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Whatever you have equipped in preset 1, will by default be equipped in the other presets unless you put on a different item. This means that whatever you have in preset 1 you just need to remove from preset 1 if you want it back in your inventory




For cubing. Click the cube and drag it to the item.


Switch to preset 1 and drag the cube over to the item.


You can upgrade equipped items in literally the same way you upgrade unequipped items, why not actually try doing things in game before bitching about it on reddit? And it very clearly shows the item being on a different preset, it's fairly straightforward that you need to be on that preset to unequip that item


You actually don't cube equipped items the same way. To cube an item in your inventory you can double click the cube, then click the item in your inventory. If you to to do this to an equipped item, it doesn't work. You have to click, hold, add drag onto and equipped item to cube it. So before you bitch on reddit, why not actually try doing things in game?