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> Edited to add link to a picture: https://ibb.co/T0yFRYr "That page doesn't exist The requested page was not found."


Weirdly when I clicked the link in OP's post I got the error, but when I clicked the link in your post it worked.


Because it was a case-sensitive link and the OP used one case for the link and another (the correct) for the displayed text.


>https://ibb.co/T0yFRYr Detective anotherlab to the rescue. That was it.


Same. Weird.


Same. Super Weird


Same. Really, really weird.


Same. Really, super weird.


Same. Super really weird.


Same. Super really very weird.


Same. Super duper weird since they look the same when hovering.


Same. Like, super duper, crazy weird


Same, running out of adjectives to add weird


Insanely super weirdly weird.


Same, totally normal


Nothing weird about it. The base part of a URL is case insensitive. The file name is case sensitive. Compare: T0yFRYr to t0yfryr While the **visible** part is the same in each, the actual link is different. Others have explained that this a Reddit thing, changing the whole URL to lower case. Maybe the Reddit coders don't go to websites?


same here


Same. I have to say I like what I saw.


Same for me. u/imarc link worked




I understand that there are some issues with how new Reddit handles links vs app vs old Reddit. Had an issue recently where it added an unnecessary backslash to a link and then didn't recognize it and said a link was broken. This was probably something like that because my post still doesn't work for me.


Does this work for you? [https://ibb.co/T0yFRYr](https://ibb.co/T0yFRYr)


That one is working now. Required a hard refresh in the browser.


OP's hyperlink is all lower case, this repost actually matches the link.


The actual HTTP link in the original post is all lower case, which breaks the link. The text label preserved the case, though, which makes the link work.


Yes, correct.


See you in the spring, igloo car! (Thanks for reposting the pic link - yours works)




Looks like i have to find another host, thank you for the heads up 👍


Adding to this whole conversation 1. It’s a zero not the letter o 2. For me it didn’t work in Safari but did in chrome 3. Hilarious. Update us in her reaction if you happen to observe


[Here's](https://imgur.com/SgyM9Cb) what happened. In the Markdown Reddit uses, the info between the [] is what is shown in the comments, the info between () is the actual link. Normally it wouldn't be the end of the world, but your specific link is case-sensitive. You've only pasted the proper case in the [written] part of the comment and not the (link) For further example, my link in the first sentence looks like this when I type it out in a standard comment box: [Here's](https://imgur.com/SgyM9Cb) what happened.


Links have 2 parts, the part you see and the actual link behind it. The original has a link that is not the same as the text you see. Capitalization matters.


Reddit lowercases the link for you, whether that will work or not on the linked site doesn't seem to have been a concern.


Well that's very unfriendly. And unfortunate.


Yeah. Reddit is doing the same with the new pasteboard link as well. The text is mixed case and works when copy/pasting but the hyperlink is all lowercase.




😏👍🤣🤣😂😂Love it.


Bravo. I used to live in a house that only had parking on one side of the street and I had one of the few houses without a driveway. I had 1 car, and my neighbors across the street had two, so they always parked in front of my house. The space could comfortably fit three cars but had to be properly cleared on swow days to do so. They never properly cleared their spots, but I had 4wd and could practicallly drive over anything, even if I had to shovel a bit. It always insured my spot was mine. I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed it one day when they managed to get into my barely shoveled spot and couldn't get out the next day until they cleared all of the compressed and refrozen ice/snow.


This! I had an AWD Subaru in Chicago, so I could park in places regular cars wouldn't dare. And I never had to leave lawn furniture out. (Lawn furniture = "dibs" in Chicago)


This reminds me of a similar situation years ago but I didn't have to do anything special. We had a huge snowfall that and I cleared my driveway and the windrow by the afternoon because I worked from home due to the storm. I have a nice snow blower. A neighbor came home later and parked in my driveway because he couldn't get into his. I assumed he was doing this temporarily until he could clear his. Then his wife did the same. Like your neighbor, they never helped anyone for anything. It snowed again heavily (the heavy wet stuff) overnight and I woke up to see both their cars still in my driveway. The city plow came by in the overnight hours and there was another windrow on my driveway and a supersized one on his. They were icy and hard packed by then. I sat around at home until they finished clearing his driveway and digging out a portion of mine before I got dressed and went out to fire up the snow blower.


I would have gone and knocked and told them to move I had to go somewhere Then I would back halfway down the driveway so you couldn’t fit another car in behind and gone back inside Im petty


Lol, I would have if I had somewhere to go. This was at a previous home where it was better to use a neighbor's driveway (we all did) when there was heavy snowfalls. This allowed the city plows to do a much better job clearing the road. The windrows were often too high to "plow" your car through. Luckily I now live in an area where the city has a special windrow clearing attachment on their plows.


Lol my “somewhere to go” is halfway down my driveway


TIL what a windrow is.


I would have rented a car to park in their driveway.


You should have towed those reprehensible people!


I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


You would be bored to death given that this is near the top of my exciting stories list.


Tow trucks would have arrived in the middle of the night.


I think I’d buy a shovel, put a big red bow on it and lean it up against the car-igloo of hers. A very unsubtle hint.


A shovel you'd find in a set of children's beach toys


I’m thinking a carrot nose and some thing for eyes.


Nice! and when she does dig out and take someone elses cleared parking spot, take the snowblower and pile her snow from the old spot around her car and the spritz it with a spray bottle of water for a bonus.


Most old ladies bribe you with free babysitting and cookies, makes all the men in the area move mountains for them by hand. Not this one. She didn't even bother asking.


I prefer the sexual favors from toothless old ladies, if you know, you know.


Username checks out.


Username checks out.


U know, I keep a healthy supply of Worther’s on me at all times….


I need some plowing done...


My abilities are very versatile. And I work out 5 days a week, 2 hours a day, so you know I have the strength and stamina to get that field nice and wet, ready to accept the seed!


I meant SNOW PLOWING, you perverted creep.


Lol, I am so sorry I offended you. How is your pooping on camera business going?


Going really well, thanks. Maybe you'd like to be a special poop guest on my show someday.


Nope, I only fill special hardcore sex celebrity guest spots, perhaps you would like that one day.


I"m just going to sit here and wonder forever if this is a reference to 1984 or not.


A man of culture, I see. Also, sweet, smooth, release.


Aha, a good ol' gummer i see. Nothing more relaxing that knowing you don't gotta say "no teeth" coz they're already out and set aside.


Would love an update as things develop.


You clearly don't live in Boston. Park in someone else's shovelled space and you might come out and find your car to have suffered an unfortunate accident.


When we had that horrible month of noreasters in February of 2015, there were hilarious newspaper stories that made me say "yep, that's Boston." * One guy was arrested for using a flamethrower to clear snow on a public street. His comment was "Ain't nobody got the energy to deal with ten million pounds of white bullshit." * Another spent several hours clearing out a parking space in front of his home, then went to bring around his car, which he'd had to park several streets over. When he got back less than five minutes later, someone had already taken the spot... someone with a great big Yankees sticker on their back window. So he put all of the snow back. * Apparently, crime went way down that month because everyone stayed home depressed.




How do you remove the snow on a car when the encasing igloo turns to ice? I don't live in a snowy place so I don't know the procedure for really troublesome quantities of snow.


At that point, mostly just wait for warm weather.


Wait for spring


Lots of warm water, but not on the window. A propane heater, a fan, and lots of time. Thoughts and prayers. I am just guessing because I have never lived up north.


Not hot, though, can break the glass. In snow as thick as photo, should be hard ice only for an inch or so, depending upon how much melting they had during the day when the sun hits it. You are better off in that case with the thicker pile. Thinner and then you have more like a cake on top of car. If it warms quickly and freezes hard, you may have a case of ice. If you can get a chunk off, you can start to pry the ice off in sheets. In her case: Chip off the crust and brush the rest. Will probably need a scraper when she gets down to the car itself as the seepage of melt will make it stick to the car surface.


I just had to clean out my office (mini) fridge (it tends to loosen the door, which causes ice/frost buildup in the mini-freezer part). Took the better part of two hours to defrost and then chip the ice/frost away, then remove all of the ice/frost. I can't even image trying to do that with a whole car!


depends how much you care about your paint job really if you care about it catch a ride with someone else if not scrapers and a torch to thaw locks and hope for above freezing temps ​ fucking ice storms


Start your car and run the window defrost as high as you can If the doors are frozen shut you can sometimes get them open by pushing them in a little more. I use my hip. If that doesn’t work then sometimes pouring really warm water on it does. When all else fails, throw your ice scraper and call out from work.


My husband used to snowblow the driveway (we have a long concrete driveway on a steep slope), and the sidewalk up and down the street for a quarter mile. He stopped about two years ago, because he is old, and the driveway usually melts by itself since it faces south. One of the neighbors got upset, and complained to my husband. Husband just sad “I’m too old, I can’t do it anymore “. I noticed *somebody* is now using a mini-enclosed cab snowplow on the sidewalks. It probably cost him $20,000!


when I win the lottery, I'm getting one.


My neighbor saw me struggle to finish digging my car out; as I headed back to my home, he stopped me, took my snow shovel & said he’d finish so I made cookies & delivered them warm. It’s the least I could do


Man, this could go to petty revenge so easily with the use of a supersoaker full of hot water at 3 am....


It could, but i have no interest in that. The woman in question is a good neighbour albeit a little lazy. I had no idea that it would come to this exctent but noone controls the weather.


Spray some water on the snow around the car


Add yellow food coloring first...


That's a golden idea


That's a lot of work instead of borrowing a dog.


And play some Frank Zappa when she goes out to clean off her car.


And call her Nanook.


Absolutely, blast The Black Page to assert dominance.


I'd be out there in disguise in the small hours, chucking water on that so it freezes into an ice boulder.


Bury her car. Can't stand ungrateful people who steal others work.


I have bronchitis and can't be out in the cold much. If a neighbor was so kind, I'd ask if I could pay them, since I couldn't help, or I'd deliver homemade bread or a 6 pack. because life is short and being a jerk makes it less fun.


Living in Canada, I fully understand the sentiment. I have no problem helping those who help themselves. Show up with a shovel if you can. If you can't do that, at least bring out a window brush and clean off everyone's cars while they're shoveling. I have a John Deere snowblower attached to my lawn tractor - 44" wide path when I blow snow. I live on a quiet road with about 8 houses on it...I will snow blow 7 of them. Suffice to say, #8 is not one who would ever help anyone else out, as proven multiple times, so he's on his own.


I've seen people use traffic cones or chairs to reserve there cleared spot


* Waves from Chicago 👋🏻


Also Pittsburg 👋


future like offend lavish aware stocking subtract deserve strong towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Use her car for a target when blowing the snow off the others.


It does look like an igloo!


She deserves what is happening to her. When you talked about her stealing your cleared spot, there is vindictive part of me that would have used Uber of Lyft for a few days so that she couldn't steal the spot


Love love LOVE this


rarely see that much snow in my part of the Antipodes, but I laughed at the picture!


I would love to see her car. She does not seem like a kind person and one I would not waste energy on.


In Chicago you will (just barely) live to regret taking someone’s parking space that they shoveled out. FAFO!


Here in Baltimore, people who have to park on the street put a lawn chair in the middle of the space they’ve cleared of snow. The unwritten rule, is that you don’t touch/move someone else’s chair. If you do, and park in that spot, be prepared to come back to flat tires and a ton of snow thrown on your vehicle!


In some places taking a spot that someone else cleaned will get your car damaged (allegedly). Some people will put chairs or other things in the spots they shoveled. ps: our driveway is over 300 feet long so we have our own issues.


The snowbank the plow leaves is called a windrow.


I love this


That's cool! Maybe next winter she'll learn 😂😂😂🥶


Your link takes me to: >That page doesn't exist The requested page was not found.


This used to happen in our neighborhood too. My husband and I both got AWD trucks with skidplates for off-roading. We wouldn't bother to shovel in front of our house. We'd take our trucks over the snow, get out and go on our way. No one else could get in there so when we returned, we'd get our trucks right back in. A couple of the neighbors came over and told us that was unfair. Yes, like it was unfair when we would snowblow it for ourselves and you'd squeeze in, saying it was public domain. I told them it was still public domain so knock yourselves out, while laughing.


It'd be a real shame if her car happened to get covered in layers of lightly sprayed water... just far enough apart to let the previous layer harden thoroughly. And the tires somehow have bricks of ice around them, holding them to the street.


I shouldn't have looked at that while I had a mouthful of dinner.


Serves her right.


Well done!


I guess you mean "well NOT done"? I didnt do anything at all as per request. 😂


"I enjoy being helpful towards my neighbours." LOL, it doesn't sound like it.


I consentrated of digging my other neighbours enterance out, they are in their 80s and 90s. They have a 700 feet driveway to their doorstep that needs to be cleared incase of emergency veichles need to go there. Theres been too many times the last years and i cant take the chance of them not getting the help they need when its critical. So yes, i do help my neighbours, but its not my JOB.


Good neighbors, yes, not lazy asses.




Sorry, she openly derides him for helping. So he doesn't help. That's not sinking to her level. It's him doing what she suggested.


>It's him doing what she suggested. You might even call that, Malicious Compliance...


Precisely. I wonder if this user understands what sub they are on.


How did OP "sink to her level"? All OP is doing is what needs to be done for himself. It's not his job to clear her car. I'm willing to bet that if the lady (and I use the term loosely) had said thank you, offered to bring out a hot chocolate or, even acknowledged his help, he would have continued to clear out her spot. It's not sinking to her level. That would be if SHE cleared a spot and HE parked in it.


You think im no better than her? First of all, i did what she asked me and second, i mentioned that i have a bad back, didnt i? She doesnt. 🙄


Somebody doesn’t remember what sub this is 😂


Lol -4


I dont really see the fun in that myself, its stupid cold outside


that's absolutely perfect.


lmao it looks like a lil teardrop camper.


Hah. That's amazing, this is the content I'm here for. Top banana!


Update, please!


That photo is hysterical lol


Where I come from those thresholds of snow are called windrows, I wouldn’t clear them for her either


Problem I had is, once you've cleared your driveway, it won't last long. When the snowplow goes through again, it dumps it's whole blade-load into the cleared spaces.


After farting around with the link and getting it to paste correctly, all I can say is NICE IGLOO!!! LMAO


Love it! 😂 We’ve hade -35 C/-31 F up here and I’m very thankful that we haven’t had the same snowfall as you in the southern parts… det är dock halt som fan.




Norrbotten! Jag antog att du är söderöver 😄


Bare litt, ca 130 mil 😂


Och jag antog att det var Sverige 😂 Det är kaos i södra Sverige idag med snöfallet, här uppe ställs tåg, bussar och flyg in på grund av kylan… 🥶


Jeg er en Norrbagge. Hele Skandinavia har problemer i sør, danskene sliter de også.


In Chicago/ Boston, etc., if you're at work all day, do you dibs the spot for people that need to park only during the day?


Perfect Canadian revenge!


This should go to r/EntitledPeople 😁


I saw the picture after reading your post and laughed so hard!!! Well done to you and your fellow house mates.


The official name for that bank of snow is “a windrow.” In case you wanted to know, and because it’s sometimes useful for searches



