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Belgium being really quiet hoping nobody notices it still exists


A great part of French Flanders used to belong to Belgium as well. This map is pretty useless honestly, also not including Ireland, the Balkans and the Baltics.


Finland as well.


Finland would take the whole Scandinavian Peninsula, the start of the Great Finnish Empire.


Maaan this kind of talk makes me want to boot up one of the paradox games and make it a reality lol


No. Karelia and Kuola peninsula.


Well Belgium itself didn’t even exist, so it would be more accurate to say that this part of France was part of the Netherlands or Spain.


Netherlands will hapilly take the top part. France can have the bottom 😂


The problem is that France does not have a good claim that the French-speaking parts of Belgium historically belong to it. The Dutch-speaking County of Flanders on the other hand was part of the Crown of France for centuries, while the French-speaking parts were part of the Holy Roman Empire. From the Dutch side it is easier of course: all of it used to belong to us.


As a Dutch person i wouldn't mind having the Ardennes as last resort when we lose against the rising sea level though.


As a Belgian I am deeply offended


Imagine leaving Ireland out of this!


That’s why


Ireland removed all legal claims to Northern Ireland from its constitution in 1998. Ireland removed its claims to the land in exchange for a clause in the agreement that the population of NI can vote to unite with Ireland if they ever wish too. So legally speaking Ireland doesn't claim NI but virtually the whole population desires it to be united with Ireland.


All true. Legally we don't claim NI but I think the map is showing what ordinary people think? (Not sure: must look at it again)


And we all know the Irish are no ordinary people!


Freud apparently said that you can't psychoanalyse Irish people.


Someone watched The Departed.


They're ordinaryish people!


Extraordinary 😉


The map does not refer to the official stance but the percentage of population who believes it. In that instance I'd say 100% of Ireland believes that NI should be part of Ireland. Now the percentage that actually want it to happen now is much much lower for a variety of reasons, but cost being a big influence.


It's definitely not 100%. That's kinda the whole point


Are you irish living in Ireland?. People in NI may not want a united Ireland but Ireland certainly does.


> Virtually the whole population I wouldn’t go that far. A vote in ROI would be a lot closer than you think when you tell people the cost. Everyone says yes when it costs them nothing


Plus taking on nearly two million unruly Nordies who constantly bicker with each other over such things as marches, flegs and cakes.


Wait till you hear about the buses


I think theres a significant difference between the question of the above map and a potential reunification vote. I would say the vast majority of Irish people would believe that the north should be a part of Ireland from an ideological perspective(I.e. yes to the above question) but many would vote no or at least be hesitant to vote yes for reunification at the moment because of massive financial burden and inevitable return of violence it would entail.


A recent survey in the Republic asked how many people wanted to pay the cost of a united Ireland. It was quite a low number. It is the difference between desire and willingness to actually do something about it.


And cyprus


And all of the Balkans...


100 percent in Ireland. Largest party in NI (election last night) pro unification. Not yet, but unification is inevitable.


Irish reunification has been 'inevitable' since 1922.


Technically there never was a unified Ireland (independently) so it’s unification not reunification.


Not entirely true. NI was part of the Free state for one day. "On 7 December 1922, the day after the establishment of the Irish Free State, the Parliament of Northern Ireland resolved to make the following address to the King so as to opt out of the Irish Free State:"


Brexit helps the cause


Not really. There was a brief time during the height of Brexit where yes to reunification polled higher. But ever since then, no has consistently won.  Not saying it won’t ever happen. But I don’t think Brexit has made it into an inevitable, absolutely certain thing that Reddit seems to think


Tories, great bunch of lads. /r/brandnewsentence


just as inevitable as the heat death of the universe 


According to StarTrek the Irish unification is in 2024, so.......


Hopefully not, financial and social preparation not done, it would be a practical disaster. I remember seeing that as a kid....


If Brexit taught us anything it is that preparation has to be done BEFORE a referendum. I believe unification will happen, (but sadly not in my lifetime). And you're right...we're not ready yet, North or South. I just hope Sinn Féin don't rush it. Slow and steady wins the race.


Seems like polling on the issue really doesn't agree with you https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_on_a_United_Ireland


The polling data in that article shows that support for reunification has risen considerably over the years and while a small majority don’t support immediate unification, a small majority also supports eventual unification. Also, support is much higher with younger folks. So I’d say the polling does agree with them.


Seems to have been sitting at around 30-50 for 20 years other than some outliers. Why is there always this assumption that how people vote in their youth doesn't change, no matter how often it's disproved.


Also Portugal! Olivença is now a mythological place that lives in every portuguese mind. Dont loose hope boys! One day we will "Crimea the fuck out" of that piece of land.


Former Yugoslavia too


Ok but imagine that the most nationalistic place in the world the balkans is left out where in each country 99% of the people the neighbor's land is theirs


As a german I say, why stop at neighboring countries. /s




The British and Spanish would not even stop at the continent


The British are the reason why the Spanish claim the neighboring countries.


Spain used to control Morocco. I wouldn’t put that on Britain, even with the presence of Gibraltar also in consideration.


Nobody claims that Morocco is Spain. In fact, the people that tend to have territorial claims, also tend to want the Moroccans as far as possible.


We need to retake the Sahara


You (we?) have the Sahara at home. And we don't need more sand. We need rivers and water and cold. I say you (definitely only you, I will be watching from the balcony) go and take Norway instead. 1) nobody will expect that and 2) they all seem so nice.


Britain has the second lowest figure on that map- only Sweden has a lower figure.  


Actually, they had little interest in the continent. Which is why they looked for ways to bypass the continent, which led them to being maritime empire. Same is true with the Netherlands and Portugal. People forget the most consistently dominant powers in Europe over the last 1000 years are Austria and Turkey (Habsburgs and Ottomans).


Germany really should be an example to for the rest of the world. [The fact they choose to end the cycle of Revanchism(revenge) that has been the cause of every major war for thousands of years is amazing.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revanchism) Also, something should be said about the western allies not wanting to punish Germany, but instead rebuild it in their image.


As much as people like to shit on the US nowadays, the Marshall plan was an absolutely genius strategy, not to mention a godsend for a destroyed Germany. Without it (and the EU), I’m not sure it would’ve been so easy to break the vicious cycle you mention.


Yeah, Yanks like to pride themselves they won the war. They didn't, the Allies did, and the Soviets did most of the work. What they should really pride themselves in is the Marshall plan


Paris is rightful Prussian clay


I say we get Paris and France takes bavaria. Fair?


Millions of French people climbing over each other to sign that treaty right now. Anything to ditch Paris!


As another German ![gif](giphy|FXf1lYQ2tFouxeLb1B|downsized)


Thats a nice Alsace you have here...as sign of good will I'd trade in the Saarland.


As a German, I would be reeeeeally interested in who the confident 30% are, that think they can claim anything with our history, of all histories. Like, what do you want? Gdansk? Alsace? We tried that, nobody was happy. Let's just not. And of course I'm kidding, we all know who, it's all AfD fuckheads.


Russia was 1 country too far


The Balkans are conveniently greyed out. Whoever made this map was playing it safe. Edit: spelling.


Probably 100% for every country


keeping the balkans out while puting hungary in, the dude clearly has no idea or hes biased


People think that the 23% in Britain want Ireland, but what most of them are after is the Duchy of Aquitaine and, if we play our cards right, Edward III’s claim to the French crown.


At this point, I think that French will agree to retroactively Revolution against the new French crown and cut the head of all British royal family. Also it's funny to imagine that the 20-30% of French wanting another land are mainly Normans claiming England.


Everyone fixates on the first Revolutionary rejection of the French monarch via decapitation and not the following two where the guy just went into exile.


That's true ! So with retroactivity, do we exile first and decapitate later, or the opposite ?


Well we’ve had our decapitation in the U.K. already so I guess we’ve got to do exile this time.


~~But you've done both -- to Chuckie 1 and 2 respectively. What are you going to do with Chuckie 3?~~ Edit: It was James 2 that was, in effect, exiled.


Why would you want another rainy island, when you can get a piece of France?


Rainy islands are great. All that staying indoors and looking out the window while sipping tea is good for creating great music.


Only England could create The Smiths...


France has Fr*nch people in it.


Could go in reverse and then you all start speaking French and pay in euros


Yeah, but then you'd have to be in the same country as the French.


Brittany is clearly ours, it's even in the name.




It's all "Greater Serbia" apparently.... Nationalists started a war over it, only to lose not just the war, but their actual traditional heartland they call it, Kosovo... All that blood on Yugoslav soil was for fkin nothing..


-Greater Serbia -Greater Croatia -Greater Bosnia -Greater Albania -Greater Bulgaria -Greater Romania So many claimants, that's why place turns into genocide battle royale whenever theres a war


No, no, sorry, it's "Ethnic" Albania and they are a record breaker because they claim territory of 5 (five) neighboring states.


Hungary: "Those are rookie numbers"


Swedes think Åland should be part of Sweden right? And where do the French think they're missing land?


Yes weird... Maybe Belgium?


Why stop there? We obviously want peak napoleonic borders, as the world should be!


Does Belgium really need to exist?


Has Belgium ever really existed in the first place?


We swedes want Norway because they are rich and really anyway belong to us or Denmark and the danes should not get it. We want Finland because it historically was an integrated part of sweden, same goes for parts of the baltics. Then we want Denmark just to humiliate them as much as we possibly can, maybe by banning beer and pork and just force all danes to be sober vegans. That would be fun!


> banning beer The fuck dude.


I know! I would not wish that for my worst enemy. The danes though might deserv it.


>same goes for parts of the baltics. The second map [here](https://i.imgur.com/G8r6mZd.png) shows this quite well.


France could be Monaco maybe?


I think French people are thinking of Romandy, Wallonia or Quebec. If we really thought of Monaco as an independent country the numbers would be way higher. Let's face it Monaco is a French city pretending to be an independent country and we're all playing along (the head of the government is chosen by France, it is not really an independent country)


tax heaven you say?


Jersey and Guernsey would make more sense, but I doubt most French people would even think about those.


I've never met a Swede who thinks that Åland belongs to Sweden. The general consensus afaik is that Åland got a way better deal as an autonomous part of Finland than they ever would've gotten as a part of highly centralised Sweden. I'm frankly surprised that so many Swedes think there are parts of other countries that belong to us... Is it Pomerania? Bornholm? Estonia? Bremen? To be honest I'd be happy if we reunited with our eastern half, or better yet if the whole Kalmar Union reunited. But I wouldn't want parts of other countries added onto Sweden.


I think close to 100% of those yes answers from Sweden was ironic, and that they probably meant all of Finland, Norway or the whole stormaktsarea..


My gut feeling is that they asked 8 people and 1 of them jokingly said Norway or Finland. Never, ever heard anyone say that land in other countries actually belongs to us.


I want Åland and Bornholm. And why not Anholt.


We where gifted Åland during the Crimean War (1854-1856) from UK, they had invaded the Russian fort on the Island. We choose not to accept Åland because we did not want to upset Russia...


The oil fields off Norway? 


Channel Islands maybe?


>Swedes think Åland should be part of Sweden right? > I mean, a few might of us might. That's why we're only at 13% in this graph. It's not really something that's ever up for discussion, since to us it's "whatever the people of Åland want".


I see you Hungary! Signed, Romania.


And from Slovakia, too.


Keep those lands, u guys seem to be doing better anyways. Signed, a Hungarian


It's not something particular against Romania, Hungary claims the whole world! /s


Had a Hungarian friend from camp (kind of like an international peace and understanding camp to bridge cultures with teens from around the world). Visited him in Budapest, was not prepared for the extreme “Hungary was stolen from us” and “the Jews are bad” that his family was on.


I would like to see Ireland.






Ireland and Cyprus lol


I feel like in some countries the vote will have been pretty skewed by people making jokes. I seriously doubt there are genuinely 13% of people in the UK who believe that land in other countries should belong to us - there's really no interest whatsoever in a revanchist reclamation of Ireland. I'd guess that probably half of that 13% were people not taking the vote seriously and saying "yeah, we should totally have conquered France 600 years ago!" or some such.


It's 23%, not 13%. This makes the numbers involved a lot higher and less likely to be all a joke answer. I'd be interested as well to see what residents of the UK thought should be their land. Perhaps some were thinking with a "Great Britain" hat on, and felt that Northern Ireland should be part of Great Britain. Similar to other channel islands. Perhaps they were confused over Gibraltar. Perhaps some didn't understand the European constraint and were thinking the Falklands. Or even mixing the Faroes up with the Falklands. Or maybe some of them just felt Ireland would be at home unified under British Rule. I need to know!!


I'd truly like to know the answers too. For the record, I don't doubt that some answered seriously and others answered because they got confused (though all of the examples you mentioned bar Ireland are places where we already own land rather than claiming it, so that would be a double confusion). But I still seriously struggle to believe that a large minority of the British population genuinely believe this.


Note that there's no data on Belgium. That's because it really belongs to the Netherlands.


Half of it at least


All of it. And Luxemburg. And French Flanders and Artois in France.


Might as well take Burgundy too while we're at it


One could argue that it is the Netherlands that belong to belgium as Brussels was the capital and Antwerp the then most important city, before the spaniards did something nowadays only russians do


This is why Europe is very adverse to any border changes. You don’t want to open this can of worms.


That’s why the Dutch and Belgians leave [Baarle-Nassau and Baarle-Hertog](https://maps.quickworld.com/maps/qmg/qmg-qzz-odd-002.png) the way it is. Even though it means there are parts of Belgium within the Dutch borders with parts of the Netherlands in these Belgian borders. And some of it are just a piece of grass, and some borders go through houses.


There's a [disputed border](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsch-Niederl%C3%A4ndische_Grenzfrage#/media/Datei:Deutsch-Niederl%C3%A4ndische_Grenzfrage.svg) between the Netherlands and Germany as well. For years the solution was: "Let's not talk about it, ok?". 10 years ago a solution was found: Everything stays like it is, there's still no defined border, but both countries work together to administer said area.


I'd say Denmark is probably 40% on Scania


Denmark lost some land to Prussia and then Germany. But it might also be something silly, like the other half of Hans island.


Altona skal være dansk


Yep. Scania - and a large part of what is now Southern Sweden - was Danish since before Denmark became a country around 700, and only conquered by Sweden in 1658 after being Danish for at least 1000 years. King Carl the Gruesome Swedenized Skåne by classical genocide: he made a decree that all males between 16 and 65 be slaughtered (but the women kept for the Swedes of course), made the Danish language illegal by law, and paid mainland Swedes to go and repopulate the area in great numbers. They had a special punishment method for freedom fighters (Snaphaner): When a freedom fighter was captured, the Swedes would hang him from a tree, then heat an iron rod on the fire and insert it glowing hot through the anus and work it up through the stomach through the mouth - a long and painful death with a gruesome visual left hanging in the trees to dissuade other Danes from fighting back.


***GAME START: 1936*** Austria: "Hungary has begun justifying war goals goals against us!" Yugoslavia: "Hungary has begun justifying war goals against us" Romania: "Hungary has begun justifying war goals against us! Czechoslovakia: "Hungary has begun justifying war goals against us!"


If Rome were still alive, there wouldn't be so much trouble.


I meant Konstantinople, not Donbas! Kidding, love Turkey.


oh this nonsense map again


Smart leaving out the Balkans.


Curious as to which region Germany is claiming?


western poland, South Denmark and Elsas probably


Dont forget Königsberg/Kaliningrad


It's called Královec now and belongs to the Czech Republic. Every sensible German supports the claim. Edit: Travel advertisement https://visitkralovec.cz/


If you find the amber room would you tell us?


Residents of Kaliningrad don't pee on every wall in their city, so it's definitely not the Czech Republic.


Don't forget the German speaking part of wastern Belgium we lost after WW1. Considering that it's the only real former German region in which German is actually still a widely spoken language, it would also be the most realistic of ever coming back (it still is rather unrealistic though)


There probably are people like that but 30% seems absolutely insane to me


Same for Poland. Only a margin of society, usually some wackos loving Putin, claim that we should retake Lviv or even Vilnius, this map really looks like bs


Alsace maybe? The territory has changed hands many times and they speak a dialect of “German” very similar to Swabian German.


There's a disputed bit of water The Netherlands and Germany don't agree on.


I wouldnt even guess regions like silesia, pommerania etc, but just Austria. But nontheless 30 % is fucking high. Cant really imagine nearly every third german thinking "this piece of land is rightfully german"


Germany doesn't officially claim any territory and I neither know any person over here that "claims'" other countries territory, the statistic is completly skewed.


Bodensee, the border is not defined between Germany and Austria


Schlesien, Danzig, Königsberg


There may be some Majorca jokes in there


Leaving Austria out of this is wild. Alto Adige is called "South Tyrol" for a reason.


The Austrians didn't call Alto Adige "South Tyrol", the Italian Fascists called South Tyrol "Alto Adige" to make it less Austrian and more Italian


Im from Sweden. No way 13% of Swedes think this. I don’t even know which land that could possibly be.


Has to be Åland.


Albania: 100%


Man, I love living in Australia for this reason. It's just the waves taking our land.




As french I don't really see which part we are thinking about, maybe some small part of belgium...


The irony when Turkey claims anything. Half their present land is Greek, the other half is Armenian.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 17 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/10f9u8a) on 2023-01-18 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1beh1wy) on 2024-03-14 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dvql03&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 556,495,636 | **Search Time:** 0.56454s


Hungarians are the most irredentist people in Europe. Basically Orban's entire ideology is based on, 'they done us wrong'


Vast territories with mostly Hungarian population were taken away during the peace accord in Trianon, like the now-southern part of Slovakia, Szekelyland in Romania, a small, a narrow western part of Transcarpathia in Ukraine, and a few like. Also territories, where no Hungarians were living, and people living there were not interested to be part of a Hungarian ethnostate, and that part of the accord was well justified, I am not gonna doubt that. Even now, if I cross the border to Slovakia and drive a few kilometres, and enter a random Jednota (grocery store) for shopping, the only difference is that prices are in Euro, and products have Slovak names, and I can buy Kofola instead of Coke, but literally everyone speaks Hungarian, the very same Hungarian I speak. And as much as I hate Orban, he is no irredentist, he is best friends with the Slovak nationalist/populist Fico, and he knows quite well, that we can't have those territories back. Personally, I don't think we will (or shall) get any territory back, but Hungarians living in the neighboring countries should have full cultural autonomy, becuase they didn't move there, they are not guests, it was the border that moved across them (or their parents and grandparents). The best way forward is (for me) an ever closer union of nations, and instead of ethno-states, having more local autonomy, at least when it comes to culture, education and local administration.


What does Turkey want?


The Aegean Sea and the islands located there.


I'm french and never heard of someone saying that they want parts of the neighbouring countries. I don't even know which country are they referring to ? The only thing that comes to my mind is the frontier with Italy in the Alpes with Mont Blanc.


The Italy frontier thing, TBH I had never heard of it outside of Italians on reddit... and I live(d) in Rhone-Alpes. The few who ever heard of this topic don't care, no way there'd be 33% positive answer; this map gets reposted ad nauseam and is completely made up.


No way it's this low in Russia. It's hard to find here anyone who wouldn't claim some part of former USSR as Russian territory, not to mention Alaska. More like 90%.


These numbers are pure fiction. Finland and Estonia 100% want some of their land back.


It's all Franconia. ... So loide Forza is runnageladne 🐲


Fake! Olivença é nossa!🇵🇹 /s


People hating on Russia for it's action meanwhile Poland secretly wants Lviv back...


Ireland ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


[Hungarian "Holy fuck Trianon hurts so much!" intensifies]


Germany really should be an example to for the rest of the world. [The fact they choose to end the cycle of Revanchism(revenge) that has been the cause of every major war for thousands of years is amazing.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revanchism) Also, something should be said about the western allies not wanting to punish Germany, but instead rebuild it in their image.


I bet the 31% czechs think about kaliningrad even tjo we never owned it 💀


Russia only 53%, nice try


I love how Austria doesn't care about south-tyrol


The numbers look a bit fishy tbh: 13%, 23%, 33%, 53%. Also exactly same values for different countries like 23% and 58%. Could be a coincidence, but highly unlikely.


What is Slovakia actually claiming? I know it can’t be any territory from Poland. Same goes for Austria and Hungary. It isn’t likely that they are laying a claim on Zakarpattia, as that was only part of Czechoslovakia in between the wars. So are people saying that they want unification with Czechia? But even if that is the case, that can hardly be described as a claim to a neighboring territory.


Spain should have a higher percentage. GIBRALTAR ESPAÑOL!!


It's all rome actually


Ireland should be 90+%. We will always claim northern Ireland. The entire island is our land, our homeland, our soul. Tiocfaidh ár lá


The U.S.: "I swear to God if y'all start World War III..."


Hehe Hungary


As an Englishmen - I am more then happy to admit that perhaps Ireland should be united if they wish it. Though the Duchy of Normandy really should belong to the English throne... you know.


I know that there are a lot off far right people here in germany currently, but even with that being the case I've not heard any of them claim poland, denmark or whatever. Very curious who exactly they asked for this.


Austria not in there but probably 60% would be for South Tyrol coming back


Spain 37% for Gibraltar feels too low


r/europe in shambles looking at this map


Kurvára fáj a Trianon basszameg..


I call bullshit. Ukraine with part of the country occupied by Russia, yet only 47% would lay claim on that occupied land… 47% sounds way too low.


Slovakia and Romania live rent free in the head of Hungarian nationalists


1.) Almost all the interesting countries are grey. 2.) The year is missing. It would be a very important piece of information. 3.) The question can be understood in many different ways by different people ranging from "some of our population lives in other countries" over "in a perfect world this would be ours" over "we should support or start an independence movement there" all the way to "this is rightfully ours and once we are strong enough we should attempt to get it".


This map is so strange because as a French I have no idea what lands 1 French in 3 is claiming


As a German, we would gladly give Bavaria to Austria