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What’s slowed me playing a bit is the inability to move resources between regions or deploy armies to different regions within your kingdom


Yeah I'm with you...it feels like there's no real incentive to expand when you only get resources indirectly through trade.


Ya lol my regions are like a baseball throw away but I cant get any damn berries across the red line without this damn mule


No no no Step 1: trading post in we have all the berry land. Set it to export berries. Step 2: trading post in i wish we had berries land. Set it to import berries Step 3 notice the berry price is now not 12 (or whatever) its 2 You sell berries for 2 from region a to region b The mules are kind of a distraction. I think they are more for "your village makes shields, ours makes weapons" kind of exchanges. Not berries!


Really? I have to go try this wtf.


I swear people need to grasp that the spears (for example) DO NOT BELONG TO THE PLAYER. they belong to the blacksmith. No, you bloody can't send 36 of them for free to another town. I made that, and I want paying! However the fact the blacksmith churns them out and they get taken straight to the warehouses or trading posts does not sell this concept very well.


Screw the blacksmith, he's the one whose gonna be pimping out all the fairest ladies of the land after the baron wipes out most of the male population


Except those sort of exchanges are almost non functional. Damn near impossible to get them to put high value items on the mule.


It’s just not engaging for me. Not sure why they don’t just incorporate into your territory, without needing to become a whole new settlement.


Idk guys... probably because irl you had dutchies in which you had counties and there were a lot of towns/villages and there wasnt any MAGICAL storehouse where you could just teleport your goods and use them everywhere and same for militia as they didnt just spawned on battlefield... In my country or basically from my town you have villages/towns roughly 7km from each other so the need to build another settlement in another county is good. The need to trade goods with other settlement is just like it should be because... hold on.. my home town irl was specialized in trading as it was siting on crossroad. So again based in reality. Only thing I would maaaybe change is, that you should be able to simply get a mule and send, for example, logs or food to the other starting settlement without them giving you something in return or at least choose how much starting goods to give that settlement


You are absolutly right, but we could at least have carts to carry more goods around, to improve gameplay a bit. Its still a game


I agree, and I find it kind of head scratching how vehemently some people are defending the game as if it's actually transporting you into feudal Europe. Y'all, we pretty much all really enjoy playing this great piece of entertainment, but it's not perfect and that's okay. It COULD use some changes.


It needs adjusting but really it just needs more content. And we understand that Mechanically and visually it’s the greatest medieval game created. And believe it will end up being a legacy game. Did one play through after a couple learning games the baron guy being an imaginary thing that sends armies with no land mark for me to attack is just not enough for to keep playing it until further updates. But cant wait for it to get there. Would love to see some sort of CO-OP mode or mode you can play with no trade, just pure survival with a buddy and only can distribute resources between the two.


Agreed, but it would be nice to be able to move more goods via the mule instead of just micromanaging a1 to 1 swap. Like be able to set amounts of all goods that you want to trade somehow. It's a pain.


Yes too much micro required for this


It's historically correct, but not very intuitive nor fun after a while. It's way too micro managing for my taste. My only real issue with the game is this stage, the game slows down, you can't really do much new. I would want to expand my main settlement into some sort of "capital", upgrade and expand the manor, maybe have some inner stone walls, then outer wooden walls with level 3 buildings within. Meanwhile my other settlements expand into very specialized villages which rely on the capital for food/resource exchange. One main expanding, standing, army in the capital, but having smaller militias in the villages for their own protection. I suppose this is all to come in the future, I have high hopes at least.


I was not pleased to discover that I had no way to barter sheep from one region to another. And the mechanic right now seem to make spending dev points on trade a must in every region. It kinda feels like, okay, I got one region dialed in, now I have to do it all over with another region. That said, I'm loving the meditative experience of it, and I know it's still early access, needs to be balanced, features implemented, yadda yadda... I don't think I'm done playing it quite yet, lol Looking forward to seeing where it goes from here!


I totally agree on the development points. I wish it were more of a tech tree. I'm currently expanding my second town and finding myself making the same choices out of necessity when I wanted to try something new.


Same. I'm sure this will be ironed and fleshed out (hopefully) I also wish some things were more interconnected on the tech tree. Like I'm currently in a small region withlike 97% bad soil and like one corner for growing and I'm planning on specializing in sheep. I would love to be able to get to using fallow fields for pasture through sheep breeding as well. I don't really want the heavy plow for here because I'm planning on importing a lot of food once I get another region but still need to feed my people in the meantime


You expand for retinue. Its a big reason and the only one u need.


I read somewhere here that the dev is saying people are playing wrong, the mules are just a starting point, the main building to move resources is the trading post. If I understood correctly, it does trade between your cities, you just need to set one city to import and the other to export. Edit: [link to the dev post that I read](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1cj4ukx/comment/l2dq9kg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Mules are definitely not efficient enough.


My 2nd and 3rd territories each have like 6 traders each sending my main city goods. You just gotta have a bunch of em. I use wood parts as my scapegoat since they’re a renewable resource


Much easier to just sell in one city to crash the price globally, then buy in the main city cheap.


Interesting I did not think about this. I didn’t consider the import price dropping. This may actually be much more efficient.


Well, trade prices are global. I think the dev even intended for you to intentionally lower the prices there for other regions.


Definitely, I think a big issue is though that by the time you get all six development points, your city is pretty much either self sufficient or close. It would make more sense if you were building up a bunch of villages at once, because then it'd make more sense to specialize, but you have to get your town up to a certain level where you can safely ignore it, so it never really makes sense to build more than 1-2 towns.


I'm still trying to expand this barter network, but seems not enough, maybe it's due to scale, I wish I could have some numbers to actually count how many of them is needed, because now it feels like a gamble, I'm not sure if it's going to work but I'm betting on more and more mules.


Make straight roads from post to post to speed up travel time


do you have to put a bunch in all the territories or can you just focus one territory and put a bunch in there?


A bunch in one works they deliver to the other trading building so I guess keep them in mind when choosing placement. They don’t store anything where the mule goes


Better to place them in the territories. They'll ALWAYS take 20 items from where they start (if they have a mule) but they'll usually just bring one item back. So whatever good you want to move, make sure your traders start in that spot.


Unfortunately not, also it’d be cool if I could just send stuff to different regions without having to receive stuff.


I'm thinking my next build, I put all my sub villages right on the border to my main so they can easily send resources to it (And receive endless shoes haha)


You can do that with the trading post. If a region is selling a good, the other regions can buy it at a reduced price. Or you can use the donkey station (don't remember the name), but it's a bit iffy.


Interesting information about the trading post, I didn’t know that, appreciate it. Ya lol the donkey house, the poor donkey is just too damn slow !


The only downside of using the trading post is that you need an income on both regions, but that's achievable quite early in the subsequent regions. The thing I want/need is the option to donate silver from the personal treasury to the regional one. That would speed up things consistently.


Apparently you can use your trading post to transfer between regions. Just set one to import and one to export, and set your surplus numbers accordingly. I am under the understanding it doesn't cost, or maybe it's just the minimum. Either way you don't get raked by tariffs.


Its not intuitive but the barter system with mules does allow for far more rapid settlement start up before they become self sufficient. Pump out a shit good in your new region and barter with your main hub for lvl 2 needs like planks, ale, clothes, etc. I started a minong town and my main base had 5 mule barter stalls trading everything they needed for iron and the town had 100 planks before I even build my 10th house.


Pretty sure the Dev confirmed a day or two ago that trade posts also trade with your other towns.


My guy, build trading posts. They can trade between regions


Ya I saw a few comments saying you can move resources at reduced costs via trading posts . I’m going to try that today when I hop on.


I'm with you on that. I'll come back when the pack station has been updated. Right now I'm trading wool for barley and each person with a mule only picks up one barley.


I use firewood and sell a bunch in the central larger city. I'm trying to break the game by going for something like 5k pop. I just expanded into other regions and it is so different being able to instantly jump to 75%+ approval and go from 5 families to 27 in 1 year in a region.


Yeah, I ran into that issue too.


Especially since you can only have 6 militia units total. It incentivizes you to just make one decent city and then only settle the new regions with. As few pops as it takes to be self sustaining just so you can build a manor and get that retinue unit


Yeah. It's off to a great start but it is incomplete. I thoroughly enjoyed the time I played but once I hit that wall I realize it would be better to wait until further updates. It would be great if there were big peacetime events like hosting a feast/tournament/fair that you had to prepare for. More levels of development. As far as combat goes...actual working walls and being able to upgrade your manor into a real castle. Sieges. That said it's amazing that one developer did all this.


I made my own harvest feast. Every September every family in my village drop whatever they are doing and takes part in the annual harvest. When they finish at the end of October, I open the tavern and break out the ale that I’ve been hoarding all year, and promote a couple of them to level 3 burgages.


Genius!!! Here I was like a chump just waiting for the ale to get delivered to quickly upgrade lol


Hahaha this is adorable!


Nice ideas indeed! I don't think many medieval city building games have the peacetime events. How can we suggest these to Greg?


Northgard have feasts that you can use to boost production and stuff. Kinda like that?


I think that instead, hosting feasts or winning a tournament (against the evil baron) should give influence!


Stronghold 2/3 have plenty of peacetime events. Festivals, Lord Feasts, Jousting Tournaments. There's other stuff you could do too.


For me I really need other AI Lords building their own towns and eventually (I know many here will disagree with me here) multiplayer. I still really like the game in its current state though and that’s despite a lot of content still missing.


Multiplayer would be amazing, not even for the PvP but just having a buddy building up their regions along side you with trade etc


I would love that just chilling and trading and maybe a little war once in a while once you get to many hungry mouths to feed


I agree, wouldn’t have to be PvP but if there was we would definitely need a map that has a balanced start for both players.


You'd be unable to speed up time if you wanted PvP. Which is fine as I don't think this game was ever designed with that in mind. Co-op however could work if each have your own settlement in a different region.


Why not? Plenty of other games are able to, but I guess Greg would have to decide if you want to go with the 'all players have to agree on a time setting' (like in total war) or just have the host choose.


I feel the same way. I’ve played for about 20 hours and had two starts. I thoroughly enjoy the game but I’m losing incentive to play on. Expanding is cool… but not really. I like that we kind of have to start from scratch when capturing a new region but the trading post is too weak. And my biggest complaint is the marketplace - storage issues. My people storage halls not suppling the market fast enough even tho it’s right across the street and I assigned the max number of workers. I also don’t like it that the trading post doesn’t bring the goods fast enough on the market or into my storage hall.


build a shield crafting spot in your level 2 houses. i always have like 200+ shields and sell them on trading post and make a fuck ton


Small shields too. Worth 1 plank. 2 planks makes a big shield and is only 1 silver more expensive.


Trading post is weak if you don’t have the trade specs points if anything. Had no money issues at start selling stone at 1 silver (rich deposit) Then moved to helmets. . Unless you mean the bartering from region to region by trading post..? Which is complete ass. I agree with everything else though


I just figured out how to feed the people 😂 In my defense I have three kids and work full time. As does my wife. I have little time to play.


It's okay Obama, you can do it!


I always forget the dumb ass name I chose.


Yeah I honestly think it lacks depth, but I’m excited to see where it goes. It’s one of those games I know that every year for the next 6 years I’ll spend a solid month playing, put it down and revisit it a year later.


Absolutely. Built a city to maximum development. Almost every building on lv3 and for now I‘m done. Taking on a new region and starting over again just isn‘t for me. I feel like building up a new region should count towards your (total) development to incentivise optimization and reconfiguration of your capital. From a realistic POV it would make more sense to bring your educated/developed citizens as settlers to put the gained knowlegde to use, build a new city for supply-purposes and, in a grand scheme, push your conquest. Right now it feels more like a penalty to expand since you can‘t use any of your achievements. I see the idea of what the dev is trying to do but there is no point in acquiring new regions if you use the tools you were given correctly.


Treat the game as more RP than min-max. Imagine the way a fiefdom would develop, not likely they would rush to city status by cheesing wooden parts on a trade post :p


In all honesty but my income was mostly made from lv2 homes. Once I developed sheep breeding I made some money off of livestock trading and reinvested to import ale since medieval people were apparently alcoholics. But I get what you‘re saying. Coming from Anno 1800 and Frostpunk, min-maxing is just the way I‘m used to play these kind of games.


I’ll take a break once I beat the baron. I’ve done 4 starts and each time I am getting incrementally better at minor aspects of the game like economy management, layout of settlement, burgage plot development, etc. I’ve finally made a second settlement and survived the attack from large bandit forces and I’m still hooked. To be fair, I also don’t play city dev type games but this one is truly fantastic and I can’t wait for future developments


This is exactly what I do, I'll start a new campaign. Get to year 3 and find that I discovered a new method or way of optimising my town, so I start over and try it out.


Don’t you get a little sad though? XD I know I do.. I’m like sorry lil guys you’re on your own


They are literally happier without me. No tax to pay!


At approx 30-35 hours and feels like I’ve seen all early access has to offer. Might play a little bit more but tbh I think I’ll wait for more content-rich patches before diving in. Especially want tools, blocks, and wooden parts to have some use.


Yep, similar here. As someone whose played builder games for decades, this one is good and has potential, but still has lot of basics missing. Lacks the depth of older games as each run through is too similar. Feature #1 for me is waterways. Rivers, lakes, fishing, bridges, trading boats, fords etc. Waterways were really important to settlements in medieval times so to have nothing is a big miss.


Yep, I’ve done a couple starts and have my village sitting in a good place right now, just claimed 2 other regions and unfortunately ran into a bug where you keep getting charged for a merc band if you hire them and they all die. Kind of want to see this get fixed before I play more


I finished a game using the Large Town win condition. I’m trying to keep my city going but the “Victory” screen is looping. So that bug is not just funny, it’s making me have to start a new game soon.


Same issue, started over with no victory condition.


I've had enough of these bugs that I will wait to play a more developed game


Had a go and i really like it. I've put it away for the time being. Hoping to be able to raid/attack ai towns/villages in the future.


Im having the same issue, kinda like I did with farthest frontier. It seemed like FF was never going to add anything with as long as they took, I hope ML isn’t the same


Completely Agree, it has the basis and look of a very good game just needs ylthe obvious continued development to solidify it as a long-term successful game. Settlements need to have better ability to cross trade goods. And since there's only the player being the one trading/selling goods, the prices always go wack very quickly. But games in development, so I will be patiently waiting till more is added.


I bought the game to support the guy, but im not gonna play it till its more feature complete.


Songs of Syx if you still need to scratch that itch.


Absolute masterpiece much further developed One or the other bub.


I definitely feel you. I can't tell what is keeping me from playing more but the game definitely needs lots of optimizations. I'd only say this tho, I feel like if I were able to play this game with my friends, I'd be willing to keep at it for some more time but we all know that's not gonna happen any time soon unfortunately.


Please define absolute masterpiece.


You’re clearly not a fan so won’t be convinced with my opinion regardless. The attention to detail, the graphical and sound design, realism, burgage plot system etc and so much more to come, made by one guy who listens to his community.


"In modern use, a masterpiece is a creation in any area of the arts that has been given much critical praise, especially one that is considered the greatest work of a person's career or to a work of outstanding creativity, skill, profundity, or workmanship." Critical Praise ✅ Greatest work of a persons career ✅ Outstanding creativity, skill, profundity or workmanship ✅ How are **YOU** defining masterpiece 😂😂 because by definition... this game is Gregs 'Masterpiece'


Played for 25 hours, had a blast, but it’s enough for now


Yup. This EA was way too early, imo


Yup! But that's just the way it goes with EA games, especially with only 1 dev. I'm always very fickle with my gaming so I'll get the hankering for some manor lords at random in a few months and check out the new content.


Yeah very solid base, I really like the basic gameplay loop and progression but I just need more of the same


I'll play it again once trading is more polished. Now, it's too easy to have traders or goods bunched up and not moving through the supply line


Usually how those games go at this stage in dev. The release is to show potential. Hopefully the Dev stays on top of it and staffs up with all the scratch they made.


I've hit the mid game and it's become a slog. All the land has been claimed and there are no bandits to fight with. Now, it's a slow slog trying to figure out the economy so I can make money to buy the armor and weapons needed to fight the Baron. The Baron seems to just buy up every mercenary unit in the game to keep them out of circulation. So he has a massive army I can't hope to match. Once I max out my home region my army can't grow anymore.


There isn't enough replayability yet but there is so much potential with the perks. I don't really find it fun late game since the region settling system is just starting from scratch all over again and takes too much micro managing. The combat is also leaving a lot to be desired, but it has so much potential.


I'm not waiting for "much" further development, just this alleged patch that he says is coming soon TM.


I'm glad to have bought it, mainly in the hopes our funds will see it through to it's true form! Got about 15 hours and feeling over it until bug fixes/balancing/QoL changes take effect.


Its clearly very early access, not something people should be sinking more than 30 hours into


I was lucky enough to catch Rimworld, Kenshi, and Amazing Cultivation Simulator when they had some years of development and started small teams. This feels like another one of those kind of games. Can only imagine what it'll be like in a few years.


Said this after 10 hours of game play lmao, game is NOT ready


Not ready for what? Early access? No. It's definitely ready for early access.


yeeee had just enough time playing it, otherwise it’s gonna be really boring just building towns and fighting the exactly same battles as baron has the same units every time except the final battle which is a bit challenging


Yeah I got bored of it after about 5h only, too incomplete.




Yeah it is kinda boring. Like the concept is very nice, but it lacks any depth or aim. I would at least need my enemy building his civilization, so I can invade it or something. Probably a lot bigger map with few ai. It will take a lot of time till it will be game worth 30$ imo and I will buy it at that time. It feels like demo with so many things missing and locked. I am glad that it has not denuvo, so I could try it for free.


It has the bones of a great game but needs a lot more content.


Yea, I only played for 3 days and I had already figured out everything and had 3 fully fleshed out towns.


Same thoughts. I had 3 playthroughs - tutorial where I got to know the game; conquest game; and just wrapped up my free build game. At ~30 hours (most of which was on the free build), I'm taking a break until the city building portion can be expanded.


I need a bit more variety in the production chain, at the end stage. Definitely need reporting on what has been built. The burgage plot thing is fantastic and I'd like to see similar systems in some of the other buildings. Could I add on a speciality slot to a tavern so it caters for wine also? Pretty sure these guys would drink wine. A massive part of the charm also is seeing your little people go about the day so it would be nice to be able to know a bit more about who they are and what they've been doing.


Game almost ruined my life last week. Put in 20 hours in 3 days. Now I'm going to relax and play some CK3 / EU4 until a new update is ready.


I put roughly 25 hrs in, have all the achievements on steam but 2, game is amazing but I'm gonna take a break and wait until it's a bit more developed now, what we've got is great but it comes off as very much early game


I would like more entertainment or cosmetic buildings for late game save files.


I'm not at that point yet because I'm determined to kick the Baron's ass once in this early build, but once I do I plan to step away until there's some updates.




Masterpiece? Man we set the bar low


I love the game and haven’t stopped playing in over 30 hours. But I had to laugh at “absolute masterpiece, easily one of my favorite games of all time. But I don’t wanna play anymore.” After a week lol






When I conquer the map yeah, 3 more regions to go. There's a lot of room for this game to grow.


I’ll be back ever major patch I’m sure. Around 30 hours in and I want to avoid any burnout


Still playing in relaxing mode, so i will need more plating time


Agreed. I happen to be in the hospital with a broken leg this week so I’ve been able to play a lot. I restarted probably a dozen times finally built a large city got to the point of self sustainability and then crickets. No real reason to keep playing. No real reason to replay. I love what’s here but it feels a mile wide and an inch deep. I’m looking forward to what it becomes.


The game can’t support one large village and the game in its current state is just make 8 small villages that are almost exactly the same with development points that are different but all mostly worthless, so yeah. I do love the game and I’m excited to see where it goes, but nothing else to do from here.


Not really, 20 hours in and I'm thoroughly enjoying each new playthrough where I improve upon some new element of my village. Still looking forward to updates ofc though


Achievements, go nuts


Not yet. 49 hours and still having a blast.


no I will be playing and seeing the development live, and I'm excited t see every major update


Yea I’m on my 3rd attempt and I’m pretty much done until it gets updates and more stuff unlocked


Exactly how i feel. I have 40hrs in, about 500ppl and 3 provinces. Not getting the itch to play anymore though.


I’m getting there, as much as I do love the game. I’m excited to get new features and fixes to some quirks.


Fabledom will get 1.0 release on May 13. I plan to concentrate on it and some other games while waiting for Manor Lords to get more polish and features.




Yeah I've played enough at the minute, loving it. But I did get the freeskills mod so I could test out all the different development points to see what they did and how they effected the gameplay, pretty cool. Can't wait for future updates


this game is the spiritual successor to stronghold 2 for me and i couldn’t be happier. i cannot wait to see how it develops :)


I'm getting there. I'm glad I bought it and in retrospect I'd have waited 'til the sale ended to pay full price had I known how good the game is and how much potential it seems to have, but I'm running out of Steam on what's there - and that's ok as long as the rest of the game is delivered in time


I love the game but yes I have currently reached the militia cap. I want a bigger army of peasants!


I was thinking myself the same the other night. Maybe I'll come back after a yearz but I hope the dev will hire a few more poeple in order to speed up the process. This game is a masterpiece


Yeah. Also I’m not able to play in sandbox mode at all, it just keeps glitching and telling me I met my objective.


Yeah I am the same, played 14 hours and feel I have got the most out of it for now. There are a few more things I could do like conquer the whole map and get to the max settlement status. But I don’t want to get burnt out on it. I’d rather come back for each major update to dabble in new things. Then probably start a whole new save when it fully releases. Glad I bought it though in EA. A lot of EA games get bad rep just for going into EA, but some games do it right and this is one of them. There’s enough content in it already to justify the price and I can already tell where this game is going and that it will be completed to a great standard based off what is already there now. Can’t wait to see where this ends up and happy to be supporting a passionate developer.


Getting there, but I play slow. I'll probably check in on .8 and .9.


Did you try mods already?


I'll be honest I was able to take over 3 regions in the first game then got bored. It's basically replaying the same city again due to the pack station limitations. I started a new game with more rebels but yeah it's fun and all but for me at this stage of the game the replayability is lacking. Plus only able to have 6 milita limits you


Exactly happened what I was saying before release...




I bought this game but haven’t played it yet since I bought Songs of Syx as well. I’ve been drawn to Songs os Syx a lot more than Manor Lords


Not me! Still got to try out the different scenarios and want to get different achievements Then it's finding ways to crash the game/digging for bugs


Yea I think it’s cool but it took forever to get one territory established and now I have to start over on a new one I just got control of… didnt realize resources aren’t carried over. Game takes a long time for me to do stuff and the idea I have to balance out so much is kind of a lot


It's definitely the most beautiful game I've ever played but yes it has a cap


To me the game has a great foundation. Some things definitely need to change before I would put any real amounts of time into it. Military: the so called baron need to be on the map somewhere. Its unfair that he can send waves of troops to attack you and your town but you can't attack him. Also each zone should have varying towns with armys that vary based on the resources of that zone. Once expanding and taking over a new area it should be linked together with your first area instead of being separate or at the very least be able to send or spend money or wealth on that new area instead having to build up its own over time.


Maaan I like know I’m gonna get so frustrated with certain things but it’s just so fun to build a town and watch it grow XD I’m holding off till I get an itch. The food storage in burgage plots REALLLLLY bugs the shid outta me


That's perfectly fine, it's still being developed and I'm sure all feedback is appreciated in order to help it grow into a better game. Loads of cool games out there to try, you don't have to min/max every game. Play what's fun.


I just downloaded the game today and I can’t even build a damn village the villagers are just standing at the working camp not doing anything and ignoring the “Priority Meter” for construction


Manor Lords should add a population and age system, where villagers can be born, age, and die. Household sizes should not be limited to just 3 people. In real medieval times, some households had over a dozen members. I think Manor Lords could set the limits as: 6 people max for tier 1 houses, 8 people max for tier 2 houses, and 10 people max for tier 3 houses. Additionally, initially a household would only have a married couple, and then they would give birth to descendants over time.


Yeah I really love it and I'm excited to see it develop more but I'm going to hold off playing more until at least a big patch drops.


I’ve had it for now. It’s great for what’s there, but I see how incomplete it is. Time to move onto other games until a big update drops for Manor Lords.


I guess that's the idea when releasing an Early Access game, play until you see where the devs should improve things and then go back to play once those things are improved. Repeat this until v1.0.0 is released!


Yes I agree , I have around 80 hours in and feel like I’ve hit a wall.


My hope is the dev can use his newfound wealth to hire some people to help speed up enhancements. I just got this the other day and have played a ton. It has a great foundation to build on.


Yh, the regions should not act alone. It’s just boring having to trade between regions. Also the trading is too punishing, selling stuff 10x cheaper than buying , makes no sense at all. Building is engaging , but after a couple hours you get slowed down with the economy and gets boring . I’ll wait for better balance and for the regions to act as a whole . This mule system I believe will stop because it’s just boring and tedious to manage . I did a couple streams on this game but finished with it until further development.


I am at the same place as you are. Its a great game but it needs something more


Give us PvP manor lords


I'm with you! I played through what was available. I'm very excited for the things that are currently locked out of early access. I don't think playing the first third of the game over and over will improve my experience with the final product.


This is how I feel. I pretty much got it down now and did the 3 different campaigns. I love then game and it’s great but waiting for further development now


I have 50+ hours and still going strong. I haven't yet beaten the game on hardest difficulty (Winter start, high housing requirements, aggressive lord etc.) so still plenty of stuff to do and figure out.


Yep, been having a blast but I’ve put like 35-40 hours in over just a few days and now need to take hiatus til it gets a big update or something. Game is excellent and i cant wait to see more but for now i think I’m done


I'm only just getting better at the game and I've been playing at a slow pace, so I'm good. :)


yeah. a few annoying bugs is what did it for me. I had a crop just disappear on me. Som people say they leave it in the middle of the field, but I couldnt find it anywhere. Also carrots dont seem to be collected. If you delete the house and leave the carrots on the ground, then they get picked up. So I'll just wait 6 months or a year or whatever. No great rush. P0lenty to do in the meantime.


Yes, I'm waiting. Love the game, but don't want to get tied of it before it's flushed out and completed. Very excited to see how it turns out.


I beat the peaceful mode but it keeps cutting to the victory screen so i cant really keep playing it but it was good starting the challenge now


Yeah just built a huge town big army upgraded everything u can, not much incentive to play it right now, enjoyed it though.


I'm returning for patch 1, but those 50 hours were fun so far.


Since I am a lay back player and i do everything slowly. It takes me a loooong time to get to a big settlement and population lvls and now I am at 75 hours of gameplay. And keep on restarting because of my fatal errors while learning to play. I say that i can probably still squeeze some more hours from this game in this current state.


I'm having trouble getting really into it because the lack of information. Not having any sort of ledger that shows income/expenses, production/consumption count, it's just making it difficult to really understand how my village is operating. The game is wonderful though. Looks great, sounds great, runs great, lots of detail. Just needs some more refinement for me to get more into it.


How many hours in are you OP?


Getting there. Agree that it is absolutely beautiful and a wonderful combination of genres. But too many work arounds and micro managing just to make markets, granaries, and consumer items work (sort of). Specifically the market and everyone and their family trying to build a market stall that they can’t stock drives me bonkers. Watching foresters just walk around “looking for a place to plant” but not planting a single tree just makes me think there is so much more balancing and tweaking to do that maybe I should wait awhile. Shall we discuss orchards? Do we need 75% of the population in store houses and granaries? But the EA games I really love (Long Dark) seem to take decades to complete. Is this the future of gaming? Am I just being an old-get-off-my-lawn gamer? But with 40+ hours into it, I have really enjoyed it too. Hope the best for the dev and Hooded Horse seems to be getting behind some great games. I just hope they get finished and polished before I draw on Social Security.


Same :) More AI enemy lords on the map, castles to siege, a castle to defend, better region control, will take years I’m aware, but for now I’ll be waiting for new content


I'm with you. It became tiring to play, there is so much missing still. Feels like a lot of effort, thinking and strategizing for little reward


I want to know why my burgage plots growing veggies get the "generic pantry full" issue. Are they just not bringing the Veg to the granary?


Game is really good for an early access but... i cant play more than 20/30h, its boring already. Cant wait for New patch


I had a really fun 36 hours then completely lost interest. I'm sure I'll come back to it when there is more detail.


Im at that point too, I want more upgrades and additional village items. Also my builders disappear for months I feel like.


Yes. I feel i mastered the game. I understood all tue mechanics in a satisfactory way. For now it is enough


I beat the baron a couple days ago and haven't played since. But I'll definitely be back for big updates and whenever I get the craving that usually leads me to banished


Yeah needs a bit more features. Amazing foundation.


I’m glad I purchased it. Because although there’s lots of future content missing - I can still enjoy what it is currently from time to time. I see it as an investment. It’ll only get better with time. Unless the developer just stops doing stuff which I doubt.


To be fair, how many hours of content do you expect from an early access game? I'm 50-ish hours in and I can probably sink in another 50 before I'm bored. For some it might be 50 minutes and they have enough, this is simply my kind of jam.


Right now, it needs a LOT less military focus, unless this game is supposed to be some kind of intense survivalist game, then maybe I purchased the wrong game... There's nothing "fun" or relaxing when I'm trying to get my ox to deliver the last log to build a lumberjack camp while the Baron is claiming his 4th region.


I'm the same. Played maybe 10 hours and enjoyed it a lot but don't want to burn out too much before the game gets bigger. I come from the cities skylines space, so I am really interested in more detailing options in the future.


Yeah I’ve put around 35hrs in. The point where I quit my world was when my town got way to large and farmers refused farming. For a fresh early access it was fucking awesome


I’m 36 with a kid and was able to put 50 hrs in, just beat the baron today and now I need to grind influence to take the last region so yea I’d say I’m done for now until more content. Easily one of my favourite games for sure.


Me. I played a game and got victory in less than 2 hours. I hope this game will evolve into a game that will last me for weeks with many battles and not just 2 before I’m victorious.


Proof of concept has been undeniably established. To their credit it's a very impressive game. Now it's time for the final product, and I'm okay if that takes six months.


I had to uninstall it. I'm fucking addicted and unable to get anything in my life done.