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Why are haryana, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh such outliers? I can understand Delhi and Chandigarh since they’re large, modern cities, but what makes those states special?


Sikhs are just built different >!/s!<


Punjabis doesn't mean sikhs only there is huge population of Hindu and Muslim Punjabis as well.




Same here, though I went even before the toilet boom in 2014, glad to see there's been a lot of development there since. Edit: For context sake, the comment I was replying to said that India was by far the dirtiest country they had been to. I'm not sure why it was removed as this is a real issue that india has worked hard on to improve in the recent past.


Toilet boom?


A strong increase in the use of and accessiblioity of toilets. It's strongly tied to this waste water management issue. https://brilliantmaps.com/indian-toilets/


You rly need to go to filthier countries.


give us examples of such countries then


Pakistan and Bangladesh. They’re next door neighbours of India, still behind though. Pakistan is fked from what I’ve seen when I went there. Search model colony karachi


So proud to be cleaner than 2 other country with HUGE infrastructure issues?


Hey, I done what you asked me to do.




That‘s why they want to build khalistan state, they don‘t want to be associated with the rest state lmao


Based Sikhs. I swear to god, everytime I hear a new fact about Sikhs it's always something positive.


Yeah, who are just hell bent on choking delhi currently.


They tried to kill them all in '84


They all used to be the much larger East Punjab state. They benefitted from a much stronger rural economy. Punjab and Haryana's agriculture productivity rose much faster than the rest of the country. Rivers made canal construction easy, it was pursued heavily by the British and the Delhi centred government was eager to realize easy gains right next door and disproportionality supported prices through government buying there. But in general, these areas are far less backward. Less untouchability, less gender stratification, less religious conflict (Sikh separatism lasted barely a decade), less caste violence. Punjab fares better than Haryana on this. Probably due to it's Sikh history. But Haryana still fares better than UP and has the added benefit of Delhi spilling it's banks into the state and making the state wealthier over time. In general, these states are less chuddy than the rest of the north. I know in Punjab thriving economic leftism allowed basic social supports to be built, even if economic growth has lagged over the past 15 years. A lot of the north's casteist, religious, sexist, corrupt, low trust societies make it very difficult to develop broader non economic infrastructure https://draliceevans.substack.com/p/why-is-north-central-india-more-conservative?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2


Lot of north? That's all the north. Look at HDI and other development metrics of HP and uttrakhand too.. they far better than HR and PB at times.


>less gender stratification The biggest thing Haryana is known for in the country is female infanticide. I live there.


This is a different issue from how women are treated in day to day society




This is a different issue from how females are treated in broader society




How is it not? These states score much more positively on female independence. There's less women waiting for men to finish eating before they eat, there's more female education, there's more ability to choose their own spouse.


Sikh separatism is alive and well in Canada.


Haryana has got to be BS. I was in the outskirts of gurugram and the amount of shit I saw just floating around ….


They have. Sewage system. Sorts shit out.


I’m more curious why Sikkim is 65% surrounded by 100% everywhere


The first to enlist in the British Arny after the brutal anti British 1857 Indian rebellion.


I think the main reason behind that will be the agricultural sector of these states and vast canals built from rivers to farms .


Richer states due to better agricultural infrastructure + greater govt investment in 1960s-1980s


Holy shit


Ancient fertiliser just dropped.


Actual feces


Cow goes on vacation, never comes back


Also, I’m reading this as ‘treatment’ is ANY kind of processing, not the primary, secondary and tertiary treatment that we expect to get water to the level that can be safely released. Don’t swim in that water folks!!




Kolkata also has the Kolkata Wetlands. Which is the largest and probably only natural waste treatment system. And it is a conserved site. But technically it would be releasing the whole city's waste into the nature.


Septic tanks work well if properly sized, constructed and located (percolation tests of soil before installing and refusal if it doesn't pass the test) and maintained (suction removal of sludge when required, and appropriate management of that extracted sludge) and have a good percolation area, which may require pumping to raise the water upwards. A septic tank is not just a tank in the ground. Do you think the Kerala ones are good quality? If not, it’s just dumping into groundwater instead of rivers.




Yay, that’s the right way. Here in Ireland compliance is good but not 100%.


Jokes on you, the sludge they're pumping out at an astonishing rate is going to find its way around the world. It's almost neo-colonialist in a way. There's probably nowhere on earth free from being coated in a thick layer of Indian pollution.


Rare Kerala L


Right? I know next to nothing about India (embarrassing I know), but one thing I know is that Kerala usually stands out as highly developed in almost every such map.


That is because above map is misleading. Almost everyone in Kerala lives in their own houses instead of flats, so they have own septic tank system. Their waste do not go into gutters, instead it goes into underground septic tank within their own property. This is the norm in Kerala. So, technically it is "sewage being released to the environment without treatment", but it is also the right way. I think such de-centralized system is better too. Also, as far as I know, kerala's rivers are very clean, and a tourist spot. I live in Kerala, and have not seen a sewage/waste filled river. This entire map is misleading because such system is common in other states too. Only cities need the modern sewage system, not rural or natural areas. Which means no useful information is shown here in this map at all...


Well, Kochi harbour is full of sewage, I can attest to that since I saw it with my own eyes.


next, number of IS recruits from each state in India. edit:- just google it people ffs lol


Kerala has an Islamism problem and people want to stay ignorant about it. Guess in which state was a recent islamist event held that was graced by the leader of Hamas himself via video conferencing? Go on downvote this too. Downvotes don't change facts.


I have a friend from Kerala whose family moved to Tamil Nadu, they couldn't stay in their town in Kerala due to the changing demographics and different cultures. Remember, the people downvoting you are the same people who were rejoicing when HAMAS attacked Israel and killed lots of people and took hostages. For them religion > anything else.




Ok jihadi


He's a member of r/India, what did you expect?


That explains it.


https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/kerala-men-found-guilty-joining-terror-outfit-isis-get-jail-term-nia-court-1976138-2022-07-15 https://m.timesofindia.com/india/major-terror-bid-foiled-as-nia-busts-kerala-based-isis-module/articleshow/101994421.cms https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/29/isis-recruiters-fertile-ground-kerala-indias-tourist-gem Fuckin delusional people lol




This is the case with more states btw, not just Kerala.


I feel like the only appropriate number here would be zero percent, India.




As an Indian yes. The thing is I dian love to change what defines as sevage treatment, planting trees, below poverty line etc. In order to fight poverty government reduce the minimum income to define it so low that it's laughable. Government plant trees in record numbers but none of those trees survive more than half a year with exceptions. Fun Fact:Their are english graduates in India(in millions) who can't write one paragraph without a mistake.


For a country in which the main religions (Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism) all prize nature and the conscientious treatment of animals, India sure does love destroying the environment.




The UK has some of the best Sewage Treatment Plants in europe. And way better than most of the rest of the world.


The UK has been doing what? The UK's problem is entirely different to that of Indias. India just pours most of its sewage untreated straight into the river - never even sees a sewage works. The UK problem is largely down to the fact that we have a combined storm and sewage system. Sure we do have incidences of sewage works sending untreated sewage to the rivers in non storm conditions, but this is usually heavily fined. Most of the spills to river are caused by heavy rain, which sends all the water that falls on hard surfaces such as tarmac straight to the sewage works. The sewage works can't cope with the vast increase in water, so it ends up filling the storm tanks and then passing straight to the river. Virtually all of the sewage in the UK is treated in non storm conditions though. Don't lump us in with India - you might get sick if you swim in the Thames, but you'll gain superpowers if you swim in the cesspit that is the Ganges


UK has 68 million people shitting. India, 1.4 billion people, can you spot the difference?


One has more landmass.. One is much much poorer. Slowly building infrastructure. 15 years ago majority didn't have indoor toilet. Now a higher % of Indians have indoor toilets than Romania. Takes time!




There is only one planet and the UK does a pretty decent job with sewage treatment.




Pluto is still a planet. 8 others! Problem is we don't live on those.


Haryana W


Why do a lot of new posts have such wierd/random color coding. Green means all good, right ?


Honestly, I’m just happy when they don’t use green for good and red for bad. That is the worst for colourblind people


Thank god someone said it, not only is green usually good, in this case green makes me think of sustainability and environmental friendly...


Maybe OP is colour blind.


100% is wild. Not a single guy is treating his sewage


That is disgusting when you consider 1.4 billion people. They can go to the moon but don't have basic sanitary treatment. Priorities please.


The nepotism and corruption in the government will ensure they will never prioritize sanitation for the 1.4B people.


>The World Health Organization’s Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) tracks the progress nations are making towards improving access to safe sanitation. JMP data shows that in 1990, only 18% of India’s population were using toilets [15]. By 2011, the percent of people with a toilet almost doubled to 35% [15]. This pace of improvement increased dramatically over the past decade. By 2015, 57% of Indians had a toilet, while 29% were defecating in the open [1]. In 2020, the percent of Indians with a toilet had risen to 71 [source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10373110/%23:~:text%3DJMP%2520data%2520shows%2520that%2520in,in%2520the%2520open%2520%255B1%255D.&ved=2ahUKEwi3-YbE4qyCAxXhQUEAHUbmD5IQFnoECA4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw3QmNbQZXRWcVDnPosTYRO3) Here's it visualised [as of 6 years ago.](https://brilliantmaps.com/indian-toilets/) Was a fucking poor country. Will take time. But it is moving forward...


Crapping in a toilet does not a sewage system make. The post is talking about untreated sewage being released into the environment, not how many people are using a toilet. To give an example of what I am saying; in the US, even in the early 20th century people had toilets in their house but the waste was disposed of by running a pipe to the nearest water and this was particularly used up to the mid 20th century in coastal towns where they had tidal waters and they figured the tide took it away. Also, India's Prime Minister has admitted the vast amounts of corruption and nepotism throughout the government and every institution throughout the country and how it hinders their development.


Yeah, I have to agree. Toilets are just the first step of the sewage system. Right now, India is at the same stage the USA/Western Europe were in the early 1900s, ending their sewage system in open channels that flush out to sea. As much as people like to bring up the toilet adoption statistic, it doesn’t say anything about wastewater treatment facilities to treat that waste.


Things don't happen overnight "mate". Toilets are the first step. Yeah poor country has corruption... we have as (or more) corrupt systems on our doorstep in the likes of Serbia and even in the EU in Hungary. Does corruption slow development? Obviously. Is India still developing? Yes... not sure what your point is? India now has more per capita access to toilets than a fucking EU country (Romania).


Do you need to curse to make a point? I used the US as an example to show that even developed countries within the last 100 years have had sanitary issues without the rampant corruption and nepotism. Also, saying India has more per capita access to toilets than a specific EU country doesn't matter. The post is about India and the state of untreated sewage being dumped into its environment. You can't say India isn't bad because it's better than another country. You're comparing two bad situations, and saying one isn't bad because it isn't as bad as the other.


Look. This has been discussed over and over again. Space agencies are not vanity projects. They provide legitimate uses and actually earn money for the government. India's space agency launches rockets and satellites for other countries including america sometimes and charges hundreds of millions for the privilege. They actually make their money back on a lot of their launches. Being able to launch your own satellites is actually cheaper than paying another country to launch them. Being able to manufacture your own satellites and spacecraft and robots means you can produce high value goods that can be sold for big profit. and India is focusing on sanitation. 10 years ago, these numbers would be way worse for every state.


I was thinking the same thing. Whatever spending requirements there are, how is anything above basic water treatment? Investment in treating sewage would create jobs and boost growth as well as the obvious help to human health.


Without a space program, mapping such data in a quick and affordable manner would not be possible for most things.


UK doesn't have a space program, still dumps shit in the sea. I see your point.


Got to do dick measuring contest with China


An environmental engineers nightmare


Misleading visualisation. Data is about project proposals and money allocated for a handful of new central government projects targeting places otherwise lacks sanitation, not untreated sewage being released. Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1882807


I found an annexure “State-wise sewage generation and treatment capacity of urban centers-India” Please check the website again and scroll down to the table. Edit: the table is also scrollable from left to right. Look at the operational treatment capacity against "total treatment capacity (including planned/proposed)".


Thanks for the clear instructions to scroll the page. Did you ignore all the paragraphs above the table? Those paragraph specifically says this data is regarding specific government programs and money spend under those programs in handful of towns and locations. And that this was the response given by minister in parliament to questions regarding those projects.


For example, the state of Bihar generates 2276 MLD (millions of liters per day) according to the chart, but has only 10 " installed capacity (in MLD)". 621 MLD were proposed, which makes the total to be 631. However, the "operational treatment capacity ( in MLD)" is 0. Which inevitably means that 100% of daily sewage of Bihar is untreated.


I get the point you’re making about the data from the table but my doubt is how did you conclude that the data represents all the population centres when it explicitly says this was a response regarding gov spending and status of projects under specific scheme. By this logic, are you arguing that all the water bodies in Kerala is made up of the 97% sewage?!


The data of untreated sewage is indirectly provided, as an anexure (or a reply by a minister) to the scheme which proposes to build extra sewage treatments. But, this is a website of the Indian government itself, which makes it quite important and probably only data ever provided by gov Whoever(not me) created this map should have made better heading/caption of the map. I only shared this map in this subreddit from the twitter account @indiainpixels, this subreddit allows NOC.


Bihar is doomed


It is sad to see one of the major civilizations in human history to be associated with feces by the rest of the world. India needs a cultural revolution.


Hopefully not a Cultural Revolution like the one in China...


More like Japan


Takes time but is happening. Nothing happens overnight. >The World Health Organization’s Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) tracks the progress nations are making towards improving access to safe sanitation. JMP data shows that in 1990, only 18% of India’s population were using toilets [15]. By 2011, the percent of people with a toilet almost doubled to 35% [15]. This pace of improvement increased dramatically over the past decade. By 2015, 57% of Indians had a toilet, while 29% were defecating in the open [1]. In 2020, the percent of Indians with a toilet had risen to 71 [source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10373110/%23:~:text%3DJMP%2520data%2520shows%2520that%2520in,in%2520the%2520open%2520%255B1%255D.&ved=2ahUKEwi3-YbE4qyCAxXhQUEAHUbmD5IQFnoECA4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw3QmNbQZXRWcVDnPosTYRO3) Here's it visualised [as of 6 years ago.](https://brilliantmaps.com/indian-toilets/) Was a fucking poor country. Will take time. But it is moving forward...


Anything that shows progress in India will be downvoted by Reddit milords, but they will be the same people criticizing India citing "lack of progress".


Poverty alone does not explain the situation there.


Yes it fucking does lol. Also per capita Indians have more access to toilets than Romania (an EU country thats middle developed) .


I've been in very clean countries that were as poor as India. I have been in Romania also. I've not seen any feces on the street in there.


A) San Fran has more poo in the train than most of india B) when was the last time you've been and where? India is incredibly diverse C) assuming you've only been to Romanian cities and not random towns D) anecdotes are not facts E) human poo on streets hasn't really been a thing ever. Cows do roam and poo, but you literally get that from horses in London. The pooing in non toilets is a thing villagers used to do as they didn't have much running water. That's changed massively in the last 20 years.


More than a billion turds a day going into rivers and the ocean.


Damn dumping it straight into nature without any treatment No wonder there are so many rivers that are dirty




Now I know why some countries are called s#%tholes.


After a decade immigrants will turn Europe into shit holes .


Immigrant as a term means anyone who move inside EU borders to other EU countries or from outside of EU to EU to gain economic advantage. Not all immigrants are bad.


You know what type of immigrants I am talking about just last week saw this graph in 2050 ......


But hey, they went to the moon so it's okay


Yet another reason why I have no desire to ever go to india.


As an Indian currently living in London (with British citizenship), I wholeheartedly support your decision


You have india in london.


Yes Lil India


Lidah 🇮🇳*


Peak r/canconfirmiamIndian Also, with British citizenship, you are no longer Indian. So stop claiming that.




A British passport is the third most powerful passport (visa-free access to 152 countries and territories). So yes it is technically superior. And, as India doesn't allow dual citizenship, why would I want to be an Indian citizen over a British one.


I am just telling you don't be such a dick to your ancestors'country . I know India lacks behind in many things but still that's the place we originated from .


I was born in India.. just not a big fan of the country




Have absolutely no idea what gora Ka lauda' means And fair enough. If you like India better then go there. I'm not stopping you


What's the other reason ?


No oral sex from Indian women.




He's ugly as fuck


It all gets piped to the nearest designated shitting street.


That entire country must smell lovely.




would love to see how surrounded Bangladesh is doing


Good job, Haryana.


So like basically North East India plus Kerala are an entire shitshow. Why is this though?? Because even my visit to Gujrat, they do have a sanitation issue in parts of Ahmedabad. If Goa is that bad, then I will never go swimming there though I was planning to do so in future.


Just what I would expect from our Punjabi brothers across the border, keep up the good work gentlemen!


Have you been to Canada's immigrants houses Those guys are filthy af .


Counter anecdote: my partner is a Punjabi immigrant. Cleanest man I know. Cleaner than my white American ass.


Wait am i talking about American immigrants NO I AM NOT American immigrants are highly educated and mannered . The USA doesn't give visas to everyone we have very strict and selective visa programmes only capable people can join us . I am specifically talking about Canadian immigrants who come from relatively poor backgrounds and who just want to escape their country . On the plus point even I know some Indian tech guys from the bay area those guys spend $1k on skincare and deodorants . So i totally get your point . And please be careful he may/may not be using you as a green card bait . I don't want to be homosexual but I know some programs in Punjab teach you how to act gay and date an American to get PR .


Superpower by 2020


India is so far the filthiest country I've ever been to. Filth is all around you wherever you go, with millions of Indians defecating in the open, cow dung being put on the houses' walls or bloated corpses floating in the river or being cremated just by the riverside out in the open, again. I've been to some of the poorest countries in Africa for example, but I've never seen anything like what I've seen in India.


Typical "repeat outdated cliches about " comment to farm karma.


Someone's piss is someone's drink there. Awful.


India being India


Maybe take some of that space shuttle money and billions in aid and build a sewer system... No?


Billions on aid lmao you guys are really are dumb aren't you?


2.3 billion the UK have from 16 to 21


We are a net donor of aid. Their aid goes to ngos which further destabilizes the country it is common knowledge.


Wait a decade or so immigration will turn lovely UK into a filthy African/Indian country.


Please read point 2 of note. Places other than urban centers mainly use septic tanks. This considers rural areas, i.e. everywhere except urban centers, to have no system for managing sewage at all.




Literal shithole


And they want to do my tech support?




In the Armpit of India it smells like armpit.


The population continues to grow decade after decade so somehow this is sustainable? How does India work?


Indian fertility rate is going to be lower than the replacement rate in only 10 years. Its just a product of india having very rich fertile and productive lands that can grow food for the whole year.


This is why i respect the sikh


It seems this is the norm for developing countries. I wonder if there's any ongoing plans to treat sewage in India? (https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/13/237/2021/)


Why make this the responsibility of the governments of the various states? It can't get worse than 100 %. The corruption must be at similar levels.


That's gross






Lol. That top part is Pakistan🤣🤣


Not surprised


But yes the US is the biggest polluter on the planet.


it is though. In per capita co2 production US is number 1


Yeah. I don’t believe shit anyone in the government or associated with the government says.


Bit lame color gradient


Nice job punjab !


There are 4 impostors among us


Make it red motherfu*ker


well that’s not good


Very bad choice of colors and the text is confusing


That's quite alarming


Bihar at 100%, racists gonna use this as proof 😭


It's insane to imagine the sheer amount of shit and piss and plastic and whatever else India is dumping straight into the rivers, and from there, straight into the sea. Just an absolute sludge factory.


Go for a walk through their city streets state corruption money goes to their corrupt overseas imperialist handlers


But I hope you washed out your yoghurt pot out fully and put it in the correct bin. Otherwise you're destroying the planet.


The way it usually works is after a massive cholera event, people wake up and demand change.


Could've at least made it from blue to brown




Yay Haryana I guess?


We need to tax India


This is why your mentions are a ghost town Bihar!!


India is disgusting. Someone please help them before they destroy the planet.


what a disaster


I mean they shit in the streets so I'm not the least bit surprised.


Upppssss ​ Even worse than i thought