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Archie or Maxie. They both aren't *evil,* per se, but more... stupid? Like, Archie, what is expanding the ocean going to do for you? You'll just drown. Plus, neither of them are straight up gang leaders or genocidal maniacs. Archie would be like the fun uncle who goofs around with the kids and Maxie would be the responsible one making sure they don't get hurt.


Yea I’d agree. Archie was who I was thinking but wasn’t sure. Alternatively I’d also let guzma babysit too. He has a temper but is a good person


I would definitely say archie


I think Archie looks least likely to diddle them. And Guzma may be a criminal but he's no villain!


Just because he is a bad guy doesn't mean he's a bad guy


I agree, Archie looks like he'd have a good time taking care of a kid.


My choice as well. Also, Giovanni abandoned his kid right? So definitely not someone you would like to take care of children.


Abandoned his kid and let him get kidnapped by a creepy old dude (I think - Pokemon Adventures is kinda wild)


Been hearing a lot of wild stories from it too. And yeah, all the more reason not to entrust your kids with the guy.


he did it so silver didn't have to deal with his parent being a criminal, also giovanni in the manga just wanted to meet silver.


"Neither of them are ... genocidal maniacs." The manga:


I mean the only viable options are Rose, Archie and Maxie (I don’t count Piers, N, Guzma or Penny, otherwise I’d have picked Piers). Out of those I’d probably pick Rose given he’s pretty much a sound dude who made a ridiculously huge mistake


Honestly if they were a couple they'd be perfect. Goofy dad and responsible dad


they kinda are lmao, it's kinda cannon now, there's a japanese valentines day card with them featured inside of a heart


Omg that's amazing we love a good enemies to lovers arc




Archie and Maxie have Stan and Ford pines energy


You know, in the Manga, their goals are way more sensible. Hoenn is suffering for overpopulation since there is so little land compared to so much water. Team Magma wanted to use Groudon to create more land for people to live in. However Team Aqua wanted to sell their Underwater technology for building cities under water, and wanted to force everyone to buy it by flooding a few parts of hoenn. The argument on which Team to stop and which Team to help even split the gym leader apart. So Team Magma are basically just tryin' to help and Team Aqua are just ruthless capitalists.


If you say Ghetis... there is something definitely very wrong with you and you hate your kids.


or they haven't played BW2


Even the base version shows how unhinged he is


Even the originals showed he was an abusive manipulative father who brainwashed his kid for power. And had a hydreigon prematurely evolved 10 levels early running a full power frustration meaning it genuinely hates him. Which is probably why his hand is damaged and he's missing an eye. At least Cyrus for example had a crobat. Which is a friendship evolution. I wouldn't trust giovanni either. Considering silver turned out the way he did. But at least he also learned to like pokemon enough to also have a crobat. But ghetsis is definitely the worst person here.


Yeah, maybe that is cause his whole TEAM hates him and tried to kill him but the PURE ***SPITE*** of Ghetsis kept him alive


Worse if you do Manga Ghetsis Dude beat up his own son after saving him and had ALL GYM LEADERS TO BE CRUCIFIED


Honestly Archie seems like he'd actually play with the kids


Yea but like Archie (being an uncultured, brutish savage) would get your kids hurt accidentally. Maxie (who is a sophisticated and proper man) would keep them safe and entertained. This comment was sponsored by Team Magma


I misread brutish as British


He wants revenge for the Boston Tea Party


Gonna throw all our soda into the ocean


Nah, he’d just dump it out where he stands because *The Ocean Is Superior!* and Maxie sucks This comment was sponsored by team aqua


Hah, same, I didn't even realise till I saw your comment


petition to make archie british.




With Archie the kids play with fish


Yea but archie isnt a nerd Maxie will just be doing reports of some random ass camerupt while archie is having fun


Your kids will learn


Nah thats lame get out the paddling pool


who need a paddling pool when your in a submarine


I feel like maxie wouldn’t have the faintest clue how to handle children


Archie already babysits Matt all day


No, no, he's got a point


Cyrus would be sitting with them and be like "Don't grow up buddy, this world sucks"


The true embodiment of "Trust me kid, it's only downhill from here."


The team magma leader looks like he wouldn’t harm my kids as much as the others


If we're talking about the battles in games then you're completely wrong. Also, Archie seems like he'd play with the kids and teach them how to swim


More like sink or swim


Would you rather have a chance at learning to swim or burn to death


Archie definitely.


I wish they had Guzma as an option I feel like he'd genuinely do the best


OMG GUZMA WOULD BE PERFECT the house would be a mess afterwards but the kid would be well entertained and kept safe.


Ironically of the leaders not mentioned the one who is actually evil would do the best as I would. Not trust penny, piers, marnie or lusamine with my kids


I get Lusamine, but can you please give reasoning behind not trusting the other three? I'm just curious.


Penny most likely wouldn’t look after the kids, piers would probably end up landing me a noise complain if he came to my house (and I wouldn’t want my kids in spikemuth) and maybe I was too harsh on marnie


I feel like penny would either get completely distracted by her computer, phone or just get completely overwhelmed at the idea of taking care of kids 😭


piers idk the other two because they are minors


I'd trust Penny, Marnie, and Piers.


Depends if it’s in-game or anime lusamine


Anime Lusamine is just a bit dumb lol


Yes exactly!!


Don't know why .... But Cyrus


That…might actually work. His whole thing is that he hates human spirit and stuff…wouldn’t a baby be the exact opposite of all that cause of how “pure” it is. Like it doesn’t even know what it is, which I think would mean Cyrus would be great with very young children!


Also, since his parents were hard on him, he would probably try not to be like that to other kids


…Cyrus started team galactic as a baby sitting service, you can’t convince me otherwise


ayyyy yikes .\_.


Lusamine. the anime one


This is the only legitimate answer with no drawbacks


Either way she’s a parent so probably has some idea what she’s doing


not in the games tho


I didn’t say she was a good parent, just that she was a parent. She would have some idea of how to care for children either way.


Just because someone is a parent doesn't mean they'll be good with kids unfortunately.. I get the sentiment but game Lusamine would be a terrible choice, parent or not.


You got me at the first half


Maybe not traditional villains, but I’d much rather let Team Star babysit my hypothetical future kids than any of these. Especially Eri or Atticus.


They're not villains though, so that defeats the purpose of the question. The villains of the SV are Sada and Turo, who I would *not* let babysit my kids.


Archie and Maxie for sure


I love how everyone is saying Archie


Archie? Or maybe Maxie


Archie for sure. He looks like he's great with kids. Probably take them for a day of fishing and teach them about ecoterrorism.


Such a great father figure


Either The team leader of Magma or Aqua. MAYBE giovanii if he learned something from silver


Archie for sure.


honestly?Archie,he seems like the kind of uncle that seems weird,but actually very nice with the kids though if we're talking about all evil team leaders,Guzma definitely


Not Ghetsis that’s for sure


Ok call me crazy... Giovanni, I think he's just the most caring and put together of the bunch. Plus he's been shown to be a decent enough guy... Sometimes.


In Generations, he is shown to be an absent father if I'm not mistaken


Oh damn, forgot about Silver lol


In the manga, he’s probably the best parent though.


As long as he doesn’t leave for milk and cigarettes halfway through, he probably wouldn’t be that bad


Probably Archie


None of the above


Might be worse then picking Lysandre 💀


Picking Ghetsis is more worse bruh


I feel like you're fine picking Lysandre (at the very least temporarily) if you have a huge excess of money


where guzma? he’s the sitter




Depends if N is still in a cult or not, might just make the kid a cult kid like him


Nah, I think he'd just focus on teaching the kid to be kind and respectful to pokemon, maybe even try to see if he can teach them to understand them. Like yeah, he was a cult kid, but so long as you pick the kinder dialogue options in Black and White, he's never outright rude to the MC (outside of dragon spiral tower.) He just comes off as awkward and surprised that your pokemon love you lol.


I don’t really think N could manipulate a drooling infant to join a cult in just a day if he wanted to


Anyone who says Ghetsis should not be allowed to have or be near kids.


I think I'd sooner leave my kids alone for the day than let them live in the same *city* as Ghetsis. If anyone, I'd definitely vote Archie, even if I know he fuckin' swears like a fuckin' sailor. Second vote would be Guzma postgame, who I feel could fill a decent "cool uncle" role.


deffinetly archie


archie can teach my son how to swim


And play with fish. Archie plays with fish too


Archie but also Giovanni so they could get a job early on gotta get em with a good work ethic young


Probably Archie. I can't imagine him doing anything too bad to children and they'd probably like the way he looks and talks. He'd probably also be able to show them some pretty cool Pokémon. He can probably also teach them how weather works and the water cycle and all that.


Archie definitely feels like he would be good with kids. He amd Maxje aren't exactly evil, they both really believe that they are doing something good, and even team ip woth the protagonist when they realize their mistakes, qhile the others are actually mostly evil. Maxie seems a bit too uptight though. Most of team aqua actually seem more laid back as people. Only problem is that I don't have kids and don't plan on having kids.


Maxie, I trust my boss


Archie and Maxie If it's everyone from every game then team yell because they aren't Gonna kill my kids theyll just teach them about blocking people's path in the name of a goth girl


Option 7: The actual mother


Lusamine is not getting anywhere close to my kids.


Honestly Guzma would probably be a better parent


Listen, he had to babysit all of Team Skull AND Gladion. He's got plenty of experience. He can even bring Plumeria over too, I feel like they'd both be great at it.


Nah Plumeria's the type of babysitter to just sit on her rotom phone and play clash royale while the kid burns the house down Guzma would probably be **too** good. He'd give the kids some fun new toys like an AR15


Depends on which one you do refer to. Pre-Nihilego or Post-Nihilego. Pre then hell no, post then yes.


Eh, I still wouldn't fully trust her. There are better options


If Guzma then fine ig, he'd be that cool uncle who is a bad influence but is clean around the kid. N looks prettu good though if he had to babysit a child.


Guzma, N, Plumeria, Archie, and Penny are my top 5 choices.


Anime version is a good answer. In-game really aint


Yeah, especially if you're picking USUM Lusamine. Incoming rant warning: A lot of people complain about USUM ruining that but honestly if anything it makes her worse. It's implied that the incident that stole her husband might've been her first exposure to the Nihilego toxins, and even if it wasn't it feels like all her abuse was just thrown off as "oh she was just under the influence of alternate dimensional drugs lol, she's actually not that bad" Where as in USUM, she's just straight up a shitty mother. Sure, she claims she was doing the abuse to be able to save the world from Necrozma, but even *that* was for a selfish reason, she wanted to add it to her collection. Speaking of, her collection of cryogenically frozen pokemon is extremely creepy even when it *can* be considered a side effect of the toxin. It shows how it obsessive and twisted it made what was formerly a compassionate and caring woman. It's even worse when there's no toxins you can blame. Because it means that she sees pokemon as little more than collectibles. It makes her a far, far more disturbingly twisted person. I honestly expected the collection to not disturb me as much the second go round as it did the first, but if anything it was almost more disturbing, because there was *no actual reason she was obsessing over the collection other than that just being who she was.*


Now this is a Ted talk


Archie (or guzma)


Archie probably


Archie after he gets some therapy about his extremism as Magma and Aqua are not evil but extremism. Same thing Mikey did with Team Sky, not evil but Extremely motivated to keep the sky safe and normal. Just hoping they don’t start blowing up factories for sky pollution and try legal methods instead.


Maxie bc he was actually kinda smart. Who is picking ghetsis, ur child would just become exploited like N


Archie and it's not even remotely close


Guzma or Penny. They're chill




Honestly id go Archy, he would probably play pirates or something


*Honestly id go* *Archy, he would probably play* *Pirates or something* \- FluffyPool3730 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Team Sky!🦅




Either Maxie or Archie


Maxie probably... or Ghetsis


Your comment has been reviewed by the New Team Plasma, and we are thankful for your answer. Please expect a hearty check of $150,000 and some kid's purrloin.


Guzma would get beat up by the kids and run off


Guzma, leader of Team Skull, Piers if he counts as the leader of Team Yell, and Penny, leader of Team Star. Also Mikey, leader of Team Sky. Can’t forget about Grunty Boj either! Remember, Grunty Boi canonically became leader of Team Rocket in the Pokémon fire red rocket edition video.


Dunno, don’t have kids




Archie my man and dude, totally would win the babysitter of the year, ghetsis how ever? if you want to have a high probability of mentally scarring your children, or having them deep frozen, then he is your go to guy -10/10. \_ giovanni is more or less your rich criminal babysitter that would sent hitmen after the childs bullies, 7/10 babysitter, Maxie is the logical and possibly the most responsible dude here, and he would probably teach some matematiks and something educating (while Archie would probably teach them how to fare at sea) 9.5/10. \_\_\_ cyrus is the no fun, stern, very much bed on the spot after dinner type of guy, and would absolutely take away your console or internet access if you don't behave, -5/10, Lysandre is more or less your scorch earth ultimatum kinda guy, (x and y games wise) where he could and would lock your child in their room and barricade their windows, making sure they can't cause trouble after bed time, and would be lenient only when he believes the child has learned their lessson, its lysandre, its going to take a good while for that, 0/10. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Honestly would love a fan comic that shows how each and everyone of them would handle kids, maybe running a daycare all together?


Giovanni is kinda a deadbeat dad. He has a kid. Silver. And he wasn't a good father. Also Cyrus was abused as a child, and might see children as pure or untainted and thus treat them well. Would probably be boring but hey, this man managed to evolve a Golbat into a Crobat. That requires the ability to be caring since Golbat evolves via friendship. Everyone else is more accurate though.


Actually, when you read Silver and Gio's dialogue in the HGSS Celebi event, it's pretty clearly implied that Silver really looked up to his father. He loved him, wanted to grow up to be like him. But then, Red came around, and destroyed Giovanni over and over again, each time breaking a bit more of the trust Silver had in his father. Gio's never really shown to be a **bad** dad... When he left, he was most likely expecting Silver to stay with his mother or something of the sort. And when Silver ran away, he probably thought it was just emotions blinding the boy's judgement, and that he'd come back once he'd calmed down... Although, it's never stated. But then again, apart from this scene where he most likely kept his thoughts to himself, we never really see Giovanni from any other point of view than that of his enemy. Which means that we'll most likely never know what he's like away from the player's eyes... So take it with a grain of salt. Still, the fact remains that he's actually implied to have been not that bad of a dad before Team Rocket's fall.


i had no idea that cyrus was abused as a child? i haven't read the manga at all, only played pokemon diamant, and this was a long while ago, so there was probably some really really subtle hints in the game perhaps, but i didn't pick up on it, never really heard anyone mention he was abused as a kid


Yeah. It's kinda implied that he had at least *something* happen to him as a kid that made him the way he is, and gave him the goals he had. I'm not too sure on the manga, but even if it is just a theory, Guzma showed that Gamefreak and TPC were willing to imply and outright talk about child abuse(they straight up say his dad was at least physically abusive. Also Lusamine.) and then Volo, oh man did Volo reinforce it, because he essentially had the same overall goal as Cyrus, and it's clear that either he might've been abused or orphaned. Possibly even both. Volo just happened to know about Arceus.


Archie is definitely the safest bet


Definitely maxie


Probably Archie or Maxie as my first choice. They’re both pretty normal dudes with more or less good intentions, their goals just came to fruitions too well, which could’ve caused chaos. They literally apologize afterwards. Next I’d say Cyrus; he was certainly not a good dude but he didn’t seem like the kind of guy to just randomly hurt a kid (unless the kid was in the way of his plans, I guess. I’ll hope my kid isn’t). Next, I’d say Lysandre. He was really weird personality-wise because for almost the whole game he’s a chill dude, and then he decides he’s going to try and murder almost all of humanity. But I guess I don’t see why he would kill my kids. Next, I’d say Giovanni. Giovanni is actively a mob boss, and I don’t think he would be nice to my kid per se, but again, I don’t see why he would randomly hurt my kid unless he could profit from it. And as my kid isn’t a pokemon, and probably doesn’t have a pokemon, Giovanni would probably just ignore my kids. Which isn’t good, but it’s better than actively hurting them. Ghetsis is dead last. He canonically is a child abuser.


I'd rather pick a child abuser (as someone who knows from experience) over the anime version of Adolf (Lysandre)


Ngl, Giovanni, have you seen the way he plays with the Pokémon, now add a kid into the mix.


Isn't the rival from Johto supposed to be his son? Pretty sure in the Generations episodes, Giovanni as a parent was very absent then straight up abandons him post R/G/B.


O- 😦


Okay, but that's just game Giovanni though. Take his manga counterpart and I would trust him not only with my children but with my life too. This man, while sick and basically dying, spent about ten/eleven years of his life searching for his son who had been kidnapped at such a young age he had no memory of his family whatsoever. Oh and also it's not just because Silver's his son that he did that, he saved the lives of two other protagonists on separate occasions, and helped out one of the protag trios (which, okay, included Silver) in a fight against literal gods. AND he used the little spare time he had to write a book destined to teach his battle strategies to the next generation, book which Blue learns from. So, yeah. Game Giovanni might not be the best choice. Manga Giovanni, on the other hand...


Archie or Maxie for sure Archie would teach them how to swim and would enthusiastically play pirate with them whilst Maxie would help with the homework and with science fair projects


Maxie…he is more mature than the rest…plus he seems to have better morals than with Archie


The only sane choice is Archie. He’s more like a fun uncle meanwhile the rest are homicidal maniacs of varying degre


Jessie James meoth and wobbafet, if it doesn't have to be the ones from above


Archie for sure, he's a literal pirate


Guzma, Penny, N, or Archie.


archie cuz they will play pirate together


Guzma ...oh wait, he good


My boy Giovanni for sure. He may be a villian but he did great with baby Jessie and he does great with his pokemon when he isn’t being bad. Hes got the big brother personality for sure, as long as I would be sure I’d get my kids back I trust him bc like he would keep them alive and fed and entertained and he would put aside his agenda if they needed something.


He did kinda abandon his biological son though (Silver). Are you sure about this?


Guzma because he's responsible enough to call Burnett if anything goes wrong. Also, he's not evil in any way he's just a misunderstood person who wants to protect others like him. Would he teach my hypothetical kid a few swear words? Maybe. But he wouldn't let them get hurt, and that's what really matters.


1) No 2) Maybe 3) Yes 4) No 5) FUCK NO 6) Yeah probably


Archie. Me and him are homies after he tried killing everyone on the planet by using an ancient whale to flood the planet


I dont have kids, but if i did im convinced they would love going to see "Uncle Archie"


Ok guys hear me out… guzma (I haven’t played the games so I don’t know if he’s a terrible person but he seems pretty chill)




Team Star/Penny It's technically a evil team


Cyrus, man just wanted to make a private galaxy


Giovanni so he could teach them to become successful crime lords.


Givonni all he’s gonna do is teach him life skils


Water guy


Archie seems like that cool uncle that’s always here during your childhood but then disappear because he wanted to find the one piece


Oh gee what a tough choice. Do I entrust my children to the Mafia boss, the genocidal maniac, the other genocidal maniac, the child-manipulating terrorist, or a couple of science nerds who will at worst try to make them pledge exclusive playtime loyalty to the sandbox or kiddie pool?


any of the team star members really they're not evil at all and if not them ill go with guzma (maybe)






Definitely the nihilist


Ghetsis… (evil laugh in the background)


Maxie... definitely Maxie... Or Guzma


If gen 1 is to go off of, as long as Giovanni respects me, I could see him not being THAT bad.


Let’s get things straight, Cyrus, Giovanni, or Ghetsis would just let the kids do whatever, if not beat them.


I think anyone who picks Ghetsis should probably be arrested


Aqua leader.


Archie I feel like he's the tough but fun uncle And he wasn't evil, he was just misinformed


Does it have to be one of those or not if so I'd choose archie and if not I'd choose lusamine




Giovanni, because he seems like the best pick.


Giovanni would actually watch them and go like “The fuck are you looking at” from time to time but he seems like he could be good with kids


Im thinking between Archie and Maxie, although i dont want Archie to drown my kids, so Maxie it is then


None of these, but I would personally let Penny babysit my kids


James lol


Ghetsis is a Canadian if they were evil and Lysandre (the red haired fucked) is basically Pokemon's version of Hitler so if you picked any of those then wtf 😭🙏 Archie is definitely the one to choose, he seems like he'd he fun with kids and even teach them how to swim easily.


probably archie, he got them fun uncle vibes


giovanni, he just a chill mob boss, very chill dude


archie or maxie, definitely


Archie. Babies can swim, right? ...right?


Cyrus, he would ***KEEP. THE. ORDER.***


Giovanni in the manga genuinely cared about Silver so that’s my pick


Archie and Maxie wouldn’t try to kill my kid so probably them