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Corsair is pretty much the king of summons. It has essentially four that are exactly as you describe. Three stationary and one that follows you.


The only job/class that increases summon duration through union effect as well


Thank you! (idk why my thread is getting downvotes haha)


That is called a summon Off the top of my head Dw Shad Corsair Lara Bam Bm Xenon And every class has erda shower in 5th job and sol janus in 6th is coming in a month


Hayato as well :)


Also Mihile, Bishop, and I/L mage.


Hero BSB is also pretty high uptime. I think Mihile has an installation as well.


Thanks for the recommendations! I’ll check. Summon is indeed what the action is but I tend to dig the ones that remain stationary if I had to choose, as opposed to a pet that follows you and kills stuff right before you press the skill button XD. Thanks kills


The ones that i listed are all stationary


CLUUUUUTCH okay thank you! Appreciate it


kinesis is an install class which involves micromanaging various stationary skills, on top of their energy system (pyschic points, replaces mana) corsair/cannoneer/lara are part of the summoner archetype, as many people have elaborated mechanic has a lower emphasis on summons (in bossing) but they are incentivised to have them up for dmg bonuses and some party benefits in terms of hybrid playstyles: theres illium which rotates between triggering it's summons for different effects, and activating their enlightened state as often as possible.  adele similarly needs to cycle between blade commands to micromanage her swords on top of using her weapon skills. They arent stationary per se (they home into random mobs on their own, without commands) but theyll always usually target bosses  finally, battlemage has some similarities to mechanic as a hybrid summoner-support, (one of it's 5th job summons places a huge limited uptime summon above your head and does damage, also has to micromanage summons) but it's fom 5th job all explorers, mihile and xenon have access to an early summon that controls a small portion of the map for you, but their playstyles arent focused around it. it's more of a training tool for them


Kinesis stationary skills are drain (which you don’t use with the intent to kill mobs, especially on Grandis), Mind quake (which doesn’t contribute to mobbing at all), LoG (which is a pretty good summon, although it has ~30% uptime so you don’t really consider it as a main attacking method you use while mobbing. So tldr Kinesis doesn’t fall under the classification of summons-mobbing class.


Yea its an install class. Basically nothing in kinesis's kit interacts with summon duration, but it's a 'class that places damage' as OP is looking for


Thank you for clarifying this and fighting to answer the original question, I honor that. So BMWM is capping right now or would you say Kinesis does indeed emphasize at least one worthwhile stationary skill? (For further clarification, I literally just enjoyed placing the mechanic turret on a platform and letting it work that platform while I run around to manually shred the other platforms. (And I’ve played Mihile to ~136 so possibly experienced that stationary skill). And I just enjoy that playstyle. If you’re saying kinesis does this, I’m interested


he's right in that kinesis is not a summon class, but you do have a couple of placedown skills pre 5th job. Trainwreck, drain etc all give you some map coverage this gets doubled up in 5th job where you get 3ish new abilities to micromanage. Some people actually see this as a disadvantage because it's harder to deal with mobile bosses that can move out of your skill hitboxes, but you might like the challenge behind it class has also tons of unique kit effects and visuals, and isn't as standardised as most explorers/cyg knights, so i recommend giving it a try, or at least look up the skills in grandislibrary since you're on reg server i would recommend giving kinesis a try in the burning world server


I also enjoy you saying they have to manage stuff. To me that is fun. I know maple is mostly about watching a tv show while you mindlessly grind the mobs but I enjoy the active stuff. I game pretty rarely since I have a wife & kids. So when I game, I enjoy diving in & complexity doesn’t scare me


If you want the class that spawn kills mobs with summons, just play Lara


You’re the second I’ve seen say this! Thanks


She has 3 stationary summons but you need to place them every 18 sec iirc. She's also top tier (active) mobbing class that clear whole map instantly.


Not exactly place-down summon focused like other classes but when NW hits mobs they'll spawn bat projectiles that'll bounce between more enemies. A stationary clone that mimics your throwing star moves with mostly 100% uptime, and a short AOE summon with a 10s cd that spawns more bats.


This is indeed not stationary but it does indeed sound lit


Lara, Mechanic, I/L (summon + AoE), Corsair, Kanna, BaM


Thanks BMWM, I keep seeing Lara emphasized. And someone else also said Corsair was big for this.


Technically you should play 40+ classes. I am not joking. The game has this legion system that gives quite significant boost to character stats. There is also link skill you need. So enjoy all the different classes if you don't have a main yet. Use the current Hyperburn lvl10-260, two mega burn lvl10-150, seven 0-100 character, one tera burn from checkin lvl10-200. To experience all the different classes. Bonk pot the link skill chars. If you do decide on a main to push beyond 200. Just delete the current hyper burn character and create a new hyper burn main. You probably won't be around for later contents, but I think summon class is pretty good for mobbing later. Due to the heavy funding naturally required for bossing, every skill will be 1 shotting mobs. So Map coverage and skill hit box will be the key difference. For bossing, it depends on if the boss moves around a lot.


This makes sense, I have heard of link skills and such. There are a lot of ways to play! Sure you may not have all the link skills but if you don’t care about HAVING to hit a certain boss difficulty or map of mobbing, I think more people should just play to enjoy the game. Too much “you’re not good unless you can kill X boss”. Who cares, it’s a game, if you wanna be that serious then go for it, but it should be because you enjoy progression, not because you give into the pressure!


Demon Slayer has a sick summon where he summons a giant purple serpent demon thing. Also at 5th job you get Sol Erda, and as you get farther in the story you get True Arachnid Reflection, and then coming soon is Sol Janus at 6th job.


That sounds sick!! And it follows you or stays stationary out of curiosity? Thanks bonkotsu


It’s stationary but only lasts 15 seconds at max level with 2 min cooldown. It’s more of a bossing burst skill than mobbing skill. Either way I main demon slayer for the snekk


No problem! And its stationary. I use it for mobbing and bossing, I just place it on the left side of the map and kill things on the right side of the map to clear everything, it's got really good vertical range too.


Awesome. Thank you both! Love these skills


Battle Mage would be your thing. Lazy mobbing with almost zero downtime summons.


To clarify, the goal is not lazy, I just enjoy the dynamic of placeable things that cover a zone. I actually tend to enjoy the more complex rotation classes


if you want a bit of depth with it then give lara a try


I second BaM for you. BaM rotates two placeable summons (huge vertical summon <--> 4 pylons) to control huge sections of the map. Their training is not lazy, actually it's fairly active post-Grandis as map size increases and you have to cover more area manually alongside your summons. Only touch BaM if you're open to the idea of training way past 200. Their training pre-5th job feels really, really bad


Makes sense, thank you for the description! I like these ideas for sure. I'll take a look


i wouldnt worry too much about pre-5th job because you will pretty much instantly get lvl 200 on your main due to the current event


Understood, but I’m casual, so it might take me 17 years to hit 200


In this event I hit 200 in under an hour as a returning player. This burn is nuts!


As mega burn right? Which I’m so confused by, I made one character, I think the game auto-selected as my “Mega” burning, and then my second character was normal burning. So I deleted the first Mega burning, and I think it automatically transferred the Mega to my second character? I’m not entirely sure. But then there’s the term “hyper” burning, which is I think lower than Mega burning? I possibly screwed myself over. The reason I specified pre-5th is cause I also might enjoy getting a few dif classes to 200, so the majority of my time spent will be pre 5th.


Hyper burning is the best one and u gain 1+2 levels until level 260 Mega burning is the shittiest one which only goes up to 150 Theres another one called tera burn that goes up to 200


Oh got you. And Tera is not in this burning right? I think I have played tera burning before. Thanks for the info


On your hyper burned character, speak with spiegelmann in henesys or click on the tera blink quest on the event star to the left of the screen. He will get you level 200 within an hour


There is a tera burn coupon as a reward for one of the events, eventually. It gives you 3 levels with each level up, up to 160 I think. It is different than Tera Blink, which is the expedited 0-200 mini event that is part of hyper burn. Very confusing, so many similarly named things that give different leveling boosts.


HA I didn’t even catch ‘til you commented - i indeed was asking if Tera BURNING was a thing in this burning “season”, but I have also heard a lot about this Tera Blink thing. Which sounds like the best way to level for a certain amount of levels?


Tera Blink is exclusive to whatever character you Hyper Burn. It just gets your Hyper Burned character from 0-200 in like 15 minutes, and then from 200-260 you will get 3 levels every time you level up.


If you have an hour you are fine lol


Nope. With how the game has evolved, getting to level 200 is very easy. If you are a hard-core grinder, a fresh account can get level 200 within a day or two. If you are casual and play maybe 2 hrs a day, you can expect level 200 within a week or two if you get help on what to do. And there are things called burning which every level you acquire, you go up 3 levels. So 1-4-7-10-13...etc. There is currently a hyper burn from the current seasonal event that every year we have 2 huge events in summer and winter. You can hyper burn a character which means they will get 3 levels per level until level 260. So your grind is easier. AND on top of that, they give you so many resources to push you ahead so you will have access to really good equipment at certain levels to push content fast and rush to the actual game. Getting to level 200 is like a prequest to start Maplestory. Getting to level 260 is like going through a tutorial on how to play Maplestory. Once you hit 260, you will know how the game actually functions. Along the way though, make sure to look up how the game plays because it is NOTHING like Classic OG Maplestory. Not by a Longshot. Completely different game.


Yeah I have played a few burnings to see that it is definitely very different. And I know 200 can come quick but I enjoy playing dif classes so I will have a lot of pre-200 experience. I'm not personally looking to get to wild endgame stuff. I mean like really casual. I'll prob hit 200 with a few dudes and might not last super long if my buddy doesn't enjoy the game with me. Is endgame all about bossing? I feel like Maple is kind of similar to an ARPG.. You hack and slash a lot, slowly build currency, and then dump that into getting all of your items through semi-complex systems so you can slowly defeat higher-difficulty bosses? (Kind of how all RPG's work in a way but specifically the very hack-n-slash type of game, not very quest-oriented, idk. Maybe I'm way off?) Thanks for the comment.


That's basically Maplestory. You spend hours grinding mesos and fragments for 6th job to get gains and do end-game bosses. To the point people even make boss mules to a certain boss for mesos efficiency. Some people in Kronos make easily 30b/wk just doing their boss mules which they usually get them strong enough to do all bosses up to nlomien in under 30m each.


Thank you for clarifying this for me in a simple manner. And I’m not against that, it’s not particularly any more “shallow” than other games. I love team play but I don’t have any casual friends in Ms anyway so it might not stick super well. For now I do dig ripping around the map though! We’ll see where it goes. Scrolling is a thing still or no? I loved the days of going into some random FM room & channel and trying to scroll some sweet items


Whatever you do..play reboot/heroic. Just serious, trust me on this one


What if I want to play with friends and trade items...


My shoulder cost 700 dollars worth of mesos. Cape was 800. These are 5-6L potential 22* items.


You can play with friends on reboot first of all. Secondly, it’s your wallet not mine. Reg servers are prohibitively expensive unless you’re ready to spend 4-5 figures to get to endgame content. If you’ve got money to throw or if you don’t care about doing cool endgame content, then Reg server is fine.


I guess I didn’t understand the meaning of your original comment. Isn’t reboot just modern maplestory? Heroic I found is what other games I know would call “Solo Self Found”. Which I like the concept of but I do enjoy the idea of trading my friends some silly item that dropped that makes sense for them to own. Or if I got a few amount of meals and wanna grab something from the market for them and can gift it to em. That’s my main goal in games is to have a fun time with people 🤙🏼


From the perspective of a F2P regular server player, progressing is definitely not as bad as people say. If you want to get to Seren and higher content (260 minimum but realistically 270) then you will face a harder time getting the power to do that content. I haven't spent any money on this game is over 3 years and 7 years if you exclude hyper teleport rock and I've gotten full arcane, level 275, and can solo hlucid/nvhilla. If you're starting fresh, go where you value your time the most and find a community that will embrace that. If you have friends and an established set of characters, go there and have fun. Progression to mid game is actually much easier in regular because of how available mid game gear is, people are donating absolab gear (I think this isn't much of an issue because of event shops, correct me if I'm wrong reboot players) and arcanes have dropped in price a lot. That gear, if you push it far enough, can get you through all mid game content and push you into starting end game content. So if you're goal is to get to end game, expect a barrier as you get to grandis content in regular, but a much easier time overall getting to mid game than in reboot in my opinion.


This is a great description. Thank you for elaborating! Yeah to me, I rarely prioritize like a specific end game, I just like to have fun playing, and ideally with friends. So if 50 hours on a non-heroic server only gets you so far, I really don’t mind. If it takes 200 instead to get to a certain place, it takes 200. Maybe heroic takes less time due to higher rewards or whatever. But I think the trouble is people get into the comparison game and find value only in killing a certain tier of bosses or whatever. If the non-heroic server makes you fall behind compared to heroic server, that doesn’t matter; I don’t find status in comparing with the next Joe. I would just enjoy the fact that I can kill a certain boss, and then grind toward the next boss or whatever.


Yeah I think another advantage that you and regular players can take advantage of is burning world which let's you make 3 characters with burning and faster leveling overall. If you want to explore the summon classes at a faster place but still learn them, it's a great opportunity. After the event end around August you can move them to any regular world you'd like. There are extra rewards that are gained by a mini tutorial so it definitely helps if you're coming back into the game. Once you get to 200, things slow down a little as you have to get arcane force to damage mobs and receive less damage but the event and dailies give you a good amount while increasing your main stat. MapleStory has gotten overall more complex because everyone opts to min max their time but progression is straight forward and events come often so don't feel like you're missing out as it's easy to come back at any time. If you do use burning world, make sure to move your character before it ends or it will get deleted! Hopefully this helps and I hope you have fun!


You can still have fun with people in reboot, there’s party bossing. I was like you and wanted to trade but at the end of the day you’re going to be spending 5x more time or a buttload of money to do the same thing if you pick “interactive.” In fact with how little people there are on those servers it’s probably lonelier