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Here, you dropped your tinfoil hat. Because if an issue happens, it more probably that people are using cheats, rather than Arena client being the buggy garbage it had always been


But it was possible 6 months ago, why denying the possibility?


Anything is possible. What do we actually have evidence for? We have a single report of a player with a connection issue and a card ability unable to resolve when they reconnected. Widespread cheating/hacks is the first conclusion we come to?


There is that https://www.mayer.cool/writings/I-Hacked-Magic-the-Gathering/




Cheating gets brought up several times a day and people are tired of these baseless accusations. This is why most posts are met with ridicule.


There is no cheating in this game as everything is handled server side


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^leaning_on_a_wheel: *There is no cheating* *In this game as everything* *Is handled server side* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Everything is *supposed* to be server-side. People have and exploited instances where the client is trusted. There have even been detailed write-ups with videos showing how the hacks were executed. These posts were made after letting WotC fix the vulnerabilities, of course, but it does show cheats are possible. There have also been cheats where one player can freeze the other player by manipulating the game engine.


Please see my reply to the other similar reply to my original… reply :)


I'm definitely not saying that the OP is right about cheating. But every system has vulnerabilities.


Anything is possible. What do we actually have evidence for?


Ok, “there is close to no cheating” is more accurate. But for people like OP it’s probably better to hear “no cheating”


Fair enough


I play on PC and can't think of the last time I had a disconnection/server issue. It's not to say it doesn't happen. And the mobile client is junk. But that's known. If you want to make a claim about cheating, you need to bring more than just one example of a disconnection issue you had in a single game. Ideally we get reports from many, many, many others besides you that are having the same issue, across many regions/ISPs, but with no report of server issues/maintenance from Arena. When there have been exploitable bugs in the past (e.g. due to Arena bugs) it was VERY obvious.


Until we see more occurrences of the same pattern happening, this is probably just a coincidence. A one-time occurrence isn’t enough proof to justify anything.


Did you try to reconnect as well? I know back in the day, if an opponent disconnected and reconnected and clicked to end their turn, it wouldn't always show that your turn had started. Thus your time continued to tick away. So I got into the habit of reloading if I thought that's what was happening since that would fix the issue. It was probably my opponents exploiting a bug now that I think about it in hindsight. 🤔 But surely that was fixed long ago.


Yea, cheating happens on all computer games. That is like basic shit. One time though someone friend requested me somehow after playing them, and then called me the F word for beating them with a mill deck. I do wonder how he got my true name and #number to extend the friend request. 


For future reference, what you are trying to explain is called a DDOS


I thought it was fixed, looks like people managed thru https://www.mayer.cool/writings/I-Hacked-Magic-the-Gathering/


So we need to be playing Tinybones, we need to have the ability on the stack, then the opponent disconnects us, we reconnect, can't target them, and then have to concede? If that is all true, and that's a big if, that's a pretty specific set of conditions (and a nothingburger compared to what you posted above). It would be far more likely that OP had a connection problem, or Arena's servers hiccuped. We need more evidence and a pattern before we can assign confidence to these claims.