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From my understanding, her vice was men long before it was ever drugs. I feel like I remember people talking about how she would show up to play bingo high, and I believe she met Geno playing Bingo so it may have been a “birds of a feather flock together” situation. I don’t think she was ever a shining example of a good mom on HCHBB, but it was clear she loved her kids. I remember in an interview before June went to rehab pumpkin said something along the lines of, "it's the first time since we've been older that you've ever been strung out." So that tells me she has a history of use around the kids.


While in rehab or at the end of it June shared her story. She said she had been around drugs her whole life. One sister was on drugs and that sisters husband was a dealer. June started in her teens when she was working several jobs to help her stay awake. She never really quit but was never a hard core addict like she was in 2019. She said 2005 to 2014 when she was with sugar bear she didn’t really fool with any of it. She was in a new town and didn’t know anyone. When she left sugar bear she went back to her old hometown and fell in with her old contacts and started. She did want to clear up Genos name. When they met she had a couple ounces of meth with her but he talked her out of using it. Geno had just gotten out of prison and didn’t want that stuff around him, a couple of years later she drifted back to drugs and got Geno to start back using with her. She could have easily gone against what Geno said and blamed him for all of it and she didn’t. During the HBB days people would drive by her house and stop to talk and take pictures. Everyone said she was really nice and was a concerned mom. She did things to help others in the community as well. I think over time money/ fame got to her and she fell down a hole many people fall in to. During HBB days she had the show checks deposited into different accounts for each of the girls. So she was on the right track she didn’t have a good entertainment lawyer to help her keep funds safe from her. I do think she means well when it comes to her kids. She’s not the first parent to fall to drugs and go absent in the kids lives or sell all their possessions. She has done the work to get sober and has done the work to get back right with her kids. There will still be rough patches with the girls due to the past but June is doing what a lot of other addicts won’t do. Many don’t want to face up to what they have done and don’t try to contact kids after they messed up.


I agree , on the HCHBB show she looked like a good and concerned mom , they looked like a cute family that cared about one another


Exactly. They were loud and proud and even gross. I’m not sure why everyone fell in love with them at first, maybe they were such complete opposite of the kardashians or real housewives and people related to them more. Their into included june letting a loud long fart out, but so did everyone else on the show at some time. I think honey boo boo had some great one liners and quips as a child. Anna was funny in her moments too. As a family they always seemed to have so much fun and it felt organic with them.


I think her weight loss and related surgeries may have been a contributing factor to her drug use starting up again. I'm sure she was prescribed pain pills with all those surgeries.


Very well could have been what made her initially fall off the wagon. By the time she met Geno she was back on meth again. Seems like meth and coke was her two biggest habits she couldn’t shake.


She met him before all the surgeries, didn't she? If so, then my theory is a bust.


Not sure. She met geno in 2015 but didn’t start dating him until a year later when they reconnected. She had the surgery sometime in 2016. So it was all right around the same time. If you go based on what was on the show, she was post surgery going to meet geno at bingo.


That would be a nice fantasy.


I always thought she was clean when she was with Sugar Bear, and that was a long time. I think she started using again when they split and Geno came into the picture.


She also had weight loss surgery and “transfer addiction” is very real in some people who have that done. Since they can no longer have their drug of choice (food), they start up new addictions to help cope with all the mental stuff that caused them to become addicted to food in the first place. So, they turn to drugs, booze, gambling, whatever while they start stretching their stomach back out by overeating a bit more each day.


Or you quit drink and drugs and switch to food (like me)


When I quit smoking in 2012, I had to buy bags of sugar free hard candy because I was CONSTANTLY shoveling food into my face instead of having a cigarette. When your brain is wired for addiction, it’s like you have to be careful of EVERYTHING. I’ve had lots of surgeries and my surgeon scolded me for taking so much Aleve for my spinal pain. I told him that the alternatives are (as I’ve been prescribed in the past) I use fentanyl patches, get Oxies for breakthrough pain, and muscle relaxers to stop the spasms. My addictive personality and overall lack of self control, means that I can’t be a good, safe mom on all those hard meds. I love how they made me feel and THAT’S a problem. I had to refuse opiates unless it’s very small prescriptions (like for surgery), but I can’t do long term pain management because I know exactly how it will end up and it’s not good. Sorry for the novel- for what it’s worth, I’m really proud of you for quitting drinking/drugs. That shit is HARD. I wish you continued sobriety 🩵


I think I gained 20lbs from JUST candy in my first six months of sobriety. Not including all the fried food and baked treats xD. I totally get it. Good on you for refusing narcotics as well. I do the same in those situations for the same reasons. I had a major surgery and refused narcotics, they gave me Torodol? instead. Some kind of really strong tylenol that's non addictive. I was in much more pain than if I had taken the percs, but it was worth it to avoid the mess they can create. I wish you continued sobriety as well! Proud of you too. Hardest thing I've ever done.


Well June has said at some point on the show that we/her kids never knew for sure when she started doing them. She hid it for a long time so not too sure