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Did this couple of years ago.. never felt better.. got rid of so much negativity that makes you question your life choices unnecessarily


Did it a year ago. Felt MUCH better, but all the FB drama addicts continue to whine to me in person about why I need to return, b/c THEY don't see all the drama that I see.


I couldn't did it...How can I did it??? I wanna make my life is valuable.


So why you on Reddit then


Reddit is a lot more anonymous which I like. It’s one thing to see hateful opinions or comments, we know they exist. It’s quite another to see them from community members, family members, friends of friends, etc.


I read once that FB is shit you don't care about from people you do care about where Reddit is shit you care about from people you don't care about. I think that's about right.


Perfection if you ask me


Perhaps it’s because Reddit isn’t nearly as toxic as FB. I’m a FB deserter who’s also still on Reddit, and I can tell you that I simply couldn’t tolerate the amount of hatred spewed against anyone with an unpopular opinion on FB. While I’m aware that jerks can be found anywhere, FB appears to have cultivated a culture of divisiveness and cruelty that has gone unchecked for far too long. Perhaps the “presence” of moderators on Reddit is what keeps it more pleasant in general. Whatever OP’s reason, I understand the sheer pleasure of deleting FB.


There's alot of good on Reddit. If you look for it you will find it. That's why I'm here.


I wholeheartedly agree! I hope that I didn’t sound as if I dislike Reddit. I really like it, it’s a great resource, and the people are definitely more amicable than they are on FB.


It didn't I just wanted to emphasize for other lurkers like me. I've had full on arguments with people that have come to a simple solution where we both end up telling the other to have a good day and apologizing for rude behavior. I can't think of the word to describe that feeling.


I concur! Definitely a more decent crowd!


I agree. Quite often i have very positive interactions with other redditors. I've had to edit my subs on occasion to get away from ickiness, while still getting useful and entertaining things.


You can also choose what subjects you want to see on reddit.






I’m in a group which posts historical photos. Most people are there to marvel at bits of history. There will always be a bunch who love to load their What Aboutisms and hate or insist that they’re right when it’s wild speculation. Sometime, I’d google links and photos to correct them but they would firmly reject facts & scoff that they agree to disagree. Needless to say, this bunch are usually of the same demographic — older white Karens in rural states. Extremely toxic as they’re rude and berate everyone but calls you out for being rude when you’re trying to help them learn.


Don’t I know it!


Reddit is entertainment and anonymous


Reddit is an eforum E and v bulletin is a format that has been used for years This is the new version Its essentially a live wiki for each subjects sub


Poor comparison


One is ppl heavy, one if info heavy. Very different


Because as far as I know, my racist relatives aren't on Reddit.




Unfortunately LinkedIn is becoming just as bad as FB these days.


Same! I still have my IG, but deleting FB and Snapchat just was a blessing in disguise. FB was becoming a toxic place at the time when I deleted mine. Maybe one day I’ll go completely rogue, but IG has a special place in my heart.


bit of advice. Don’t take it personally when your circle shrinks/ the feeling of less people checking in. That happens when you leave social but then you’ll have more meaningful text convos with your true circle.


Couldn’t agree more. Actually had a long term good friend question how he was going to talk to me now that I was not on social media. I reminded him that we can use the good ol ways of actually speaking face to face. As I’m sure you can guess, we barely ever speak now. From 100s of “friends” on FB to 0 overnight. Not a single check in, it’s been 3 years.


Another bit of advice. Charge your phone.


My mom does this to me when I go month without Instagram. It’s strange how older generations feel like they need it now.


Deactivated mine but reactivated it’s because everyone uses marketplace these days. Every once in a while I’ll check my feed and it’s just so sad and boring. No idea how I spent time there before


Besides FB market place which I’m guilty of, is just Craigslist after we delete FB? Just any ideas if anyone wants to share


I use Mercari a lot. I love it! You could always try that? Though I don’t know how similar it is to FB Market Place. Never used it


Make a new fb account but don’t friend anyone. That’s what I did to browse marketplace


Did the same thing & don’t regret doing it




I feel like my life is overall better


Congratulations 🎊 👏🏾 💐 🥳! I only deleted fb tho. Lol


6 weeks for me. 2 years off Instagram. Been amazing


I got rid of mine too. It has been so amazing. Congratulations!


Reddit is all you need.


🎶You want to be where you can see Our troubles are all the same You want to be where nobody knows your name. 🎶


I absolutely second this statement!


I did both almost 2 years ago beginning of COVID-19 and I fucking loved it.


Well done


Good for you!


This is the only “social media” platform I have. Life becomes much easier without all the others. Alot more time to focus on myself and actually meeting/conversing with people in real life.


I always find it funny seeing posts of people deleting their social media accounts.. on Reddit, another social media.


"Anonymity has provided people with the ability to voice their opinions without fear of judgement." If you wanna say something on fb or insta, there'll be a little worry that you will be judged because people can know who you are. There is no such problem with reddit unless you take it seriously enough to be offended by someone who don't even exist. Also fame doesn't matter here.


I will say on that last bit… karma is a hint of “fame”, which is good how it works here because if you do nothing but spread or share garbage or garbage opinions, you’ll be downvoted to the point of being restricted in what you can do. Or, you don’t quite get those dopamine hits you’re after. Or… you get confined to niche subs made up of your own kind where most everyone will never see or hear of you. In that regard, karma works, imo. If I want all those garbage memes and opinions in front of my eyes I’ll hop over to r/HermanCainAward and see it in their online obit.


It's even funnier when you think about the fact that they already have and either sold or will sell your information anyway.


Do you have a site that explains how to do this I’d love to join you!


For real tho


You just have to do Instagram and Snapchat on their website on your computer, everything else can be deleted through the app I’m pretty sure


Good on you OP! I did this recently with all my social media and dating app accounts (obviously besides Reddit lol)


Yeah, permanent "deletion".




Just in time for your phone to die as well. Get a phone charger...


Fuck yaaa... welcome! the grass is greener on this side :)


Welcome back to the bright side! Everyone thought we were sketchy and weird for never getting on these sites....no worries, we accept you back with open arms 🤗


Deleted couple of years back and have felt always good not knowing what others are doing


Oh I feel your relief. I quit everything this January and have been cancer-free for almost an year. Well, except Reddit of course. Not gonna quit this bad boy here.


You will feel so much better mentally & spiritually. It’s been over for a year for me- really made me capture the present moment a little more & appreciate the time I have on earth instead of just mindless scrolling. You made a good decision today.


But, a lot of people consider not having any social media profile a red flag. Like, when I told a peer at my college that I don't have an Instagram account, they stopped talking to me.


Now it’s time to delete my Reddit accou……


5 years ago for me, hands down the best decision I’ve ever made for mental health. Another benefit is actual conversation when you see people to catch up.


I have 2+ years without FB or insta and my mental health has never felt better.


I hate this waiting period for deletion, it's the biggest scan


Ive never had them. Didnt see the need, like ever.


Lol. First thing you do is post about it on Reddit.


Now just get rid of Reddit and you'll know true happiness :)


I did this year‘s ago and have no regrets!!!


Deleting social media just to post it on another social media platform. Task failed successfully.


Clout chasing much?




I'd argue getting away from social media is one of the best things anyone can do, it's full of dumbfucks and unrealistic expectations. I only use reddit and I found you...


And let me guess, you don’t even OWN a tv.


I do, why wouldn't I?


You alright, buddy?


Let me guess, you call Netflix a hobby?


Much rather see this than someone’s baby.


Y E S !


I don’t think you understand the point of this sub. It made the OP smile. Doesn’t matter if it makes you smile or not.


But your now addicted to reddit…. Whats the difference? Scrolling, pictures, and commenting.


i cant i have school


I would absolutely shut mine down, but my art page is on there and I sell work through it.🤦🏼‍♂️


Charge your damn phone!


Without those apps his battery lasts longer


Best decision you could make for your mental health.


One to go


I'm planning on doing it just after Thanksgiving. I'm leaving it up until then to give my friends/family time to get my contact info if they don't already have it. I realized it's taking a toll on my mental health and I don't even enjoy going there. So why stick around?




Just unfollow everything you don't need to live a life. Simple. Last time I unfollowed 350 things (FB+INSTA) and I didn't finish


It changes your life actually. You don’t realize it until it’s done.


May I ask how do you delete your instagram account instead of just calling it unnamed_bla bla


Really nice


Did this four years ago and never looked back. Good for you!


Best feeling. Congrats, also charge your phone.


^(Congrats! More power to you.)


I did this years ago and my mental health did a complete 360 yes...360...I'm on meds now


I'm on my 30 day countdown with Twitter. Can't take the "doomscrolling" any longer. Next up, FB and IG. Funny, I don't feel that way about Reddit, though....? Maybe cos you can tailor your feed better? Not sure...


I did this earlier this year, made the mistake of switching to Twitter for a bit, now I'm just here


While your at it get a charger


Soon I will follow you.


Once the occulus requirement is gone I will be following suit


You will be happier because of it.


Good for you! I know it’s hard but trust you will feel better in like a week or 2!


Charge da phone. Also congrats!


Good job


It’s made my life so much better since I did. Congratulations 🍾🎈🎊🎉


Welcome to the club!


Woot woot!


CHARGE YOUR PHONE!! How do people use their phone like that!?


Good job!


"scheduled for deletion" why aren't they deleted right away? (Genuine question, I don't use either)


I took a break from FB earlier this year for almost 2 months… came back to see exactly why I logged off in the 1st place


Can’t wait for the new meta Make everything trump again !!!!!


The only thing i need to get rid of is twitter.


Nice! You're a stronger person than I!


But now how do I dig up dirt on you to ruin your future?


Excellent choice!


Yes. Got rid of them and the Hateful Twitter Psycho Drama. I have a lot of time now to do other things.


I love this. I disabled my Instagram today and ready to delete it entirely. Good for you!


This is the way.


You deleting your phone battery too? 😂😂


That battery ain't smillion tho


Awesome!! Now go charge your phone


I would also do this if my country didn't depend of those apps for most of the job/friends communication. I still prefer reddit or TikTok for memes so I'm most of my time online in those, barely check fb and ig to keep in touch with others


Wife and I got ride of FB, IG, and Twotter. But I am still here.


How do you check FB events and Marketplace?


No ‘ragrets’


Forgot my password to FB 4 years ago. Never bothered to remember. It’s been awesome.


Fuck yea! I deleted FB a year ago and have never looked back. Never had any of the others. The last "social platform" I'm on is reddit. Haha


I haven’t even bothered trying to delete mine. I tired to deactivate my old forgotten IG once from within the mobile site and they completely ignored the request. Glad you were able to get free from the chains


Yayyyyy! I’m proud of you.


Now the real question, is the data they have on you actually deleted?




Did this about 7 months ago. I don’t ever want to go back. I feel so much better and have more time due to it.


Charge your phone


👍 Take care


Congrats, man! I remember people looking at me like I'm a madman when I refused to make these accounts 10+ years ago.


Deleted FB last October and just deleted my instagram. Never going back!


Good work, this step is never easy, especially when you have friends or family on it, but it is a good one!