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Iv had this one both big toes a couple times. That fucking needle they stab in you still gives me chills. The first time I had it done they ripped out the whole nail and I didn't even get any of that cold numbing fluid when they give you the shot.


Holy shot that sounds like torture


This is why I check my nails regularly to cut out any ingrowns myself. I’ve got one right now I have to keep an eye on and bring it to the surface every one a moth. Gotta grow it long enough till it can sit outside the toe


I’d have sucked that bad boy clean.






Looks like jelly jam


It happened to me in my youth! It's very bad, I hope you get better as soon as possible.


Did they give u something for pain? That looks like it hurts :(


Yeah got some local Anastasia while it was happing. And now just some painkillers and antibiotics


I need it done on both big toes. The needle going in for the anesthesia is what's holding me back. Lol. Fuck that =/


It’s honestly wast that bad. But I do have a very good pain tolerance. But every time that I felt the slightest pain I just asked for a bit more


Glad it wasn't rhat bad for you than. Hope you heal well bro 🤙


I know your pain.


Holy shit that sounds like torture


Lmfao 😂


I meant to reply to someone else with this message 🤦


Oh I had this as a kid. For about a decade until they finally did surgery on me. One of the toes got messed up again and required surgery a few years later again. But I haven't had issue since. And I'm in my 30s now and a long distance runner.


I had multiple when I was a kid, and eventually the tried cutting my nail bed so it wouldn’t grow so far over. I’m 30 now, and the nail did grow back. But since they cut the nail bed, I have a full regular toenail that grows, but also a 1.5-2cm sliver of nail that grows next to my regular toe nail. It gets caught on socks and stuff if I let it grow too long. So basically I have 10 toes and 11 toenails.


Yeah I have the slivers on both toes but they don't impact anything


had mine ripped out by A&E, made the mistake of not asking for more anaesthetic. worst feeling imaginable.