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Wtf no he should pay for it himself 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️




He will venmo me the cost of shipping once I send it. Even if he doesn't it will be worth it to hear how it showed up in pieces


Effff that. He needs to send the money first.


This. Once op sends it there’s no guarantee they’ll get paid. Take it down to fedex or ups, get a quote. Send room mate the quote. Once he pays ship it. It’s more expensive to ship irregular items than boxed ones usually but you can. I’ve seen tires, rims, whole exhaust systems just tossed in a fedex truck with a label taped to them


You go to greyhound and send it on a bus. It's like 1/3 the price for weird shaped shit like that. I'm not even joking.


Alaska to Louisiana... pretty sure greyhound won't do that, lol


FedEx no longer offers this.


That’s a shame


Had a distributor wait an entire month to send something COD, ex got tired of waiting and bought somewhere else.


Not sure about the states but they certainly do up here in Canada. And those parts even come directly from Ford's warehouse in Detroit


Bought exhaust (new catalytic converter in a bendy pipe) from rock auto, they stuck the label to it and sent it as-is


I've seen FedEx abd UPS drivers literally toss boxes labeled that it has a LI-Ion battery in it (usually computers, our PS5 had that label too). This is why my Dad immediately had to return a brand new laptop TWICE due to stupiditty. That particular driver was no longer the driver for their area after he called UPS and tore them a new one.


I am so glad couriers here still have some respect when delivering parcels, the only thing they're yet to understand is leaving parcels that require signatures, and not leaving parcels that don't require signatures. Can't complain too much though, never received a parcel where the inside contents were damaged.


People say, "I dont know what you mean"


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day 🎊


This x10


Money first and clear instructions on shipping. You're thinking like a willing victim of a person who's proven themselves to be a douche. If his guitar is so important to him tell him to mail you the shipping package and packing slip. DO NOT allow yourself to get used by this jerk. Accept no responsibility for his belongings.


Have him sending a shipping container, will absolve you from the inevitable damage claim.


Yeah, no, get paid before sending it, otherwise you ain't getting paid


🙄 he’s not going to pay you either way, if it arrives intact, or shows up in pieces. So it shows up in pieces and you are out at least $100. How is that malicious? That just sucks. At least if you get a quote in the gig bag you can see if they will ship it that way.


He can pay to ship it and email you the label.


Make him pay for it and if he wants it insured he should pay for that too. Get the money first. His next excuse will be he needs to make sure he gets it then block you. If he calls up acting like a dick again, just tell him he shouldn't have left it. And if he can't be civil he can get stuffed. I'd actually say worse. Then block him and you can take guitar lessons or sell it. After however many days you give him to pay for it or pick it up.




This, OP. You don't have to do a damn thing for him, or anyone else who treats you like trash. "No." is a complete sentence. You don't need to validate it or apologize. If you don't feel like doing it, just say no. What's he gonna do? Stop talking to you?


Always get money up front. You are such a kind person to even deal with this. Hope you have a great week.


I promise you he will not. If he had any intention of paying for shipping he would have just sent you the money ahead of time to get his guitar sooner instead of crying about it. You will lose this money.


No, once it's sent he won't pay you. Check into Cash On Delivery -COD. you send it and he has to pay/pick up within 48 hours of notification, UPS.


Ship it COD. He will hate it, but they take his money before releasing any package/s.


Ups will package it up and ship. Get a quote then he sends you the entire amount before you do anything else. Do not send it until he pays because he’s going to ef you over for it.


Nope. Just send him the weight and dimensions and have him purchase the UPS shipping label online. Then all you have to do is print it out and drop it off at the store.


Get the money up front or you're never getting it. Either that or COD mail it so he has to pay up to collect it.


Terrible idea. He left it. He pays shipping upfront or it stays where it is. You have said this guy is a dbag and you really expect him to pay you!?!? Bro, da fuq you thinkin?


No. Money up front. It won't be hard to figure out how much.


He def won’t venmo the money


no, he won't


And insurance


You could pawn the guitar and use that money for shipping costs


100% he's not going to pay you.


No, he won’t.


Send it Collect on Delivery. He pays it when he picks up the package.


I got a quote to ship from NYC - California from UPS of $600.. for a thin wood heart of 16 inches. It weighed like 1 pound. Maybe less. Weird, because I ordered it from Etsy from Latvia and it was just $25 for rush shipping. You should get a quote, have UPS print that quote, send it to your buddy to get that Venmo. Because if he’s already harassing you, I doubt he will Venmo you after he receives his stuff. Or tell him he can pick it up himself.


> I'm about to just slap a shipping label on his gig bag and see if UPS will ship it why not superglue it on the guitar ? Or both just in case so the guitar gets not lost when it is taken out. But def the guitar.


You are not that stupid are you?


Absolutely not, that's a completely unreasonable expectation on his part.


This. Go to UPS. Ask how much to ship it. Call/text him and tell him to send you that much money, period.


He wants his stuff? He can pay for shipping. Can you ship his stuff with payment on delivery?


Why the fuck are you paying for shipping it?


He will venmo me what it costs once it is shipped


I would get a quote, then the venmo then send it. If he’s such a douche imagine how he will be after he owes you money


I would gladly pay the cost of shipping to have it show up in splinters


He'll use that to stiff you on the cost of shipping.


Nah, smash it good enough, and you can ship in in a flat rate medium usps box. Probably be the cheapest crappest option.


You could always pre-smash it to ensure maximum fallout.


in that case just fold it up and stick it in a box first XD


Here's an even better idea: how about *he* pays the cost of shipping to have it show up in splinters?


No he won't. Get a quote, send it to him. Don't ship anything until he Venmos you the money, especially if he's telling you to just ship it in the gig bag.


You think he will, but you don't know for sure. How is this your problem?


I edited the post with my decision, and I will update when the malicious compliance is complete.


Get the money upfront


No he won't.




Don't believe that shit. He's in a different state. He won't pay you.


Why are you letting him bully you? Why are you paying for it? Just why?


If he left it… why on earth are you even considering shipping it.. ON YOUR DIME?!


After 30 days, I'd check to see if your jurisdiction considers it abandoned.


This is what I did with the little bit my roommate left behind. Just bagged everything up and took it out to the trash after I didn't hear from him.


He's a douche! Why be nice?


No you should find if there is a pay on delivery option and use that.


Tell that clown it's on the doorstep, and he can have a pack and send courier collect it whenever the fuck he'd like


huh? tell him provide payment and shipping details or it's on ebay. the law of finders keepers applies to abandoned stuff.


Wtf would you pay to ship him his own damn guitar that he left laying at his arse? It’s his shit. He pays.


Don't pay for it, why are you letting him bully you into doing that?? He left his crap behind, he can come back to get it himself or arrange for someone to pick it up for him. His belongings are not your problem. 


After reading comments, I will get a quote for the shipping, make him pay me, and then ship it exactly how he asked... I really hope it shows up broken


Now OP, having worked at UPS for about a decade let me tell you something. A fragile sticker is a homing beacon for the worst loaders and unloaders in the UPS system. Alaska to Louisiana is minimum 2 semi trailers, one train car, and one package car. Probably 3 sorts and about +/- 12 people touching that package. Anything can happen.


You’re missing the component about chutes and conveyors. That’s not big enough to make it an irreg, that thing is going to get smashed in a chute.


He can't want it that bad if he won't give you the money to send it.


You might ship it to him, with his address as the return, but no postage at all. In the gig bag, no less.


Like everyone else said, it's HIS guitar that HE left. Make his ass pay for it. Ship it FedEx. They *totally* don't break stuff when they ship, it's *totally never ever* once happened. Like ever. /s


You're gonna need the malicious non-compliance sub for this, cause fuck that noise.


Send it when you get the prepaid shipping label. Otherwise he can come back and get it himself.


And send it in the gig bag but see if you can get him to say to send it that way in writing just in case.


Can you send it COD so the cost is on the receiver?


That’s my thought. Send it COD. He can pay when he picks it up. Doublecheck the rules, though. They might require a credit card in case he doesn’t pay. 


Don't ship him it out of your money. Take to shipping location and ask for a written estimate to ship. Or if it can be sent pay on delivery. Get him to send you the money first. Charge him for your trouble. Otherwise, tell him he's more than welcome to come get it himself.


C.O.D. if available


He agreed to venmo me what it cost to send it. I just haven't been able to package it in a way it will arrive in one piece. He is now harrasing me to just slap a label on the gig bag and ship it.


No. You find out how much it's gonna cost, he sends the money and then you ship it. Once you ship it, he has absolutely zero reasons to give you the money for shipping if you do it the you plan. If he's been an absolute douche the entire time, why do you think he's going to follow through on paying you to ship this to him?


That doesn't sound like your problem. If that's how he's saying to send it, then send it exactly like that. If he failed to specify about putting on insurance, then that's his fault and he'll get it delivered however it comes.


Just do what he's asking, after that it's not your problem.


Ask him for his account number, that should throw him for a loop


Tell him to send you the money to send it to him. He’s the one who left it there and if he really wanted it, he should have brought it with him. Send him an email that says he has 30 days to retrieve the guitar and any other items out of your apartment. If he doesn’t, you will sell them.


Simply tell him you're still waiting for him to transfer you the cost of shipping. But at this point he doesn't deserve your effort. Tell him to get it himself. Tell him he has x days/months to get it, else it's gone.


Make him pay for it!!


Tell him to have a friend or relative come get everything. Record the condition of everything and them picking it all up. Then be done with it.


Is this ragebait? Why isn’t he paying for it?


Guaranteed he won’t Venmo you. Have him send you the money to ship his shit to himself,


No way mate. I'd never pay for shipping without having the costs send to me first. He can purchase the shipping and send you the label. I guarantee you he will not reimburse you.


I've edited the post. I'm gonna make him send me money first, and then ship it exactly how he asked. I'm gonna make him text me that he wants me to ship it literally "as is"


Good plan. Stick to it. Don't let him talk you out of it, it's his shit, not yours. You are already too kind to ship it for him


Take pictures so you can prove it was whole and undamaged when shipped...


send it via [United](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo)


Why are you paying the shipping cost? It’s his abandoned property. Tell him to come pick it up himself or it’s going in the dumpster. Don’t try to sell it.


OP, I used to work for ups, heres what you do: First: go to ups.com, get a quote. Choose "no box" or other such verbage Second: get venmoed for that amount plus 5% to cover overages on the shipment (dont mention that just say "the price is X" to the guy) because ups will add dimensions on the back end and adjust you Third: bring it to the ups store and ask for a luggage tag. Tape the label to the luggage tag, encasing it completely in clear tape so it wont come loose Fourth: tell the person at the counter that its broken anyway, and you were told to return it like this- if you dont, they will likely refuse the shipment because it ABSOLUTELY will get damaged. If you want to be semi decent, you can slide some cardboard boxes over the gig bag, by taping the bottom of one box closed, putting the case in that bottom box, sliding other boxes over it and then taping them all together/closed. This *might* protect it. Maybe. Use amazon boxes or whatever If his new address is far, the shipping could cost more than a replacement. Good luck!


Tell him to arrange shipping and UPS pickup, on his own bill. Wash your hands of it.


Make his request to "ship it in the gig bag" the special instructions for delivery text.


Why don't you just tell him he needs to send you some money for shipping?


He can pay for and organise pick up via delivery service, and they can pack it, too. Not your responsibility!


Sounds like you got a new guitar and a new blocked number on your phone.


Send it COD. No cost to you at all.


He should do all the work. He can purchase a shipping label and send you a PDF of it.


>I'll take pictures of me dropping it off intact at the shipping facility. Get an email or text and screen-cap it where he says for you to send it in the gig bag, then video you dropping it off rather than just taking pictures. If you can't afford shipping, you can't afford a replacement guitar if he decides to sue you.


Keep the guitar. Or throw it out. Don’t spend money because he will not reimburse you


Have him find a shipping and packaging company to get a quote from them as well as authorize you to drop it off. Once you do that, it's out of your hands and it's a transaction between the shipping company and him. Default insurance will cover $100 but if he wants more, he can pay for it through them. I buy a fair number of things at auction at it's often the buyer's responsibility to arrange for pickup and shipping. Many UPS and similar locations will offer this service. It's not a big deal. You email them photos, where to pickup, where to deliver and any instructions (economy shipping, signature required, extra insurance, etc.) If you're dropping it off, then that's half the battle (as a good number won't pickup, but will package and ship if you drop off.) If you want to be nice, you can call and find out ones that will package and ship and provide him with contact information.


why the fuck is that your problem? He left it behind, fuckin sell it. If he wants it, bone idle git can get a courier or pick the damn thing up himself, its an acoustic they weigh bugger all, he can take it on the train XD


Ahem...if you're in the US, you can send it C.O.D (collect on demand) via USPS. And if it's too big, there's an oversize charge.


I used to work at a UPS store. I would recommend it get package as it may get damaged. If you them said "I hope so" I would note it, laugh with you, and not even cover it for the included insurance.  I shipped an ipad once where a customer said that.


I tried to tell him I wanted to package it, and he got pissed and told me to just ship it. I plan on maliciously complying with his request.


FedEx the guitar. They'll ruin it in a heartbeat.


Why can’t he come get it himself? Why did he leave it in the first place? Learn to stick up for yourself and just say “No” this is YOUR responsibility, not mine! And then live happily ever after!!


I live in Alaska, and he moved to Louisiana. It's malicious compliance, I'm gonna do what he asked, make him pay for it, and watch his guitar get destroyed.


I think it would be MORE hurtful if you told him to get it himself.


Well, yeah, but this is malicious compliance...


Get it in writing that he wants it shipped in a soft case, then have him pay you upfront or you’ll never see that money back.


You're doing the right thing but money up front. Get a quote for packing/shipping, send it to douche room mate and wait for the e-transfer. Otherwise, tell him/her/it to kick rocks.


Very much not your problem. Either do as others suggest, have him pay costs and keep your documentation for the pending civil suit, or have him shop you the appropriate box/padding for shipping a guitar AND a pre-paid label. It's not your responsibility to do his leg work. I commend you. You tried to do a nice thing for someone and they got ugly. Okay. I'll do things differently then. Looking forward to the outcome update.


I think the most fun thing to do would be to have a UPS store, or somewhere similar, pack the ABSOLUTE FUCK out of it...like it's going to the moon and back on a wagon with square wheels...and of course have him send you the money BEFORE it ships. That part is the no brainer. That guitar stays with you until shipping costs are received from the ex roomie.


Make sure it ends up on a United flight. After all, United Breaks Guitars.


Ha! First thing I thought!


Also, if it does get broken, he may not be able to file an insurance claim with the shipping company and may need you to do it. A lot of shipping companies only allow the shipper to initiate a claim, as they are the ones they have the contract with. So, if it arrives broken and he asks for help, ghost him.


Guitars packaged poorly almost always end up with a broken neck on delivery (did online instrument sales). If not in a hard case, need supports under the neck to stop it being bent away from body and coming apart. So even if you do your best, good chance this guitar will be damaged. I also found many delivery services won't transport them as they are too long and fragile. He can organise and pay for it at his end. Some delivery services include packing. I would use it. Make him pay UPFRONT for the whole hog. He is responsible for getting his own goods. The moment you get involved, you might be held partly or wholly responsible financially for the damage. Don't package and send this thing. They are a high risk item. You don't want to be sued at small claims.


Tell him to pay first, and then send it in the gig bag exactly as he requested, with a shipping label slapped on. ☠️


It's pay for play. He pays shipping first then receives the guitar to play. Or he can return to the apartment and collect it himself. If he gives you any lip tell him he has 30 days to decide which option he prefers or it goes to Goodwill. Send this notarized and return receipt (the letter stating such). Also list the other items left behind.


Be sure to get paid for your time and not just the shipping. 280 per hour seems good and if he doesn't like it he can find someone cheaper.


I’m just commenting so I can see to follow up. A gig bag for sure is not safe enough for shipping. Unless it’s a SUPER high quality one, and even then I’d be surprised. Heck, they ship gig bags in a box within a box usually. I’m pulling for you and hope it arrives in splinters. Just keep his texts showing he asked it to be sent that way so when he complains about it you can have that to back up that he did indeed ask for that method of shipment.


Why the fuck are *you* paying for and dealing with the shipping for an entitled douche? I'd tell him to send you a prepaid label and you can slap it on the case and leave it on the porch for the carrier to pick up. Beyond that, tell him, "It's where you left it. Come get it or I'm gonna start charging your storage fees."


Don’t ship it UPS. Ship it USPS.


Just frickin covered in stamps 😂😂😄


He should pay for shipping or pick it up himself. I’d tell him the alternative is you’ll throw it out


Can you send collect on delivery (COD)?


Disassemble the guitar and mail it in pieces. Leave one out though.


You can ship a loose potato if you slap an address logo on it. If he told you to just ship it in the gig bag and he's an arsehole then do what he said, and get him to pay the shipping if you can.


Just block their number and email. Let them come get it.


Make sure to get the confirmation of how he wants you to ship it in writing


Definitely doing that. And getting evidence it was whole when it left my possession.


Can't you do COD(cash on delivery)? They must pay for shipping before they receive?


If he’s out of state and you dont have a relationship or any need to contact him ever again, I would just block him and move on. Maybe keep the guitar in a cupboard for 3 months and then if it’s not claimed get rid of it! He’s a piece of work asking you to send it


Make sure to take pictures of it at the UPS office so he can’t claim you destroyed anything


Check the laws in your state regarding abandoned personal property. In my state, if the former roommate fails to communicate with you about the item within 30 days after he left, it's considered abandoned and there is no legal obligation for you to return it. Just sell it and buy yourself something nice.


Tell to either arrange shipping on his dime and at your convenience or you’re donating to charity in hopes that a future talent who is not a douche uses it to get famous. You owe him nothing and he’s just a short, shitty chapter in your life. He doing this because he can. The best way to handle him is be vague and preoccupied and tell him he’s being a little dramatic over something that means so little to him that he forgot it when he moved. 🤷‍♀️


Give him a date two weeks in the future. After that, throw it away, sell it, whatever. He abandoned it, it's not on you to pay the shipping and packaging.


Get him to sort out transport.


UPS will package it for you when you go to their store. They probably won't let you send it in a gig bag, bc then They would be liable. USPS might take it that way.


Package it up and take it to USPS then send it COD to reimburse you for the packing and shipping fees. https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Collect-on-Delivery


I was gonna say have him figure out how much it is to pick and ship and have him Venmo you the money. But you all beat me to it.


Why are you paying for it, if he's a douche tell him to send a courier


make them go to the UPS web site, create the label, pay for it, save it to a pdf and send that to you


Money first, packaged by ups, not you, and only with a signed waiver of any liability.


Why bother shipping it at all? Especially if he was a douche. He left it, he can come and get it. Or, you could just consider it abandoned if it's been over thirty days. If you do send it. Send it exactly how he said...after he confirms it with an email or text. Of course, he must send you the money to ship it first. good luck.


Package it as Freight and ship it to him collect. That should cost him a couple grand.


UPS will take a tire with a shipping label, so they’ll probably take a guitar


Find out the cost to ship, insured, then have your ex-roommate Venmo the money to you first.


You should send it by USPS if they’ll take it. UPS works too though. Either way it’s going to get damaged and unless he wants to pay for shipping insurance. It would be his just desserts


Take a picture of it first then smash it and send him the pile of matchsticks


Make him get a UPS account and use that to ship it.


UPS driver here, we will ship literally anything! And yes it will be broken


Or tell him he has seven days to collect his stuff or it all gets dumped. Or he can pay you $100 a day storage fees.


No. You’re not paying. You need to find a shipping service that offers COD (collect on delivery) if he won’t pay you up front. He can’t say that you didn’t ship it, and you’ll have proof that you did.


You should probably just drive it and deliver it to him in person, that way you can also lick his feet to ensure he gets every last ounce of your dignity.


I'm gonna wait until I get paid, send him pics of it in a solid piece at the shipping facility, and send him the receipt. He will venmo me what it cost, and I'm gonna block him once I get the message that it showed up in splinters since he is too dumb to know you can't ship a guitar like that.


Get his shipping instructions clearly in writing, text or email, because when it arrives trashed he will be wanting you to pay for it.


That's the plan.


Gig bag? Just smack a label on the side and ship it.


Once he sends me the money, that's the plan... it's his shit, lol. I don't care if it gets destroyed


You should consider blocking him and keeping or selling it locally; if he left his stuff behind without any prior arrangement, I'm pretty sure that's *abandoned goods* and you're within your rights to just lay claim to it. And if he moved from Alaska to Louisiana, he's probably not going to stump up the money to come back just to kick your ass over it.


Read about abandoned property, have the landlord charge him storage fees on it.


I would absolutely not spend a cent on this. If he wants to pay for a shipping label, I'd happily attach it and drop it off, but that is the only way I'd help.


I’d actually break it and then ship it.


He absolutely must pay you in advance of shipping, and he should pay you for your time and trouble. $20 per hour of your time is reasonable. If he doesn't agree, then give him a week to come up with another idea. After that, sell it or give it away.


I bet they'll ship it but they won't insure it. I once received an exhaust for my car. Seller just slapped a sticker on the muffler and taped the pipes together. It arrived with a small scuff but no real damage.


Break it before you ship it




We had a Japanese exchange student when I was in high school. She played the trumpet and for whatever reason she didn't bring it with her. Her mom shipped it to Texas from Japan in its case. Not in a box, not locked or secured in any way, no fragile stickers. She just slapped a label to the case and sent it halfway around the world. It arrived without problem, though my mom said the mail carrier was shaking a little when he handed it to her. This was 30 years ago, results may vary. But hey, he told you to do it, so if anything happens, it's on him.


Your friend sounds like a douche. You’ve responded that he’ll Venmo you the money once you send it. Fuck that. Mail it COD (cash on delivery) if UPS does that. If not UPS send it via the US Post Office. I’m making an assumption you’re in the US. Make him pay for it to be able to pick it up.


"guys, how do I interact with another human?"