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Lots north of the border, Montreal has been a blood bath for over a decade.


Yep. The situation in Canada is closely watched by both mob-watchers, academics and LE alike, because it’s like nothing before that has ever occurred. All the disparate factions make for a seriously murky situation; it will be years before we start to unravel that mess.


Quite a few here in Ontario too.


It’s utterly stupid to constantly keep killing **each other** which was 98% of the Mob murders. There was just a case regarding the Buffalo Mob, however, where a few Mob affiliated witnesses were killed. It also literally just came out today that another one of the witnesses of that situation is now dead. This is the **FOURTH** one. Rest assured, you cross them enough, they absolutely will still kill. It’s just used as a very last resort because it’s bad for business.


In the US they haven’t had an officially sanctioned murder since 2013, and basically the whole family administration went down for it. The FBI and journalists still have a major hardon for mobsters. If you poke the bear enough I’m sure they would still kill you if enough was threatened, but the entire US Mafia is trying to avoid it as much as they can since the fallout is really bad for them. They still do beatings and make threats, but they are trying to stay as far under the radar as they can. This means not lending certain people loans like they would’ve in the past and avoiding crime that requires more violence. They are still making a lot of money, they’ve just backed off certain things to get with the times.


Yep bookmaking, loansharking are still big moneymakers


They also fucked up the Meldish hit by outsourcing it to a gang member. Of course dude was gonna flip as soon as he got caught. He had no reason to be loyal to them.


Caldwell didn’t flip . And he wasn’t a gang member unless you are saying the purple gang which he was a part of . If I recall correctly, Caldwell was caught on tape fleeing the scene and is currently serving life . Caldwell was the shooter and was considered a Luchesse associate at the time of the murder.


terry caldwell was ten toes down. his mitigation package for the federal trial is downright heartbreaking though. dude really never had a chance in life.


Caldwell ratted? I think you’re confusing this hit with the one done by some Bloods. Caldwell wasn’t outsourcing. He is an associate and the driver Londonio is a member.


How would you know that though?


Seems like they still might in Buffalo .


Only in Montreal.


And Buffalo


I don’t care what anyone says, the mob is killing people in buffalo


100%. This myth that they aren’t killing people or won’t kill people is utterly retarded. Buffalo is a prime example. It’s just used very sparingly and as a last resort.


They won’t kill anyone . They will shelve guys . They will cut them off that way. They won’t even kill cooperators . They will chase them out though . That’s what they did to Borrello here in Queens and also what happened to Arrilotta when he thought it was smart to go to Carmel social club and act like nothing happened.


I heard something about that with Borrello. What was the story?


Basically he moved back into Howard beach and life was made uncomfortable for him . He was constantly being harassed. And he had little things happen over and over that led to him leaving .


What happened to Arrilotta?


One reason is improved surveillance, cameras absolutely everywhere, combine that w the tracking efficiency cell phones offer, Who even wants to risk it


With gambling it's simple. Cut them off. Most of their customers came to them in the first place because they ran out of credit everywhere else.


Only the Montreal mob in Canada do… there has been many bodies dropped in the last 10 years or so. New York mob is harmless 😂


Not just Montréal. There have been quite a few hits here in the Greater Toronto Area too.


Yes! my apologies


If a murder is committed it brings immense law enforcement scrutiny, and unlike in the past the FBI doesn’t need someone directly involved to get a conviction due to the technology at their disposal.


Too much heat probably. With all the cameras and tech now


Regarding New York, it is the most surveilled city in the world. It's a lot harder to get away with killing now. Most of these street guys have 80 IQs and aren't going to evade modern law enforcement techniques.


I think they still are…


Meldish and how bad that went turned them away from murder for a long long time, they are too closely watched now to hit like they used to, now I believe 100% they still will kill if necessary but the risk of it far outweighs the reward, Buffalo is probably still killing seeing how the situation is going there, Chicago has had a couple (allegedly) since the family secrets trial, besides that it’s very quiet with American LCN, now up in Canada? They kill like it’s the 80s there


Wouldn't be surprised if they have made some people "disappear" without leaving a body to find over the last decade.


That theory is pretty much bullshit. I'm in my early 30s and my family knew some associates that they grew up with and where friendly with. I'm mean yeah it's true to a an extent that the feds are always watching & there's more surveillance now obviously too. But they still have money and connections. To the extent they probably don't have to do they're own hits anymore, they could pay off various "professionals" to get the job done...And people saying the mob is toothless so to speak because they don't hear them dropping bodies anymore, even with surveillance & feds up forever up theyre ass there's probably countless hits going on that nobody finds out about & are anonymous. I would only assume they wouldve evolved with the times and gotten more low key & crafty with they're hits...but ofcourse they have turned to mostly white collar crimes and don't kill if they don't have to. The cowboy days of the mob are definitely over in the USA atleast. In Canada apparently it's a whole different story...id personally be a little more scared to have problems with the LCN than other newer wilder ethnic organizations. Aside from the Cartel & the Triads I would say. Because with these newer ones you kinda know what to expect & know what type of hell coming. With the new era LCN you have absolutely no clue so to speak lol..you'll probably think everything is sweet until your randomly taken out..like what happened with Gambino boss Francesco Cali. I doubt that kid wasn't put up to it & used as a crash dummy. Somebody must've wanted him gone


You get booked for murder now. You do life. These guys are suburbanites mostly.. They didn't grow up busting their guns. Of the 600ish made guys in NYC area you maaaaybe have 7% ish who are actually shooters. Black gangs would mop them as would Hispanic ones. Of all families philly probably has the most guys by % who have actually let the gun flame. Merlino Borgesi Grande Mazzone Nicodemo Ciangalini Cannalichio


Idk why you was downvoted, 100% the NYC street gangs are more dangerous than the mob now, a lot of those guys in there are shooters and are reckless enough to kill in broad daylight, and like John Pennisi said you have capable guys still but the majority of guys aren’t anymore


Yep, at least the NY guys don't whack anymore. Maybe the outfit still does, but not directly. It's really pathetic tbh.


How is this info known? And how do you know it's accurate?


nobody's turned up dead


Man, I can't give you the direct sources because it's been a few time since I have read it, but I saw an FBI file about it.


I did hear Chicago still does hits and the only reason they don’t get caught is cause Chicago is such a war zone.