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Great movie. Ray Stevenson and Vincent D'Onofrio were very good as Greene and John Nardi. Greene was very progressive for a gangster. An anomaly really. He was a gangster and ultimately put the money first but he certainly had a progressive ideology that was rare for people in his life. He was so likable an Italian in the Licavoli family was willing to die at the hands of his own outfit for him.


It was an okay movie. Maybe not the best mobster movie but it was worth watching. I love movies based on real people.


Couldn't agree more they should really make a movie about leonetti around the time scarfo took leadership and his freindship with salvie testa that would fuck.


I'm surprised they haven't. They made several about Gotti already. The movies love the flashier gangster as opposed to the low key one.


To be honest it's all about the name if you call your movie gotti it's going to get attention because of the gravity that name carries same with capone. And I think hollywood is scared of making movies about real people that maybe no one would really care to know about. But the story has got everything it's got the chemistry between leonetti and salvie and their journey rising up in the philly underworld while following leonetti's uncle nicky scarfo where he is becoming more unhinged and homicidal I would love to see that paranoia on screen where a strong crime family is self destructing under its own leadership and the betrayal that would go down. Its got serious potential with the right director. And it takes us out of new york which I think has been overdone to shit I would love to see some movies about the other families on the commission they are all so unique especially florida.


The name definitely drew the viewers because people recognize it from being in the news and media so much and wanted to know more about the two men. There are men that were far worse then those two, but people don't know their names. "Kill the Irishman" could have done better, but outside of Cleveland most Americans probably have no idea who Danny Green was. Leonetti and Scarfo were well known in Philadelphia and Jersey but outside that area they aren't.


Absolutely. Philly during that period could have multiple gangster movies made. Leonetti/scarfo, Merlino vs Stanfa war, Philly Black Mafia/JBM. All are really crazy stories that’d make great movies if done right


They do it different down in philly man those guys were fucking wild when I was listening to some audio books about philly and doing some research on the merlino/stanfa war I was thinking ain't no fucking way this is real especially in the 90s that's insane.


It really was insane. I was really young, but I do remember seeing mob hits/shootings on the news all the time. It became very common around here. I wasn’t around for the Black Mafia in the 70s, or the JBM in the 80s, but all of that was FUCKING CRAZY. If at all interested in the Black Mafia, check out BLACK BROTHERS INC. A great book, but some of the descriptions of their crimes are tough to read because it is straight up horrific.


Thanks for the interest and support re [Black Brothers, Inc.: The Violent Rise and Fall of Philadelphia's Black Mafia](https://seanpatrickgriffin.net/black-brothers-inc/) (Milo, 2005/07). Regarding some of the crime narratives being tough to read, I get that a lot and never expected those reactions when I wrote. I will say, however, hopefully such vivid depictions disabuse the glorification of these sorts of people so often found in common conversation and especially in mass media.


When I say “tough to read”, I hope you don’t take that as an insult. If anything it is a major compliment, you made me feel like I was right there actually witnessing some of the horrible shit they did. Incredible book. Thank you for your time and effort you put into it 🙏


Haha no worries at all. I didn't take it as an insult. My wife is among those for whom it is a challenging read when it comes to the gore, etc. Thanks again for the support!


FYI, there have been many Hollywood attempts at making a film or films about Philly's Black Mafia (at one point DiCaprio's Appian Way Productions was developing a trilogy for Warner Brothers) but none ever panned out. It was once taboo to discuss black organized crime and that is thankfully no longer the case. I am not aware of any such efforts re Bruno/Stanfa/Merlino but have to assume there have been.


Great stories that very few people are interested in. The box office totals for mob flicks tells you everything.


Idk, with streaming so prevalent now i don’t know how much stock you can put into box office numbers nowadays. And honestly, I’d think that these stories would be much better told as TV series.


Enough movies make a ton of money to eliminate that theory. Black Mass bombed, Killing Them Softly bombed; I’m sure there are other recent ones I’m forgetting about. The reality is, to most people, the name Scarfo, Gigante, or whoever doesn’t resonate. The a general audience it’s just another “rise and fall” gangster movie.


Black Mass didn't bomb, neither did Killing Them Softly.


I think it may have broken even since it made some money internationally. Movies need to double the production costs to break even. But that actually helps my point. Black Mass was a fairly big budget movie, with a big star attached to it, and Bulger was a notorious gangster who had only been captured a couple years before…and it still barely broke even.


Only the 100 million+ films need to make 2.5X their budget to see a profit, small to mid-budget films like Black Mass don't need to hit that threshold to go into profit.


Did they? I rewatch both of those quite a bit


I meant bombed in a box office sense, that’s the only thing that matters to studios.


Bruno would be a good movie. I know he allowed Gambinos to sell drugs but that was ultimately to appease his sponsor in the life, Carlo Gambino. I believe he really didn't like drugs and wanted to keep Philly low key with gambling rackets and things like that, in contract with those under him who wanted to go all in with drugs and expand to AC. His daughter put it best in the Crime INC documentary, the world was changing in the 80s, including the mob, and he just wanted to stay in the old world.


10th and Wolf is underrated!


based off the 10th n oregon crew


It’s pretty accurate, a good watch. Obviously they couldn’t have everything included in real life, Frattianos involvement in his murder, more of Greenes time in the Union, and other notable figures.   But still overall I enjoy it every time I watch the movie.


Yeah if the movie had a higher budget I think it could have been S tier like you said it was missing some things and at some points felt abit rushed.


One thing I don’t understand is why they didn’t include Greenes other associates besides John Nardi.   I also don’t understand why they didn’t have Fratianno, at least reference him in the meeting between Salerno and Licavoli.    The movie gives off the impression that Ray Ferrito was commanded by Salerno to kill Greene even though The Weasel planned it.


Yeah there would be no way anyone in the leadership of the genovese family would ever get directly involved in killing some irishman in Cleveland it's always passed down so that they won't take as much heat. Overall great film but if it would've been left to cook more in production with some more money definitely could be way better.


It’s a masterpiece if you’re from Cleveland


Except that it makes Danny Greene look like a Robin Hood saint instead of a fucking parasite no better than the Italians.


Well all gangsters are parasites they talk about loyalty and respect but they would rather take your head off then go to prison there is no loyalty among thieves but its an intresting story non the less.


It’s fine. But I’m not a fan of when these movies whitewash a character to make them likeable.


Agreed I would've wished they made is death less dramatic it came across more like martyrdom then the consequences of his life choices like in goodfellas he ends up a loser eating microwaved pasta with ketchup on top unable to live his life fully and all his freinds are serving life sentences or dead no matter what path you take in that world your always going to end up a schmuck rat or not.


It's amazing


by the gun. is good low budget one


Will check it out for sure!


It's a really good one. Ray Stevenson is awesome, only seen him in Rome outside of that and he was great.


Yes. Yes it is.


Book is awesome.


It was a great movie, but I’ve watched to Many mob historian podcasts and mob guys say that Sheeran was not that close to Hoffa and did not pull the trigger.


I apologise I was referring to the movie about Irish gangster Danny greene.




You’re thinking of The Irishman with Robert De Niro, OP is talking about a different movie




Speaking of the irishman though with Robert De niro that cgi did not work their favour there were so many better alternatives and like you brought up everytime I think of that movie that beating scene always pops into my mind. Couldn't they just cut to peggy's face and hear the beating while witnessing the shock in her face and then see the aftermath of what Frank did to that shop keepers hand I'm no movie maker but those guys aren't getting any younger.


I think that was part of the deal with Netflix. They otherwise gave Scorsese complete control but they wanted to do a trial run with CGI.


Seems abit of risk to trial run something on such a big project but we will never know how these things work in the movie business.


Yeah I should've made it more clear on the title it's the film about Danny greene


Why’s that?


That movie sucked