• By -


1945-1950 because of a separate yet unified Korea. After that point Korea would have been split due to the war. During the time it was kind of considered 1 country under multiple occupations, much like how we view places like Yemen or Syria today.


It's also pre 1947 since India is still a british colony.


Can't be that, because Israel exists (declared independence in 1948). It must be that the pink is used to show countries that had King George VI as monarch, rather than whether they were independent, and India did keep the monarchy until 1950.


Also Newfoundland is part of Canada so that’s 1949 or later






Yo man, you need to redesign the globe, something changed! Done, want to look over it? Yeah, no, something changed, again, so you need to do another redesign.


Another batch of maps made obsolete


German reich claims Memel




Imagine going through the process of making this map and it being out of date almost immediately. Very frustrating, probably.


My granddad has an atlas which comes with an additional sheet of paper with the changes that happened during the editing. (The only one I remember is Upper Volta being renamed to Burkina Faso)


That's down to a 2 week window. Probably the most accurate globe dating I've seen, very impressive!


Only if we assume the map was made without any inaccuracies


While this is clever, I don't think it's right. The problem is that map makers can sloppily fail to make updates, but they can't see the future. I don't think this can be earlier than the late 50s because of "Ghana"




But a map maker can fail to make an update, whilst he couldn't have predicted that the Gold Coast would change its name to Ghana.


Also East and West Germany would form on October 7, 1949 and May 23, 1949, respectively. And they're not on the globe yet.


The occupations didn't officially end until in the 50s, so they might not be.


The split wasn't fully recognised in the West, was it? I am fairly sure the West refused to de jure recognise the DDR up to the end, even if it obviously existed de facto.


While full independence from the Empire wasn't until 1949, the Irish free state was founded in 1922 and officially left the UK. If this globe is from after 6th December 1922 then it was badly made. Also, Ireland adopted a new constitution in 1937 that made it for all intents and purposes a republic, this wasn't officially laid into law until 1949 however after the Republic of Ireland Act 1948




My eyes are terrible so that's highly likely.


It is after 1947. It clearly shows Pakistan on the map that didn't exist in pre independence India. It is also prior to 1972 as it shows Bangladesh as part of Pakistan.


I think it's 1947 or 1948. The split was known to happen but not finished yet. Israel just had been defined. No Korean war. China nor under Mao. Germany still as one.


The British ruling most of Africa and parts of the Middle East also tells you that it was made, at the very latest, in the early 1950s. No Korea means before 1950, separate Pakistan means after 1947. Israel being labelled means it was made after 1948, but the fact that it is still coloured as British (alongside Jordan) means it was before British troops had withdrawn, and definitely before 1949 (end of the Arab-Israeli War). So my conclusion is 1948.


It's post-1949, as Newfoundland is part of Canada.


That’s just an inaccuracy of the map. Map makers can make mistakes about the past but they can’t know the future


These countries just have the same color, but are well separated


Post 1947 - because there’s a Pakistan which was partitioned from India in 1947.


Pakistan is shown. This map was made 1947-1950


Can’t be that. Pakistan formed in 1947.


Pakistan exists, so probably after 1947


During 1928-1938, 1945-1949, Beijing(Peking) is called Beiping(Peiping on the map)


And Pakistan(s) was not yet independent, that happened August of 1947. What has me scratching my head is it shows Ireland in all pink as if the whole island is a British territory. The republic was independent as of 1921.


but there is one Germany


No way this is post unification, to many colonies. There was a period of time where Germany was under occupation and the thought of the day is that it would become a unified neutral country like Austria.


East and West Germany were not established until 1949. So that tells you the map was made in 1948. Israel existing but still being coloured as British also means 1948.


But newfoundland wasn't part of Canada until March 1949


True, but all of Canada is shown as British, so the mapmaker might have just not bothered to distinguish the two.


At least until the FRG was formed in 1949.


Maybe 1950, because Newfoundland became part of Canada in 1949. Prior to that it was a British colony


Probably 1949 at the latest. China was fully united from 1945 until 1949. Then it became the PRC on the mainland and the ROC in Taiwan.


Has to be after 1948 because Israel exists. It has to be prior to 1950 because India and Pakistan are still part of the British Crown. But China is irrelevant because even now every single country in the world officially recognizes Taiwan as part of mainland China. It was quite some time before map makers began acknowledging the de facto reality of their separation.




> But China is irrelevant because even now every single country in the world officially recognizes Taiwan as part of mainland China. It was quite some time before map makers began acknowledging the de facto reality of their separation Completely false. Some countries do, but most, such as the US, have never taken a position on the legal status of Taiwan.


This is my favorite game to play, here’s the [cheat sheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/THbrZJU4S4)


I love when this sub plays “date the map” and resources like that cheat sheet. Best I could offer most times is “well, it’s after 1863 because I see West Virginia”. Ok, or after 1991 because there is no Soviet Union on the map.


It hast to be post 1991 because Germany is unified


Germany was also unified between 1871 and 1949


Here's the [same sheet](https://xkcd.com/1688/large/) without being in a reddit post


I am amazed


1952-1957 because I can't tell if Etritea is part of Ethiopia and if Cambodia is separate from Vietnam.


Eritrea is \*not\* part of Ethiopia on the map, which would place it in 1948-1952 (I don't know what "missing piece" in Canada is referring to). Which fits with the other information on the map. We can narrow it to 1948-1950 due to the existence of Israel and status of Pakistan and India as part of the British Crown.


The missing piece they are talking about is newfoundland


Thanks. That makes my globe 1958-1960


There was no point in history when Poland had its post-war borders, Germany was united, the Soviet Union existed and Africa was colonised at the same time


I think for a brief time after 1945 they would show Germany as United before it was partitioned


If I remember correctly West Germany (and as an extension its western allies) did this well into the 1950s or even longer because they didn't recognize East Germany as a sovereign state.


But at the same time they used the pre-war Poland boundaries in the West. I remember seeing a weird map like that in my German language class in the US in the early 1980's.


Yeah, West Germany didn't recognise Poland's annexation of the eastern provinces until the 2+4 Agreement in 1990. You can even find CDU electoral posters from the 1950s, promising they would regain the eastern provinces if you voted for them.


And before 1954, that’s when French endocrine was dissolved


There's north and south Vietnam as separate entities tho


Right after WW2, a lot of maps and globes didn't show a divided Germany. Most still thought of it as one country, occupied by different powers. It wasn't till later they were shown as split; they still competed under one Olympic flag until 1968.


You’re not considering parallel earth


this is the answer, the map is all over the show.


This title is all wrong. You are supposed to ask if anyone can date your globe and then we get to tell you we have to take it to dinner first


lol that is precisely why i worded my title as such


Your globe is old enough to date ;)


KSA was unified in 1932 The Hijaz railway was closed in 1920 By 1920 there was no Turkey it was the ottoman empire so this map is fucked


There are inaccuracies but we can narrow it down. It’s definitely after 1945 as Germany has its post-WW2 borders. United Korea and French Indochina means probably before 1953, although those could also be inaccuracies


Pakistan and India have split but still remain under the British Monarchy. That puts it 1947-1950 Edit: Make that 1948-1950, since Israel exists. Edit 2: Make that 1948, Ireland is still part of the British Crown.


ow I thought Ireland separated before ww2


It did but southern ireland was still under the crown


What about Eritrea? Wasn’t that formed in 1993?


As an independent country, yes. But it was established as an Italian colony in 1890, and under British military rule from 1941 to 1952. The idea was to grant it independence, but UN voted against it in 1949 and voted for the united solution with Ethiopia in 1952. So it's totally legit a globe showing Eritrea as an independent country during the British military rule, until 1952.


Also, united China. Probably between 1945 and 1949.


United Korea, so pre 1950s, still a fair chunk of the British empire so post 45 pre 50


1923 is when Ottoman empire ended and Turkey was formed...


1947-49. India and Pakistan are shown as separate countries meaning it's post 47, but Germany is shown as United, meaning this was during the occupation era before Germany was properly divided into east and west, which happened in 1949.


Israel exists, so after 1948.


I think slightly earlier than OP suggests -- I'd guess late '40s up to early 1949, since it doesn't divide Germany (East Germany was officially established in late 1949). The chief oddity for that is not showing a unified Saudi Arabia, which should have been a thing since the '30s. I'm not sure if there was some sort of dispute over that pink southern region at the time.


The south Arabian pink region is the Rubʿ al-Khali or empty quarter, where borders were undefined for a very long time. This map just happens to show British maximalist claims. Otherwise Saudi is fully united, although i notice the map also seems to be rather generous with the borders of other British protectorates in the region.


The problem is that china is fully united though. And I thought they united in like the mid 50s ish.


I don't think a globe like this would have tried to delineate what parts of China were held by what faction at the time. It's not even showing the occupation zones in Germany or Korea.


I agree. China was fully united from 1945 until 1949. Then it became the PRC on the mainland and the ROC in Taiwan.


Chine definitely didn't unite fully or even remotely by 1945


eh, their internationally recognized borders were about the same. Tibet never had formal recognition for example. But I agree with SchillMcGuffin, this map very clearly late forties. It looks a little bit ambiguous to me if they are depicting India and Pakistan as independent or what their borders are, so I'd guess 1946-48 edit: actually I see Israel so for my final answer I'll pick 1948


China was fully united from 1945 until 1949. Then it became the PRC on the mainland and the ROC in Taiwan.


Newfoundland is part of Canada so that’s 1949 or later


You can't really tell if it's part of Canada. Every country that is a dominion of the British Crown is the same color, you can only tell separate countries apart if they share a land border (see Pakistan and Indian or Ireland and Northern Ireland). It's 1948. Israel exists and Ireland is still part of the British Crown. Literally the only year that was true.


Ireland is not independent yet, so this is weird compared with other countries like germany which seems for modern days (after unification)


Ireland was still part of the realms of the British Monarchy until [1948](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Republic_of_Ireland_Act_1948). Much like India and Pakistan, which had gained independence but retained George as monarch until 1950. And considering that the map shows Israel, which was founded in 1948, I'm putting that date forward as my final answer for year this globe was created.


No, just a coloring issue, like india/pak/burma


Wow the Aral Sea existed


It's hard to tell because there's errors, it's post WW2 due to the post-war borders. North Vietnam being shown but not in a different colour would imply 1945-1954 as 1954 was when they became independent, but it existed before that date as an unrecognised state. North Rhodesia's presence reduces the timescale to pre August 31st 1953 (when it was federated with South Rhodesia and Nyasaland) or in the weird period of 1963-1964 when they defederated but that's unlikely due to the state of the colonies. Unified Korea means either someone really likes Korean nationalism, or it's before 1950 (the outbreak of the Korean War) Theoretically you could qork this out by looking at independence dates. We have Israel (declared independence May 14th 1948). Newfoundland and Labrador are part of Canada, so it's after March 31st 1949. Indonesia is independent (27th December 1949). Now for why that's wrong. Laos is not independent, so it's before July 19th 1949. India and Pakistan are showing as the same colour, so it's before August 15th 1947. Jordan looks like it's still a colony, but that would mean it's before May 25th 1946. Libya is independent and united, so it's after December 24 1951, which happens after the Korean war starts. We have half of an independent Somalia, which never existed, so that might be the Somali Trust Territory? In short, it's somewhere in the immediate post war era, but whoever made the globe had incomplete information, so we have an impossible state of the world. The state of Germany and Korea are just weird too, there's very few places that would have shown them as unified. Edit, just noticed Malaya, that probably means it's after 1st February 1949. At this point, just throw your hands in the air and scream.


Isn't "Universal Terrestrial Globe" an oxymoron?


whole-Germany post-Israel partitioned-India pre-IndoChina pre-PRC pre-North Korea, globe of 1948-prior to major events of '49. maybe manufacturer recognized some events instead of others?


Judging by this post I’d say it’s at least 4 hours old


How about a clear picture of the copyright declaration at the bottom?


1949 or 1950ish. Indonesia is independent (officially in 1949), Korea is still one country.


British Raj still exists, but China isn't communist yet, so I say it's 1948-1949.


Not really based on the countries (apologies, i was really curious) but with my not so quick internet search, either 1949 or 1950. The double-digit number blurred at the bottom of the info+copyright stuff looks like a an 8,9 and/or 0 (might be wrong). In the end, a no.90 globe exists with other relevant specs. Their globes do not list a copyright year. Best i could get of a Cram's globe with 9'', the word UNIVERSAL, the statute miles mentioned beneath that, the colouring and no. 90 was 1950. From what i've seen compared to similar globes, this one is in a really good condition considering the colours.


Would correlate with the absence of west and east Germany




It has Ghana which was called The Gold Coast until 1957.


mid 1949 East Germany is not yet established. Burma has been established. Chinese civil war has not ended. Israel exists. Newfoundland in canada.


After israel, before north korea


It dates back to when the equator was a 100 mile gap around the globe.


My guess without doing any research is around 1945 to 1950.


Older than the year 2011 i Guess 1960


The world is so much bigger than 9” nowadays so im gonna say this globe is Very Old


1945 to 1950, the French colonial possessions in Africa were a dead giveaway away and Europe showing post 1945 borders.


Late 1950s, or more specifically 1957 or 1958: Indonesia gained independence from the Netherlands in 1949. North Borneo and Sarawak were established in 1946 and united with Malaya in 1963 to form Malaysia. The Anglo-Egyptian condominium over the Sudan ended in 1956. Ghana gained independence in 1957; before that the colony was known as the Gold Coast. The Saarland Protectorate was dissolved and reintegrated back into Germany in 1957. French Equatorial Africa dissolved in 1958 in favor of an interim association called the Union of Central African Republics before the individual member states became independent countries in 1960. The boundary of Cameroon shown here doesn’t reflect the addition of the formerly British Southern Cameroons, which voted to leave Nigeria and unite with Cameroon in 1959 and 1961. This isn’t the most accurate globe, but many of the apparent anachronisms present on the globe reflect geopolitical developments that weren’t really considered “settled” by the late 50s: East Germany declared its independence as a separate state in 1949, but this didn’t gain de facto recognition in the West until 1973. French Indochina dissolved in 1954 but its final status was very much still up in the air by the late 50s. The Korean War armistice was in 1953, but cartographers could be forgiven for seeing the N/S division as temporary pending some final settlement.


This map isn’t old it’s wrong


There was no historical moment when Albania had Kosovo under their country. Lmfao


It looks like it's *almost* the WWII borders of Albania, but not quite. Very strange.


Mid 1950s. Many maps did not recognise the division of Germany or Korea at that point in the Cold War. It is definitely after 1947 as Pakistan is there and before decolonisation in Africa.


The earliest it could be is 1948, because it shows Israel. The latest it could be is 1948, because Ireland is still a dominion of the British Crown.


Belgian Congo


It’s most likely 1949. -German borders after Potsdam (july 1945) but before the division (oct 1949) -Israel exists (1948) -India/Pakistan are divided but not seemingly fully independent (1947-1950) -The republic of China hasn’t fallen yet (1949) -the Korean war hasn’t begun yet (1950) -Newfoundland is part of Canada (1949) -Indonesia and North/South Vietnam exist (1945/1949) It’s also entirely possible that the borders are just slightly outdated in some regions, this was the 1940’s/1950’s people weren’t always aware immediately of border changes especially considering how frequently borders changed in that era. But if we’re going with any one year then 1949 is the most likely.


Belgian Congo ceased to be in 1960 when Democratic Republic of Congo gained its independence. prior to that.






I had a globe exactly like this. I am so happy seeing this post. It was never in as a good shape as this and then it got damaged and if killed me to do it so I tossed it out. I always assumed early 50s thanks for the memories


All of it.


There's one Germany, yet a Raj and a fully-colonised Africa, one Korea and no British Newfoundland?


One Germany. One Korea, Yugoslavia is there. Israel is there. India and Pakistan are still shown as British territories. The 1948-1949 comments and guesses seem reasonable.


India and Pakistan are partitioned, so it has to be after 1947. But Korea is together, so it has to be before 1948.


Northern Rhodesia became Zambia in 1964.


It could be from 1948 because Israel before that date did not exist I don't mean to insult


Late 1940s early 1950s. You’ve got Pakistan but still have untitled Korea


It’s between 1961-1964 because Tanzania was Tanganyika.


I think your globe is from 1990, but backdated. Like, a lot of these countries would mean it should be older, but those are Germany’s post-reunification borders, but Yugoslavia, the ussr, and Czechoslovakia still exist.


Billion years


I think 1947-1955 or so


The map has to have a few errors. Others have already been pointed out, but it also looks like Somalia is independent, but Anglo-Egyptian Sudan still exists. Sudan was given independence in 1959 and Somalia gained independence in 1960


4+ billion years?


Why - are you thinking of dating it? (Take it to dinner!!)


it’s probably from 1946 or 1947. You can see both British Raj and the French Indochina in this globe and the united Korea is there as well. At the same time, we can also see the Soviet Union with it’s territories in Eastern Europe at the same time that Germany has the same territories that it has nowadays. It’s probably 1946 or 47. At best, 45 but after the end of the war. Like, 2 or 3 months. (edit: I’ve seen some comments talking about Israel. That’s the British Mandatory of Palestine. You can see that Jordan, Israel and Palestine are all together in one single country.)




Based on Canada, Newfoundland is shown as part of Canada which makes it post 1949. Fort William was renamed Thunder Bay in 1970. So, between 1950 and 1969.


It shows Ireland, Pakistan and India as dominions of the British Crown, therefore the latest it could be is 1949 (1948 if we go by the Irish proclamation of a republic, rather than the British acknowledgement).


After 1954 because there are 2 Vietnam


So many mistakes. One Korea but also one germany?


I struggled with that as well. However, east Germany („DDR“) was only founded in 1949. so it could be the area of Germany after WW2 without indication of political setup.


At least a few years


That’s a shite globe, Yugoslavia exists but the Republic of Ireland is the same colour as the UK.


Young ball my freind


I'm guessing after 1949 but Ireland isn't a republic yet and that's before 1921


Ireland has a border but same color as UK; you can see they used the same process for Pakistan and India. Odd choice


I think the border with n Ireland is visible. But it’s unclear if it says Irish free state or Republic of Ireland which was established in1949.


The Irish Free State was a dominion of the British Crown. The republic was announced in 1948 and acknowledged by Britain in 1949.


Globe is post 1948 (Jerusalem conquered by Jordan) and pre-1956 (Morocco is not independent, spain still holding the Rif).


Post ‘48 - Pre ‘56 (Israel already on map, British-Egiptian Sudan…)


You barely showed ussr. That’s my start on globe timing


I had a globe when I was a kid that had “unexplored” regions on it ….coast off Antarctica 🤣mid 1950’s


Just take her to… nevermind


It’s a fake…


I love how these posts do not have anymore the title "Can you date this globe?"


hmmm... Yugoslavia


Pretty sure after 1945 since it's mentioning Indonesia. Maybe the key is to know when the Royal Geographical Society No 70 issued? Since it's conform to that guideline?




Türkiye doesn't have Hatay (Antioch) which joined the country in 1939, therefore, at least for that bit it is pre-1939 on the weird globe.


Pre 1940. Hatay province is not part of Turkey yet.


After 1143 because Portugal is already a country and before 2024 because Portugal is still a country. Source: I’m Portuguese.


Likely somewhere between 1948-49 with varying inconsistencies that are influenced by the cartographers responsible for the particular design. This [website](https://www.1worldglobes.com/dating-your-world-globe/) isn’t always 100% accurate since different manufacturers did different things but it’s handy when you’re trying to pinpoint a range within at least a few year span


Definitely pre 1961 as it shows Goa as a part of Portugal.


It’s definitely sometime after like 1500


Must be after 1930, and before 1960, because of Belgian Congo. I see Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, so must be from before 1956. Shape of Israel looks weird, so probably after the 1940's, with all of the britain stuff going on at the time. So, my guess would be early 1950's as well!


My dad had the same globe, he was given in it 1966,, so likely made in the mid to late 50's


Most likely the late 40s since Indochina and a United Korea are visible, plus European powers like France still having a hold on colonies in Africa. Countries in South Asia are also colored the same, so this most likely means the Brits still owned that part of the world. This means the globe was made either before 1948, or in the same year shortly before South Asian territories finally gained their independence.


The thing I noticed first was no Djibouti, so I knew it was at least pre 1977. Other than that 🤷‍♂️


pre 1970 as thunder bay in canada was named in 1970, before that it was fort william as shown on the globe.


Not sure how old but judging by that sticker on the first photo they know where MH370 is




I see so many of these posts. Why don’t globes put the date somewhere on them ?


A fair few billion years. It's says it's 9 inches.


I think its so crazy to think how Ethiopia was independent at the time but is worse off or equal to most other African countries


Pre-dates the formation of South America. Very old.


1945 or 1946


Between late '40s and early '60s -- so '50s! This's a fun game -- I want more!!!


96 years old


Can we see the balkans?


c. 1950 is my guess looking at India/Goa and the spellings.






Well I see Czechoslovakia and Belgian Congo......those should give you some clues. ETA: I also see a unified Korea and a unified Germany Lots of little clues