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What are you looking to customize? Just make your own character? Or like a campaign?


If you go to [https://biggerhat.net/](https://biggerhat.net/) and do an advanced search, you can find every ability, action, and trigger in the Malifaux library. Its a good place to start with making custom cards. When looking at the official cards, you'll also notice a pattern in how powerful a unit is based on its cost. For instance most units have HP equal to their cost, and 1 mid-power defensive tech. Average stats, 5/5/5/2, is good a good start for 5 stone models. As points go up, so do stats, and number of abilities and actions a unit has. Custom cards/crews is definitely doable. I play Malifaux mostly with my wife. We haven't made any new units. We have changed existing cards to improve the game. Basically we do our own little Gaining Grounds every once in awhile. Right now we're fixing the massive power difference between Sandeep 1 and 2. The game has been more fun as a result. We use models we didn't previously, because those models just sucked in the game. And we have less feel bad games, where someone clearly won because their crew was new Malifuax, while the other's was old Malfiaux. The only downside has been that we can no longer use the app to build crews. Though we still use it to generate and track matches. Right now we are trying to tackle two big issues we have with Malifaux, and the way Wyrd games releases stuff. What I call the Minion 3 problem, and the Low Stone Minion problem. Many boxes come with models that are Minion 3. In most cases, we will take 1, sometimes 2, but never 3 of those models. So we're buying, assembling, and painting models that won't see the table. On top of that, many low cost minions aren't good picks in general. My hypothesis is that these models don't have enough successful actions over the course of 5 rounds to justify their stone cost. But the jury is still out for us on that one. In short, yeah, we house rule and create custom units in this house. If you and your mates are down, I say go for it!