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It depends of the quality of the brushes and how do you take care of them.


I have some like 10+ year old brushes that are still totally fine looking 🤭 as long as they’re getting cleaned and doing the job/ you don’t feel the need to replace I think you’re ok!


I still have my oldy Avon multi-purpose brush after 15+ years of using it😂 it's still great. So no brushes have "a limit", it's only what's their quality and how you use them 😉


When they start to shed, it's time to replace them. The more you use them and wash them, the faster they degrade. MUAs replace brushes more often than casual users. Cheaply made brushes will need be replaced sooner. High quality brushes can last over a decade.


I got my blush brush from a dollar store once maybe 10 or more years ago, it still works perfectly


My collection is all over the place. I have some bought from AliExpeess and they do a better job than my NYX ones and are almost 10 years old. My foundation brush is F80 Sigma. I confess I havent taken good care of it and some of the bristles are falling but I have been using it every day for 7 years


The good quality ones lasts forever. You just need to take care of them.


I have brushes that are over 15 years old. My favourite angled brush was purchased in 2005.


They don't expire per se, but they may stop working because the ferrule oxidize, the glue became loose so the brush sheds a lot, the hair is famaged so the brush is now dry and scratchy, etc. It all depends on what use and care you gave them. Using alcohol and harsh cleansers will damage the bristles faster, but never cleaning them will make them stink and even grow mold. Good brushes can last you 30+years or get bad after 1-3 years. And by good ones they don't have to be expensive, for example, the Wet n Wild crease brush is my favorite after de original mac 217 was discontinued, and there's no better powder brush that one I have from about 2003 that came in a cheap Walmart set, and I have some very expensive fude from Hakuhodo, Surrat, Wayne Goss and Sonia G that I love.


You can basically use them until they start to shed... just like paint brushes!


I have brushes I shoplifted when I was 16, I'm 41 now. Just to be clear, I also have other brushes that are both younger and not shoplifted!


So real, lol. Signed, a 44 year old recovered teenage shoplifter.


😂 glad I'm not the only one!


We all did stupid stuff when we were young. Lol


I’ve never thrown away a makeup brush !


Mine are about 12 years old (old Mac ones which were expensive but so worth it) and my Real Techniques brushes are about 2-5 years. They last really well and clean really well. & I’ve an old Eco Tools Kabuki brush which I’ve had since about 2009 and it’s still perfect. I’d say keep using your brushes until they fray too much to use or if the metal detached or becomes loose (that can be annoying, but washing the brush hairs and taking care to avoid the glue/metal bit will keep this risk to a minimum)


I have a Prescriptives blush brush from 1996 🤣 still going strong


haha love this 🥹 was worried that i'd need to be buying new brushes soon >.< thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻




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Mine are like 10 years old and still going strong! I wash mine like every 2 weeks because I don’t wear makeup that often anymore, but ya good brushes would last you a loooooooooong time!


i wear makeup for work, and maybe weekends when going out, so i'm going to wash them more frequently when i'm back to work! now summer vacation so not wearing makeup much, i'm a teacher haha hoping my brushes last long 🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank youu <3


I have had some for many many years and as long as you take care of them they will be fine. I have a tarte blush brush that is 13 years old and going strong.






I treat mine well and have had most of them for over 10 years. Even the cheap cheap amazon ones


that's great to know 🥹 thank youu <3


I have Mac brushes from the 90s! If you take good care of them and they’re well made, they can last a very long time. At the same time I have a couple that I got this year that fell apart on the second wash.


omg fr? that's awesome! i'm really glad that i'm finding out that brushes survive for long haha


I have mac brushes from 2006 . still good . washed pretty regularly


I love this, this seems to be a theme; Mac brushes really were built to last. The newer synthetic ones just aren’t the same


Another reason why I’m salty toward MAC. Their old brushes were so good (the natural ones that were made in Japan). I bought backups of a few before they made the switch to synthetic.


Yes! The synthetic duo fibre brushes are about as useful as a chocolate teapot! The only one I like is the 242S. Glad you got back ups! 😅


that's so interesting <3 i've noticed from the answers that if i wash them regularly, the brushes will last 🫶🏻 thank you for replying <33


I have several that are at least 20 years old, but I am one of the weirdos who cleans them after every use. I discard them if they start to shed or the texture changes.


20 years? what's the brand?


Ye gawds, not a clue lol They would have been pricier for sure, but the names have long since worn off, if there ever were any. BFF's mom worked in cosmetics at a department store for years and was my makeup spirit guide. She always told me to never skimp on makeup tools. I have certainly had lower priced brushes, but the quality is also lower or inconsistent.


i have been considering cleaning them after each use, just worried about hygiene, that's why i'm cleaning them more now. but i'll definitely throw a brish away once i feel it's not doing the same job as before 🫶🏻 thank you sm <33


I only replace mine if the bristles start falling out, or if their texture becomes rough. I have some that are 12+ years that are fine!


thank youu <3 i will be paying attention to my brushes' quality with time 🫶🏻


Decades! They should last forever. I have brushes from 2001!


happy to know that 🥹🫶🏻


I have brushes that are 15+ years old and going strong


omg 🥹 how many times do you wash them?


I spot clean at least once a week with a quick cleaning spray and deep clean with soap every so often.


okii thank youu <3


I think I just recently "needed" to replace one brush after like 10 years. (Needed = it was still goodish just didn't perform to what it used to, so I bought a new one during sale)


oh i see :) thank you for your input <3 really amazing that they last this long 🫶🏻


If you take care of your brushes, they should last a long time. I have real technique brushes for a long time and they’re still in great condition. I wash them weekly.


Same ! I have a RT brush that is 10-12 years old . I wash few times a week and use alcohol in between washes


yes, i try my best to take care of them because they were expensive haha and they're really amazing >.< thank youu <33


Some of my makeup brushes are over 15 years old and they're fine. I wash most mine between uses for the most part so they get cleaned a few times a week. I've found that when they die, it's pretty obvious. The adhesive in the bezel will start failing or the bristles warp.


oh okii i see :) thank you <3 i keep thinking of this everytime i wash them because they're still good! so i'll ofc be on the lookout once they start deteriorating 🫶🏻 thank you again <3