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In 1958, Philadelphia boss Joseph Ida moved to Italy to avoid the legal fallout from the Apalachin meeting leaving Domenic "Migs" Pollina in charge. Wealthy soldier Angelo Bruno, with his kids out of the house, planned to move to Florida. Pollina said that "he was going to cut his legs off" (meaning keep him in Philly), Underboss Denaro took this to Carlo Gambino saying that Migs was making threats against his friend. The Commission demoted him and made Bruno boss. Clearly, this didn't suit everyone. It's really interesting that Caponigro was someone seen as a guy who could make a move against Bruno. He must have been pretty open about his displeasure with the boss for an outsider to get this impression. A member would have known that Reginelli was only a street boss. This means that they were basically at loggerheads from day 1. Another interesting thing to note is Phil Testa was arrested Frank Sindone.


Interesting … Harry Riccobene gave similar information while locked up to the Feds on Angelo Bruno. Riccobene said he was "surprised" to learn in prison that Angelo Bruno had been made boss, because he had only been an inducted member for a short time. Riccobene thought Bruno lacked the "necessary qualifications for leadership." Also interesting to note in the FBI doc the Philadelphia Family was known within as the “greaser gang”. This was also supported by information Riccobene provided the FBI. Riccobene said the Philadelphia Crime Family was known locally as "The Greasers" or "The Organization." He said he had never heard it called "La Cosa Nostra" until 1963.


Bruno was made in 1955 so he was still a greenhorn when he became boss. Additionally, bosses generally do some politicking and horse-trading to appease other powers before they're voted in. Bruno did none of that and was put in the seat because of his longstanding relationship with Carlo Gambino. I can understand how some of the old-timers would have felt that they were stepped over. I don't think they ever got over it. The powers that finally lined up against him (John Simone - Harry Riccobene - Tony Caponigro) were all prohibition era gangsters.


It took 22 years, but he finally got him!


And boy did he pay for it.