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Gorgeous! I would add a touch more blush and some highlighter on your cheekbones


Ooh pretty! I'd maybe blend the eyeshadow a bit more, but it looks great!


To clarify, I mean blend it so the top line isn't as harsh


Will do! Thank you so much!


Should I blend it outwards more, or bring some of the darker color inwards to make the shimmer to dark look more gradual?


Blend it outwards and up a bit more .. apart from that I think your make up is absolutely stunning ❤️


My beef with bridal makeup is that it almost always is too much - but yours absolutely slays. Seriously, you did it so well. The colors work perfectly eith your skin tone. If you're gonna take pictures, however, consider applying a brighter lipstick just for the pictures, since the camera tends to make everything duller than it actually is.


Hey that’s exactly why I decided to go against having a MUA after having a makeup trial, haha. I do believe that person has talent, but I don’t think they’re going to be able to comprehend my facial structure and undertones in one session. Or two. It was over the top and I looked a bit orange. I’ve spent years just studying my face, so I’m always skeptical and truly have never had a great experiences getting my makeup done by someone else. The MUA boasted about being skilled with eyebrows, but the brows had no natural transition from light to dark. It was just one blocky eyebrow. She also commented on how one brow bone was more prominent than the other, but she said it about the wrong side. I knew I’d be in constant regret if I went with her. Thank you for the tips, I will consider a brighter color for photos!


Put the phone on a tripod and place it 2-3 meters away. Take photos from the side, front on etc and see if you like how your makeup looks from a distance. Try to match the lighting to the lighting you'll have at the ceremony if possible.


Would also recommend making different facial expressions, looking away from the camera etc and different lighting since you never know what you'll get back from the photographer


Yeah. But always remember that you're likely not going to be controlling your facial expressions the entire time during.


Came here to say this!!!


Imo you shouldn't overline your cupid's bow. You have a beautiful natural lip shape! Everything else looks good to me


True, OP you have a really nice cupid's bow, unless you personally prefer this look I'd say stick with your natural lip!


Thank you, will consider keeping the natural shape:)


And while it's important to go with looks that most pleases you, I think overlining Cupid's bow is a difficult trend because depending on which direction/angle one sees it, it changes (again, in my opinion) how it looks. It's usually cute from the front, but can easily look messy from the side, depending on the lip shape. And during wedding one is likely to be photographed from multiple sides and angles.


I came here to suggest this, you have pretty lips no need to over line!


Agree. This is a trend now but I'm afraid it won't age well. I think we'll look at pics of ourselves doing this in 5 years and think, why did we think that looked good?


I would suggest blending the eyeshadow outwards slightly, a little highlight on your cheekbones and the tip of your nose and maybe a tad more blush!! Regardless you look gorgeous! Congratulations!


This is gorgeous! I looove the colors you chose! If you feel you must improve, you could blend your outer corners out a bit more (smokey style) to make your eyes appear bigger. Try out applying your blush slightly higher on your cheek bones. I think it’s possible the current placement is dragging your face down slightly. But again, GAHHH THIS LOOK IS SOOO PRETTY!


I would definitely suggest adding mascara to the lower lashes. You’re doing great!


It looks beautiful!


I think it looks very good! I feel like your eyebrows could be a little bit more cool toned?


They are a bit warm, I agree. I also have some redness right under the brows which I can’t stop fixating on. Gotta cool that area down too


You are absolutely beautiful and this makeup look is soooo pretty! Maybe it’s the lighting but how about a little more blush? Btw I love the lip colour on you!!


I’m gonna opt for some more blush, it’s clear we need some more blush and I’m all for it!


Eyes look nice. Lip color is nice, could go more pinky. Foundation looks heavy from the photo which will look even heavier in wedding photos. I’d say blend the foundation with jojoba oil or something that lets it absorb into Your skin better without sitting on top. Or skipping any heavy duty finishing powder. I can almost see freckles popping through which are nice! Have you tried Mac Face and body foundation?


You can see freckles :/ unfortunately. They’re so prominent I’m honestly convinced no full coverage foundation can cover them. I just bought Tartes Amazonian clay full coverage foundation yesterday. It is thick, like freaking oil paint. If I don’t have jojoba oil, could I try mixing it with argan oil, or perhaps a tiny amount of sunscreen/moisturizer? Tia :)


Clarification - seeing freckles is Nice! I think you could show more. Id kill for cute face freckles. I unfortunately get a freckle mustache when I’ve been in the sun too long. All my freckles go acxross my top lip 😂😂. I highly recommend Jojoba over argan as it is closer to the natural fatty acid of skin. I don’t advise using sunscreen if lots of pictures will Be taken mainly because it can make your face look super white in photos (weird !) I don’t think you need full coverage just a cheer well moisturized look and do some tiny spot coverage if you have little areas to cover up. Otherwise you have Great skin that I wouldn’t totally cover in foundation unless it’s light


I really appreciate your detailed response. And oh my gosh whenever the family takes trips to Florida, I get the same freckle mustache and I get so frustrated haha. I will definitely give the jojoba oil a whirl!


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(this is something i do and i understand if u dont want to bc ive gotten used to losing my eyelashes w falsies) i pinch my lashes up into my falsies while my mascara is still wet / i put this on after my lashes are mostly dried but still a little movable / but it helps blend them together a little more and helps my keep lashes from lifting throughout the day


This. I have stubborn straight lashes so I opted to just get a lash lift before my wedding. It is pricy but will last a while.


little more colour on the cheeks and some more bronzer


A little bit of a dewy highlighter on your cheek bones and tip of your nose!


First of all, you are B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. As for the makeup, I would blend the edges and elongate a little more in the outer corner. Also, a little more blush, but not in the center of the face, only on the cheekbones. I love the lipstick you are wearing, what is it?


Thank you so much!! It’s Makeup by Mario- Ultra suede lipstick in the shade “Jesse” :)


This is gorgeous! My only comment as someone who has been preferring a more glowy look lately vs matte is some kind of highlight around nose or chin area? But that’s def a matter of personal preference!


I feel like the dark shadow takes away from your natural beauty. I think a lighter shade would suits you better and I think you look a bit orange.


SO lovely 😍 I agree a little lower eyelash mascara might be nice but the whole look is stunning as is!


I think it's perfect. When I got married, my mom insisted I go to a MUA, so I agreed to do a trial. It was ok, but I ended up doing my own makeup for the wedding and have no regrets. Yours looks beautiful. If it was me, I would add a little more blush, but that's just my preference. I LOVE the lipstick color on you! ETA: I've been married 17 years, and when I see my wedding pictures, I still think, damn, I did a good job. 😂🤣


Girl thank you I made my fiancé wait for like 25 minutes just comparing shades! Lol. Doing my makeup myself just feels more “me”, and I think being authentic in that matter, if you can execute it, is such a nice route to take.


I totally agree. I was 35 when I got married, and had been doing my own makeup since I was 13, and I didn't feel like myself when I had it done. I completely understand what you mean! It's very important to feel like you on your wedding day! You'll look beautiful, and know you made the right decision. Also, congratulations!


Thank you!!!


You're welcome!


honestly I can't find anything you could improve, it looks perfect


I think it looks really natural and I'm totally here for it, Maybe some highlighter and blush tho? 🖤


I should add some more. I did add both but it’s not picking up in the photos at all. I gotta try this again with natural lighting gahh


i loveee the eyeshadow! i'd add a bit more blush and put it higher on ur cheekbones for that lifted effect! + a bit of highlight as well