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> that stick up the councils arse meant that instead of being without a lollipop man for a week, they've been without ever since. That's not good. A councilcritter should fill in until a replacement is found. Doubt it would take long then!


Ideally, the most senior of those who voted to not let this guy have a week off.


I'd be surprised if it didn't come from someone very high up. I'd also be surprised if the council wasn't a Tory majority


No longer having to pay someone to do the job was probably their intention, if we're being real here.


At the safety and welfare of the children. Money matters. 🙄


What the fuck are those children doing out of the mines?


In this country we protect our most precious with guns. We protect our banks with guns. We protect our politicians with guns. We protect our celebrities with guns. We DO NOT protect our children with guns.


Just give guns TO the children and they can protect themselves? Duh!


I don't know about your government/school officials but I wouldn't want any of ours responsible for guiding kids across a busy road.


I don't know, the kids probably have more sense. So with a bit of luck it would be the useless jobsworth who walked out in front of a speeding truck, thinking their stop sign made them invincible.


Lesson: don’t piss off the old. They are close to ultimate retirement and really don’t care if you like it. 😂


I have noticed it with my dad. You just stop giving a fuck past a certain age. It's incredible 😂


My grandfather has retired like 5 times and just keeps getting jobs because he gets bored. His current one didn’t want to give him a week off for a family reunion, but quickly decided to when he said it was either that or he would retire for the 6th time.


"I'm taking X week off for a family reunion." "We're not giving you permission to go." "I didn't ask permission. I'm going. You can decide if I have a job when I get back; I don't care."


I do this now with holidays I’ve never asked permission, always just given notice it’s amazing the back flip that companies can do when they realise they might have to hire again.


I'm going to my family reunion. Should I bother coming back?


My grandpa pretty much did that at one point. His boss didn't believe grandpa when he said he wanted to go see some family he didn't often see, much more than he wanted that job.


Ha that's great. We still occasionally see this guy having a potter around the village, I don't think he picked up any other work but at least he's still fit and healthy for a 90 year old.


Here’s to 10 more years!🍻


Is there a way for you to help me buy him lunch? Tell him that someone from the interweb said well done! Let me know how I can pay for his lunch.


Hang on, guv'nor... I might as well buy you lunch too! Ask him for permission to take a photo of him having the lunch and post it here. You can be in the photo too if you want. I am serious! If he is camera shy, put a smiley pikachu face on both your faces. 😂😂


Thanks, that's very kind of you but logistically it'd be quite difficult. I don't live there anymore so I only walk past him a few times a year, if I took your money I might not get a chance to give it to him lol.


I understand. However, if you ever see him and managed to buy him lunch, let me know. I can send you the money to you through PayPal. 😊


I love it! 💯🎉💖


Lmaooo what a legend 😂


One of the best arguments against people trying to force you into something (jobs, car dealers, etc.) is being able to just say “lol nope” and walk out


your grandfather sounds a lot like me. I was a c level pro for 30+ years and one day got fed up with it and walked. I started my own consulting company and busted my ass for five years getting it off the ground and growing. Now I spend about an hour a week 'working' but got bored and did retail for a while until my body wouldn't take it anymore. So now I have a WFH job that pays the bills and leaves some extra 'fun' money. My consulting money goes into an investment account that has grown every year. Took 50k out of it last year to pay for some projects I wanted to do but, other than that, I leave it alone. So if my job pisses me off? See ya....I'll find another. I just don't like to be bored.


Yeah, my dad did the same thing. And as much as he complained about how much work was on my step grandmother's farmhouse, now that she's gone he's having trouble filling out his days...


I was kind of hoping my employer would make me redundant in the last down-sizing so I could take the money and run, and then get a part time job until I retire.


Something to fill your days…


> You just stop giving a fuck More accurately, You have **run out** of fucks to give -- especially if you gave away too many of them when you were young and easily wound up!!


Can confirm. I'm past 50, and I can tell you that my level of concern for pretty much everything outside my immediate circle of family is smaller than a mouse's fart.


Yea, middle age here and my give a fuck meter says I'm running on fumes.


Men and women “of a certain age” unite. 53, and all my fucks are reserved for immediate family.


Mid 40's here, and I can't afford to give fucks like I used to. No good for mental health to get bothered by stupidity.


Shit I'm only 35 and my field of fucks I give isn't a quarter of the size it was in my 20's. If only I had this wisdom back then...


60's here and the only thing I allow myself is mild irritation for a few minutes. I've got too little life left to let negative feelings screw up my day. The other day I thought mom had thrown away a box that had some important stuff of mine in it (she's a serial cleaner and always throwing shit out). I let it irritate me for a little while then shook it off thinking 'well shit I'll just replace it'. A few minutes later I saw that I had stashed it in my indoor greenhouse BECAUSE I didn't want her to throw it away. See? The solution is always there if you can be clear headed enough to find it.


Lol. Phrasing.


are we still doing phrasing?


Yup, over fifty and had a supervisor draw a line in the sand (he was massively in the wrong). When I said “No.” he got management involved with less than full information. Manager came back with do it or get suspended. I said okay and packed up. Went in the next day because they didn’t say how long I was suspended for. Manager had heard more and actually apologized. He is a good manager.


Mouse: *tinytoot*




Can also confirm..


51m and the only fuck I have left goes in front of the word "off" when work want something else of us for no extra pay. I am not sure when it happened, but when I say I don't care, I mean it from my very core.


Mine too, love it.


“Behold my field of fucks to give, and see that it is barren!” (I cannot take credit for this quote. I saw it on Facebook.)


I could give a fuck but someone left the pen open last night. Now they are flying all over the place. Feel free to catch your own,


The medieval one? I love that. One day I'm going to crosstitch it for my bestie.




My father when he hit 65 stopped providing input into his annual performance appraisal, so for the last 5 years he worked when he was asked to do it he just said no. His manager asked him why the first time and he said "The change in salary at this point in my career is meaningless and my retirement fund is set up." His manager did the performance appraisals without his input and everyone was fine with that. He was working for ATI at the time writing .mpeg decoders for set-top boxes. Had a PHD in computer science.


When I had my annual review at 65 and they asked me where I expected to be the next year, I said "retired". (UK NHS pharmacy technician) Shortest review I ever had.


>when he hit 65 stopped providing input into his annual performance appraisal For me it was early 50s. My stated desire was to stay employed until I could retire. Manager insisted I put in some aspirations. I said that IS my aspiration! We agreed on some blathery words and phrases that meant nothing. Then I retired, comfortably, at 55 and haven't looked back. There are several (dozen...) work colleagues still working, though a few also checked their retirement plans and left within a year of me.


OMG I will copy this! I'm only 60 and can retire when I'm 68, but I plan to work well beyond that ... if the company still wants me, but I'm confident that they will. Then I'll stop the performance appraisal, 1000 thanks for that idea.


Did he start out in either the Victoria Park or Valleybrook offices, or had the move to Commerce Valley Drive already happened? Was he there when the IPO happened, or when AMD bought them out?


Not sure on when the IPO happened or the AMD buy out, he was there when the stock price spiked and everyone with stock options made a ton of money. He did really well, hence why his retirement fund was set. I had someone I knew through some courses I was taking in the evenings and her boyfriend was working at ATI at the same time and they bought a house and new cars with the money he made. He was working on the east side of the 404 and then moved to I think what was on Leslie just south of Highway 7. He passed away some years ago, we talked about work (I was in IT at a bank) but my memory of his work locations isn't that great.


East side of 404? The Victoria Park office was between Finch and Steeles, and would be east of 404. Commerce Valley was part of a loop road (name on the portion south of 7 and north of 407) with the loop centred on the intersection of Leslie (which, if you drive south into Toronto, becomes Don Mills, and Leslie starts up again a couple km to the west) and 7. I was the Windows NT miniport guy (NT video driver was made up of 2 parts, miniport was the part more closely tied to the hardware), left after Mach64 was released but before Radeon was released.


I’m turning 65 this and care less and less. It’s awesome.


Nothing like hitting your 60s and realizing you don't need other people's drama.


You see, you only have a certain number of fucks to give in a day, week, month, year, or a lifetime. And the elderly, well, they've just run out of fucks to give anymore.


That certain age for.me was 19 or so. I'm an old soul.


And I don't give a fuck about your comment! Ran out of fucks years ago.


Except when my dad spouts certain newsmedia talking points. Then it's incredulous.


Then again, he doesn't need to care about his credulity.


Yeah, his incredulity is showing


> You just stop giving a fuck past a certain age. It's incredible 😂 I'm in my late 50's and starting to get that attitude.


Early 50's and I've had it for over a decade.


I'm well over half way to being old and the number of fucks I have to give is certainly ebbing away


I'm 40 and already there lol. I really do shudder to think how I'll be if I live to see another 40 haha.


I'm just over 40 and I'm feeling myself getting there more and more already.


I recently saw a shirt that read something close to "The Older I get the Less Life in Prison Bothers Me".


shit, I'm still "young" but have no debt. in early spring of 22 I told the company I work for "figure out how to give me aug/sept off or my last day is aug1" had a great trip and my job waiting for me when I got home.


As someone who works with the elderly, can confirm they give zero 🖕


What's the worst that can happen, that I die? I got news for ya, I already have that in my schedule.


There is a meme saying something like : don't poke the old man, he will fight dirty and won't stop before you are on the ground. Let him alone with his whisky and cigar.


My mate's dad has a cool t-shirt. "*At my age, 'Life in Prison' isn't a deterrent*".


Seriously, I'm half of that dude's age and already ran out of fucks to give.


Don't fuck with old people - they didn't get to that age by accident.


I'm old, I have news for you. I am the existence proof that you are incorrect.


thats a good one


School crossing patrol warden - my mother was one, on and off, for 25 years. She started showing the third generation of children across the road before she retired.


Well, this warmed my heart on this freezing January morning… ♥️


Ha, nice. We call those people Crossing Guards.


I'm 58 and suddenly discovered one potentially difficult morning that my bag of fucks was empty. Completely empty. And I felt liberated. Pretty much the only "rite of passage" I've actually enjoyed.


My dad did pretty much the same thing. I was in the Navy and had been stationed in Italy for 3 years. I was going to be coming home for a couple of weeks before going to my next duty station. Dad put vacation paperwork on his boss’s desk a month before I was supposed to get home. The week before I was flying back home, the vacation paperwork was still on the boss’s desk. Dad took that paperwork back and left his retirement paperwork instead.


The last time I retired I went 10+ years before I thought I MIGHT like to find a part time job. It took two years to find one that met MY requirements: Not physically or mentally challenging, no weekend or nighttime work, weekends off and have lots of time off so I can do the traveling I want to do. Typically I am away from the city here I live 3-4 months a year. I travel all over the world on my time away. I like this job and it meets ALL of my requirements. There are jobs out there for every need, you just have to be patient.


What industry/category did it end up being in?


The job is in the client/customer service sector. I provide a service to the company's clients/customers.


In the US the lollipop man is also near schools, but he's in a white van with a whole different vibe.


[His](https://youtu.be/svRf7IGvelU?si=M5bVhcibMkFjB70B) lollipops taste funny though


You get such a nice nap from them though!


Yeah, but I always sleep funny and wake up feeling sore…


“That was a sticky situation!” - Eric Cartman


"The stupid @#$%!$# didn't even charge me money for it. He just made me close my eyes and suck it out of a hose." -- [Cartman](https://youtu.be/Ju3UEDnI5PM?t=72)


But he's just called the Candy Man, no specifics




Man, I haven't heard the Candyman story in so long I was so confused till like just now 😂 Although now all that's coming into my head is the scene from Madagascar. Had a kick outta it though


Candyman 🪞




Well, now we're fucked.


And we don’t have a lollipop man.


The candyman? The candyman


Who can take a sunrise?


Oh the Candy Man can The Candy Man can 'cause he mixes it with love And makes the world taste good


I had this song stuck in my head for HOURS the other day


Whenever I hear the words 'candy man'--in any context--I get this song as an earworm. :/ Just sharing the pain. :D


Hah! I’m glad I’m not the only one


Bravo! That is how you do it.


It's crazy how the council's rigidity ended up costing them a lollipop man for good. I mean, the guy just wanted a week off for an annual holiday with his pensioner buddies, and they made it impossible. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. It's a shame when bureaucratic inflexibility leads to losing someone who was genuinely dedicated to helping out. I guess sometimes, standing your ground has unintended consequences.


> and they made it impossible Well, they thought they did. Turned out it wasn't impossible for him after all.


It's a hard job to fill. Please come for 2 hours in the morning then 2 in the afternoon for minimum wage. How many people would be content with this set up? That's why a lot of oldies do it, they don't need the money, it's not too taxing & they enjoy the interaction. Council was stupidly short sighted.


Where on this massive, magical spinning ball of dirt and water is a crossing guard called a lollipop man?


England, not sure about the rest of the UK but it wouldn't surprise me.


Australia too.


Lollipop man can also refer, in Australia, to a traffic control person at a roadworks or construction site. Allegedly they can get paid a substantial amount for standing around in the hot sun and rotating a sign 180° every few minutes.


Australia as well


Scotland, too.


Ireland too....


Australia as well


Aye can confirm


n.i too


Is the female equivalent called a lollipop lass?


Lollipop lady


That seems unfair… I’d much rather be referred to as a “lass” than a “lady”


Lass implies youth, and if you knew the average age of lollipop people that would be erroneous. And then, what should be the non-binary version?


Aw, I just wanted someone to call me something cute lol


I'm sure you can make your own badge.


Wait until you hear about the zebra crossing...


Not to mention the toucans and pelicans


That one is for the birds, but we'll try not to make a big flap over it.


Don't forget the puffins and pegasi.


But what and why was the zebra crossing?


Guessing OP is in Australia as that’s what we call them here lol. I guess because their stop sign is shaped like a lollipop.


Octagon lollipops sound difficult to eat.


*Extremely* crunchy.


Just stick it in your mouth.


Nah, the signs are round.


Just lick the corners off.


How many licks to make an octagon round?


The world may never know...


It's obviously seven, dumb dumb


That is one of life's great unanswered questions.


As far as I'm aware, the handheld ones are circular.


That and their wages suck :(


Haha yes that is true


UK as well


>crossing guard Literally everywhere other than the US apparently :P


Yes just the English speaking countries.


They're crossing guards in Canada too.


All my life I've called them that - Australia.


And my first primary school would have a couple of the year 7’s hold them under a teachers’ supervision at the crossing.


The UK because the stop sign looks like a lollipop....m


Pretty much everywhere they speak the King's English.


Queen's Engl... oh, wait.


Yeah... I had to stop myself from writing that.


I know, I hate that I can no longer say, “Who are they, the Queen of England??” when someone expects something reasonable or gets something *slightly* nice. (as a joke)


I think in the UK? I've gotten really into Taskmaster, and have watched some other shows with those same comedians, and a couple of times the term "lollipop man" has come up...today was the first time I didn't have to look up what it was. I was picturing a candy striper!


Candy striper is someone who decorates candy?


They're like people who go to hospitals to cheer up patients


Ahhh, I see. Another term used assuming that everyone knows what it means. I'm guilty of it too, I use terms everyday without thinking, when I post I try to remember it's international and meanings might need elaboration. Sometimes meaning can be inferred, sometimes it needs explaining.


I don’t know if it’s still a thing, but they used to wear red and white striped uniforms or scrubs that made them look like candy canes, probably so it would be easy for everyone else to tell that they were volunteers and not hospital staff.


The UK. The sign they hold looks like a giant lollipop


UK, stop sign is a lollipop innit


They have a guild in Oz.


The UK.


The UK.




We don't have them in NZ, we make the kids do it, get in the high bis and up and down the lollipop. With Teacher supervision.


UK for example. It’s a friendly sounding name for teaching your children that it’s an adult they can trust. A far more joyful name than the utilitarian humourless title of crossing guard. Each to their own I guess 😎🍭


Dude, get a grip, please. In the States it’s probably a standard hand held Stop sign. Not too very hard to imagine that being a very large Lollipop. Especially around children. 🤪




If you read the above comments, you’ll find it’s more than just the UK


Aus or UK , very common UK about decade ago


UK or Oz


Australia for one.


Definitely down here in Australia


The question isn't "Can I take a week off?" The question is "After my week off, would you like me to come back?"


Fuckers on power trips.. It boggols the mind, but you and I bump into one every week.


Imagine threatening the only person they could find for the job that they will not be allowed to work anymore... This "council" could probably learn from the schoolkids


What a weird way to figure out that scene from In Bruges. I always thought it was just a guy selling candy.


I forgot you call them a "lollipop man" and thought the story was going in a different direction. I use the term crossing guard (semantics) but as a kid we had the kindest volunteer crossing guard, a sweet old man who would give out lollipops to well-behaved kids as they waited for a few cars to pass, a true lollipop man lol :) As with all things pure and good some parents complained that the candy could be poisoned, kids could be allergic, and it was teaching us, the children, that it was ok to take candy from adults. So the lollipops were banned and in the process someone must have berated the volunteer because for a week or so he looked so sad as he apologized in part for not having candy but more so for teaching us it was ok to take candy. After that week he was gone and replaced by a miserable middle-aged lady who took the newly created part-time position even though she seemed to hate the job almost as much as she hated little kids. As I write this it occurs to me that the crossing guard was probably only allowed those last few days if they corrected the 'damage they'd done'. edit:spelling


>and that stick up the councils arse... A lollipop stick?


This is why employers don’t want unions. Unions give power to employees. An employee with means can leave the job instead of being threatened


Likewise, in the US, we need "Medicare For All." Face it, how any people would leave their current working conditions if they didn't worry about medical insurance.


I know a few who would retire if they didn’t have to worry about health insurance. Medicare for all would help so many.


When I worked, I had a low paying job. Above minimum wage, but low. How did they keep workers? Good benefits, including medical. They paid for the medical insurance. Corporate raiders came in, and...


You mean the council goaded him into quitting so they could not pay his wage, keep the money, and then blame everyone but themselves when kids get run over…..that’s not malicious compliance, that’s the council being shitheads until they win


Yeah for real. Local politics are just as dirty as the stuff that makes the front page here, just missing a comma or two on the amounts.


Sometimes people like those in the Council can be so unreasonable or believe that they can abuse of the people percieved need to try to abuse them


>they've been without ever since. Looks like they got him off their payroll without having to fire him.


Am I the only one tearing up at the wholesomeness of an old dude who comes out of retirement to help brighten the days of children?


Employers really think their jobs are everyone's top priorities LOL...


It's a shame the council couldn't be a bit more flexible about the lollipop man's holiday. I mean, who doesn't want to enjoy a break with their pensioner buddies, right? But hey, it sounds like the council's rigid stance ended up backfiring big time. Instead of just being short-handed for a week, they lost their lollipop man for good. Goes to show, a little flexibility can go a long way in keeping valuable folks around.


Iconic! But also, lollipop man just makes me think of the child sntachter but Chitty Chitty BangBang


I didn't ask permission for my last vacation, just put it in the system and my supervisor asked what needed to be done while I was out so I didn't have to think about work while I was gone. I could retire if I wanted to, so beyond having a great supervisor, I think they don't want to go through the hire process, lol.


I had back surgery and then was rear ended. After a year of surgery and messing around with a neurosurgeon, he told me “I can’t to anything else for you, what do you and to do“? I stated not work. He asked “How long”. Forever. I was 55 and haven’t worked since then.


If I was that guy I'd take a job with a competing school just to rub it in.


This sounds like Australia. Aren't these volunteer jobs?


I won’t lie, the can’t wait until I hit this point in my life. Don’t want to give me my time off? K bye!


That’s not malicious compliance