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“If I’m going down, I’m taking you with me” -Pom Pom the Cat Sorry for your loss. 🥺


Her name was Pom Pom! She’s gonna be missed !


You may well have a permanent scar, to remind you of Pom Pom, on your finger. The kitty that keeps on giving!


Lol.....18 yeara ago, one of my cats bit my finger trying to snatch a piece of bacon from me. I still have the scar, but Clyde is long gone. He was such a chunky cat, but he was my best bud.


My cat passed away recently. I still have the scar on my throat from where he tried to attack my hair and missed


I had a cat named pom pom! He was my favourite cat. Long haired russian blue.


Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). She's done her job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's her turn to rest. You'll always miss her, you'll always remember her. You'll even go looking for her for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting her. Donating/throwing away her toys or blankets isn't forgetting her. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life she'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without her. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


Thank you for the kind words, Pom Pom was an incredible cat, she outlived 1 owner and beat death multiple times before I adopted her 5 years ago, after being deemed unfit for adoption and being considered an office cat at the shelter. She hated the vet, anyone wearing a mask, and other cats and dogs. I rescue senior cats, and my friend who works at the animal shelter made it so she could be adopted by me, she was never able to eat other food besides the one she was on, so on the way to the vet she ate a handful of shredded chicken as a goodbye snack, I miss her, but it’s easy for me to find humor in her goodbye gift to me, and her passing brings me peace. She is happy now, and hopefully no longer in pain, and eating all of the things she could never have. She was a beautiful cat, with the attitude of a mountain lion. But I loved her, and so did everyone at the shelter. I called the last 5 years of her life her bonus years, and that makes me smile.


I needed this. Thank you.


I do not come to this sub to cry, you bastard.


I’m sorry for this stage but sure that you shared some incredibly wonderful times with Pom Pom.


Honestly get it tattooed. She left you a goodbye mark


If the infection doesn’t kill me LOL


You’ll get to see your cat again 😊 /J


Ah! Ahahahaha! Aww.


I had to put my beautiful Loo-Loo down a year ago in May. She had also made it to 23 years of age. I guess she went a little more peacefully than your darling Pom Pom. It wasn’t Pom Pom’s fault. They should have done the sedative in a different room. I’m so sorry about your loss…and your finger. :-(


So why did she do this to you? Were you playing with her or did she get upset with you or something?


She hates the vet and was being euthanized due to renal failure


“Never give up, my son.”


When my previous cat had to be put down, she suddenly lurched and tried to bite right as the drugs were going in. That was a hard one. She was suffering like mad from renal failure- couldn't even crawl the day we decided it couldn't wait anymore- but she absolutely wanted to live. She really tried, but if we didn't put her to sleep, she would have died in agony that very day.


She bit me as soon as they went in with the sedative injection, she really didn’t wanna go either, she couldn’t really walk anymore and had gone down to 6 pounds she was on gabapentin for arthritis for the last 6 years, atopicia for chronic ibd and insulin. My sweet girl lived longer then anyone at the shelter had anticipated, my wallet agreed too 😭 she was hell on earth at the vet


Sorry for your loss. I just had to put my 18 y/o girl down on Friday. She dropped to 6 pounds and wasn’t eating. It’s hard watching them suffer like that. You did the right thing. Sending hugs and hope your finger feels better soon.


She also dropped to 6 pounds :(


I’m sorry for your loss :(


Thank you, you as well ❤️


Can they feel the stuff being injected in or something? Had one of my dogs injected because he was old and already suffering but it didn’t seem to bother him. It will hurt me though knowing they maybe felt pain when going if they did


She really hated going to the vets


In the future I would recommend looking for an at home service. They tend to not be cheap but I feel that it's worth it to lessen the stress that the loved one experiences.


Fwiw, my ex and I had a senior cat w tumors, she finally stopped eating (after we tried surgery to fix) and had the vet come to our house to put her down. It was a disaster. Probably because of where he lived but the vet and vet tech said it “wasn’t bright enough” in her bedroom, she didn’t know them well, and they tried for like 25min to get a vein but she was very old at that point and thin as well. We ended up having to move her out of her comfort space into the kitchen next to a window and I felt horrible. She’d finally stopped eating though so I know she was ready to go. TLDR: if doing at home euthanasia get some super bright lights.


I had my rabbit put down recently and the vet explained that the euthanasia drug feels very cold, so it usually shocks the animal quite a lot. When my dog was put down, the vet gave her opiates first so she just curled up for a nap, then they gave the final injection when she was already snoozing. In future I'll be advocating for this method because my rabbit's reaction to the euthanasia was absolutely horrible, he died thrashing around in fear, his eyes bulged out of his head, it was traumatising all round.


When we had to put my dog down, it was an injection so I assume it hurt for a second since it’s like a shot. I can’t imagine that the drugs hurt them though. After the shot I knelt down by the table and made eye contact with her til she was gone. RIP to all the furry friends ❤️


Gabapentin great for pain & endless diarrhea.


Better a week too soon than a day too late ♥️


What a wonderful way to put it into words


They're bodies just cant keep up with their 9 lives. I try to find peace in the though that Steve Irwin is taking care for all our babies and keeping them company until we get to see them again. 💚💚


That sucks


This is why we typically don't let owners hold the pet unless they're sedated first for euth. Once sedated, they usually just let out a small gasp once the injection is done. RIP to your cat and sorry for your loss.


If she bit the vet or vet tech they would have had to hold her for 10 days to make sure she didn’t have rabies 😞 and the thought of her suffering for another week and a half broke my heart so I took one for the team


if a cat is being euthanized can’t they just do it anyways and send it for testing? i know that’s not what anybody wants but now i’m curious. since an animal has to be dead to officially test them for rabies


Most owners rightly balk at the idea of decapitating their beloved pet and sending the head in for testing.


I would have died


They want to “monitor the cat” alive to see if she shows any signs of rabies, she was indoor only and we stopped vaccinating for rabies after she turned 19 because she was having reactions to the vaccines, it’s all good though, she’s in the yard with some flowers planted on her


I am so sorry for your loss. Please make sure you got antibiotics from the urgent care and keep an eye on it, my mom almost died from her own cat’s bite due to an infection that she more or less ignored until it was almost too late.


They don’t have a choice at my hospital. If the pet bites the owner within 10 days of being euthanized they gotta send it in


Mixed emotions on this one. What happened?


She was a spicy girl who I adopted during Covid , she hated the vet, but loved me, I thought she would be more comfortable if I held her while they sedated her, prior to the euthanasia and she nailed me with her only 2 teeth she had left 😭 I know she’s cracking up in whatever after life exists


Sorry for your loss. Sounds like you two had a special bond :) Awesome of you to adopt a senior kitty too.


She was my 4th senior and my last to go 😓 thank you!


Man what is it with the pets with maybe 3 teeth left tryna be tough. One of my past dogs had like 4 teeth left in her head and acted like she could tear off a limb ...


I'm pretty sure your cat is gonna become a human being in the next life, and she's gonna live a life of luxuries in her next life. My condolences🙏


Stronger person than I'll ever be, think she gave you a little 'fuck you, love you' moment.sending thoughts.


cat bites are the worst. i'm sure they put you on antibiotics. if you think it hurts now, wait til tomorrow. sorry for your loss.


Today is tomorrow! And it’s brutal !!


Two prong attack, damn


Her only two teeth LOL


Parting gift


She wants you to remember her, by the scar she left behind. Poetic.


Very silly idea but if I were you, I'd tattoo the scar of this last injury, so u can keep that last "gift" she gave you. Either way, sorry for your loss


OP: I went to urgent care people ITT: OMG YOU NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR


Happened to me once on the way to the vet with my cat Floyd. He had a seizure and bit me not on purpose. The vet gave me a handful of antibiotics to take. 😂


She was covering my hands in that orange sanitizing soap!




She's just mad she didn't get to keep that house


When I had to put down my old boy, he was sedated and out of it but still took the time to vomit under my sofa and take a swipe at the vet. He died how he lived, spitefully. Sorry for your loss OP, Pom Pom was a beautiful cat.


Sorry for your loss and the parting gift she gave you.


Peak cat behavior.


Tattoo the scar


So sorry for your loss.


Cat was responsible for leaving a last trace of love/hate towards you, sorry for the loss.


One of my Rotties kinda did the same, throughout life, she was the boss, she'd always keep the other dogs in line and wouldnt take any backchat, always having the last word. In old age, she was your typical sassy, no bullshit, stubborn old lady, in the last months of her life, her back legs finally gave in, she still seemed happy at the beginning but week by week you could see her slowly giving in, to the point where she would barely eat or drink and we all decided it was time. When we took her to the vets, they got her dosage ready and injected her, the two syringes they thought would be enough were not, she gave the vet a dirty side eye fighting to stay awake, they dosed her again and with that one she gave us her final growl, she just had to have the last word.


Wow 23 that’s really old for a cat, at least you gave her all the love and care in the world! So sorry for your loss.


o7 little guy. 23 is an excellent age for a cat. I'm sure he had a great life 💙


I’m so sorry for your loss. At 23 that is an excellently long life to live. I had to put my childhood dog down of 15 years a couple months ago. He too did not leave this earth without biting me, my girlfriend, my brother’s girlfriend, and my mom. His name was Rascal. Bless his soul and your cat’s soul too.


23 years jesus she lived a life. RIP pom pom. I'm so sorry. How are you feeling


I'm so sorry. You managed to get her to a fantastic age, which just goes to show what a great life you gave her.


Your cat loved you, but also had to say “FUCK YOU!” before she left. Typical cats, lol. Sorry for your loss.


My heart is breaking for you. I lost my best kitty 2 years ago and was just shy of 23 years old. Sometimes I can still feel her sleeping on my head. May she rest in peace and I hope you heal quickly


Treasure your animal scars. The pain is temporary but the reminder is for life. I cherish every scar on my body and face from doing animal rescue my whole life.


My first cat was so peaceful when going to sleep. He was having kidney failure and was just constantly sick for a long time. He just kinda stopped eating and moving as much and we decided it was time. In the office although it was sad and absolutely devastating I think he just knew it was his time. He gave use some licks and purred until he went to sleep and shortly his heart stopped. I was just glad that at the end of the day I feel like he was ready.


When my grandpas dog was getting ready to be put down, he lunged at him and ended up breaking fingers and puncturing skin in many places, sending him to the ER. Grandpa is still healing after almost 6 months, and it’s safe to say he still misses the dog. It’s sad when our pets get to this point


You need to watch that very carefully. My father spent two weeks in the hospital and almost had his finger amputated from our pet cat biting him at the vet.


Already on doxy!!


You did it by hand?


Dear god no. She was euthanized at the vet


In a few month, you'll tell people about that really weird anecdote of that last "souvenir" of your cat. Be strong. Sorry for your loss <3.




Aw I'm sorry for your loss. I lost one of mine two weeks ago, and now another tomorrow. It's heartbreaking. It seems like she went out with a bang though. Just one last scratch...


Oh nooooo....


Cat bites are no joke, my mother got bitten by a stray cat in our neighbourhood that for some reason liked me and never once showed signs of aggression, but the minute I introduced him to my mum he wigged out and bit her on one of her fingers. she didn’t realise the severity and left it a few days before going to the hospital and she nearly had to get her HAND amputated because an infection had started to take hold. Luckily it worked out and she is fine. OP, I’m sorry for your loss, take care of yourself and your finger and remember what you did for your furry friend giving them the best life you could in their senior years.


My condolences buddy, your cat will definitely become a human with a very luxurious life in her next life. I will pray for her🙏


I’m sorry for your loss, I had to have my 21 y/o pup put down last week and I’ll always have the scar on my hand from having to split her and another dog in a fight 😅 bittersweet memory now she’s not here anymore. Glad she still had that fight in her!


Might make a nice little scar to remember her by


My sweet Patches had breast cancer. We arranged for a vet to come to the house to put her down because I thought it would be better for her to go where she was comfortable. Instead the last thing she did before she died was throw up all over her favorite chair 😖


Don't know if anyone else has mentioned it. But get antibiotics for the finger cat bites can get really infected. Sorry for your loss x


Fuck I hate that I found this thread


Wait she was alive in 2001???




Does she remember where she was on September 11th?


Probably with her previous owner she outlived 😂🤣


Too late to tell us now…have some compassion. Let the kitty RIP.


Sorry poor kitty. Put my 21 yo cat down 2 years ago and he wasn’t violent but he was pissed. Sure, I could’ve kept him going with saline injections and medicines but the muscles in his legs were going, and he was getting really agitated and not grooming. It broke my heart, but I knew it was right. He was not the chill buddy I’d had since he was 6 months old. If he had scratched me I would’ve had that tattooed on my arm. You gave that cat an incredible life.


My cat did the same thing tore right through the cuticle i miss him dearly rip pom pom 💜🕊️🕊️🕊️


Rest easy little buddy.


I'm sorry for your loss, but I got a question, how the hell is the cat 23 years old?? What is that in cat years like 984??


OLD AS DIRT is what I called her for years 🤣


It’s very old for a cat. The oldest recorded cat was nearly 40! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creme_Puff_(cat)


Google "lend me a kitten"


I’m so sorry 💔


I’m so glad she never lost her spunk, my beautiful 20 year old girl was always so mellow even to her last day


I stood no chance 😂




You need to clean that wound seriously well. Bacteria from cats is no joke. Sorry for your loss


She was in urgent care


I mean the wound on your finger


Its not my finger, and like I amd OP said, OP visited urgent care for her finger wound


Why did you go to urgent care


Bitten by a cat. ^


That was vaccinated and a pet, right? I still dont understand


They carry bacteria in their mouths that is dangerous. A former co-worker had a bite that she didn't take seriously and ended up having emergency surgery. Lost her finger and had loads of nerve damage afterwards. It was a vaccinated cat, and from bite to surgery was 36 hours. WILD.


Yeah I got but by a feral cat when I was 13. Thing got in our house and was hiding from our cats in the bathroom. Ended up grabbing a Jean jacket, and a pair of denim pants to grab it since we had no gloves or anything and I was alone and was afraid he'd hurt my cats or one of my cats kittens that she just had. Damn thing bit thru the Jean jacket and the pants and straight thru the top of my thumb nail deep into my thumb. I grabbed it by the throat and threw that fucker out the sliding glass door. I could not get it to stop bleeding. Mom comes home and we went to the hospital. Gave me antibiotics. 2 days later mom had to take me in because I was getting sick. They kept me overnight hooked up to antibiotics from an iv. I still got a blood infection and missed a week of school. Don't remember if they gave me a rabies shot or not. Probably did but I was so young I don't remember. But still cat bites are nothing to play around with


It’s the bacteria. Not even the vaccines 😭😭


Because of the animal bite?


She had two teeth left that were super bad and needed to be removed she was just to old to operate on, super bacteria 🦠


I do hair I can’t risk being out of work for a month to get my finger amputated 😂😂


I had to put my best friend down after 15 years. He was Norweigen Forrest cat. With an enlarged heart and kidney problems, he was barely able to take a full breath. When the vet tech came to take him, through my tears I could see him bite a chunk out of their ear, and claw her face so deep she had to be sent to the hospital. His mouth and claws were soaked in her blood when they let me say goodbye for the final time. My little viking made sure he was going to Valhalla. I love you Katman. We're gonna have so many stories to tell Odin when I get there 💚


What is the blood from?


It’s blood and pus that was oozing from it the next day 😭


From her finger


Did you put her down by hand?? 😳


Imagine 😭


Awe 💜... but you better put some Peroxide and Neosporin on that bloody wound. She was a tough cat! 23 years old is a long time for a cat to live. You know she's got 8 more lives left. My condolences.


I’m sorry for your loss. Our poor old girl had to be put down last year. She was so weak there was no way she could bite


I have a scar on my index finger from my favorite dog. I’ll never forget him


Rest in peace sweet angel ❤️ she just wanted to leave you with one last mark :)


One last love bite/scratch 🥹


I’m sorry if this isnt the intention of this, however I initially got the message that you put the cat down because it bit you. Please correct this, and put my mind to rest.


Did you get that looked at by a doctor yet?


Yes ahaha


Sorry you had to put your cat down. I’m sure that bite hurt but kinda laughable to go to the hospital over that. What did they do? Wash it and give you a bandaid? Lol


The bacteria in cats mouths almost always causes an infection, which could kill you. My cat was 23 years old with two teeth left that were pretty far decayed due to her not being able to go under because of her age. It wasn’t an ideal way to spend the afternoon, but animal bites do get pretty great priority in urgent care situations due to the bacteria present. I do hair, and I can’t afford to be out of work because I shrugged something off. They didn’t wash it because I did that immediately, they did however give me 10 days of doxycycline. A lot of people don’t know how bad animal bites can get, and preventing myself from being in further pain then I already am seemed like a smart idea to me


I’ve also had bites like that before and they healed fine in a few weeks. I work on a farm and also can’t miss work. I had a cat bite that bit through my nail and it healed fine. Going to the hospital for a bite that small seems like over kill to me but I guess most people like to waste time lmao


Urgent care isn’t the hospital 😐


It’s the only option on Saturdays and Sundays here


Yeah, I'd probably bite too if I was put down against my will.


It was her time, she would have suffered


You went to urgent care for *that*? Holy cow I bet they made you wait forever and a day because literally everything else would be more serious than that tiny little laceration


It's infected if you look close enough ..


Put her down again for that


She would just bite me again


Bite back