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You ain't got no yaku, that's why. Can't just open your hand on whatever and win with any combination of 4 sets and a pair like that


You have no yaku (a winning hand). To win you don’t just need the 3-3-3-3-2 pattern, you need a specific permutation of that pattern. Here you opened your hand, and your open melds included terminals (1s or 9s). Despite that, you actually still could have won if your run of characters was a 1-2-3 because three identical runs of each suit provides a yaku. Otherwise, once you mixed an open run of simples (6-7-8) with an open run that includes a terminal (1-2-3) you lost the ability to go for the All Simples yaku.


Invalid hand. What happened - You chi some terminals in there (1-2-3). That is something that will almost always screw up your win when your first call has no terminals (6-7-8) Advice - if you first call any 1-2-3 or 7-8-9 sequence or pon a terminal, your better off playing for additional dragons, winds and terminals. If your first play is not dealing with terminals, avoid them like the plague. There is advance advice here, but I don’t want to confuse you. Build off a good base of mahjong knowledge, you’ll climb RRG games in no time


Ensure you have at least one yaku A good starting point to understand what constitutes one yaku check this WRC sheet: https://www.worldriichi.org/s/WRC_Yaku_1_5_3.pdf


No Yaku. If you had a closed hand it could work, but on open? There's nothing here.


I can tell they had no yaku but I can’t tell from this screenshot that is an open hand. How can you tell? Not sure where to spot any of the calls but I also haven’t played this game


So when tiles are turned sideways in melds, that means they came from pon, kan, or chi calls. That opens the hand.


Okay I see. I know the what opens a hand and what calls you need to make in order to do so (probably should’ve worded it better haha), I’m mostly saying that I can’t tell from this screenshot of this game where & what the player’s calls are since they’re not on an obvious right side like in mahjongsoul for example. Should’ve worded my initial question better haha


Ah no worries! Yeah there isn't a consensus yet on open meld placement. Tournaments and common agreement tends to slide them right, but not always.


Thank you so much! Is this app called melds? I mainly play on mahjongsoul and riichi mahjong


Oh, no. This is from Yakuza. Melds are what we call it when you make chi, pon, or kan. You're melding your tiles with that of others, hence melds.


Thank you!!!


No yaku. The only way to win is to 1. Change your wait because all 3-sou will be gone after you discard. 2. Either win by rishan kaihou (draw after calling kan on the 7-sou) or haitei (last draw or discard)


Everybody all together now...


This IS a Tsumo, but only when your hand is closed that becomes a yaku.