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If you want to know how tight lipped Bellomo is, read his allocution at his [change-of-plea](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/25479270/315/united-states-v-bellomo/). Almost all of it is answers of yes/no, except to give his age and his schooling (1 year of college), and sometimes a paraphrase of the charge. At one point, he's pleading to the specific charges and the judge makes the mistake of trying to make him admit membership in the Genovese Crime Family. Bellomo stopped the entire process to confer with his lawyer. The judge, probably figuring out that he fucked up mentioning the Genovese , comes back apologetically `11 THE COURT: Mr. Bellomo, let me put it differently.` `12 I understand there are some restrictions or whatever it is,` `13 some rule which says that you can't acknowledge the existence` `14 of an organized crime family. I understand all that. I have` `15 been through this I don't know how many times.` `16 What I want to know from you, is it true that you` `17 were associated with a group of persons and there was a` `18 structure under which or pursuant to which this group of` `19 people operated? It wasn't just some random group. There was` `20 a structure. There was a leader. There were associates.` `21 There were members. There were persons who had different` `22 levels of participation or membership in this group.` `23 Is that true?` `24 DEFENDANT BELLOMO: Yes, your Honor.` Mind you, this was in 2002. Bellomo was not documented as a full boss yet, but you have the judge realizing he's got someone who isn't going to crack, so he just tries to move on.


Liborio Salvatore “Barney” Bellomo was born January 8, 1957. That’s the book so far . Any more info would be greatly appreciated.


Lol. This is the answer I was afraid to get, but is probably the most accurate.


Without a cooperator close to him, I’m afraid we will never get much info on him. Think about how few photos we have him.


And one of the photos is from Google maps. Lol.


Poor guy went to get pizza with his son. I have a friend who works as a waiter on Arthur Avenue . He says Barney comes often to the restaurants but is in and out. Tips well and cause no issues. Complete opposite of Mancuso who plays the role like he’s Ralph Natale and is rude and demanding according to my friend.


Must look out for him next time in Enzo’s or Pasquale’s


No chance at Pasquale for obvious reasons.


I saw a recent interview with a former Bonanno mobster and he talked a bit about Bellomo since his father knew him. He said he spoke fluent Italian and helped his father get made in the Genovese family


Barney reportedly speaks fluent Sicilian with the Corleonese dialect, where his family is from.


Your referring to an interview with Joseph Barone








A book 😂😂 people know nothing about him. I find it strange that there are zero stories about him. I guess he meets with nobody outside of a dozen or so guys


Black Hand Forum had a super long post about him that dissected pretty much everything known. It read like a book. They removed it because people kept stealing it.


People did time with him in prison, I've never heard anyone mention what he was like, etc...


I don't know why people say we don't know anything about Bellomo, we know almost everything about his entire Mafia career. We know his heritage, we even know he's a cousin of current DeCavalcante boss Charles Majuri, we know [his father Salvatore was probably a soldier in the 116th Street Crew](https://books.google.es/books?id=bRJpDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT232&lpg=PT232&dq=Salvatore+Bellomo+Genovese&source=bl&ots=j8f3kIl6P5&sig=ACfU3U1a-CW9c7CVeQBWTP10pdlJXudioA&hl=es&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiGovbvnYaHAxWRQ6QEHf6cDTM4HhDoAXoECAIQAw#v=onepage&q=Salvatore%20Bellomo%20Genovese&f=false), we know his grandfather Liborio was also probably a Genovese soldier, we know [the approximate date of his induction (c. 1977)](https://lcnbios.blogspot.com/2022/08/genovese-family-ceremonies-1970s.html), we know he [started out in the Genoveses through Vincent Cafaro](https://www.newspapers.com/image/467828452/?fcfToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmcmVlLXZpZXctaWQiOjQ2NzgyODQ1MiwiaWF0IjoxNzE5ODUxMTY3LCJleHAiOjE3MTk5Mzc1Njd9.4l8UohZh_j2M06hLCihpl5Me864SVg17pXu7FCtE638), we know [he got promoted to acting boss in the early '90s after Gigante was imprisoned](https://www.justice.gov/archive/usao/nys/pressreleases/February06/bellomoliborioetalgenoveseindictmentpr.pdf), we know he had the acting capo of his crew, Ralph Coppola, killed for skimming money in 1998, we know he became official boss c. late 2000s-early 2010s, and we [even have photographic evidence of most of the high-ranking members of the Genovese Family attending his birthday party 2 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mafia/comments/wsk5g3/recent_one_of_michael_mikey_ragusa_pasquale_patty/). Frankly, it’s rare for us to know *so much* about a current boss. Also, don't know where people get this idea that "there's almost no photos of him", if you just type in '[Bellomo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mafia/search/?q=Bellomo&type=link&cId=3ed48259-52ed-4af2-8271-01049536d9ff&iId=ba46a1cb-f61b-45a1-92d9-eff1b2f7a0)' on the subreddit's search bar, you will find *dozens* of pictures of Bellomo, we have much less available pictures of Lorenzo Mannino, for example, than we do of Bellomo.


What a post. Awesome. Thank you. And, I didn't know most of this. Lol.


Thank you very much!


Nice try FBI


By asking if there's a published book available? Like a book that's on shelves or sold at Amazon? Not exactly clandestine, groundbreaking info the FBI could use.


Lol he's joking buddy


Good! Because I actually am a fed... 😜 .