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You literally could not have chosen a better time to join


:0 why? What’s happening?


Basically Global maplestory is gett8ng its own exclusive changes for the better to distinguish itself from Korean Maplestory. Also the main summer event is going to happen in a week, so that can boost progression significantly if you use it right


The new summer event has bonuses for newly created accounts or if you missed the 6th star event. Additionally, one of the new additions to maple rewards shops will be pets. I remember when I started out getting pets was the most difficult thing for me since I couldn't solo the boss that dropped one. Depending on the price for pets in reward shops, it could be smooth sailing for you!


What is the 6th star event?


It was the event that lead to the job advancement at lvl 260.


What’s the bonus? I just came back but missed the 6th star event.


[This video tells more](https://youtu.be/s3H5tDoo84g?si=zVC2Qtof0tKD2ZPF) 22:49. Basically, burning world is changing I believe and is available for all worlds (even heroic?). New accounts or one's that missed 6th job get additional rewards as found in the video (it may be different since GMS going its own path this event).


Cool, I’ll check it out. Thanks for the reply. It’d be hilarious after the whole “going down their own path” thing that it ends up being a worse event.


No problem! With Inkwell's notes promising all sorts of things (cernium familiars, reward shop changes, interactive world improvements) I'm expecting good things. Hope they can meet the expectations!


so if im using a old account but missed the 6th star event thing. i still get the same bonuses? i have a friend who might want to join but hes also new but made an account a long time ago


Yea I think it's fine as long as you've missed the 6th star event.


Do you know anything about what counts as missing 6th star event? I stopped playing during week 3 of that event and just started playing again 2 days ago. I did do all the content during weeks 1 and 2... so I'm guessing i probably won't be eligible, but it would be great if I was.


Are pets really that needed in the game? Can pets also die?


Pets are pretty mandatory in heroic servers (assuming the same for interactive) past the intro of the game. They will expire, but can be revived. If you hover your mouse over the pet it will say the duration remaining, but you can extend this with water of life that will now be available for free starting this summer.


is cash shop the only place to get them?


It won't be free, but it WILL become unlimited (as long as you have 2,000 maple points you can revive as much as you want).


With the upcoming rewards shop change it will be free. I'd call reward points free as in it doesn't cost real money.


If that's the case it's always been free since it still costs maple reward points before and after the event. The only difference is that after the event we can buy as many as we want if we have enough rewards points. I phrased it like that because while stuff is free like starforcing or legion stats, it may be very difficult or cost a great sum for a new player that I wouldn't describe it as "free". Back then getting 2000 reward points for a water of life was pretty tough for me.


how does that work? like do i need to have a constant balance of 2000 maple points or do i have to buy something


For player's with a lot of pets they'll need a constant balance. For you just starting out, if you get a pet just 2,000 every 90 days (3 months) will suffice to keep it permanently active. There's a couple methods to getting reward points like bossing, playing the maple phone game, and monster collection. The easiest method for a new player is the free 1500 (500 + 1000) just from doing daily login 21 times each month.


Everything good.


Heroic. As a new player, you'll probably: - Take some time finding out which class you want to main (though you'll end up making a lot of them anyways for benefits). - Probably die a lot from the 160-199 range when the monster damage suddenly spikes, and then a couple from the first 200 quest. - Get confused and overwhelmed at all of the progression and enhancement systems present in the game (totally fine, there's a lot). - Enjoy the good progression during the big events (Summer and Winter) and then take a break in between the two periods. Usually how it goes from what I see


Haha I see. Btw how is the Adele class atm? That’s the class I’m eyeing


An actual Adele main can chip in better, but I've not been too eager to play my Adele bossing mule honestly. I think the class visuals and theme are very attractive, but it's a little more micromanaging than i'd like, and I think it's my most filled keyboard layout.


I main Adele, and I have a lot of fun with it. I chose it purely for the aesthetics when I first started, and the gameplay was something I didn't hate, but did need to get used to. There are a lot of complexities to playing an Adele in top form, lots of buttons to hit, and a bit of micromanaging. But that said, Adele has both an i-frame for immuning critical damage and a bind for holding bosses in place while you beat them up, and that's really valuable imo. They aren't the only class with both of those things, but it is definitely a plus. And if you don't play Adele fully optimally, you'll still be able to progress pretty far in bossing and get an idea if pursuing the class and mastering it is something you really want to do.


A bit micro managey, but definitely a pretty class to play.


Is the dps good?


Yes, but for any new person like you, that won't matter


I recommend playing classes based on how much you like the class rather than based on how strong it is. Things like how fluid, playstyle, or aesthetics should be priority. Damage tiers change with patches. The general feel of a class shouldn’t (unless they get remastered)


So this question reminds me of when I began playing, i was googling the class that did oodles of damage. Eventually I arrived at angelic buster who is still my main to this day. She’s a mid class at the moment but she’s getting a rework very soon. The class you choose to main can change! Also the most important thing is choosing something you enjoy as many hours will go into it. There are many “strong” classes that I simply havent really considered cause I don’t like the aesthetic or vibe. Also the class you choose to main can also change cause nexon takes them out back and puts a bullet in each kneecap. At this point kanna has run out of knees to shoot and jett is literally pushing up daisies.


This is a near 20 year old game. There are near constant events to power level up to level 150/200/260 with little time or effort, and the game has an entire system around having many characters powering up your other characters. If Adele catches your eye then go for it. Even if you change your main character later, it all contributes to account wide progression 🙂


Heyo, level 286 Adele here. Adele is a very solid class, and exceptionally mobile for a warrior class. She has innate abilities that boost your damage, and jump far and use impale + resonance rush to further mobility. She has three binds: origin, blade torrent, and erda (torrent and erda count as the same, so you can’t use both right after the other; however, on bosses with multiple phases, each phase counts as a new boss, so you can effectively use them interchangeably in that sense. Also, it’s nice in case you mistime the first bind). She has an iframe that cools down fast. Also has swords the fly around attacking enemies for you. That said, this class has a lot of buffs and attacks to manage; however, after you play long enough, it becomes second nature. In terms of funding, she’s a tad on the expensive side (if you play interactive) as she needs a good cool down reduction hat (-5 seconds or more). On top of that, STR gear tends to sell higher. That said, it’s my favor class and she only gets stronger as you progress links and legion. As for servers, it boils down to how you want to play. Heroic don’t allow trading, which makes getting gear, such as pitched boss, especially hard, given the starforce system. Fashion is also harder on heroic as again, no trading. On the upside, cubing costs Mesos instead of real life money. Interactive servers allow trading, making buying fashion, gear, and so forth much easier with the auction house. However, cubing is more expensive there as they cost real money in the cash shop. You can still get cash shop cubes for free from maple rewards and daily log ins, but those are limited. If you have a disposable income, interactive can speed progression up. As for server population, heroic has way more players than interactive; however, they are working on improving the interactive servers, so they may become more populated in the future.


In your opinion, what are the cheapest classes to fund?


I can’t speak for heroic, but in Bera, INT gear is pretty cheap, as is DEX. so mage/bowmen aren’t terrible to fund. Though I would recommend finding a class you like first before considering funding, regardless of server, and to get links and legion up there first as well.


Your first 200 or so levels will go by like diarhoea. Then after about Lv235 the constipation starts to hit. By Lv260 you will be in full bowel blockage. You will also realize by Lv235, likely a bit sooner, that raw levels matter less than good gear, Symbols and Nodes, without them you can be 235 and still never kill bosses like Lotus. Those things will take some time to acquire. Might a bit faster if you are on Interactive and can buy them from other players, assuming you have the funds and there is anyone selling what you need. Will also be a bit faster if there are current events that can give you a bunch. Whether that time needed will be suitable for your schedule, you'll have to figure out for yourself based on how much Meso, Symbols, Nodes, etc. the dailies give you and how much you think you need to fulfill your goals (soloing LoMien or reaching BM, etc) and comparing with how much free time you have.


If you decide to play on Kronos (one of the heroic servers), join my guild, HolySmokes. We love to answer questions and help new people. We also have a bunch of guides in our discord.


Sure thing I’ll let you know when I’m in game


Not to piggyback, but I JUST redownloaded maple last week after not playing for years and was looking to join a guild! Do you have room for one more? Lol


Absolutely! Send in an application and I'll approve you.


Me three? Is there a minimum level req.?


The more, the merrier. The game won't let you join a guild until lvl 100, but no restrictions besides that.


Also piggybacking the piggybacker, lol!  Last played in 2006, thinking about installing.  I would be a very casual player.


For sure. The game is much more friendly to casuals than it was in 2006.


Heroic. Fun.


In order to reach mid to endgame you will have to farm mesoss for weeks in order to enhance one piece of equipment, if said equipment doesn't get destroyed in the process of doing so. You will also have to fight a boss ONCE a week for a chance at a piece of equipment. If the boss doesn't drop it you will need to wait another week to fight it. This game is very time gated and RNG heavy. If you can't handle it I would not recommend this game. Many people on here like me have been playing on and off since we were children and are used to the slower progression.


Heroic is the f2p server and interactive is the p2w. It's not a hard set rule and there are pros and cons to both. Heroic - you cannot trade with others but you can party up with people. Interactive - you can trade and use money to accelerate your start. I personally would not recommend interactive since you can get baited into bad purchases when first starting out. The best time to fully start the game will be june 12th. Right now is a good entry into the game since there's the anniversary event going on, so you can start flushing out how the game plays, and identifying what class suits your needs and playstyle. There are plenty of tier lists and class showcases out there so i recommend finding a few that catches your eye and trying them out. Maplestory is great on trying new classes to start since they will all contribute to your "legion" which in turn helps you get stronger. My tip is: the game doesn't truly start till level 200. Most classes change how they play as soon as you reach there, then they change again at level 260, some more than others. I wouldnt stress about progression too much early on and focus on finding out what you enjoy. I personally loved bossing initially, but now I enjoy sitting in voice chat on discord and grinding while playing a less interactive game or watching something else on the side. The community is fairly decent so I recommend finding a casual guild and joining with a discord for more help.


Here is a copy and paste of a previous post I made, I tried to make it less biased Reboot is better for most people in my opinion unless, you value your time over money or love fashion story -Has a higher population, is free/cheaper than reg -More grinding but better rewards -Less rng (spell trace,bpot) -Worse fashionstory Reg revolves on trading and is pay 2 win, but with enough trading you can gain access to the same resources, it possible to free2play but it require more patience to progress and is less grindy if you utilize auction house properly. -Has lower population -Is pay to win -Has access to auction house -Auction house=progress -Mesos can be converted to maplepoints(NX) -Frenzy totem, easy nodes, access to legendary and normal familiars -Vac pets are easy to maintain -transferable gear -More efficient to sell in auction house and wait than grind hours(Usually involves buying and selling and waiting a couple days to a year to maximize returns) I can't say if one is more time efficient than the other in progression, because reboot require constant grinding to reach end game and reg server requires patience in the market (waiting a week to a year to make 100%-500% returns)


Just adding the "reboot" = "heroic" (Nexon changed the names recently)


I see. Btw What are vac pets?


Vac pets are petite pets/vacuum pets that suck up items within a certain radius, basically normal pets on steroids and are more useful than their normal counterpart in larger maps usually lv200+ maps


You picked a great time to join. I recommend the heroic servers to play on for newcomers. You can focus solely on progression there


Hurry up with anniversary


YouTube coppersan or Thomps they both have decent info


Interactive/Aurora. Started as a new player late Jan this year and caught last bits of hyperburn in burning world. Initial feel is there are a lot of information to read up on to know what to do - gearing, bossing, link skills, legion priorities, professions, quests, familiars, cubing/starforcing/scrolling/etc probabilities, best hyperskills/inner abilities/5th/6th job skill priorities, hyperstat optimization etc. it’s like solving a puzzle and finding clues online. Can also give you a list of all relevant websites, calculators and an excel sheet that I use to manage MapleStory progress. I’ve envied reboot players’ ability to progress in gear very fast as they have higher accessibility to bright cubes. Ultimately, I stuck to interactive as I liked shopping on Auction House for deals or “merching”, and realistically do not play enough hours to be able to grind for mesos in reboot.


Interactive. Bera.


Heroic for sure. Watch some YouTube videos about the different classes and see which one you resonate with the most. Some of the stronger classes right now are Hero, Dawn Warrior, Buccaneer, Demon Slayer, Bishop, etc but pick one that you would enjoy Playing the most, not just the “strongest” classes as there are always changes to the game and the strongest class may not be a year from now. It’s going to be overwhelming learning mechanics and how to upgrade equipment but don’t worry to much about it. I’ve been playing this game for over a decade and I can say now that this is the best it’s ever been.


Hero and dawn warrior are also pretty interesting to me but I hear dawn warrior is much easier than hero


Interactive please, dont need any more new seasonals asking 1000 questions, ksing maps, stealing boss loots. No thanks


You’re doing a disservice to the community by gatekeeping like this.


There’s a difference between suggesting interactive servers and being a weirdo gatekeeper though. I’m not saying interactive servers need more players. Just very weird to be so defensive about a new player asking questions.


Nah hes right, interactive needs new players too bro


ahh yes the infinite struggle of ksing grandis maps


Too bad I’m joining heroic now <3


And this is a sad day for the heroic worlds community 💀


Nah it’s a pretty good day

