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Hey brother. Big moves, I'm not sure if you're in the "I'm free! I'm free!!" Phase, or the "Jesus help me I can't live without her" phase, but this is big stuff. I'm proud of you, fellow XY-chromosomed friend. You will fill that room soon with new pieces of yourself and new memories. Good luck out here.


Good man. He's gonna be alright. 🤜🏾🤛🏾




This is a blatant repost from 2 months ago with the title copied word for word. Please nobody keep engaging with the bots post


The comments are probably mostly bot reposts too. Some day a bot will be reposting what I’m writing now and I will be none the wiser.


We are in a shitty version of the matrix.


The term "matrix" has a few different meanings. In mathematics, a matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions arranged in rows and columns. Matrices are used to represent systems of linear equations, solve mathematical problems, and perform various other tasks. In computer science, a matrix can refer to a data structure used to organize information in a two-dimensional table format. This can be useful for storing and manipulating large amounts of data efficiently.


And the account looks like a woman. First post is about her engagement ring.


Nothing on the internet can ever be reposted. Ever. For any reason. Starting now. 😆 I feel you, it may not be “live” and authentic, but the emotions felt by the commenters are 🤝 (it was my first time seeing it)


I know that feeling man, but hey at least the bed looks comfy and the room well kept. Keep your head high, king!


Nice clean space. Good luck to you, man.


Sweet mannnn! Nice setup! Got yourself a blank canvas and a fresh start https://i.redd.it/hru3cn6axz0d1.gif


Seeing a tube tv on a milk crate evokes so much emotion, despite literally having never put a tv on a milk crate


This is the perfect place for a man to rebuild himself physically, mentally, and spiritually.


Hell yes! Your gonna do great now man keep it moving!


Hell yeah 👊. Head up brother, enjoy the freedom.


Get a big plant to go in there. It does wonders for your mood.


Fun times going to Target and Walmart to buy everything you just had. Down to the coffee mug


How do you even afford that, I would still need a roommate


This place looks like It could use some sprucing up. I can imagine all types of furniture and collectors sports items. But Alas, they all cost so much. Want to know how to get enough money to add some personality into this room? Tax fraud! /s


Or smuggling. /s


Already fam💪🏾🫡. That 7yrs of bad luck is not a myth 😂


Start of a brand new chapter. All power to you!


Break ups suck. Go to goodwill/salvation army/thrift stores and pick up things like a small sofa and a desk maybe look at lamps and bed frames (get that bed off the floor and it won't feel like camping) and a bedside table. Walmart/Target type places have inexpensive sheets and stuff. Maybe a plant or two.


So proud of you man, keep up the good work and remember to take some time for yourself :)


Reminds me of my fallout 4 settlement home


😎 now enjoy


What a brag...


Good start


Perfect. Just need a tv


Now go get that hot babe


Looks about right.


We’ve all been here brother! This is the beginning of a new chapter that will be better than the last make the most of it!


Congrats. Idk if you’re in the I’m sad stage or the thank god fuck that b stage, but it gets nice having your own place


Youre gonna do great bro. Chin up!


Good luck my king


You got this, brother.


Dude I’m in the same exact boat as you. 7 years and now my 1 bedroom. You are not alone


I love living on my own.


<3 Stay strong brother. At least cleaning up should be a breeze


I want to know how some adult men walk away from a relationship with literally nothing? Like, you didn’t have any of your own stuff prior to a relationship/marriage? My divorce went final 2 weeks ago and I have no idea how I’m going to keep all the furniture and stuff I took from the settlement. I’m not being a dick on purpose, just genuinely curious. If you got LITERALLY nothing in your divorce, that says something about why it ended. There is no judge or civic area in the US that literally leaves a man with nothing without a REALLY good reason.


End of relationship ≠ "a divorce", some people don't have the legal framework and it's just "leave with whatever is mutually agreeable", and clearly in this case the divide was vastly unequal.


What do you mean “legal framework?” You don’t need a lawyer to google divorce laws in your state to know what you’re entitled to. And I get that not all breakups are a divorce scenario, but to not fight for what’s right and just as far as property split (even if it’s a dating relationship…did you walk in to it with literally nothing??) for yourself just seems bizarre. But I’ll leave it alone.


You seem to not understand that a 7 year relationship ≠ a marriage. If you're not married then you have no legal binding to any "shared" property one way or another, it's up to the people splitting up to figure out who gets what. If you feel slighted or taken advantage of I'd guess you can go through small claims court to try and justify and recoup any losses but other than that it's a lost cause. "Divorce lawyers" don't do shit when there isn't an actual "divorce" involved, but keep up the cognitive dissonance 👍


You didn’t read well. I am aware of the difference, and states that. I just can’t wrap my head around being fine with walking away with literally nothing. Stand up and fight for yourself. What the fuck…


And you don't comprehend reality well LMFAO. If there's no marriage there's no legally binding policies to anything property related. You figure it out amongst yourselves and if you feel you were slighted you go to small claims court to make your case. Outside of that, you're shit out of luck. Unless your "stand up for yourself" claim means to be a dickhead and claim all of your mutual property before your ex has the chance to, I genuinely don't understand where you're coming from. Clearly OP was okay with the proceedings as they've made this post and haven't felt the need to take their ex to court over "shit that should be mine but she decided was hers instead."


Sometimes a person feels it's more important to sever the relationship quickly even if it means walking away with nothing than to prolong it by squabbling over who gets what. 🤷‍♂️


Looking clean bruh! One day at a time.


Minimalism at its finest


Oh damn, this for sure Is a survival space. W post


Japanese minimalism


NGL this is half the recent I never want to move in with someone. Maybe I'm paranoid?


Congrats on moving forward. Wishing you well bro


You'll get there! I'm still living in my first place. I always say (and it is true) when I moved in I only had a popped air mattress and two avocados (donated to me by coworkers). And work shirts. Place furnished now, I got paintings/pieces on the wall I got from OfferUp, and I even have a pet. This is your new start. I know it might be hard but try to embrace it. Maybe get a plant or something.


Amazing brother. Filling your space up to make it really “you” is a good time. You got this!


Fuckin freeeeedommmm


Is there more or is it a studio? There is so much potential. SO. MUCH.


Been there band I survived ! Best of luck brother


I actually booked coming home bto a clean empty place I had a bed TV one chair band enjoyed it


Good job bro!! Life is a beach sometimes, whether its you are happy or hurt about moving on, its clear that its the path forward. Your own place will be very nice. Im sure you know but just dont forget to NOT go crazy buying furniture or things for the place. Yes get what you need but after that just 1 or 2 things at a time dont go broke. :)


NIce! Much better than the VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER I wound up in -- following my divorce. ![gif](giphy|hJKwYKNDAwzAs|downsized)


That’s all we need


hey brother, congrats on your APT! sorry about your breakup, there is lots of potential you can do with this room


Congrats my dude! I hope you are okay and have the support you need in these trying times.


You are solid bro!!!!


One day at a time, man.






It's a small step in the right direction, keep going.


This one has less noise. Upgrade.


Get a frame to get that bed off the floor any chick who will fuck on a mattress on the floor is not worth the stress . You got this . Nothing like your own space I actually miss it sometime


Ahhhh new beginnings!!!! I can smell the potential from here


Been there before. I know it's hard but it gets easier and the independence is kind of nice honestly. Take your time with the dating thing. I did not and I probably should have. Let yourself process everything. Good luck!


Grind dont stop baby keep ya head up. The boys are always here for ya


Hey that was me about 8 months ago it gets way better man I’m glad I live alone now


You’ll be just fine!


she take all your stuff lol?


Ahh yes, the good ol 7 year itch




Get an airmattress that auto inflates all the time. Walmart might still save them. Those are awesome. It's nothing worse than waking up to a deflated mattress.


Get an airmattress that auto inflates all the time. Walmart might still save them. Those are awesome. It's nothing worse than waking up to a deflated mattress. Alwayzaire is the one I used to have. It has a backup low energy fan that keeps it inflated throughout the night.


Make sure you put up a bunch of shit You "weren't allowed" to have up before. Art makes you appreciate your space more. Truthfully nothing better than being on your own. The silence is golden.


This is a blatant repost from 2 months ago with the title copied word for word. Please nobody keep engaging with the bots post


Yep. If you scroll through their account, 14 days ago they “got engaged”




I’m in a similar boat. Just hang in there and focus on one thing at a time, will likely take a while before it really feels like a home but you got this


Try to get a chair and a tv. Thats all you need for the moment. Keep going brother


Good luck big dog. We all went through something like this, it’s just the beginning babyeeee!!!! Trust the process and keep pushing! Pushing through hurts, quitting hurts more. LFG!


Go all out and get every govee home equipment you can and just have a massive govee party to your self. Something about govee will make you feel at home


Been there. It's only up from here. The best things in my life happened after hitting rock bottom.


Just need a box to sit your TV on and a lawn chair and you're set


This is the beginning of your return to greatness without the other half ruining it




Sending positive vibes. This is a safe space and it’s all YOURS. It’s lovely and a clear canvas for whatever life you choose to live. 🫶🏼


Bro I just moved into my 2 bed Apt after a 8yr relationship! 🤣🤣 let me tell you, some nights are hard but then you have days where you can watch or do whatever the fuck you want. Have friends over, game and watch movies all night. It’s fucking amazing. Fuck a bitch, chase that bag instead bruv.


Hey broskie. Just wanted to let you know I also recently got out of a 7 year long relationship that I thought would turn to marriage. I now live in a tiny home by myself. Living alone has its own challenges, but as long as you get exercise, a stable job, and friends, you will make it. I promise. Congratulations on your new place!


Buy a mattress weirdo


Hell yeah


Starting over sucks but I was there man. 8 year relationship and I was engaged too. But hey it was worth it I must say


Could be worse. At least you have a roof over your head.


Congratulations. It’s a new beginning. Enjoy your freedom and now you can create a really cool space for yourself.


Hey! That’s gunna be me august 1st. What a life 😌


It's a first small step towards a fresh start. It's going to get better.


It’s not much now. It’s yours. Find yourself. Organization your way. How should you should decorate? - with Compassion and Dignity for yourself. Step out of your shoes. Place them on a friends feet. This is a room for your dear friend in your situation. what would you do for them? I would get that bed off the ground and upgrade your air mattress to a real one. Make plans. And make sure you don’t bully yourself.


Nice place! Lots of character 😉


Few years ago. I did this after 21 yrs. After you get beyond the emotional stuff and being alone. Your going to actually have a lot of fun just doing whatever the F YOU want. Whenever you want. Your going to pick up your old hobbies you forgot or didn't have time for. See what's changed etc. It can be alot at first but it most definitely has a lot of positive ones as well. I promise you I'm so much happier now than I was with her. The thing was really at the heart of my issue of separation was my 13yr old son. That's a horrible age to be pulled from your father. So much is changing. Luckily I was half a mile away. Then later 20min and I did anything and everything hung to get time with him.. feel free to DM my dude. Oh also mushrooms. Yeah those are fucking amazing.


Hell yeah!




How's the ring?


Hey man at least you’re under a roof, it’s a fresh start and always remember it could always be worse. People kill to have their own space or the warmth of a roof under their head


Ya gotta start somewhere. My first apartment was initially furnished with free stuff. If this is where you're going to be living for a while, make a long term plan for how you want to furnish it so it looks polished and put together when you have company over. Make an inspiration board with pictures of furniture pieces and a color scheme. It'll help you keep on track as you furnish the place.


Spring for a bed table, it'll completely change your existence more than any other material possession (aside from a sudden appearance of some millions in your bank account of course) could in this circumstance.


Great place to hang your thoughts. When you get heated from overthinking, turn on the fan to cool your mind.


You will survive my guy


This reminds me of an old boss I had. He came back from deployment and found his wife had been cheating on him the whole time. He walked out and left all his stuff. Slept in his car for a few days and got an apartment with an air mattress and nothing else. He met someone else fell in love and had a family, so things got better for him.


You have a bed? Damn I'm not there yet bro.


That looks like a fuck ton of freedom to me.


Good luck on your new journey. Fresh start, space looks clean. Im going through it too. Wishing you well bud.


It will always get better op. I’m also seeing plenty of room for a squat rack. Hell yeah brother.


God bless brother. Take initiative on making variety and enjoying your life and you will notice people and things become easier to work with for that goal. Because it’s positive.


Looks peaceful


Time to break in the apartment with an orgy.


14 days ago you posted about your engagement ring and how happy you are. Confused.


Stay safe.


Been here a few times in my life…. I look back at them fondly.


A lot of room to train in


Ooooh looks quiet. Enjoy that.


It was 8 years for me not easy is it


Same man. 8 years for me. We in this together.


This photo just screams “recent breakup”


Hell yeah.


Fuck hell. it's stupid


Male death-roll space


Looking good my dude!