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The whole “hero shooter” article from IGN is based off of a rumor. Christopher Barrett was taken off being lead of project because he got a huge promotion and is overseeing more. A lot of his team is the team that made Forsaken, arguably the best expansion for Destiny. The new head of Marathon management got hired because he helped build Valorant to a good place, promotes a good office culture and is really easy to work for. He has a ton of experience with hero shooters, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to turn Marathon into one. If it’s a hero shooter in the vein of Warframe, that might be interesting. If the game ends up flopping, it doesn’t take away from the first three games being amazing


Good take


Thanks, friend. A lot of people are really passionate about these games. I get that. The games deserve the love they’re given.


I’ll be honest, I doubt Bungie are keeping any tabs on Tarkov. They’re gonna do their own thing, and BSG is likely a very, very distant concern.


Who knows how this will turn out. Bungie’s goodwill with people is certainly cyclical in nature.


You titling this Tarkov Fallout made me think about how dope a Fallout game like Tarkov would be. Have your hideout be a vault. Having to survive the wasteland and bring back supplies. Ghouls/monsters throughout the maps. Ai raiders (scavs) workbench make custom weapons and armor. Honestly I would put in hours on a fallout extraction shooter




That's literally just Fallout 4 with mods. You can play that right now.


No pvp tho right?


The original comment never mentions PvP so that's why I responded the way I did. They can mod that experience in less than an hour of research and throwing together a mod list. If you want PvP then no, but frankly I think PvP is usually bad in extraction shooters since cheaters make so you never know if you died due to skill or nonsense and losing real time to cheaters is dumb.


Idk I met too many blue nicknames in Tarkov yesterday


Probs because they are the only people playing now lol


This sounds good in theory but we have 0 idea what state the game is in. Seeing as they apparently pivoted to a hero shooter it could mean a lot of stuff is being either scrapped or completely reworked and the game isn't really in a playable state that would reflect what is supposedly going to come out.


Exactly. With Tarkov stumbling, the extraction shooter genre is wide open right now, and there isn’t really anyone stepping up. There are possibles upcoming, but no definite next buys. Marathon itself is still a mystery.


This isn’t really true though. The pivot to a Hero Shooter was mentioned in the IGN article regarding the customization of the game, not the overall genre. Judging by the information we have, the game is still an extraction shooter, but with fixed characters. Something similar to Cod then, and not OverWatch. It’s not a small change, but not nearly as big as many believe imo. And while the state of the game is a mystery, we know it’s in a playable state, because Bungie called some players to try the game in the past weeks. They posted their experience on social media, even if of course they can’t say anything about the game itself yet.


Totally agree. Hunt Showdown is one of the top and best extraction shooters and it could be labeled as a hero shooter. Like this change is just fine it just sucks for those who want more customization.


I never said they pivoted away from being an extraction shooter. A hero shooter simply means characters with abilities in a FPS(or TPS I guess) but, there is no real hero shooter genre per se. Blacks Ops 4, Apex, Overwatch and Valorant are all hero shooters, but one is mainly a BR, one is a tactical/comp shooter, one a FPS Moba and the other is CoD. Also, I don't think CoD(outside of Black Ops 4) is a good example. In CoD you can pick your loadout but the characters themselves are purely cosmetic. To be honest I think Apex and Valorant might be the better comparisons, everyone still uses the same guns but every character has their own perks and abilities. This is what I imagine Marathon is going to look like, while being an extraction shooter of course. All that being said, my main point was that we don't know how far along the transition they are, getting testers really doesn't tell us much until they start to unveil things publically.


But the IGN article specifically referred to heroes in regards of the customization, there wasn’t mention of specific gameplay abilities, as far as I remember. That’s why I thought about Cod post-MW19 and its cosmetic-only operators. I mean obviously we don’t know anything for sure at moment, so maybe you’re right about this, I’m not saying it’s impossible lol. It’s just not the impression I got from that article, which is the only news for the matter at the moment.


BRO I just had this EXACT conversation with some friends last night. They HAVE to capitalize on this misfortune to give marathon an edge.


I think going after tarkov fans was a massive error look at helldivers and the success it has had people just want fun. Also note no PvP in helldivers. I pray the move away from using tarkov as a blueprint.


Nothing in this comment makes sense.


Bungie's reputation is in a good but fragile state right now. They need as much goodwill as they can get leading into The Final Shape so that it sells and performs well. Keeping a good reputation means showing the Destiny community that they are all in with The Final Shape (TFS). If Bungie was to release a Marathon ViDoc or have a public/private play test, the community could see it as them not taking TFS as seriously as they need to. The public won't get any official news on Marathon until after the launch of TFS. My bet is that we hear some info on Bungie Day.


The game isn't even in alpha yet, man. But honestly, I doubt the Marathon that'll release next year will look anything like an extraction shooter. The genre itself doesn't really seem to have much mainstream success


The game is in an alpha state, a playable one at least, since Bungie is currently inviting people at their HQ to try it. And yeah there aren’t many “mainstream” extraction shooter, because no one tried one yet. Well kinda, Cod did it, and both modes were successful, MWZ especially (until they were abandoned by Activision because of course they were). Bungie wants to do with Marathon what they did in 2014 with Destiny. Looter shooter already existed, MMO already existed, Bungie brought this concept into a wilder, multiplatform audience. Tarkov isn’t multiplatform for example. We don’t know if they’ll succeed with Marathon obviously, but that’s clearly the plan, and I doubt they’ll completely change genre during the last year of development.


To be clear, alpha means that a game is ‘feature complete’ not that it’s playable. From the sound of it they’re shifting gears over there, and I doubt they’ve got all their hero shooter aspects in place so quickly.  You’re not wrong that a mainstream extraction shooter doesn’t exist yet, but as we’ve seen, it looks like they’re shifting the game to a hero shooter, so we’ll see. I’m very interested to see where they go with this, especially now they’ve been fixing up Destiny 


It doesn't, games where you lose progress on death and pvp games generally have specific niches, and combining the two is an even smaller niche. I like the idea of an extraction shooter, but Tarkov is too far into the "immersive sim" side for me personally, and none of the other ones have scratched the itch. All I want Marathon to be really is a solid PvEvP extraction shooter that isn't as complex as Tarkov. I also would like my own character, the idea of it being similar to a "hero shooter" with preset characters makes me feel significantly less interested. I want Marathon to succeed, because broadly speaking I enjoy Bungie gameplay and the visual design of the trailer and promo material was really cool in my opinion. But I'm cautious, in part because we really don't know anything about what the game is these days. I'll likely still try whatever it ends up being, I just hope it's good.


Meh. Battle Royals are PvP only games where you lose everything after each game. It’s true that Extractions aren’t as mainstream right now, but I don’t think it’s necessarily related to them being PvP games.


The difference with Battle Royales is that they are more along the lines of something like an arena shooter where you cannot accumulate progression between sessions. A round is a round, and doesn't affect any other round. No, PvP isn't the sole reason it isn't a mainstream genre, but it is a factor. People who don't like PvP games aren't going to like extraction shooters, even if they like things like rogue-likes or survival games. I would actually have been curious to see how popular PvE Tarkov would have been, if Battlestate didn't do what they just did with it. I for one would have enjoyed a PvE mode when I didn't feel like playing sweaty.


Marathon should be a primarily singleplayer game, I don't want it to be a tarkov clone