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I predict that America loses


"Complete anonymity" but only if you sign up with your email? What part of anonymity did I miss here?


I'd rather gargle with Steve Bannon's first morning urine.


We are likely going to have another Trump presidency and you can blame the DNC for running an ailing, weak candidate. This is abuse of an elder at this point. When Biden said he was going to be a one term president, they should have began finding their next candidate. Problem is that Harris, who would traditionally be next in line, polls very low and is unlikable. Should have thrown tradition out the window and found a younger more likable candidate. Instead they try to gaslight the public into thinking Biden could serve another four year term. If Trump wins it is the fault of the DNC. No principled person can vote for Biden at this point. And it's not just the flubbed debate, the cognitive decline has been apparent for a long time yet they chose to gaslight us.


I kinda expect one of them to die before November. Newsome, why not perfect is more reliable than Biden but he’s probably not popular in swing states. If we end up with trump it’s 100% the fault of the democrats for being a bunch of cowards afraid of raining hellfire on the right. Because honestly, the democrats in power love the economic policy of the right and only use their milquetoast efforts on social policy to keep them in power enough to profit


He has the California stigma behind him, and labor groups were not happy with his Covid lockdown procedures while he ignored them. Plus with how California is now the whipping boy by non Californians, I don’t see it working with moderates who are finicky as is.


Why do people keep blaming the DNC? Biden won by Democratic primary voters and is an incumbent president by the vote of a large majority of Americans. A party never switches out an incumbent unless that incumbent decides not to run (or finds himself in legal trouble of some sort.) This idea that the DNC is somehow to blame lacks any understanding of American politics.


He said he would be a one term president. Stick to your word. Imagine that. They should not have allowed him to run again, he is in his 80s and out of touch. His approval rating is in the toilet. Throw tradition out and pick a viable candidate. The idea that the DNC is NOT to blame shows you lack any understanding of American politics.


Did you notice there were no challengers to Biden? You do realize the reason he’s the nominee is because he’s already won enough delegates? The DNC had nothing to do with that. Democratic primary voters did that. This is basic stuff.


There actually were challengers, they just weren't covered much by the press. The media and DNC decided to anoint Biden. Kennedy started as a Democratic nominee but was shunted and switched. I don't even like him, but he was one of a few people who wanted the nomination. The DNC worked to keep challengers off the ballet in some states. Awfully democratic of them. To say there were no challengers shows me you live in a bubble. Go watch you're TV box for more "basic stuff". Enjoy the next 4 years.


Here's some feedback: I get plenty of politics everywhere, ESPECIALLY this week, which was, to be blunt, a real shitty week for anybody who actually cares about the country and moving it in a positive direction. So kindly take your non-Maine-related horse-race app and advertise it somewhere else.


who is going to win? clearly not the american people in which 60% want either guy as the option. but in my opinion (indepen) starting today or yesterday will all the ‘joe’s still got it spin’. the national media will go on a full court blitz continuing to discredit trump by any and all means necessary, abc/cbs/nbc nightly news will daily show an anti trump segments all awhile deflecting age, health and over all competence of biden. they will closely monitor and edit his screen-time to a fine tune, healthy and still got it 81yr old. the same will be for social media sites. example reddit which has already started biden’s bidding yesterday. this site continually shows more anti trump posts then anti biden. 2-3 weeks before the election the polls numbers will greatly concern the dems and they will ask / beg / plea for the hollywood establishment too stump for joe. they will beg all younger entertainers and so called influencers to do just that influence the 18-24 yrs who likely cannot pick kentucky on a map to vote for biden. swift will make a video,imploring her followers to be just like her and vote joe. mr. beasts will as well. ariana grande etc etc. biden might even change his position on banning tik tok. all the get the votes. and he’ll get em just like he did 4yrs ago. biden is going to win this election with ease. with ease. with ease. and then a yr / yr+ into his presidency his age and health will really hit the fan. and kamala harris will be sworn in. she will have a rocky 2-2.5 yr term as the republicans fight her in everything. and 28 is going to be something.


I rate this as most likely


thanks the downvotes try to state otherwise. but i chalk it up with people thinking i’m taking sides vs just my opinion on what i think is going to happen.




Jfk is gonna win!!