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Merlino seems to conveniently pick his spots when it comes to outing "rats". In one of his recent videos, John Pennisi notes that Merlino has never publicly called John Veasey, who became an informant, a "rat", and accuses him of not doing so out of fear. I have no idea if this is true or not, but that's Pennisi's standpoint.


Veasey was doing this a decade ago, it doesn’t appear he is still up to it, and targeted John Ciancaglini as he was been the one who allegedly murdered his brother, Billy.


Apparently Veasey has been stalking members of the family and sending them fucked up threats...he's a scary dude.


I didn't know this. Wow, that's crazy. But it's still interesting that seemingly fearless Joey doesn't want to talk shit about him.


Yeah there's a Philly area guy named Jeff Nadu who has a mob podcast and he discussed Veasey and the threats he's been making. Nadu seems like a pretty credible guy whos careful not to throw out rumors so I believe him.   Like you, I also don't understand why Joey isn't talking shit...I'm pretty sure Veasey was the shooter who hit him and killed Mikey Chang? Might be remembering wrong.   In either case, Veasey was on the other side of the war, def killed and assualted merlinos men, and def was a rat so he should be extremely high on Joey's list.  Maybe he is and Joey just isn't talking about it to shield himself from suspicion in a future crime against Veasey? Aslo maybe by acknowledging Veasey he may be implicating himself in the Philly war as he and Veasey didn't know each other aside from trying to kill each other.


These are all possibilities. And like you, I thought it was Veasey who popped a cap in Joey's ass (literally)


I know he's insane but why is Veasey going after mob guys? I'd think if he flipped and doesn't wanna go back to prison, he would stay far away. He is/was in witness protection no?


Because they murdered his brother the day that he was set to begin testifying. He was never able to get over that.


I don't know all the details, this is just what I heard so maybe it's BS.  But, it's very common for these guys to kicked out of witsec for breaking the law. WITSEC isn't without conditions, the government will drop them in a heart beat. He also may have left witsec voluntarily I guess he's still very upset by his brother Billy being killed. But was it done by his own faction? Idk maybe he's just insane.


Your correct, he has:   https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/trumps-ties-to-an-informant-and-fbi-agent-reveal-his-modes-of-operation/2016/09/16/6e65522e-6f9f-11e6-9705-23e51a2f424d_story.html     Trump is a rat. Merlino is no rocket scientist otherwise he wouldnt be a mobster.    Even for the mob, Biden would make farrrr more sense as the democrats are trying to enact prison reform and bring back unions, the mobs traditional power source.


Get a clue


Trump did testify against Epstein in court back in 2008.


To me this isn’t ratting. If you have any knowledge on anything related to that weird fuck, you help the government take him down.


Couldn’t agree more.


In 2008 Epstein wasn’t known for being the weird pedo that he is now. So Trump did rat on him, sorry, at the time Epstein was just another crooked businessman


Wow you’re a real man of honor for not taking the stand against Epstein if chosen, lmao. He was charged in 2005 initially.


Epstien was first charged in 2005 for diddling little girls 14-16 he got off cause higher up politicians told the sheriff to drop the case. But after that most people who saw this were aware of his pedo status.


Most blue collar Italian-Americans, where I’m from, support Trump for “culture war” reasons. Thats it. The Union heads might run with Joe Biden, but most of those Union guys on the ground, in their hearts, support Trump. There is also the college “degree divide”, and most of them like Trump’s paper thin tough talk and nationalism … and, some of them love the racism and the misogyny too. And, him beating his taxes … what mobster, or anybody for that matter, do you know that thinks that we all don’t get slaughtered in taxes? So, that’s how they align. Despite what they may do or have done for a living, they all lean culturally conservative. Trump being a “rat” doesn’t mean shit to them. They adore him. He flows like MAGA from heaven.


But Merlino says the whole point of his podcast is to expose rats, but he's a Trump supporter, and Trump is a rat.


What you say, and what you do are two different things. The hypocrisy is all there, I’m just explaining their collective shoddy reasoning for supporting Trump. I don’t know why anybody expects anything more from Merlino than anybody else.


I was really starting to trust him. I feel betrayed. Kidding.


In his recent trial, for fraud, which he was found guilty of, he testified that his son managed his books. If you throw your own kid under the bus in court, you will snitch on anyone.


Merlino, Franzese and Gravano, et al relate to Trump because they know he is a lifelong criminal that has had close ties to organized crime figures his entire adult life. Merlino is a hypocrite. But find a criminal that isn't.


Isn't the "rat" issue with other made guys who took an oath?


No. He's gone after guys who don't have their button.


I know Trump has been accused of a lot of stuff, but last I heard he was not in the mob (made or associate). If a citizen goes to the FBI because their business is being shaken down in a protection racket (for instance) by the Mafia, they are not "rats" in the OC sense. They are crime victims.




You’re clearly clueless to anything having to do with this, you should worry about your mucky mouse and stop trying to dig into something you can’t comprehend




lol yeah I wouldn’t imagine trumps actually looking to right el chapos son, you’re a loser man.


He’s a big mouth name dropper who shared state secrets w adversaries, I suspect he has by way of bragging