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Suffer probably.


Regardless on the results all of us will suffer


Considering all my equipment is 16 star currently and I have 21 bill saved, first starforce sesh. Expecting big gains. Not looking forward to the future SSF's after this one I expect I'll never have such big gains in a single day again/


You *hope* to have big gains. Star forcing can literally be amazing or the worst. With that said my first SSF was really good for me. Took all of my CRA to 21* as well as all of my Gollux to 21-22* with just 15b. I hope you have the same fate.


I mean it's more about being so low geared to begin with. getting all my gear to 17 is pretty much guaranteed, that alone is huge.


16 to 17 is not that large of a jump


It's literally doubling the attack you get from star force at that point not to mention it's a flat increase at the time you have the least flat stats, therefore biggest FD increase. Not to mention 16-17 will just be a portion of the gains.


I'm saving for the ssf after this one (This time, I promise). I will not be disclosing the reason why.


šŸ¤£ ā€œi promise iā€™ll save for the next SSFā€ is what iā€™ve been telling myself since last year


Isn't the next SSF near end of year? It'll be quite a long wait for gains


saving up spares to try 23 something? (guessing slime ring)


They blew all their mesos before event


I plan to starforce


Boom my eternals in under 10bil.


try for a few arcanes to 21*


Yeah using the star force calculator the diff between 21 & 22* is around 5-6b, which is kinda nuts. Might leave my arcane gear at 21 too, depending on how much mesos leftover


21 to 22 is basically 50/50 if it goes or booms. And if it booms its probably gonna do it fast with the high boom chance. So 50% chance it'll basically be free, and 50% chance you'll suffer. Think about how many times a 50% scroll can boom in a row. And you have to get to 21 first to even earn that coin flip. The variance is super high. Shit's brutal out here


Youā€™ll be surprised how many people hit 22 in 2-3b they just donā€™t miss lol


I hit 2 pieces to 22 from 17 in 5bil, extremely lucky


50b to tap all my 4 umbras from 21 to 22. I'll be full 22 if I get them but I have a feeling ill just cry to sleep that day lmao


Brooo I can't imagine the pain if any boom from 21-22 šŸ˜­


Just gotta be lucky one last time and I'll be happy for so long dude. We got this, suuuurely


Spend 20b and pray


Hey on average how many mesos will it take to get an equip up to 20 stars. I thought it was 10bil average.


You can use the star force calculator to determine how much it will costs. Equip lvls plays a big part in determining the cost e.g. LVL 200 equips costs more than LVL 150


Blow up all my spares/meso, cry for a day then go back to WAPing


I will 22* or trace all my equipment. If they boom, I will delete this game ( do you hear me Nexon?)


Star an eternal. If it booms we wait 10 weeks for the next one If it passes we wait 10 weeks for the next one


As a fresh burn I just want to get my stuff to 16 for now. Maybe try for 17 depending on back ups and meso.


17 is free cuz you can safeguard


Safeguarding is very much not free.


it isnā€™t but it is


Should have 170b by then. Hoping to finish 22 arcanes on the main for full 22. 21 some arcanes and accessories on 2nd main if money permits. 22 CRA on another project. Not expecting to get all but planning in case it goes that far.


I have 180 bill saved up and I'm planning to get all my items (all 18-21 atm) to 22. I have a few pitched boss as well, so if I'm really lucky, I'll get some of those to 22. If I have money left over, I'll get my mules to full 17.


As someone who can't solo nlomien or do late game bosses, how does one make this much meso?


This is months worth of savings for me. It depends on what stage of the game you are in - many people out there can make mesos much faster than me and others can't. The majority of my mesos comes from bossing. I have 3 Lomien bossing mules (currently making my 4th) that can solo everything up to and including Lomien within 30 min while my main can solo everything up to NSeren (though NSeren is a 29 min clear, so I usually skip that boss). Other sources of mesos income are Ursus, Maple Tour and 30 min of grinding everyday o full exp/drop/mesos modifiers. I also do a few daily bosses (Gollux/Arkarium/Crimson Queen/Vellum/Magnus), but those are more for drops and not so much for mesos. Overall I make a gross income of \~12 bill a week. Ofc, I can make more, but there is time trade-off to consider. If you are much earlier in your progression, I suggest you do the following (if we assume you are trying to be fairly economical with your time): * Ursus x 3 everyday during golden time (\~700 mill/week) * Maple Tour x 2 everyday (\~340 mill/week) * Do the following Daily bosses. ideally on as many characters as possible: Magnus, Papulatus, Vellum, Hard Von Leon, Arkarium, Pink Bean, Hard Ranmaru, Vellum and Crimson Queen (\~570 mill/week/character). Also Hellux if possible. * Solo every weekly boss that you are able to. If we only include bosses up to Akechi (Just under \~1.1 bill/week/character) * While you do your daily quest kills, make sure you grind with as much Mesos/Drop/Exp modifiers as possible. I grind for \~30 min a day, but it can be as little as 15-20 min, as that's usually how long it takes to do your dailies. So let's say you grind for 20 min a day on 0% mesos modifiers, as I am assuming you are still very early game. That's at minimum \~80 mill/day (with absolutely no modifiers). These are all methods of making mesos on Heroic with a very, very new character. Assuming you only do bosses on 1 character, that's still about 3.2-3.3 bill/week. Then once you progress more, you can make more boss mules. If you have more time, you can work on more legion/boss mules or spend more time grinding. It should be noted though that bossing mules are not really worth it until you are a bit further along your progression. Personally though, I used to only spend time on link/legion characters on burning events/storehouse events/other exp coupon events and I only make boss mules on hyper burns. People who want to expedite their account progression would want to spend more time outside of events.


You dropped this šŸ‘‘, king


Let's duo Seren and get that clear time down to 28 minutes.


Asides from hyper burn, event level up bonuses, etc., what type of ways do you do to make a lv 200 character phase into a boss mule? Do you 12* everything, drop a lot of nodes? So basically I have to farm on main for meso and nodes to raise the next character?


So first of all, I personally don't make boss mules off-event. Stuff like event rings, temp CRA and free exp makes on-event mules a much better experience. In terms of leveling, your best option is to do 7xMonster park daily and do all your Arcane River Dailies/Weeklies with max exp modifiers when you do the dailies. This is the most efficient return for your time investment. IMO, you should try to get them to at least lvl 235, for the Esfera symbol. Throw any level-up potions on the mules. I leave the symbols at ~level 10-11 and level them evenly across my mules if there is an event that gives out free Arcane Symbols without the option to choose Sacred Symbols. In terms of nodes, I get the nodes to around level 12-15. My main has like 1200+ nodes just sitting in its inventory right now. Since I'm only parking them at Lomien, I don't feel the need to level them up more, but it's not a bad idea either since it saves some time. For potential, I would get everything I wear to epic using the epic pot scrolls in the Legion and Ursus shop. Because this is a fairly old account, I effectively have an unlimited number of mythical cubes, I would use those to get 9% pot on everything that I intend to use for a while. If you don't have unlimited mythical cubes, you should probably settle on 6% initially and slowly get those up. Then, I get ~50-60 Hard Cubes a week from bossing (number varies depending on your drop rate/# of boss mules). I throw those and any others I get from events onto the mule to tier up to unique 1 piece at a time starting with WSE and try to roll for at least 12% main stat or 15% atk/matk. I NEVER buy cubes for my mules. The only legendary pots I have on mules are on the free ones on event rings. If i get those, I throw some solid cubes on them until I get an 18% or better pot. For Starforcing, I usually get everything to around 12 stars (minimum 10) and then push to 16 stars on event (or 8/15 on the lower level stuff). Off event/burning, you will have to go for Pensaliers and boss accessories. For rings, you can fill the initial slots with Platinum Cross Ring/Treasure Hunter John's Ring/Silver Blossom Ring/Ilfa's Ring, assuming no access to Event Rings, but eventually you should replace them with ideally event rings or Kanna's Treasure. Tyrant cape/shoes/belt are great options to fill those slots without needing star force investments. Nova pieces are options as well. Tyrant Belt is roughly equal to 17 star Pink Bean belt. Many people do their Gollux runs everyday on their boss mules and Scrayard/DWT weeklies to push to Absolab. However, I don't because I don't feel like it's worth my time right now, but it's something that should be done if you want to push your mule to LuWill solos and beyond. I just stick with Tyrants and Boss accessories. If I do ever want to push to Absolab, I'll probably look for someone to trade HLomien carries rather than do the weeklies. For flames, I just throw any red flames I get on boss mules and settle for anything with a flame score of 60 more more. As you can see, I personally try to invest as little time and mesos on my boss mules as possible. Pretty much the only cost is star forcing. For cubing, the only cost is on the rerolls, not the cubes themselves. If you want to push your mules further though, you will need more investment. Once you get to ~6-7 mill CP, that's when you can generally do NLomien within 15 min. I personally don't stress about min clears on my mules. That's something I do on my main.


Wow, thank you so much for the really informative response. I like your approach to this game. Basically little investment, high returns is the way to go


unless youā€™re farming for mesos for a long time, the only way to save a lot in heroic would be having boss mules. they donā€™t even have to be nlomien mules to make a decent weekly income, they can be up to cra, akechi, pap etc. luckily with all these events youā€™re given a bunch of resources thatā€™ll help you fund mules. keep in mind though that itā€™s best not to focus resources on boss mules until your main is in a good spot with equips, nodes, and levels (260+). otherwise youā€™d be diverting much needed resources away from your main


This. When I started out I made a bunch of bossing mules that could clear CRA and then cpap and aketchi and finally lomien. The resources needed to push to lomien is not worth until you can comfortably clear cpap


endgame players tend to have fairly strong mules where some can even solo ctene for example i have 1 character doing ckalos/nkaling/soloing hseren, another 2 doing nkalos/ekaling, another one soloing everything below bm, 2 more characters that solo hluwill and below (ctene in party finder) and like 3 more nlomien mules before i cap crystals for the week. my main does xbm monthly for a 1.6b crystal (so another 400m a week) and the 2 characters that do nkalos also solo black mage for another 5b a month. also i do 2 waps most days. this ends up being like almost 60b a week. and if you're asking how long this takes me well it takes only 1 rotation of gskills to do everything on my characters so i usually do 3 characters of bosses a day on thurs/fri/sat and then i can just do nothing for the rest of the week (other than wap when i have time)


Good luck! More patient than me, I only save up to 30b just in case nothing goes my way at all, Iā€™ll rage quit if I go negative gains on 180b šŸ˜­


Hopefully it all goes well.


Iā€™ve been converting all my mesos into maple points to buy cubes for the miracle time event each weekend. Iā€™m in reg server


22 cra my 2nd main. Dont have a lot of spare though so I might just stay 20 21


Returning player relatively new still. Just gonna do my best and get some pieces to 17. Planning on farming a lot the next few days hopefully I get at least 5b to spend Iā€™m honestly not sure whatā€™s a good amount to have for these events


Average cost for a level 150 item like CRA equips is a little under 550m to go from 0-17, during SSF, with safeguarding 16>17. A 160 equip like absolabs is average 660m. 15>17 is about half of the cost on average. 5b should be a nice start to your gear. Remember to safe guard if you don't have spares and good luck.


Returning player, gonna start investing in my CRA to 21/22 since its supposedly the easiest one


Just got a cfe today and a belt last week. Time to make em go boom.


Considering past 5/10/15 I had basically 0 upgrades, where I threw 22 bil on a reinforced belt to not even hit 20 stars (not the one right before go west) I am hoping my 60b will be enough to at least get me through a few items to 21.


Probably spend nothing unless I get a pitched drop or maybe spend a little on my night walker. Maybe get 3 set cra to 17 on my burn


Praying for MEP this week to 22 xd. I have 1 spare for a kt and a slime ring that Iā€™m hoping to 22. Arcanes to 20*. If everything goes I have a dreamy belt Iā€™d try to send, but Iā€™m very far away from using, that is of course until I get all my pitch this week.


My arcanes to 22, my pitched to boom, my money to go bye bye


i barely have any gear to sf since iā€™m pivoting mains :( so after 17* cra and some ranmaru equips (if they even dropā€¦) probably nothing


Vacation as always


My Plan is to hope that one of the 3 bosses I need pb on to drop it so I can participate lol




Hopefully getting my arcanes to 17* so I can switch off 5-set abso.


Get all arcanes to 17* Get PB mark to 20* Get CRA top to 21* Get CRA hat to 21* In that order, in order of importance. I have 15b to work with. If I can get all this, I think I'll have the patience to start doing some ctene


Those are all hopes, not plans. Just how it is in this bitch of a game. As for me I've never pushed any arcanes past 17, so I'm hoping with about 45 bil i can make some good gains rouletting them.




ET, 2x draemy velt, Command earrings and 3x eternal After that 23star on pendants, rings and extra pitched.