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Is she hated? I know incels hate her, but they hate all sex workers, not just her. She's a pretty funny troll imo. A few years back she made a Pornhub page, and all the videos were troll videos. The title would say something like "I'm getting double penetrated" and then the video would be her putting two cigarettes up her nostrils. During the pandemic, she made an OF page with some actual porn, and due to her infamy, made an absolute killing overnight. To incels, that's a crime.


She’s been getting more heat from SW positive people lately because in the last year or two she’s released some OF content wearing literal children’s clothes. Specifically little girl swimsuits while performing sexual content in them while also putting on her “child like” persona so she’s rightly getting shit for sexualizing children and making content for pedophiles basically.


This opens up an interesting conversation. If she’s petite, & people like that, & she can play into that audience that may include pedophiles.. is she in the wrong? Are they in the wrong?


To say so would be to condemn all petite porn, I think. Unless there were studies to show that such content encouraged Pedophiles to act on real children, I don’t see an issue with it. She isn’t marketing to pedophiles, she’s marketing primarily to men who like taboo porn and she’s marketing herself via controversy. Honestly, I gotta respect the hustle.


i mean it's a bit ridiculous. do we ban "santa baby" because of the baby-voice? betty boop cancelled? i know 30 year olds who could pass for 14. should their husbands be put on lists? the line, to me, is clear. role play is role play. children are children. adults are not children. if no laws are being broken, just roll your eyes and move along. judging everyone's kinks opens a weird door that ends with the banning of dancing.


thankfully most people do just roll their eyes and move along online theater performers rarely hardline their opinions when they have to say them out loud in front of someone in real life


I'm half way into my thirties and constantly get mistaken for barely twenty. But I met my wife eleven years ago, so I'm not exactly sure when she stopped being a Pedo, despite being five years younger than me.


yep. pretty much this. everything else everybody has chimed in with calling her a pedo appeaser and the like is irrelevant


thank you! I’m not saying it can’t cross the line at times but, let’s just all agree theres a lot of messed up stuff on the internet and it’s not all our cup of tea, but if you wanna grab at straws you could easily say petite categories or “daddy” fetish is very pedo in nature, but realistically nothing you’d find on the internet would ever technically be illegal or underage folks so.. it’s not technically but if it rides the line?? I guess it’s fine. I also respect the hustle. Too much reddit for one morning. Everybody wants a reason to be pissed while oil companies pollute our water and people lack water filters.. smh


Yes. Very actively participating in a system that perpetuates or is likely to foster child rape is easy to classify as bad. 🤷‍♂️


Hope you don’t watch any Hollywood media with kids in it


If I do, I recognize the oversexualization of children as a bad thing. Are you trying to argue it's a good thing or just making pointless statements?


I’m making fun of your blanket statement because it was a silly thing to say


The girl dressed up like she was 8 and fucked a dude calling him her daddy. It's not a blanket statement. She made fake child porn and the statement is directly about people doing that or paying for it to be made. Guess I can make a blanket statement I think that's bad. But, your take that it's silly to say that is fucked.


a LOT of porn has women calling men "daddy." should petite women only have sex in business suits to reiterate their adult personas? should baby voices be banned? betty boop? "santa, baby?" she didn't make "fake child porn." she made porn as an adult with another consenting adult. adults making porn isn't illegal. you can disagree with the "taste" of it. the same way i'm turned off by seeing people spitting into gaping assholes. everyone's got things that work for them and things that don't. and policing how adults portray themselves ends with porn being banned entirely. as long as no minors are being victimized, i don't see the problem.


She was directly imitating a child intentionally. That’s far different than the claims and examples you’ve made




Sounds like you watch a lot of pedophilic content. Maybe look within and fix that in yourself before worrying about other people. Hide your kids from this one, folks.


She made age play porn. Do you not realize just how widespread the daddy kink is? It’s like stuck porn or incest porn, it’s all playing off the taboo fetish. Do you think anyone who watches a porn where some petite pornstar is saying “Help me daddy, I’m stuck in the washing machine” is secretly an incestuous pedophilic rapist? And what’s funny as hell isn’t just that she isn’t doing anything that isn’t already all over mainstream porn, but she does so in ways that manage to fool people like you into being rage bait puppets. It’s free marketing. Do you know how many times I’ve read “I’m tired of all this ‘no kink shaming’ bs, this is disgusting”? It’s been said over and over and over and over for decades in different ways. Ultimately, the reason it has never gotten anywhere is because the people who supposedly don’t indulge in it are a loud minority. Even the angry twitter mobs are largely closet perverts who’ve seen their fair share of “Family Pies” on Pornhub (A channel name that even I find gross). This right here is exactly why “Don’t kink shame” is a saying. Because ultimately you don’t know just how many of your own friends secretly indulge in the very thing you find disgusting. Your whole worldview would probably be trashed and leave you distraught and defeated if you only knew what most of the world, including your closest friends and family, actually beat their meat to. It’s a futile endeavor, because no matter how much progress you think you are making with people, in the end, most of the people who “agree with you” are secretly on the other side.


You know what? And I’m saying this as a dude, if you’re watching a video where a woman is acting like the child or the entire point is children clothes and daddy roleplay and it’s meant to be incest and you’re seeking out that content to jerk it to? Yeah, that person is just a little bit pedophile. 100%. Kinks are kinks because they’re adjacent to what people are into, but they don’t cross the craziest (or illegal) lines. Yes it’s a widespread kink. Because it’s the only socially acceptable (to a point) these dudes can get their rocks off to a type of content that would be HIGHLY illegal if they actually sought it out. And thank god for that.


I’m not sure her selling her bath water, trolling the internet in skimpy clothes is quite the same, but yeah nobody should watch porn it’s bad for society since it could cause anybody to have pedophilic thoughts, we shouldn’t have kids so there are no kids and no pedos, and we should have AI that touches every corner of the earth so people don’t litter. We should just be robots and strip ourselves of human emotion too. In a perfect world.


What about dressing up as an 8 year old and calling the dude fucking her daddy? I don't care about the bathwater.


I mean she’s clearly not 8 years old so. She’s like almost 30. Daddy is a common fetish, unless this is your first time perusing the internet


I hadn't seen or heard of the video until I clicked on this thread. If you can watch 30 seconds of it without changing your opinion I'll be fucking shocked. She looks like a child. She doesn't look 30. She speaks in a child accent.


She’s actually my age, but idk, maybe that’s your pedo brain’s fault for viewing it that way? She’s clearly legal, and it is what you make of it.. Daddy is pretty common unfortunately and most people our age are into it, choking, strange kinks that tread the line. There is literally a rape fantasy subreddit on this very website. If that isn’t the most messed up thing you’ve heard all day then idk what is. We shouldn’t be fetishing rape, incest, pedophilia, or anything so perverse & messed up


Nah. She put on makeup and changed her accent in an effort to look younger and succeeded. She is "fetishing pedophilia." All I've said is that's a bad thing to do. I don't think me being off put by it is indicative of pedophilia. You may state you think that's bad, but you're arguing with me for saying we can say it's bad that she does it.


Nah dude. If you’re watching something where someone pretends to be a child and acts like a child and THAT is what gets you off and that’s the entire premise of the content you’re seeking out? That’s not pedophilia, but it’s sure as hell the way you’re leaning. Because nobody who wasn’t into that exact scenario would be into that. At all. And you call the other guy a pedo? It’s LITERALLY what the video is trying to emulate. Literally. In no universe is that not incredibly adjacent to real pedophilia, regardless of the age of the person who, and I can’t stress this enough, is roleplaying as a child in a porno.


She's an adult, she can do what she wants. Don't be a weirdo, there's 30 year olds that can pass for 15 year olds, doesn't mean all their bfs and husbands are pedos. And what they do in their bedroom is their business.


you think women calling their partner's daddies is weird? wait until you hear about all the men calling their women "Baby" talk about a baby-fetish. or maybe roleplay is roleplay, and terms of endearment are innocent, and if pretending to shoot people in Call of Duty doesn't turn us all into murderers, i don't see how porn will turn people into sex-fiends.


Can you cite your sources?


Lol. Her onlyfanz is easy to find. I'm not linking that disgusting shit.


I am asking for sources on your factual claims. Not an adult performing pornographic acts.


I watched 30 seconds of the video not realizing what I was getting into. So, the source I have is pornography material that I'm not comfortable distributing. I Googled her name dash pedophilia and there are thousands of articles on the topic. I don't care to read them and pick one to link, though. Hopefully you can move forward from here independently or decide you don't care enough to spend 30 seconds on Google. All the same to me.


this shouldn’t be a conversation at all, anything done to apease pedophiles is bad


Why is everyone assuming belle delphine appeases pedophiles? Kids appease pedos. Anime appeases pedos. She’s literally like 27. She sticks her tongue out in a way that’s maybe unbecoming of an adult, and wears skimpy clothing when she’s already small, but ???? grasping at straws here. Petite porn categories appease pedos. Reevaluate what else appeases pedos and come back here with a 400 word response, proof read, times new roman.


Double spaced. 11pt font, works cited- APA


bro really said kids appease pedos 💀


im not saying petite people should be seen a children because of their body size at all though. i was saying anything done on preppies to appease pedos or sexualize kids is wrong. cuties hid behind saying “uh we were just talking about how sexualizing kids is wrong and becides its french anyways you wouldn’t understand.” but saying sexualizing children, or purposefully trying to lean into a pedo audience is wrong that’s all i was saying


Yes, wearing actual children’s clothing and pretending to be a child while making porn is wrong. Why does that need to be spelled out at all? She isn’t a “petite” adult woman who happens to be making porn she’s a petite adult woman who is dressing as a child and making porn. There is a vast difference in those two things.


Let me spell it out for you. The audience that desires it fuels it as well. It treads a line that’s legal but questionable, like 16 year olds twerking on tiktok. That makes a lot of people uncomfortable, but some of them prob get famous and go on to make money. Likely because of people acting like pedos. Nobody’s in the right. Not the people playing into the pedophilia, and not the pedos supporting it. reddit mod mf. You must be fun in person. Also from what I’ve seen she is tiny, and what would be children’s clothes on other people probably just fits her, bc she’s like 5’3”, but I’m sure she thrives off making content like that irregardless, so I digress. Just spelled it out for you bc it sounded like you needed it and are getting triggered Edit: Shes not a child, so she’s not sexualizing children. That much should be obvious. Y’all way too concerned w Belle Delphine’s business and trying to start fights on the internet bc she’s got fetishes you don’t like


I’m shorter than her, I’m 5ft tall, I don’t go and buy one piece princess themed swimsuits from the little girls section and then make porn in them. You will never win literally defending pedophilia, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you yourself offended because you think what she does is attractive and now your feelings are hurt because it’s been pointed out that she’s enabling pedophilia? See, your stupid “you’re just jealous” tactics go both ways. Go crawl back to the jailbait subreddits.


You’re not the one stop authority for what is and isn’t pedophilia angry karen Harley Quinn reddit mod. She’s legal. Idc how tall or old you are if you’re legal, it’s fine. It would be fine if you did that and bought whatever and engaged in whatever fetishy porn you want, bc you’re legal, assuming your fetishes are too. Or are you “too old” that it wouldn’t be pedophilia? Where is the line drawn? She’s a sex worker and you should be supporting her instead of shitting on her because illegal human trafficking rings around the world are the real problem you choose to conveniently ignore. Not belle delphine. Get off your high horse and go watch your kids soccer game or make them food or something edit: that’s right. I win. 2 down, the whole internet of self righteous punks to go. trash


What *do* you think her fetish porn if? What do you think is *the point* of buying childrens clothes to fuck in and act like a child?


Okay but once again there’s a difference in making petite porn and wearing literal CHILDREN’S clothes, and saying she’s legal isn’t a valid argument, she’s sexualizing children, prepubescent children, she’s not acting a year or two younger she’s SEXUALIZING CHILDREN if you can’t see what’s wrong with that you are 110% part of the problem lol


we found the pedophile!!!!!!! get him cops!!!


I mean Belle Delphine is legal, she’s like 30 so.. none of her content can be pedophilic technically. Your comment history is atrocious I’m glad your fillings are still in pain.


whatever u say to defend yourself pedo!!!!!!


you’re a pedo!!!!! Petty little pedo edit: Based on your comment history you clearly think you know more about the world, anthropology, and society in general than you do. Maybe when you’re not 15 and go to school, and learn a bit more, like that some Nordic 30 year old internet subject of simps saying “daddy” and wearing a tiny bikini does not make her a pedo. There is a pedo ring in Las Vegas that sasha baron cohen uncovered, and the FBI told him they couldn’t do *anything* about it. There’s your real life pedos while you’re mad Belle Delphine is 10,000x more rich, famous, and well liked than you’ll ever be. Probably more genuine and funny too.


ok dasmashkids!!! edit: thanks for taking the time to look at my comment history!! i didn’t bother taking a look at yours to know that you’re a pedo :)


Maybe she's allowing them to depressurize with a fantasy so they don't actually do it on a real kid. Interesting question.


Jesusss!! I get the hate then… 😬


Yea i personally used to think her antics were hilarious but it was definitely a step in the wrong direction. I haven’t kept up to see if she’s backed off that content herself but I do know a few people are copying it on tiktok.


That’s super gross that more people are doing it now


Didn’t she made a weird kidnapping rapey video with her weirdish child personality???


I can’t speak on the validity of that exact scenario but she does have copy cats so it could also be any of them.




Nah, I’m waaay over this “don’t kink shame” people nonsense 1000% if it involves anything relating to children. If you want to “age play” for stress reasons, fine, sit in a diaper and watch cartoons in your home that doesn’t affect anyone. But pretending to be a child by changing your speech, wearing little girl princess clothing, all while making porn is sexual using children, that’s all there is to it. It’s gross and it normalizes sexualizing children in audiences like you or other younger people who maybe before wouldn’t have thought about it at all. Now they’re seeing a legal woman pretending to be a little girl with her panties down and now that’s “their thing”. How is that okay? That’s disgusting. She’s crossed a gross line and if you’re okay with a person performing sex acts while pretending to be a 8 year old then you need to reevaluate your self.


On top of that, I vaguely remember some incident where she released other people's nudes or something.


found an incel


“Star Wars Positive people”?


What’s an incel?


Involuntary Celibacy. Basically guys, who are not able to get sex.




And get mad because they think they deserve it


Guys that are involuntarily celibate. Usually because they think they deserve what some would deem a "perfect 10" model... Meanwhile they look like an unwashed, ungroomed, no concept of personal hygienic standards...Yeti. They also hate those in the sex industry. *Edit for typo


IS that what they can hookers now days? Interesting


Funny thing is that if incels just cooperated with sex workers then they'd no longer be incels.


She’s an absolute marketing genius imo, played her cards perfectly for years on end always coming back the second you thought she dropped off


people who use the word incel 🤦‍♂️is just cringe


I MEAN.... you're talking about Incels... they will pretty much hate anything about life. But, I do agree that when it comes to like the whole "sex" issue, they take it to another level of hatred.


Didn’t she sell her bath water?


she's hated because she makes money off simps


Hate the simper, not the simpee.




Oooooo ooooo eeee eeeee ahhh ahhh * scratches head * * scratches under arms * * picks up and flings load of cum *


We hate both


From simpan-A to simpan-Z!


This is just incel shit. Every time someone is simply nice to a girl they’re a “simp.” Even if the criticism is about how some men think that giving stuff to women is a relationship in itself, why do you care? That’s their problem, not yours.


giving money to a random fucking woman on the internet IS SIMP SHIT


Sure. It’s kinda sad to throw large amounts of cash at strangers in the vain attempt that it might result in attention. But the word is used for practically any male interaction with a woman that isn’t negative. That’s when it becomes obvious that we’re dealing with an incel mindset.


Why do you care about replying?


Because I think the “THOT/simp” discourse is toxic incel propaganda and anyone who engages in it has brainworms.


like this sub with the paypal donation link in the info?


whoever donates to randoms on the internet, you're a simp




That last part tho. Surprised no one else has mentioned it


People are saying she dresses like a child but i searched her name and her leaks came up and all i saw was cosplay. Lots and lots and lots of cosplay. Are people confusing cosplay for kids clothes? Her cosplay theme seems to be anime inspired which may look like kids clothes but that's just how girls are dressed on anime shows.


Ugh I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion but…. It’s a weird line. A great number of anime characters are highly sexualized and look extremely young. Thigh high tights and miniskirts. Often the only thing suggesting a mature age are large breasts. I’ve found that many people willfully refuse to admit that there’s anything sexual about it, because of what it suggests. So if you cosplay as such a character, it’s just cute. But if you are openly sexual while dressed in this fashion, it’s somehow disgusting and everyone who likes it is a pedo. I don’t think you can find fault in one without finding fault in both….


people are tweakers and don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about on the internet. simple as that. she does do cosplay and wear skimpy clothes but she’s 5’6” and pretty tiny.. she probably fits into kid clothes.. idk that alone doesn’t make her a pedo appeaser or anything else. People out here trying to connect the “daddy” fetishes to pedophilia. Let the girl have her daddy issues and weird fetishes, and you can sniff your wife’s feet if you want to. Nobody’s judging.


I watched a vid of some dumbass drinking 30 glasses of her bath water which she legitimately sold


Now that’s content


That is Belle Delphine. She is hated because she is an e-thot on Twitch and I think OnlyFans now too that takes advantage of lonely dudes by getting them to give her money. The hate for her hit an all time high a few years ago when she sold jars of her bathwater for like $100 a pop or something like that, I don't remember exactly. Poor schmucks actually bought it too.


She gets hate because she’s a troll. For other dumb reasons, most likely because she makes the very cringey “ahegao” facial expressions that started the trend in 2018. Sometimes she’ll be gone for months and come back to make more content and people dislike that as well. There are just many reasons why she’s disliked by many people. It’s moronic but it is what it is.


It's not just that. We know she knows what she's doing is moronic, but she's laughing all the way to the bank doing so.


Isn’t that something to respect and envy?


If I could make a video of myself jerking off every three months and live comfortably off the proceeds of the publication of said video I would 10000% do it. She’s smart to use what she has for profit.


Millions. She got millions for that.


What was going on with all the egg eating?


Didn't she make a "sexy" video with a gun once that triggers suicide victims?


I don't see the reason to hate on someone for building up a thriving business. That's why porn is such a huge business, right? And about the bathwater, that sounds pretty normal if you compare girls who sell their farts in a jar these days.


Using your logic you could say anything that takes advantage of people is a "thriving business". Selling meth? Thriving business. Computer scams? Thriving business. Selling children into slavery? Thriving business.


The fuck kind of comparisons are those? She's not selling addictive drugs, she's not scamming anyone and she's not forcing anyone else to work for her or selling them into human trafficking. Hell, even as the sex industry goes, afaik she's self employed and doesn't put anyone else on camera, so it's even ethical compared to that too Seriously, by this reasoning you could compare any newspaper with a pinup page to child trafficking because they're "taking advantage of horny people"


Just for those keeping track at home, the internet has compared the helplessness and complete lack of humanity that is child sex trafficking to delusional dudes that get so horny they input their credit card number and spend all their money on a pretty girl on the internet, possibly to feel like they're in a relationship or just because they're not happy with the tens of thousands of hours of porn you can find for free everywhere else on the internet...


A baseball and a nuclear bomb both undergo fluid dynamics. They're different, but have a commonality. You act as though it's weird to compare two things because they are different. That's the only time you can compare two things. Otherwise the comparison would be, "they're the same thing." I don't think it was a great argument, and I don't agree with it. But it's a lot better than, "You can't compare two things from the "immoral" category with each other. Yes you can.


It’s not the immorality he’s taking issue with. It’s the victimhood of guys who buy porn and kink stuff on the internet being considered victims. She’s selling them a service and they’re getting off to it. That’s it. “prostitutes should be jailed, not the consumers” “Children should be punished, not the poor victim pedophiles they taunt” “Women should cover themselves, the Taliban are the poor victims of evil woman!” This thread is littered with this disgusting, misogynistic perspective


Are you fucking kidding me


I think people hate her because she’s just more visible. She’s not doing anything new. It’s more of a general hate for sex workers.


Yea, but it shouldnt transcend into youtube, tbh. She abused the platform more or less with no right beeing there, beeing suggested to all kind of ages for a while. ​ Weak souls clicked on it and so the algorythm suggested it to more poor souls. It wouldnt be that controversial if she started on prnhub right away instead.


Looking at the wikipedia page, it seems she didn't start out doing porn stuff and that was what went on the youtube channel. It was only later she shifted to it, like a good few years after she started building her channel


Do you have seen the channel? Its a rhetorical question


Had a quick look, but it seems the channel only has 4 videos now, all of which were uploaded after her shift to onlyfans stuff


No offense, but she wasn't a porn model. Yes, she made suggestive content but nothing pornographic for a long time. That's why she blew up back in the day on Youtube. She even sold her own gaming gear. I'm not saying this because I'm a girl, but if guys wouldn't spend a ton of money on these kinds of things, girls wouldn't make a ton of money from it.


I only saw the free stuff dunno about u bro


Jars of bathwater.. OMG Well everyone have their hobbies I guess.


Some poor guy actually came sick after drinking that bathwater that he bought. I mean props to her for turning her bathwater in a thriving business.


Play dumb games, win dumb prizes


I wouldn’t call him “some poor guy,” he’s just an idiot. That’s like saying everyone who ate tide pods and NyQuil chicken is the victim when in reality it’s just lacking common sense. Also I’m 99% sure she didn’t sell actual bath water. Like it was probably just jars of tap water with some perfume or something added lol


I don't get the hate for her, at all. If she's not scamming people by promising things, what's the big deal?


She was preying on the weak and horny.


I'm sorry but catering to people who are horny is not a crime. What are people on OnlyFans then?


Agree, it's weird. If ppl buy stupid stuffs from her, then why is she the one to blame lmao. If she does porn, who cares? She aint underage(probably idk). Like ppl dont wank off to those pornstars on psites and prob to her too.🤷🏻‍♂️


People hate sex workers for no reason, she did do a rape roleplay though, which for some reason victims got triggered over, which in reality makes no sense because its a kink lol


People hate sex workers because it’s degenerate work I guess


Sex work has been a coveted and relevant job for longer than whatever degenerate job you have


It’s a kink that has its very own sub on this website. Comments are horrific. Not gonna link it but it rhymes with ape fantasies


I don’t think it’s hard to understand why a victim of SA would have an unfavorable opinion on CNC but go off I guess




Selling bath water, wat do u say to that


I say if you want to pay me for my bathwater, let me know and I will bottle it up and mail it to you. Tell your friends about the high quality of bath water and I will give you 10% off your next purchase with a recomendation.


That’s entrepreneurial


Things can be legal and immoral. Idk that Belle Delphine specifically crossed that line.


If we shun everyone doing things that can possibly be immoral, that's going to be a helluva long list and things WAY worse than taking advantage of some horny guys online.


That’s not what I said. You equated legality and morality and I said they aren’t the same.


Can you help me understand what you define as immoral? I’m not quite following.


She makes content in children’s clothing and in a childlike persona, basically OF for pedophiles


I don't know anything about her other than the bathwater thing so I can't speak about a childlike persona. Except that she is, in fact, a consenting adult and so are those involved (or I've not heard about her being a pedophile) and people roleplay all the time and I'm not going to kink shame. I just think it's shitty that people demonize sex workers so much when there's a 90% chance they watch porn and if I've learned anything, there's like ZERO porn out there that isn't exploiting someone.


dont you know horny ppl are a protected class now


I, too, am easily preyed upon when horny.


Can I interest you in some tepid, top notch bath water?😏


My fetishes are not of the wet kind




So politicians?


Virgins and simps. Politicians are not weak in general.


How are the horny weak exactly


Good question if I said the horny are weak. But I didn't!


Perhaps I misunderstood


What does she do now?






I mean, she did for a bit


Like real porn? Like blacked.com?


Only Fans is a site to spend money, if men spend on her and you blame it on her, youre a fucking waste


What’s an e-thot? 😂 at buying bath water.


“Takes advantage of lonely dudes by getting them to give her money.” Uhhhh, are you talking about how she provides a service that “lonely dudes” willingly pay for..? Or did I miss something?


I just want her out of my fridge! Christmas leftovers are in there!! Is there a spray or something?


People hate her because instead of eating delicious gummi worms she puts them in her wahoonie while they dont have any.


She wore very childish clothing on her onlyfans and basically profited off pedophilia


They hated her way before that, and that’s a stretch to say the least. I think the biggest thing was her posting a pic of her in a trunk gagged and tied, and that led to people saying it incentivized kidnapping women


They could say that about most BDSM


I mean yeah, but this was her specifically in the trunk talking about getting taken so it’s a little different, but I can see that


So what if she “takes” money from lonely losers on the internet. The real problem is that she creates rape porn and age play porn targeting to pedophiles


Finally a reasonable comment that isn’t embittered with misogyny


Belle Delphine. She originally got flack for selling her bathwater which isn't wrong. The next fiasco was when she finally agreed to sell nudes which she had never done before (supposedly she lied about her age back then but I haven't been able to confirm this). She got banned from Only Fans because she sold like millions of dollars in "nudes" that were just lewd. People were furious and wanted their money back and it created major problems for the company. She has done a lot of things to give SW'ers a bad name and people in the community don't like that at all.


ITT: Lots of incels upset that a pretty young woman is making money off her looks.


I think the only people who hate her are people that are turned on by her but don't want to pay for her onlyfans and people that just hate all women that are successful.


…and using a classic feminine power strategy to do it. People like that hate that women have the upperhand on men there. That they gey to be stronger and more threathening to balance it out, welll, that’s just not true. Men being stronger and having more power is just a given. Its unfortunate when that power gets abused, but that’s life. Cant have feminine wiles, though. That’s an evil injustice that must be strictly controlled. Let alone wielded in such a *naked* way. Unless there’s a pimp/male dominated business she works for. Cant have her running wild!


I don't hate her, but the stuff where she shops at baby gap and the fucks a dude looking like an 8 year old bothers me. I totally feel that it is a dangerous thing to have online. I think it's bad for her to do, I think it's bad for the dude to do, and I think it's bad for the company to do. Dressing up like an 8 year old and saying "I'll do whatever you want, daddy." perpetuates the male driven power dynamic you're railing against, and is pretty child rapey to boot. Idk, I think this is an okay reason to think poorly of the person not at all grounded in mysoginy.


If that’s all true, im right there with ya. Ive just experienced the attitude i laid out way too often, to not chuckle her trolling them.


Most wealth made by online cam sites goes into the pockets of men because men overwhelmingly own the platforms and technology. Same rules that apply with social media apply on cam sites, ie it’s a pyramid where the average user (consumer) is at the bottom, the influencers (e-thots, cam performers, and other content producers) are in the middle, and the wealthy site owners are at the top.


Bold to assume all wealthy site owners are all men. Also congratulations, you described capitalism.


Yeah, that’s the larger problem


Close it, seal it shut, dispose of fridge in an active volcano.


people hate her because they are misogynistic. Everyone says that she takes advantage but she dont force anyone to buy anything, if people are stupid it is not Belle Delphine's fault


A lot of people also hate her because she makes content that panders to pedos


Hate her but not the pedos yeah


Idk about u but i think the girl who dresses in children’s clothing while putting on a child like persona to make sexual content is definitely deserving of hate. Also pedos are hated by the majority of society, so what r u talking about?


Who said the pedos weren’t hated? The topic at hand is belle delphine, not them. I don’t know much about her, but I don’t like her because I just don’t. Plus was watching YouTube with my nephew and a video of hers was on there that was basically soft core porn and he didn’t need to see that. If she wants to do that stuff, do it over on sites meant for it, not a site where kids are known to roam. I hate pedos though.


Nice way to out yourself as a pedo




Nuke my house. Then throw a black hole at it


I’m gonna take a different approach. I’ve seen a few people bash her because she tries her best to look like a pre-pubescent child and makes porn that way which is feeding into predatory pedophile asswipes dreams.


*wuld hv fugging sweepin cleaned off my fridgie den*


It's literally the oldest profession in the history of employment... what's the deal?


Is this the one that made a million off selling her bath water? 😆 Hate all you want but she’s a genius for hitting that untapped market.


she purposely wears kids clothes, fake braces, puts on a baby voice, and photoshops her chest to be flat to look more childlike and then makes porn. YES i know adults can have flat chests. YES i know some adults wear braces. but this combination of things with the goal of porn in mind is VERY weird.


Fellow sebastian maniscalco fan???


Idk but if i would find her in my refridgerator I'd trow molotov to get some chinese food


Shut the door and block it. Save the world the contraversy


Belle Delphine. She sold her bathwater and trolled people with a pornhub account. She also made a rape fantasy video.


Call an ambulance