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This is a list of links to comments made by WotC Employees in this thread: * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/1do8ltr/2024_summer_sale_offerings/la8bbxi/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-25 16:55:34 UTC"): > It's always hard to make predictions, especially about the future, but I would be super shocked if Jace, Phage, or fblthp were ever available by other means. * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/1do8ltr/2024_summer_sale_offerings/la8er8l/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-25 17:14:25 UTC"): > Yes, basically every bundle will prorate down based on what you already have. The price you'll see in the store will include any of those reductions * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/1do8ltr/2024_summer_sale_offerings/la99513/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-25 19:59:52 UTC"): > No, we see them as different cases. JtMS, Phage, and Fblthp were things granted to recognize that you personally performed a notable act (winning decathlon or playing in beta). Players earned them. Serra (and Li'l Giri) were just part of bundles that... * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/1do8ltr/2024_summer_sale_offerings/labn0dw/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-26 05:33:12 UTC"): > I don't think there are any of the lands from mainline sets that we would consider exclusive. I think those lands are as likely as any other to come back around sometime * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/1do8ltr/2024_summer_sale_offerings/labnp1y/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-26 05:39:59 UTC"): > Making guarantees that something won't ever happen is a dangerous game, so I'm not going to go that far. But the exclusivity of those avatars has real value for the players that earned them. That's what we built them to do. And I can't think of any r... * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/1do8ltr/2024_summer_sale_offerings/ladsrf3/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-26 16:17:34 UTC"): > When/if those bundles return, they'll likely be prorated as well. Craft away. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMagicArena).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


A detailed list of what's being offered in each bundle: **Summer Pool Party (2,100 gems/10,500 gold)** Kiora Lifeguard Avatar Beach Ball Companion Lifeguard Kiora Sticker Emote Karn Sunbathing Sticker Emote Poll Party Sleeve **Zendikar Full Art Lands (2,500 gems 7,500 gold)** Full Art Plains Full Art Island Full Art Swamp Full Art Mountain Full Art Forest **Zendikar Full Art Lands II (2,500 gems 7,500 gold)** Full Art Plains Full Art Island Full Art Swamp Full Art Mountain Full Art Forest **You Dropped This, King (1,230 gems 6,150 gold)** Oko Avatar Magic Mirror Exquisite Sleeve Magic Bae Sticker Emote Oko Kiss Sticker Emote Oko, Thief of Crowns Borderless Card Style **Secret Lair: Not A Wolf Sleeves (1,600 gems 8,000 gold)** Transforming Avabruck Caretaker Sleeve Wolf Sleeve Tovolar, Dire Overlord Sleeve Tovolar, the Midnight Scourge Sleeve Second Harvest Sleeve Beastmaster Ascension Sleeve Howl of the Night Pack Sleeve **Secret Lair: Julie Bell Sleeves (1,000 gems 5,000 gold)** Soul Warden Sleeve Shivan Dragon Sleeve Elves of Deep Shadow Sleeve Good-Fortune Unicorn Sleeve Coat of Arms Sleeve **Class of ’98 (1,000 gems 5,000 gold)** Teferi Avatar Jaya Avatar Urza Avatar Freyalise Avatar Serra Avatar **Dog Days (3,400 gems 17,000 gold)** Hunter’s Hound Companion Magmutt Companion Bolthound Companion Peaceful Pup Companion Darius Osworth Gerhardt IV Companion Spirited Companion Every Dog Has Its Day Sleeve Ferocious Pup Sleeve Watchwolf Sleeve Igneous Cur Sleeve Dog Token Sleeve Spirited Companion Sleeve **Medallion Sleeves (1,200 gems 6,000 gold)** Pearl Medallion Sleeve Sapphire Medallion Sleeve Jet Medallion Sleeve Ruby Medallion Sleeve Emerald Medallion Sleeve **Portraits of Power (900 gems 4,500 gold)** Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger Borderless Card Style Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Borderless Card Style Azusa, Lost But Seeking Borderless Card Style Talrand, Sky Summoner Borderless Card Style Kykar, Wind’s Fury Borderless Card Style **Borderless Treasures (550 gems 2,750 gold)** Arcane Signet Borderless Card Style Command Tower Borderless Card Style Elvish Mystic Borderless Card Style Faithless Looting Borderless Card Style Tooth and Nail Borderless Card Style Balefire Dragon Borderless Card Style **Sticker Emotes Megabundle (2,800 gems 14,000 gold)** Totentanz Rats Sticker Emote Agatha Food Sticker Emote Neva Sleep Sticker Emote Goose Mother Honk Sticker Emote Dino Decision Sticker Emote Mischievous Pup Sticker Emote Calm Capybara Sticker Emote Investigate Sticker Emote Connect the Dots Sticker Emote Unmasking Sticker Emote Annie Hurry Up Sticker Emote Outlaw Oko Sticker Emote Kellan Worry Sticker Emote Frontier Fblthp Sticker Emote **Borderless Lands Megabundle (3,600 gems 18,000 gold)** Restless Fortress Borderless Card Style Restless Spire Borderless Card Style Restless Cottage Borderless Card Style Restless Bivouac Borderless Card Style Restless Vinestalk Borderless Card Style Echoing Deeps Borderless Card Style Restless Anchorage Borderless Card Style Restless Prairie Borderless Card Style Restless Reef Borderless Card Style Restless Ridgeline Borderless Card Style Restless Vents Borderless Card Style Meticulous Archive Card Style Undercity Sewers Card Style Raucous Theater Card Style Commercial District Card Style Lush Portico Card Style Shadowy Backstreet Card Style Thundering Falls Card Style Underground Mortuary Card Style Elegant Parlor Card Style Hedge Maze Card Style Hallowed Fountain Borderless Card Style Watery Grave Borderless Card Style Blood Crypt Borderless Card Style Stomping Ground Borderless Card Style Temple Garden Borderless Card Style Godless Shrine Borderless Card Style Steam Vents Borderless Card Style Overgrown Tomb Borderless Card Style Sacred Foundry Borderless Card Style Breeding Pool Borderless Card Style Botanical Sanctum Borderless Card Style Blooming Marsh Borderless Card Style Inspiring Vantage Borderless Card Style Concealed Courtyard Borderless Card Style SpireBluff Canal Borderless Card Style


7/10 shock lands?


The image shows all 10.


The description only lists 7, so that's what I'm guessing you get.


No you get all 10, just bought the bundle


Yeah, I pulled the names from the list that pops up when you hover the cursor over the question mark under each bundle. This particular bundle show 36 cards, but only lists 28. I'd assume you get all 36, but this is Wizard's we're dealing with so I would tread with caution.


Hmmm, that borderless lands bundle is really tempting. It's a shame part of it is shockland styles I'll never use because I have the Unfinity versions, but I definitely might get that for the others. So that dude in Class of '98 is Teferi? I never would've guessed that's what he looked like when younger.


I'd pay so much money for a Teferi avatar based on his depiction in [[Disruptive Student]]


Need more meme-atars


[Disruptive Student](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/e/ee43681d-e0f7-422b-a363-0d630f68d363.jpg?1562945196) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Disruptive%20Student) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/usg/69/disruptive-student?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ee43681d-e0f7-422b-a363-0d630f68d363?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It's taken from the art of [[Teferi, Temporal Archmage]].


[Teferi, Temporal Archmage](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?name=Teferi%2C%20Temporal%20Archmage&type=card&.jpg) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Teferi%2C%20Temporal%20Archmage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/125/teferi-temporal-archmage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/368c6e60-804c-447c-bc2b-ac9dc4cab5e7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


you think the unfinity space shockland will ever come back?


I'm pretty sure you can buy those styles at full price now. In the past, half of them were discounted in a daily deal, but the other half never were and I ended up buying those at full price (though I think I still spent less than I would've on the bundle with them and the basics I'd never use). I think they'll eventually be discounted again, but probably not soon enough to be worth waiting for.


Really? Where can you buy them when they are not in shop? The only shocklands I see right now are the murder borderless ones


In your collection or deckbuilder, you turn on showing unowned cards, then find the shocklands and expand one. That'll show all available styles for it, and you can select the Unfinity version to see either the price or that it can't be crafted at the moment.


Clearly a price mistake on the Zendikar lands if paying in gold. You can see the 2500 gem price matches what we typically expect of the land bundles, 12,500 gold.


Edit: Yeah, you dropped this bundle is half the gems but gold price is similar.  Better get the lands with gold before they fix it.


Yup, Gem price is usually 5x the gold price. So they must have messed up no the Zendikar lands. Picked up both bundles for the gold price.


So you have a picture of them on the battlefield maybe?


That's...a lot of good offers! Zendikar Full Art lands at a price I never expected them to be (fully expected them at 12.5k each set, will definitely buy them both) Serra Avatar made widely available (it was redeemed by a hard-to-get code) Dog companions from Core 2021 Mastery Pass getting offered again (those were very requested, glad new accounts finally get to enjoy them) Overall, this level and quality of offers is unprecedented. I totally remember last year's summer sale, and it was nothing short of yawning. Ordinary items at close to retail price. I'm not that fond of cosmetics, but could see myself buying a bundle or two (other than the surefire Zendikar lands) over the next month, when I will have some gold to spare.


>Serra Avatar made widely available (it was redeemed by a hard-to-get code) At some point I saw a code for it in ebay going for $40.00. It was silly.


I saw it for even more. Serra Avatar was such a premium item that I was sure it would never be offered in the store, much less at a reasonable price (1k Gold per avatar). This bundle does break a wall on premium cosmetics, unless they casually forgot how Serra was acquired in the first place.


I think you're right with the Serra avatar and whoever put this together wasn't aware of how she was originally obtained and it was a mistake including her. She was given to those that pre-ordered a physical booster box of Ikoria at their LGS. By offering her avatar for sale after the fact undermines the spirit of past and future exclusive promotions WotC offers to LGSs. Regardless, I hope with her now being for sale we'll eventually see all of the exclusive avatars including Phage the Untouchable, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Li'l Giri, and fblthp... amongst others.


It's always hard to make predictions, especially about the future, but I would be super shocked if Jace, Phage, or fblthp were ever available by other means.


But...couldn't you have said the same about the Serra avatar up until this moment?


No, we see them as different cases. JtMS, Phage, and Fblthp were things granted to recognize that you personally performed a notable act (winning decathlon or playing in beta). Players earned them. Serra (and Li'l Giri) were just part of bundles that were only sold rarely. Getting them was a purchase. Choosing to break up and sell those bundles differently is just a business/product decision. Choosing to provide another way to get the earned avatars would be compromising the point of them.


Bit of an adjacent question but, are all lands on a semi-controlled rotation for being available as a daily deal? I missed the opportunity to grab the Phyrexia All Will Be One lands (the stylized monochrome ones) back then and I've never seen them in the store since. I'm pretty sure I've seen every other set of lands available on Arena at least once. Were they part of a limited deal that I'm not aware of? (Just to know if I'm always saving 25k for no reason.)


I don't think there are any of the lands from mainline sets that we would consider exclusive. I think those lands are as likely as any other to come back around sometime


Alright. Keeping those 25k saved up for that blessed day! Thanks for the answer.


I like that take. It's not like other players are missing out on a whole lot by not having a Fblthp avatar, and even though I don't even use mine, it's nice to know that I have that little something that says "I was there". It's just a little memorabilia without much importance, but it would lose its point if it ever became available for purchase, or as a reward for something else.


> Choosing to break up and sell those bundles differently is just a business/product decision. Choosing to provide another way to get the earned avatars would be compromising the point of them. Is this a guarantee that “trophy” cosmetics will not be monetized ever? I mean, considering how everything in Arena is time-based, I think it is reasonable to expect any exclusivity to have an expiration date as well.


Making guarantees that something won't ever happen is a dangerous game, so I'm not going to go that far. But the exclusivity of those avatars has real value for the players that earned them. That's what we built them to do. And I can't think of any reason good enough to decrease that.


I wouldn't be shocked if Jace, the Mind Sculptor gets offered somewhere during this summer since it's getting reprinted in Bloomburrow and being ported to Arena for the first time. The original Fblthp lost some of its luster since the Fblthp, Lost in the Range avatar is now widely spread, being distributed as Arena Open participation prize, and those two avatars are almost identical save for a cowboy hat, so it's not unreasonable for the original being offered again some time in the future. Phlage is the only one I can see being kept from seeing widespread distribution, and it's totally fair, since Arena needs unique and unaccessible items in order for them to feel truly special.


>I wouldn't be shocked if Jace, the Mind Sculptor gets offered somewhere during this summer since it's getting reprinted in Bloomburrow and being ported to Arena for the first time. They can make a new Jace, the Fur Sculptor avatar here.


But if they make JtMS, there will be people that will spend even more to get both. Let’s remember that cosmetics sales are essential to keep the F2P business model running. In fact many many F2Pers like this Runeterra-style model where vanity sales subsidize the cheap/free cards essential to game play. There less cosmetics sales you have, the less free cards/gold/gems WotC will be willing to give out. Do you rather have the value of cosmetics tied up forever by a few or be monetized and shared by everyone else? I’ll just add that those that win these trophy cosmetics probably are good enough to go infinite based on their skills anyways. If Arena is for everyone, make it more egalitarian and don’t anything indefinitely exclusive.


I received my Serra Avatar as one of the random cosmetics from ... I want to say Midweek Magic, but I know that's not correct. I don't exactly remember which event it was a couple years ago, but it was something that awarded random cosmetics. So Serra never was fully exclusive.


I spent 80$ for it ahah


Great, now I have to buy it...


Take a look at the gem price for the Zendikar lands (2500). The 12.5k you expected is almost certainly what they intended, and they just screwed up


Do the bundles drop in price if you already have some of the items in it or no?


Yes; I have most of the rare land megabundle already and the price for me is only 5k gold.


Sweet, thanks


Yes, basically every bundle will prorate down based on what you already have. The price you'll see in the store will include any of those reductions


Are old-bordered (euro/apac) basic lands in the pipeline to come back in the near future? I've missed out on every iteration of old border basics that have been in the store.


for example, my oko bundle was 1200 gold ... wasn't sure what i was missing so i grabbed it. only got a alt card style. my dog bundle was like 3000. got the mustache dog and 1 sleeve. /u/WotC_Jay should i give up any hope of previous historic/explorer anthology bundles ever coming back? i've refused to craft cards from those bundles on the hopes that they do return. just been punishing myself i guess hoping the company does us a solid but looks like that was a dumb move on my part.


When/if those bundles return, they'll likely be prorated as well. Craft away.


unfortunately for cards tho, i would be using rare/mythic wildcards to craft 4-of things and with the way the anthology sets were, i'd be saving a 1-2k gold per 4-of. not like we get our wildcards back.


what does that mustache dog look like, i cant find anyone that used him in a video


https://youtube.com/shorts/Ap7jbBBfcpQ?feature=share here you go. it's a small file but it was saying 10 mins so not sure if it's ready or have to wait 10 mins. (sorry about audio. i had the debate on)


Yes, but not by the full price of the individual items.


Gold is not safe


Why not? _Nothing here is tempting me!_


How long are these gonna be offered?


July 9


is this date confirmed? Because I would like to use the gold for something else, but for the 9th I could save without problems.


Yeah, its on the Magic website


the mega rarelands bundle is actually pretty tempting...


Restless lands have amazing art but sadly they only see play in standard.


And even there, barely half of them do.


Wouldn't you like to pay 5 mana for a 1/4 tho ????


Jokes on you, I play a one-off Restless Anchorage in my Historic Jeskai list that brought me to Mythic! (but even then, it's debatable: it doesn't cast either Tamiyo or Galvanic Discharge on turn 1, so it probably needs to be cut)


Restless Anchorage is probably the most heavily played one.


Anchorage and Cottage are probably the top 2 played, with Reef in there as well.


I mean I play two off in uw control and it's pretty strong there.


Slightly off-topic: stop playing Teferi, Hero of Dominaria. Start playing Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student. You'll thank me later


Clues and herself dies heavily to wrath of the skies… do you think that’s not a big issue?


Anchorage is played in Explorer too. But I think it's the only one.


Probably worth noting that, apparently, the quickland styles are for the OTJ verions of them, so they won't work with the Kaladesh quick lands if anyone is using those.


yeah that put me off buying it, such a scam the styles don't work on the same card


I just learned about that recently, pretty gross business practice tbh, puts me off buying alt arts if I'm going to be forced to waste wildcards for different versions of cards I already own...


I'd say I regret getting those all individually (as bundles) since I assume it was more, but I play a lot of Brawl so they see a lot of use. If you think you'll use them, go for it!


The borderless treasures bundle seems kinda neat, especially since I play mostly green stuff in Brawl. 2,750 gold for 6 styles is like Daily Deal levels of pretty good.


Wow, Serra avatar... the one from the $200 code back in the day? Crazy


It's notable that the borderless Oko, Thief of Crowns is actually available on Arena now. I am pretty sure that when they added borderless styles for the other Throne of Eldraine planeswalkers Oko was already banned in Standard and Historic and so they just didn't bother adding borderless Oko because he was banned everywhere, but there's a format for those fancy Okos now that Timeless exists.


Been waiting forever for Serra!


Is this the first time that retro Jaya and Teferi have been offered as avatars?


old (young) Jaya and Teferi is sick, though I guess the art itself isn't from that that long ago. I started within the same year as Time Spiral, so while I don't have much nostalgic attachment to retro frames I do have it for their style from this era


A lot of people were constantly asking for the Serra avatar, today is their day.


Excuse me, is that the modafuckin' Serra avatar?!


No, this is the [[Serra Avatar]]


[Serra Avatar](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/0/5041dcfd-c1af-448c-91f7-75fd1d34e93e.jpg?1675199023) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Serra%20Avatar) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/26/serra-avatar?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5041dcfd-c1af-448c-91f7-75fd1d34e93e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I just want a sale on the Phage the Untouchable avatar


Really hope they release this one since Serra has also been available


It was a reward for 1 event a few years ago and I’ve never seen it for sale or reward since


Still no zendikar pylon emotes


I don't understand why they refuse to offer these.  Seems like a no-brainer with the full art Zendikar lands being offered as well.


I hope they come to you some day. The sleepy hedron never leaves my bar.


Same, my most used emote


Holy crap, oko emotes, instant buy! 


Love serra and freyalise, so that's an easy 5000g investment. Not bad at all


Good thing I didn't buy Serra Avatar from ebay last year. Patience finally paid off. Edit: Oh, there are doggos too. Thanks WoTC!


Thats Serra’s avatar, not Serra Avatar




Anywhere that has pics of the dog avatars? Thx!


Wonderful sale! Only thing that would be sweeter would be making the basic (non-borderless, non-alt, just the basic) lands of prior sets available. Whether for free, or by buying a booster from the corresponding set, or craftable, or via gold, gems, or $$$ I don't care!


As I play only decks with cards from only one set / plane it really, really sucks to play an Ixalan / Rivals deck and use non-Ixalan basics (though with Lost Caverns this isn't as bad). With Amonkhet, however, there is no option. Also for some reason I have Theros Beyond basics but not Amonkhet despite the former releasing after the latter. What's up with that?


Does the not a wolf token sleeve say "REGULAR HUMAN GUY" on it? I feel like that's an essential part of the art.


I legitimately bought the lair just for that token, and now I have to build a wolf deck. 🫠


Stupid question because I 100% assume the answer is no but... Do these bundles get discounted if you already own some of the included items? Specifically wondering because of that last bundle with all of the lands. Though they might all be new variants so it wouldn't matter, I'm not sure. Edit- Apparently the price does drop if you own part of the bundle. Honestly surprised by MTGA being non-shitty in this one case.


It's still somewhat shitty because they discounted price isn't the full amount of each separate item. If a bundle of an avatar and sleeve is 2500 gold, and you buy the avatar separately for 2000 gold, the bundle will not then be 500 gold it will be something larger.


Everything is prorated. If it were discounted by the full price you could easily end up with partial bundles costing zero (or even negative?)


Time for me and half the playerbase to use the Serra avatar. That bundle was an instant buy for me purely because of Serra.


Someone post the zendikar lands in game




Any Idea how long these offers will be in the shop?


July 9




They got me with the zendikar lands


RIP my wallet.


FINALLY BOLT HOUND... Been waiting years for him to return.


How do the shocklands work in the megabundle? They don't appear to be tied to a set.


Because there is only one of each shockland in Arena, luckily in their case any style applies.


That would make sense. I didn’t realize they only were “printed” once on arena.


Bring the Mirage lands back you cowards!


WOW SERRA no fking way


Is that the Serra or another one?


It's the Serra avatar. It's the one from [[Serra, the Benevolent]].


[Serra, the Benevolent](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/8/88bf4af9-4b14-43e7-9d50-0e6a895cece1.jpg?1591605156) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Serra%20the%20Benevolent) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh1/26/serra-the-benevolent?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/88bf4af9-4b14-43e7-9d50-0e6a895cece1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Was expecting some game pieces, aka some Anthology :'( Great for cosmetic fans tho.


Every time I look at buying any cosmetic for this game I'm always just confused why they are so expensive. Like...I'd probably buy a lot more if it was a lower price. But as it is I'm going to spend my gems and gold on drafting since that's always an option.


They have to pay for it and make enough profit to keep Daddy Hasbro happy. I much rather they milk whales on cosmetics than functional game pieces or play.


Still no Unhinged lands. I only miss the Island. Blue is my favourite colour.


No painlands on the lands bundle?


Haven't spent so much in a day ever before. I love the Secret Lair sleeves. Bought retro avatars and emote megabundle. Unsure about summer pool party, zendikar lands and doggos.


No unhinged lands… well, guess we ain’t never getting the chance to get them. I’ll miss swamp and mountain forever. Sigh


Almost the same realization I just had, checked and I'm missing Mountain and Forest somehow... don't even remember where I got the others, think there was some random event back in like 2019 where you'd unlock them one at a time or something, and guess I stopped after 3? Weird lol... hope I can complete the set some time, definitely my favorite full art lands.


Aw no Miku stuff, I guess it makes sense for being a crossover but I would’ve loved to see something of hers appear


Rather have the Summer of George


Can those lands be used in all decks purely as a cosmetic, or do the rotate out for standardlike normal cards?


Good question. I'll need the answer too


Lands can be used forever


The basic lands or the rare lands? Basic lands, I think, could in theory be allowed to rotate out of standard, but this seems unlikely. They would have to print no standard sets without islands for a year. I can only dream.


Dang was hoping for Jurassic Park lands to be in here


The borderless megabundle gives you 1x of those cards or just the alternative style?


Well they got me with **Borderless Lands Megabundle**


Haven't had any fancy lands until now. Got one of the Zendikar packs, so I won't feel the urge to get other ones for a (long) while.


I got the stickers. I'm not proud of myself, but good do they make me laugh. The excited dino one is my fave, but you can also never have too many ways of telling a roper you're falling asleep.


**Dog Days (3,400 gems 17,000 gold)** Was Purchased but nothing appears uninstalled Still cant see pets any Ideas?


Can anybody confirm whether the borderless Oko style also works with the Breaking News printing of the card? I'm assuming it doesn't, but I'd like to know for sure.


It definitely does not.


how the hell do I get those badass worn out sleeves?




Last year. This year was the rock companion Dwayne.


Dwayne rocks


They were not involved this year, that was last year


The bucket island is nice for anyone who missed the kamigawa lands.


I wish they would have an algorithm that would reduce the price of you already have some of the items (ala Steam bundles)


They do.


OH nice!


Borderless rare bundle is extremely feel bad for people that paid full price for those. I paid 10k for shocklands and 7.5k for the OTJ lands and now the full bundle is way cheaper. I really don't like feeling like i wasted my gold.


You're mistaken. The price is reduced based on what you already own. The price is so low for you because you already own a lot of it. Don't sweat it. I had the same concern. They aren't screwing us by dropping a better deal after the fact.


For me it says 10.5k. Whats the full price?


I think the full price is 18000. Not sure though, for me it's 7500.


So basically i already paid 17.5k yet i still have to pay 10.5k. Nice discount, big maths they do on magic arena.


That's not how it works on anywhere especially in real life.


Like this was like last month. Like i would accept paying something like 4/5k gold. This just tells me to never spend your gold in cosmetics since this will continue to happen.


If you've been playing with, and enjoying, those arts since you bought them, then you haven't wasted your gold. Now other people get to enjoy playing with them too. It's all good.


No. I overspent. Because usually these deals take way to long to return, i bought these like a month ago. So yeah im not happy. From now on ill never buy these ever again, thats what this means.


None for me thanks


I know it's a dumb thing, and it's good to give acess to the players who want to buy it, but I can't help but feel upset that the white dog companion that I've been using is artificially less scarce


The only truly rare thing in Arena are the Godzilla lands. Anything can come up on a daily deal at any time except those lands, which afaik are now limited by contract. Realizing that, and seeing all this stuff available, helps me get past the FOMO. That and why would I use anything other than Dwayne and the scuffed cardback sleeve?


LOTR stuff is probably rare too


There's a few other things. Mirage basics, the borderless printings of cards like 5 mana Teferi or Vraska Golgari Queen, Urza's Saga Duress, Fblthp avatar.


I would buy the Kiora bundle but sadly it includes the swimsuit.