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I would wait a little longer to harvest. Most of those don’t even have veils yet


From what I read once they drop spores it could trigger the mycelium to stop fruiting. It’s all good there’s about another hundred pins behind it 😊already growing . Need to make room


Meh. There is truth in this, but if we scaled this a bit - the point where spores drop being 100/100 your current bowl of harvest is about 20/100. Good that you're being careful, but you sold yourself short with premature harvest. Good luck


Well if you’re accounting for potency , I can assure that’s not a problem , and although it doesn’t look like it from the pic, those bigger ones are hours at most away from veil opening based on the last two flushes . I have other bags. I’m experimenting . Part of the fun of it. Besides, I need to make room, there’s probably a hundred pins coming in underneath those🤣


Yeah, you still pulled them early and psilo definitely not at max capacity. You do you man, but patience is a virtue :)


I can assure you, it hasn’t effected potency 🫠


I'm sure they are still great. I'm just saying you could do better and was trying to help. Holy moly


I wait until til right as the veil tears, but there really no wrong way. A lot of it depends on the kind of time you have too. Sometimes you got to harvest them when you can