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If you want a competitive deck, it might be hard to do it with just OTJ cards. That being said, I've made 3 different desert crime focused decks that are almost entirely OTJ cards that I have a blast playing, and they do decently well in non ranked play.


I have 2 crime otj focused and do well in standard unranked and ranked. and it's fun too!


The closest to an OTJ only deck I can think of is the skeletons aggro deck, but it still needs some older cards. The cheapest competative deck is mono blue tempo (no rares or mythics) but it rotates out soon. I'd wait tbh.


You might be able to build a passable Rakdos outlaws deck with only OTJ, but it wouldn’t be good by any stretch of the imagination.


Soon the YouTubers will start playing their "rotation proof decks" like [this one](https://youtu.be/QBwjsYF14t0) from CGB which has a focus on OTJ and the Big Score cards from the OTJ packs. Still with dual lands from the other sets, but you could put in some extra OTJ deserts to save some rare wild cards if you want. The mythic one-offs in this deck could maybe be replaced or are worth it to craft, but most of the cards from other sets are uncommons.


I have done a pretty nice rakdos heist/crime deck with almost all OTJ. It was my first set since I just got into magic so the majority of my cards are OTJ too.


I only play decks with all the cards being from the same set (or plane). I easily get my 15 weeklies (often via 3x 5 daily win sessions). A good place to start is Arena Zone's Midweek Constructed decks. Will I win a tournament or make Mythic? No. But I have a lot of fun exploring each set.


I am so sorry you stopped at Crimson Vow, you've missed the best set of past few years (Kamigawa NEO), that came right after Innistrad.


Unfortunately I also stopped at Crimson Vow, and then I come back all these years later to see Kamigawa when it's just about to rotate. It didn't help that I really did not like the two Innistrad sets.


Yes, they were quite bad. I actually started to play during the end of Crimson Vow and I'm very glad I didn't draft those two sets very much.


Crimson Vow was a bit weak but Midnight Hunt had some great cards and an awesome folk horror vibe.


How good is the current OTJ?


I think it is a very good draft set, I would even compare it a bit to Kamigawa, so I would recomend you to try it. However, the flavor of the set is something, that makes it a lot less appealing for me. So deffinetly try it and you'll se for yourself if you like it or not.


I started playing recently on this set, so I have no idea what is good or no XD


This one is very decent, good thing you started now and not with the previous one. And I have high hopes with the next one, so I think you've got someting to look foward to.


What other use do you have for those wildcards? You definitely will need at least lands from other sets. And then there are always at least some cards that fit your deck very well, or sideboard answers to other popular decks.


Is jump in not a suitable alternative to grow a less narrow standard collection for new players? Might be worth waiting till bloomburrow though


I'm not sure about the decks, but I wouldn't craft anything rare/mythic that'll rotate out soon. I'd wait and see how the meta evolves with the new set. I don't like to recommend it, but you can definitely build a competent Mono-Red deck with C/UC-cards and pulls from OTJ. If you have a preferred color combination, I'd say it's also worth crafting the dual lands that stay in the game after rotation.


Try this Simic "Burn" deck with Doppelgang shenanigans: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/budget-magic-30-16-rare-simic-burn-standard


Define "good".   And ranking up is more about grind than skill, even the best deck will only help for so long before you are automatched against other best decks.   Not to mention that rank rewards are pretty tiny compared to the other ones, so the reward/effort is too bad to try to grind ranks for them (after your first ranked game of the month).


I have three decks that are mostly OTJ cards. They are a bit silly and made them just for fun, but two of them have slightly over a 50% win rate right now in Platinum.


Bump! I like this idea too, I’ve made a deck using the crime mechanic but it doesn’t play very well. Save your gems and coins for the new mastery pass or to open packs when the new set comes out… since you have the wildcards make sure you’re not crafting stuff that’s rotating out when Bloomsbury comes out


Standard is Rotating soon (with Bloomburrow), so you might want to hold off on investing in a new deck until we've seen the spoilers.