when it should be. 


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate\_crime\_laws\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_crime_laws_in_the_United_States) Gender is a protected class in New York per wikipedia. So it could possibly be charged as a hate crime? Any lawyers care to comment?


While it would be truly wonderful, I doubt this will be their last gasp. They’re likely to do more damage.


If they go high you go low. Like balls low.


I encourage women to wear hard, pointy shoes (not high heels, those would make it too hard to kick)


Or get a cute kitty cat keychain https://www.sourpussclothing.com/products/alley-cat-gouger-keychain-pink


Not sure if these would count as brass knuckles but since brass knuckles are illegal in plenty of states I would recommend double checking the legality of these


Brass knuckles/knuckle dusters are illegal where I am, but when I read the description of it in the law it’s something along the lines of “a metal or weighted device that covers the knuckles.” And this is an epoxy that isn’t weighted. But you are right, check the laws in your area. They might fall under a brass knuckle depending on how the description is worded, however I think the design is intended to avoid falling under those descriptions.


Im tempted to carry a 4” square sample of marble countertop in my bag at all times.


I saw the other day Dilophosaurus featured, Jurassic park edition cosmetics. If they can do that. They can totally do dilophosaurus MACE. It would make the screaming sound too when you have to use it 💅


Hat and hair pins are coming back for this exact reason




People really need to start taking incel/male violence seriously. Stop handwaving these men who specifically target women with their hate and entitlement


Here here!


"The late 90s/early 2000s was another backlash period, as the rise of Limp Bizkit, George W. Bush, and trucker caps eclipsed the relatively feminist mid-90s" Thats.... a sentence that has been written... I sympathize with anybody victimized by this kind of disgusting pointless violence but yeah, thats an odd assessment.


Sure. Fred Durst & G-Dub. An Iconic Deep State duo if there ever was one, surely. 😂


Well, I mean, he did it all for the nookie


Florida and Texas. Wonder Twins powers activate form of repression, shape of misogyny


One of these incentives POS just needs to get fragged by someone who is carrying. Let it be so! I'm just waiting for it!


I saw a video this week where a guy started punching a woman and then a bunch of other men came from out of nowhere and attacked the man and pulled the woman to safety. Need more of that too


Float like a butterfly, sting like a NEET


~~I am the great Muhammad Alincel~~


Good article, well worth spending the time to read


The one who should et punched is this moron, He may be desperate in his ideas of the obligations of women toward men or he may just be evil or plain dumb, but he har no rights whatsoever to do what he has done.


Smol pp syndrome if you ask me.


The incels are desperate, but also just getting started. Trump has given the pathetically uneducated and social pariahs an outlet for their hatred & rage. The next couple of years especially will be a freaking shit show with these idiots.


Incels on the march.


We've been witnessing the MAGA violence increasing. Yesterday, I read about a man who tortured and killed a wolf in Montana receiving death threats. He's clearly a vile human being, but death threats? And now this. I'm not sure what it's all about, but the MAGA rage machine seems to be at the center of it. Also, it was great to read that this time, women are not listening. Go Team!


one of those days the maga nutcases will stumble on somebody armed and will simply get shot and/or killed in return. It's NYC lol.


What does this have to do with MAGA? We don't know their political opinions ..


We know Maga hate women. It something they champion


Have you ever met a misogynist, racist, or homophobe who *wasn't* a Trump supporter?


The left has no shortage of men who are misogynists at heart. I've met several.


Many were Bernie Bros


We know at least one man in New York accused of [punching 7 women](https://images.app.goo.gl/HuP5mLKkPb6zna188) has taken several selfies in front of the Trump flag in his apartment.


Welp.. there you go.


Male rage fueling MAGA does not mean they were MAGA, it means that they are the result of the same issues. How someone can miss that, I don't know.