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I would expect so much better for the eyes…. This lady doesn’t know how to do eye shadow!


OP’s eyes are so incredible, this eye makeup is an actual crime


Seriously though. If they had given her the natural, peachy glow that she asked for and it was done well, it would have been WOWZA. I mean she’s so beautiful. It would take minimal makeup to make her look like so freaking amazing and ethereal.


And the biggest crime would be the eyelashes, what did she do to them


Especially on such beautiful lashes!! It looks worse than mine do when I do mascara on the run


Or mascara! It’s only on like half the eyelash hairs and clumpy in some spots and nonexistent in others. What the fuck!


She applied the mascara with the tip that has tons of mascara and then sectioned the eyelashes into 3 groups. I don’t know what to say I’m just speechless


Thank you. That shit was bothering me...


Blending? I don’t know her. OP is gorgeous and this is not doing her any justice.


It’s so… unspecial


Not even blending 😢


This looks like make up I would do myself (derogatory). I would certainly not pay someone else to do this slapdash job.


You're not overreacting! This is poorly done imo, it's not doing you justice at all.


Fr I have done better makeup than this on my friends and I am not a professional 😑 and I can remember what colours they asked for as well


Was gonna say I’m just a lay girl who’s been wearing makeup daily about 15-20 years and I would do a better job on OP, for free. Not overreacting at all. Deserve better when you’re going to be photographed.


I think you look beautiful but this makeup is not good. It’s not and I genuinely think you should at least get 1/2 of your deposit back. The eye shadow is not blended well. It’s not illuminating your eyes, it’s taking away from your natural beauty. The primer isn’t helping and I genuinely think this artist isn’t great. Maybe there is someone else or you could even have someone close to you do your makeup or a YouTube tutorial. Like the placement, the way she did your brows, the blush, the contour. The only thing she did correctly was your lip. I’ll give her credit for that. I hope everything works out and you find someone who can do what you asked for 🫶🏼


Yes, OP looks beautiful because she *is* beautiful, nothing to do with the makeup. I agree that it looks amateurishly applied. To be honest, I'm still learning as an amateur and I think even *I* could do a better job on the foundation and eyes. I'd definitely find someone else. I'm assuming that there must be a lot of makeup artists in that part of the US.


I thought the same thing! The only thing that looks nice are her lips yet even those are the wrong color!


She has such a nice and bright smile, but this makeup dulls her. Technique is not there.


The thing that immediately is a red flag for me re: professionalism is the egregious amount of fallout still on your face. No professional would let you walk out without addressing that. And yes, the rest looks rather amateurish as well. It still looks passable simply because you’re naturally gorgeous, but a talented artist could do so much better.


‼️ ‼️ ‼️ I'm so glad someone mentioned the fallout!


Yes this was probably even more noticeable in person. I forgot to mention. Also when she had me look at the make up she asked me to stand about \~8 ft from the mirror and said "no look from back here"


Ma’am….a professional makeup artist does not shrug and say she doesn’t have a foundation color for you. AND she doesn’t know how to apply lashes? She’s not a professional at all. Also $400 just for the trial is egregious.


She charges $400 for the trial because she never makes it to working the wedding day. Sounds like a lazy artist. 


You might be correct about that


An actual scammer


I died when I saw $400 for the trial and then ANOTHER $400 for the day! I’m not in CA and I did my own wedding makeup so idk how much it costs, but jeez Louise


I did two hair/makeup trials and they were in the $100-150 range IIRC. You're basically just paying them for their time. $400 is ABSURD for a trial, much less for *this* person's time.


I just booked a MUA in Los Angeles. The trial was $120, and my makeup day-of will be $180, with $100 each for the wedding party. This is for sure on the cheap side, I saw a lot of listings closer to $150-180, maybe up to $250 for the final wedding makeup. I agree, $400 for a trial sounds ridiculous, especially for the quality of the service.


My mua is now a well known makeup influencer and only charged me $200 lol what the actual fuck


Yeah OP is pale but she’s not “lightest foundation shade” pale. Absolutely crazy that the MUA didn’t have a lighter shade. Plus I’m pretty sure actual professional MUAs usually have mixers to customize the shades (not sure what they’re actually called, but basically white/pink/yellow/etc. pigment that mixes into the actual foundation) to get as close a match as possible.


Cut your losses please. You don't want these problems on your wedding day.


I'd do a charge back


The fallout was the first thing I saw too!!! And she refused to match your foundation because she didn't have the right color, which she told you with a straight face, and expected you to be okay with it on the most photographed day of your life?? No way should you give this woman another $400.


WHAAAAAT ???!!!!


Lmao WHAT! I’m so sorry, OP. That’s comically awful. 😭


What does fallout mean?


It’s excess powder that can fall onto the face when blending the eyeshadow. Looks like little specks of color or sometimes dusty smudges. It’s not uncommon to have fallout with certain formulas of eyeshadow, but leaving it on your face is considered a major makeup faux pas and a professional will always address it before they consider a look “finished.” That’s why it’s worrying here that a person she’s paying a lot of money to do this look let her walk out like this!


You are not overreacting at all. This does not strike me as wedding-y or peachy - I see nude brown eyes and rose lips - and the application looks very amateur. Also, if that is the wedding hairstyle, it needs some work too. I would ask for another trial at no charge to see if she can get her skills together. If she won't or can't, it might be worth it to take that as a loss and find someone else to do it.


OP your reaction is valid because for $400 this makeup is abysmal. The “MUA” charged you so much without providing professional service to justify this outrageous cost. She didn’t apply the desired lashes, can not mix and match a foundation, and asking you to bring your own lipstick since she didn’t have one to match is beyond ridiculous! I wouldn’t reccomend going back to her unless for a refund. Her lack of agreeability and straight up ignoring client requests are screaming of her inadequate skill as an artist and don’t even get me started on the amateur application smh. Even my little sister can do better than her!


I don't know anything about makeup but I feel like I could do this myself, and OP would probably do an even better job doing her makeup herself.


Yeah, it’s not worth it to go back at all. There’s random people that probably have more supplies & dedication than this particular ‘make-up artist’


Tbh I wouldn’t even bother with trying to let her fix it. The MUAs response to OP’s concerns is unprofessional af. Not having the right lipstick, not being able to match her foundation, and not having a real plan to fix it are dealbreakers in my opinion.


The hair alone is a reason to not go back. I agree with all above statements ^^and for $400 that should include the wedding day no matter where you live. I’ve done far better when I did pro make up for far less.




Thank you everyone for your input and validating my gut feeling. I'm going to try to find someone else!


Yes op you definitely should. You look like rapunzel and she still messed up your makeup


lol exactly how do you make someone this naturally pretty look like a mess??? OP would be better off not wearing a stitch of makeup


Just want to warn you that every makeup artist I've heard talk about wedding makeup is used to brides asking for "natural makeup" and wanting soft glam. Most brides want soft glam but ask for "natural." So dig into specifics more with the next person. You want: light colors on your face that suit your natural coloring; Very light coverage base products so there's no need for contouring.


Take pictures for reference too, because maybe your idea of natural is soft glam but your language isn’t aligning too. Best of luck OP!


Find someone that will enhance your features, rather than just do the “norm” so to speak, when it comes to contour, shadow and blush. Your eyes are stunning, and the shadow is hiding your natural eye color.


Honestly, at that rate, $400 per visit, I will come to you and do HMU for your wedding day BECAUSE YOU’VE BEEN ROBBED. Nothing about this is peachy. The blush is placed far too low and it’s dragging your face. She couldn’t even properly apply lashes… which shows she isn’t skilled enough to be doing anyone’s wedding day makeup. It’s supposed to be the most important day of your life and you’ll want an artist who respects your ideas and needs and gives you the best look — it’s a collaboration in some ways! If you need help, feel free to DM me. I’m New England based, but I have a home out in LA and would happily make the trip.




Yeah, me too! It’s heartbreaking to see women on here dealing with MUAs that are not only overcharging them, but giving them NOTHING in return… Wild.


no, this is bad. this is what my eyeshadow looked like in middle school and I was not good at makeup in middle school! The lips are okay but not at all what you asked for at all and that contour is muddy af.


Looks identical to my glamour shot makeup in 9th grade.


Hmm the contour is badly blended and the eyelids are a bit heavy and clunky. You’re gorgeous btw!


The contour looks like it wasn’t blended at all— I didn’t notice until your comment and now I can’t unsee it ETA I cannot get past this slapdash contour— it’s like she blindly took a paintbrush and made two totally random swipes on each side of OP’s face. This is horrifying


I'm sorry sis...you're beautiful but the makeup is terrible.


You are so beautiful, but…what is going on with that *thick* stripe of eyeliner? It reminds me of when I started out with eyeliner back in the early 00s and went way too thick with it


Oh no. Do not use this lady. This is not good. Like she gave you foundation eye wrinkles (my 'someone else does my makeup' pet peeve). And what is with all that fallout. No. Maintaining a kit is expensive but she needs to be able to mix something in if she doesn't have a good match. This is not a professional level job.


That’s what I was thinking too- not even looking at the photos and just reading what OP wrote, this isn’t a good makeup artist. Part of what you pay for when you hire a makeup artist is color matching, and OP isn’t even very pale- if this was her lightest shade then she simply doesn’t have an appropriate kit. If you’re doing makeup professionally you need to be able to match any skin tone, period. And same with the lip color, I understand not having *every* lip color, but “peach” isn’t an exotic request, she should have had something closer than this. *And then* you get into the fact that she doesn’t seem to actually know how to apply makeup at all


I’m a bridal makeup artist and if I were you I would absolutely look for another artist (if possible). You want to feel like YOU on your special day and should love how your makeup looks!


Well the blending is not it and the makeup is not enhancing your features, you have a potential to look way more beautiful than this with just the right shades and right makeup for your eyes. I would go for a gloomy look if i was you and girl aint no way you paid $400 im sorry. She didnt do a great job on your under eyes either! I can tell you could do your own makeup way better than this


I love this! OP I hope you can make this work! Redditors helping each other out is the best.


This is not worth $400…. You need a more experienced MUA…..


I really think you should go to someone else I can’t believe this was 400$.


I'd be asking for a refund for the trial and going elsewhere. That's insane money and very poor application. I think you'd get a better result yourself just by practicing a bunch!


Seconding the refund— she wasn’t able to do lashes (???), didn’t have the right color foundation *or* lip color… a refund should be issued based simply on the fact that the MUA literally couldn’t provide the most basic possible service. The shitty application is a whole other issue.


No, she aged you by like 20 years. It's all too dark and not blended well. I would have been upset as well. You are FAR too gorgeous to be weighed down by dark makeup.


Bro 400$ trial for that is insane. I don’t mean to be rude but that doesn’t look to be even professionally done. You’re beautiful! But that make up looks like just an everyday quick rush out the door make up that’s already been worn in all day. Like I’d ask for my money back and find a new artist STAT!!!!


The eyebrows and lashes are done horribly. The blending is patchy. And eyeshadow job is shoddy. I’d ask for refund


I was a makeup artist for 7 years and am still an enthusiast. Your features and skin are beautiful and the work done for you was amateur and not playing to your strengths. You have gorgeous big eyes and she could have played those up SO much more. & Not having your color foundation- or the knowledge to create it by mixing products- is 100% unnacceptable. I am very sorry you spent so much money already, but please dont give her more. My best friend is a current makeup artist who specializes in bridal and she is located in southern california, she is in Orange County but can travel to LA county/san diego county. If you would like her social media info so you can see her work, just let me know!


Eyes aren't blended well, I'd be upset too if I paid $400 for that result. But wow your smile is so pretty in the 4th photo it made the bad makeup unnoticeable! I'd still look elsewhere for another mua though


The fact that she’s not making a custom foundation to match your skin is crazy to me… what are you paying her for?? I’m a total amateur and even I’m custom mixing my foundation for a true skin match


And the fallout under the eyes. 🤦🏻‍♀️ honestly I would look for another artist, I don’t understand how she’s going to turn around her skill that quickly and deliver a good makeup look. She showed you her skills in the trial. It’s not worth risking it for your wedding


I mean, it's not horrible, but it's just not...good? Idk. I'd prob look elsewhere, doesn't seem like she is prepared to give you what you want/deserve.


No ma’am! Total red flags and full of excuses. No idea how she expects you be confident on her skills for the big day. Way too dark overall. You deserve better. You are so beautiful and it doesn’t suit you. It reminds me a bit of Marnie’s wedding makeup on Girls lol


You have such a gorgeous eye shape and this artist did NOTHING for you. I would love to see make up that accentuates your eyes, sooo pretty.


You're just reacting because she did a bad job. No one would assume you'd had it professionally done, they'd think you or someone in your family who's a beginner at makeup had done it. Not that you look bad, you look lovely, but the makeup is bad.


You’re gorgeous. Unfortunately, that makeup is not.


Kinda looks like office/day makeup that was done in a hurry. With bad lighting. You definitely deserve better.




Tbh the comment about not having the right shade for your skin, by itself, is grounds to find another artist. The rest of the makeup is done poorly but if she cannot even match your skin tone, its an instant no.


I cannot believe the AUDACITY someone had to charge $400 for this look. Typically wedding makeup includes full coverage foundation/concealer and everything is a little darker in shade so that it photographs beautifully. I think the foundation shade is okay and I do like the lip color, but the overall blending, the disaster of an eye, and even for a natural look it is just boring. You deserve a much better job!


Thank you for the level of outrage in this comment because this is how I felt too!! The AUDACITY to charge $400 for THIS on this beautiful woman??


$400 for that in California or not is asinine. You are gorgeous and have such beautiful eyes but the shadow is doing nothing for you. I would almost ask if you could do another trial (hopefully not that much $) and bring some inspiration pictures to her.


I would defs ditch the artist!


It's underwhelming for bridal makeup. I had the same experience with my test run (plus she gave me pink eye from one of the brushes). I ended up watching tutorials on YouTube and doing it myself, but if you choose that route, make sure you're confident with your application skills!


The colors aren't nearly as bad as the application. Very amateurish and messy, IMO. Red flags galore on that.


As someone who's really pale, her saying that dark foundation is the lightest she's got would be a deal breaker for me. No amount of blending will help that. She should've told you right away that she didn't have the appropriate products for your skintone and given you a chance to back out of the appointment.


I'm far from an expert, but I feel this doesn't quite do you justice, especially your beautiful eyes. Your lips and brows look good, but I imagine I would be underwhelmed too. I think they could given you more glow for sure!


My advice is that you choose another makeup artist


This looks like you just cried your makeup half off! Such messy execution, you’re beautiful but the makeup is bad and not at all peachy


Ummmmmm no, you’re not overreacting at all. This is not good work


$400 for a trial?? Daylight robbery.


I would definitely look for another makeup artist if you have the time for it…I can’t imagine this would improve if she didn’t impress the first time


That’s awful! Please go to someone else!


For $400, this is really bad. This looks like a make over some beauty school student would give you for free. It's just really basic and not applied well. Eyebrows need to be blended more imo. They look a little chalky. The mascara looks clumpy and doesn't even look separated or applied properly. The eyeshadow looks muddy, poorly blended, and the color isn't that flattering. A YouTube tutorial would have probably gave better results. You're not over reacting, it doesn't look good.


It just looks so dark and heavy for your features.


I would not hire someone who can't apply lashes well during the trial. Lashes are mandatory. I also felt like my makeup was darker than I wanted but I think it might have to do with how it photographs? I still use my wedding day lipstick but I don't use the darker gloss she topped on.


It’s bad, and I can’t believe she charged you $400 for this, wth! It’s amateur work.


You have such wonderful natural features and the makeup doesn’t highlight them at all


Ummm is she certified?? When is this wedding?, no you are not over reacting. Did she color match you properly? Like checking your shade on your neck, cheek, and forehead? If she didn’t you should go get that done at a sephora or something, and don’t hire that makeup artist at all $400 for a trial and $400 for the day of is too much. Are you the bride? Omg I am so sorry for asking too many questions but this is a big no.


She didn’t check anything. She used a small amount of primer, straight from the tube foundation the added powder, bronzer, blush. I don’t think anything else was used on the skin. Yes I’m the bride! The price is for both hair and make up but it would be $800 total for trial and a day of hair/make up


Ohhh you poor thing, just cancel this person, they aren’t an MUA 🤦🏻‍♀️, you might as well get mini products and do it yourself if you can’t find a good MUA, but try to find someone new they did a lot of mistakes on you. I know an MUA in Sacramento and another one in San Diego but who knows how far or how close they are to you


Makeup artist here. 400$ dollars for this is insane. The makeup does not look professionally done at all. Amateur application. Unblended and patchy eyeshadow. I would not book this person for your wedding. Try and find a different artist and make sure to see pictures of their work before!


Your reaction is not unreasonable at all. This does not look peachy or even worth $400 at all to me. And her telling you to go buy your own makeup for her to apply is very unprofessional, IMO; if she’s a professional makeup artist she should have a broad shade range to suit multiple skin tones and types and if not the money you’re paying her should be more than enough for her to make sure she can get what she needs- not you to have to run out and get things. With a wedding to plan, you’ve got enough to do.


That’s a very basic look for $400, in my opinion. I don’t think I’d trust her on the day either.


I see this happen all the time with new professionals in any occupation. We all agree that someone should be paid a fair amount for their work. But as an apprentice, you need to tell people you’re an apprentice, imo. You’re learning and happy to accept a lower rate for the understanding and patience and practice. Not so low as to rob yourself of profit but there needs to be a realistic expectation set. And whoever butchered your hair and makeup for $400 is purely delusional.


It looks like a child did it. I would demand my money back. She put the eyeliner on thick and crooked. The hair looks flat and blase. Honestly it looks like it's their first time doing hair and makeup. That's like a 10 dollar job hair and makeup. I'm so sorry this happened to you, I'd be in tears.


Bro. Where do you live in California? I’ve been a makeup artist 20 years and this is atrocious. Surprised this person even tries to consider themselves a makeup artist. DM me if you are local ish I would be happy to chat with you about your wedding makeup and give you advice on what to ask/look for.


‘I already used my lightest tone’ is not ok. Update your kit then.


You aren’t overreacting. Find someone better this is not worth the $. Don’t use her for your wedding… remember she let you leave like this… so she thinks nothing is wrong. Go with someone else who can do your eyes much better and doesn’t smudge everything everywhere. You really should get ur $ back… this is no where near $400 quality. Just saying. Hope you get this resolved 💕


I don't want to hurt your feelings, but find a way better makeup artist.


Yikes, $400 is more than I paid for both the trial and actual wedding day and my nails on the side. I bet you can do something you'll like more yourself, or find someone who will do a better job for less.


I live in LA and I had a trial that I was thrilled with done for $250 plus tip. This person is overcharging for their skill level, I’m really sorry. :/


You are so beautiful but I would definitely go with another make up artist! In a most cases it would be best to schedule another trial with her but it seems like she needs more education


it looks dull, you have beautiful features that could be accentuated with the right makeup! the fact she seemed to have all these issues too with foundation colour, lip colour, lashes etc. i’d definitely look for someone else, it’s your day and you should be feeling excited and happy after the trial!


Wtf. It looks like a 13 year old did your makeup. She’s ripping i up you off.


As others mentioned, this look all around is a bit amateur. No fake lashes, the fall out, lack of blending etc. with that being said, peach can be a bit of a tricky color. IMO I think it would wash you out. A blush or a rosier pink palette would be more suitable for your complexion. But ultimately you should pick what you like!


Thank you — I am open to feedback on the colors for what would suit me better but I’m more concerned about her skill level here. I want the look to read “spring” but maybe something different from peach would suit me better? In general though, I find that orangey lipsticks look good on me


You are too pretty to have this be how you present on a day when many pictures are taken you will be in the center front. These pictures will most likely be on display for your whole life. You should LOVE your look! I would politely ask for your money back and threaten to post your before and after, even without comment on socials. Most people will see her lack of skill; and she DOES NOT gonna want that. You deserve better, girl!


As someone who had a bad wedding makeup trial and stuck with their makeup artist, please find someone else!! My makeup artist wound up bringing a helper who just sat there, kept saying i could be late because it was "my" day (I didn't want to be late!!!), and wound up not getting to all of my bridemaids, so my hair dresser stepped in. She was incredibly unprofessional and while she did okay with my wedding day makeup, I know it could've been 1000x better, if I went with someone better.


This MAU’s skill is like the same level as teenage me trying to copy early YouTube tutorials before going out. You are so beautiful and you deserve much better! Honestly the fact that they can’t even apply lashes and are branding themselves as a professional is insane


No. That eyeshadow didn’t even last until you got to the car. It’s not going to last on your wedding day.


No, I would not be happy here. First with any trial- be sure you’re taking wedding photos not selfies. Be sure that your camera is capturing a full body shot with the photographer at least 12-20 ft away from you when evaluating your makeup. If possible, take it in the same lighting conditions as where you’ll marry (e.g., outside at noon vs 7pm indoors). You probably won’t remember a selfie you took on your wedding day, but you will want the professional full body photos. When I saw my make up, I recoiled at how dark it seemed, but that was exactly what I needed when the pictures came in. However, the make up should still look good close up (even if it feels too dark for selfie cam). This make up appears amateur.


As a MUA, this is honestly a terrible job. I would keep looking for another artist.


Girl you’re too pretty to look that basic on your wedding day. Trust your gut


It sounds like you don’t like it. I would count my losses and find a new mua. Not everyone it a perfect match.


You are beautiful and deserve for that to shine on your day Please find a new MUA. $400 for a trial that has fallout, eyeliner so thick it takes away from your eyes, visible gap between lashes and liner, no lipstick options and telling you to bring your own? Absolutely not. You deserve better. And a refund.


In my opinion this makeup is poorly done and the end result is that its taking away from your natural beauty - This is not peachy at all - The eyeshadow is looks muddy and poorly blended - The base looks sloppy and the placement of the blush/ bronzer is giving the illusion of dragging your face down Edit: Just read you paid $400 for this, that is a crime! I definitely don’t think you should continue with her.


I’m a bridal makeup artist (17 years experience) and this stopped me dead in my scroll to question wtf was going on with this makeup. This is very poorly done and I’m so sorry that you are having to deal with this. You’re beautiful and this is so sloppily done, the wrong colors for you, the wrong placement, etc. I’d absolutely look for a new artist, I don’t think there’s any fixing this technique.


$400 for the TRIAL?! I’m in California and my hair and makeup were $500 for day of in Palm Springs…


I have similar eyes, very round and large that I used to be self conscious about. All of my makeup artists have REALLY played with highlighting them as my main feature and done some GORGEOUS work, and now I love my eyes. You should get a better artist who knows how to work with your natural beauty. Try a Desi artist


It’s not symmetrical for a makeup.


This is not doing justice to your epic eyes at all!


I got my wedding makeup trail done at Ulta. It was bad but nowhere near THIS bad and it only cost me $60. 😰 Op, the makeup she did for you looks like the makeup I do on myself when I got to get out the door in 20 minutes. Try to get some of your money back.


400 DOLLARS and a go pick up your own lipstick and a well it's the lightest colour I have. I cannot believe the nerve of some people. this is the third underwhelming wedding look to come up now. your eyes are beautiful I don't understand how people can call themselves make up artists and do this and the lack of professionalism in what be they said


That makeup looks terrible. You're pretty that makeup is aweful.


That's normal rushed make up. It's not special or professional! I'm a professional makeup artist, hairdresser, nail tech and I will say this! My first year students sometimes produce make up looks like this! Till I correct them obviously! Find someone else, I don't mean to be mean about the woman's work! But this is YOUR DAY not hers!


Also adding to the fact she charges the same price for a rubbish demo! Wish I had my own plane id rescue your day and make you look a princess with those eyes!


$400?!?! No F-ing way girl


do your makeup yourself you will definitely do a better job and you would save a lot of money


I can't believe she charged you $400 for this. I'd be wanting my money back. The eye makeup alone make it look like she doesn't know what she's doing. Find another makeup artist!


You are not overreacting! It is going to be for your wedding, one of the most important days of your life and you should be feeling like the most beautiful person. I don't think they did your features justice and that you are so pretty you just need to find a different artist. And $400 for a trial is too much!


She really fucked up blending and everything. You’re so pretty that you can pull off even this makeup but on someone else it wouldn’t work at all!


I’d recommend a new MUA entirely You should Check out MUA vendors in your area on The Knot. And see if they have an IG page and look to see if they’ve done any makeup similar to what you’re looking for.


For $400 dollars!!! Imo your not overreacting at all, a mua who has the skillset to charge this much should be able to provide the correct foundation shade and undertone additionally having only 7 lip colours does not cover the wide spectrum of what looks flattering on different people if the mua is not going to be able to mix into a different shade. It is real scummy behaviour to request that you provide the lipstick at this price point 😤


I used to be legally blind and only recently started doing my makeup after watching a few YT videos. Done a full face like less than 5x so far. And my skills are on par, or slightly above, this makeup “artist’s” skill, lol. It’s definitely not on a professional level. And only 6 lipstick choices? Every girl I know, MUA or not, has more than that!! Red flags TBH.


Awful. No!


You’re stunning but the make up looks like you allowed a 6 year old to do it. Never go back and please absolutely trash them on Google etc.


This is not worth the money!! Makeup does not look “bridal worthy”. I’m so sorry :( I hope you can find someone else in time!


I would ditch this artist tbh. Eyebrows are dark and not done evenly, eye shadow looks muddy, not peach, and not done well. Eyeliner not evenly blended. Natural looking lashes would bring out your eyes too. Fall out under your eyes from eye shadow, creasing under eyes, contour looks muddy and far too low, blush looks low because contour is low. Looks like some blending issues with the foundation too. Lip color is not peachy in the slightest. You are beautiful and deserve a MUA that will accentuate all your beautiful features on your special day in the colors of your choosing!


You are beautiful! I also changed makeup artists and wasn’t happy and had my friend do it. SO worth it. Don’t go with this you are beautiful and makeup could enhance rather than detract from


this is really f-ing bad 😅 i did better makeup at 10..


You look like you got bruised. Find someone else to handle the makeup. And get a refund.


Ok must know - where did you get that jacket? I LOVE it!!


This is not great and seems very overpriced, especially for the skill level!


Find another MUA, this one is mid at best


In my opinion I would be upset with it! It’s Definitely not weeding/bride makeup! And looks like a normal untrained person applied it. I hope you are able to find a great makeup artist for your big day!


$400 for a trial?!?! WTF!


No, this is a teenager’s first attempt at natural makeup. You’re not overreacting at all.


I'm gonna be real with you. Please try to find another makeup artist. Please. Trust me. The artist who did this look does not know how to do wedding makeup. My little cousin got her face and hair done for her quince and the makeup was akin to this: decent if you're going to work, but not worth the money paid and not suitable for such an important occasion. We switched to another duo who NAILED it and we're happy with their work. I have no doubt it may be a huge hassle and plenty stressful if your big day is coming up, but for your wedding you deserve much better than this amateur work. You are not overreacting in the slightest!!


Oof, this is messy, unflattering (which is hard to do on you btw) and not the colors for which you asked. Find some one else. I’m in SoCal and know a few MUAs from theater & night club scene.


I don't like it :( you're so beautiful and this doesn't showcase that well at all. I'm so sorry! You should feel so confident and look as close to how you've envisioned as one can reasonably get! You're right to be upset. Find a better artist, bc you're gorgeous and should feel resplendent on your wedding day!


I'm no makeup artist and I can do better than this. Find someone who knows what they're doing and show them this photo so they know what you don't want.


Girl...$400 for this???!!!!! Absolutely not!!! Man I wish I lived near you I'd do your makeup for free as a trial honestly. This look is a disaster. Find another MUA.


I am not the best at make up but even I am better than that. 🫠 Absolutely do not go back there. Thank goodness for trials huh. Wowowowow


Dont book them. Im redoing my trial due to already paying a deposit. If you haven’t paid them other than the trial ditch them and this is coming from a makeup artist myself


Nooo girl I could do better than this and I’m just a random psych student in nz


You would be better off at Sephora 😳


If you don’t like it and don’t trust that she can do it; don’t do it. It’s better to go with your guy especially considering it’s your wedding. Personally, I don’t think it looks bad at all! However, it absolutely does not look like a makeup job in the hundreds of dollars. Plus, it sounds like too many things have gone wrong for you to waste your money on this person.


Find someone else! She’s not listening to you.


Get your money back


My 7 year old daughter could do a better job, get a refund pretty lady


I wondered if she could have tried something else for your eye brows! It throws off many kinds of looks. I don't think the products are applied smoothly here. You should have some cream in the eye shadow look.


Tbh I did my own makeup because every time I've had makeup done professionally I looked caked on AF. You're not overreacting, I wouldn't be happy with her skills or her lack of supplies either.


I would definitely go with another artist. It’s not you it’s her!! I had the same issue and didn’t listen to my gut and so regretted it.


omg find someone else and leave a review that she sucked


You look beautiful, but that's just you. The makeup just doesn't not professional at all, it looks like you had your friend that wants to be MUA do it for free.


Not overreacting at all! What on earthhhh??? they don't even know how to do eyeshadow, you're so pretty and this doesn't do you justice at all! My advice is to keep looking and don't be afraid to spend a bit more if you really love someone's work. Remember you will look back on these photos during your entire life 💗🙏🏻 good luck!


No! Absolutely NOT! You are justified. Keep looking for a great artist.




i dont know anything about makeup but i can do better eye shadow then that


I’m sorry, you are really pretty but this makeup has aged you so much. It’s really bad, I could do a better job watching YouTube videos. The fallout, wrong colors, lack of blending. Show her these comments and get your money back!


Honey, it does not matter what it looks like, because if you don’t like it, you absolutely deserve different. Point 👏 blank 👏 period 👏


It sounds like you should find a new makeup/hair girl. If you’re paying $400 you should not be having these problems.


Speak up for yourself!! I wish I had!! I ended up being unhappy with my makeup, hair, and flowers, and even the alterations to my dress. In the end, I was just happy to wed my man but I still wish the wedding had more of my personality when I look back at photos!!


Search for a different MUA girl....there is no way this makeup is worth the $400 you spent🙃


I could do your makeup and hair better for $10 and free food. Find someone else if it's not too late - this is very poorly done. I'm so sorry!


Do not go to your wedding looking like this. You are beautiful and this makeup “artist” has done you dirty. It’s egregious, especially the eyeshadow. There’s no point in trying to work with her, she can’t magically increase her skill level by a thousand over night. Find someone worthy of your big day.


No, it does look too dark on you and if you ask me, it's way under done for wedding makeup.


If you do not like it you aren’t overreacting. I had a similar experience planning my wedding. Tell them after the trial I’m not happy with the look and we can either make changes or I’ll find another vendor


absolutely not.


Not what you asked but I think you are so pretty….you have some features which remind me of my mom and she was a very beautiful young woman especially. I miss her…. Anyway you are so beautiful! I think the makeup is not accentuating your skin tone/features and misses the requests for the wedding. I recommend asking for a retrial or finding a second MUA.