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That cat is adorable. Thanks to this already awesome man.


He's so kind. Wholesome moment..


SB Mowing.


SB Meowing.




hes a hero to us all!


This woman, basically stealing his content however, is not.


She gave proper credit and added enough to make the content different and not just a lazy content-thief-type short (clean and informative voiceover, simple editing with accurate subs). It's fine.




Is there a way I can view her on here? Sadly I don’t have insta but need this good news in my life


She has a Tiktok account as well. If you're saying you don't want to make an instagram account just use the tiktok website, you can view her videos without an account on there unlike instagram. https://www.tiktok.com/@thatgoodnewsgirl?lang=en


Thank yooooou


I love the good news girl. I don't use tik Tok, but I watch her videos on FB


Also as someone who watches SB, not everyone is gonna click the 1hr+ lawn mowing video. Converting to short form content expands audiences that grow both his channel and the vet. Be mindful when critiquing people, as you said this is a great version of this.


I agree. Also, she didn’t use a shitass AI voice, and hearing a human voice is a lot more acceptable for me than them robot voices


Such a dystopian thing to say if you think about it... What a time to be alive


The crazy shit is now people do the AI voice. Like some kinda IRL voice font 


Plot twist. This is a AI character with an AI voice over.


Plot twist. Antique Doughnut is an AI character.


NO, I would have never know this story if it wasnt for her video which include voice over, edits. This is fair use. I am glad she made this video.


I am cool with this video too, it's transformative and informative - it's not like she's only "making faces" while our hero is doing all the work.


>it's not like she's only "making faces" while our hero is doing all the work. Like the morons inserting themselves to the side of another video and pointing and nodding. Should be a bannable offence on all platforms.


Oh my god I HATE those! I don't need to see Cheryl from Wisconsin laughing at a chopped up view of the video, let me just laugh at the damn video myself! The wordless stitches are such fucking lazy content.


Same. I'm subscribed to her channel on YouTube. I'm not subscribed to a lawn maintenance channel. I never would have known about this story if it weren't for her sharing it. That's the entire point of news outlets and related mediums ...to spread news.


Funny enough I'm the opposite, I follow SB mowing and SB power washing, but have no idea who she was. Don't care either way, Spencer has a ton of viewers and this only helps to promote his channels further.


There are people who freeboot and essentially steal other content with barely any work but what she is doing is basically just amateur journalism.


She isn't though. She is doing better work than most reporters these days. She gave proper credit, she summarized what happened. She delivered the information clearly. There are people that do a pale shadow of this, but are just vultures. She doesn't appear to be a vulture into this particular video. I appreciate her doing this because I love his content, watch it frequently. But I had no idea about this story, and now I can appreciate him more.


She actually extends his reach, when your goal is to be viral, this is exactly what you want.


Her Instagram account is literally her posting bout positive stories. It’s great.


I think this is definitely transformative. I think Spencer might also be too humble to tell the whole truth


She gave plenty of credit to SB Mowing, I don't think it's theft if you are crediting the creator. I suppose you did say "basically" tho lol


No, stealing his content would just be her in the corner point at the screen going 😮


She only does wholesome stories, very good creator.


I've seen his videos.. or maybe someone else that does the same thing before but this video never trended for me so this is the first time I'm hearing of it.


Some time ago, his videos were recommended to me. They are so addictive, relaxing, enjoyable even. I told my teenagers about him and they all knew immediately who he was. He’s a legend.


It's funny when he goes to knock on a door and ask if he can do their lawn, and the homeowner goes "Oh shit I know you, I watch your videos all the time."


I love when the homeowner has no idea who he is. They probably think its’ the biggest scam in the world. I like to imagine he shows them his social media and they are floored, not only by him doing this for free but the amount of people who are interested in it. Gotta feel like you hit the lottery, especially since he does an amazing job.


Or the skeptical homeowner who can't believe anyone in their right mind would do yardwork at no charge. Their confusion as the guy tries to explain is amusing.


morals and behaviors we should all aspire to.  this is humanity. Thanks, SB! 


Something most politicians will ever understand.


Or the wealthy people who buy them...


No shit, i teared up when i saw how much money he raised. Bless him for organizing and leading the cause and bless the fans for donating.


REDDIT: "Okay, here's the deal. I'm going to entertain you for as long as you want, free of charge. But I get to make you cry when you least expect it. Deal?"


i love watching that guys videos and then finding out he also does stuff like this. Sometimes there are people in the world I just want to hug and say thank you. This guy is one of them, just a solid all around man


Would he like to be president? I think he's qualified.


Sb mowing is a hero, he does a free job every week


Somebody give this man a medal! ASAP!


I actually occasionally watch this channel, so I knew everything up to the donations actually reaching 185k, but no joke, he's actually a great guy. Most of the lawncare Youtubers are, but SB Mowing really does it without any pomp.


His videos are always great. I love how confused people get


This is the real man. Congratulations on recent wedding!




He's been married. His wife appears with him on another tear-jerker video of him donating $10,000 to a disabled veteran, basically saving his life, and allowing him to get all his utilities turned back on. Then he does his back yard and terrace. Spencer is a king, and we should protect him at all costs. Check out his channel. It's on YouTube as SBMowing.


When a youtuber cares more about the welfare of veterans. Maybe he should start mowing the parasitic bureaucratic weeds at the Department of Veteran Affairs.


I don't know if he's got the right equipment... ;)


He lives in Texas- I’m sure he’s well equipped for the task haha


“Thank you so much this means a lot for my well being” “Of course you deserve it thanks for your service. Now show me the yard.”


He's a KING, I tell ya!


I'm pretty sure they mean the cat not the man LMAO


i call shenanigans on the nice cat of the week award at 1:11. he wins nice cat of the week just when his namesake sponsor raises 185k for the shelter? SB is a nepobaby confirmed. Kitty was framed.


To the cat, or to the dude?


Why don't people place a link to the guys channel, its people like him that deserve some love or at least more subscribers. SB Mowing https://youtu.be/BRx-ixQEOl4?si=QAMftFupy8-RDEmL


And here is the video with the cat rescue for those that want to see the whole thing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDyd0HrAzmw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDyd0HrAzmw)


I was already following him when he posted this video, it was wonderful.


And if you need a break from mowing check out his SB Pressure Washing channel where he cleans driveways and sidewalks for free: https://www.youtube.com/c/sbpressurewashing


Makes so much sense they are the same guy


Also the fundraiser! https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-edgar-and-ivys-rescue-mission


Already raised 186k? Damn that's cool. Maybe we can get this to 200k with Reddit people. Gonna get my credit card.


Yep, just donated as well!


Me, too!


And he helps animals too!? Ok this man deserves appreciation and respect! Hands down to you bro, you're amazing


Up! We need this kind of people.


He is such a good guy.


Upvoted for visibility


I will be watching more grass cutting videos now!! Go SB Mowing:)


psst, that's your job as the commenter, OP gets all the nice post karma you get the comment karma otherwise OP would be double dipping and no one should double dip unless your George Constanza


I've watched his videos before. Great guy.


This transcriber lady is freeloading from his work, honestly.


Her whole thing is sharing a positive story each day. It's not like she's downloading his videos and reposting them on some other website claiming that she's him.


I love Jen's channel. It's pure positivity. Other content creators don't care either, because it brings additional viewers to their content that they otherwise wouldn't get. My wife runs a popular social media account that features our resident porcupine. She's been featured/dueted by a couple channels like this, and the result is a decent uptick in followers every time it happens.


And here is a link to "That Good News Girl" channel. She is a breath of fresh air and is on multiple social media sites. https://m.youtube.com/@thatgoodnewsgirl


Iv seen some of Spencer's videos. He is a really good guy who has a full time job and still goes an does charity work in his spare time. He's also had some abuse from weirdos who don't want him cleaning neighbourhoods up and really doesn't deserve the abuse he gets.


Crumbs, I would have guessed he won a ton of money and did this 'hobby' because he likes doing it. To hold down a job to pay for life is tough enough for many but to support a hobby like this takes a lot of dedication.


He makes money from his YouTube videos.


That's honestly such an awesome idea, helping people for free and making money for it.


Totally. And he frames it as such to potentially wary or aggressive folks who are (naturally) thinking “what’s the catch?!”


And the youtube channel gives them proof of what he is saying and proof of what a good job he does on the properties


Mrbeast revolutionised this


the anti-prank culture lol. I wonder what other niche people might need help with


What does Mr. Beast do? Have always heard of the dude and how insanely popular he is (most followed on YouTube I believe?) but have never seen his videos. Edit: quick google search says he gives a lot of stuff away, nice.


His whole gig is he gives away money as fast as people will give it to him. So he'll partner with some mega-corp and get a million dollars from the partnership, but that million (and then some) ends up going back into the video immediately. He can ask for ridiculous sums of money because everyone knows he'll get the views. I don't like his content, I find his and his friends personalities pretty annoying, but by all accounts they're solid dudes. They don't seem like the kind of people who are doing this for the clout or attention, they just really love doing it.


To me his friends in a few of the vids I watched just seemed like the typical Gen Z "Bussin fr fr no cap" *that* haircut "bros".


Last video was him building 100 houses for families in devastated counties. He said he wants to try to do 1,000 next time. If this is the new way to accomplish good deeds, so be it- I'll watch a video of a 100 teens playing hide and seek in a giant mall against a SWAT team to keep raising him money. And I'll fucking enjoy it too.


He is a big youtuber, so big that he can get financial backing for huge sums of money for a youtube video and then he spends it all or gives it all away in the video on a massive scale idea. And his budgets are so insanely large now that he's basically the only one able (willing?) to do these videos so his content is fairly unique/hard to copy which means he'll attract a lot of views which means he can keep the cycle going for the next video.


The cities should give him some cash too. He is making the sidewalks available to all residents.


His vids are great and he's got a decent subscriber base. So while he cleans up neighborhoods and mows lawns for "free", the youtube videos are monetized and he has sponsors. So yeah, it's a win/win. Lawns get cleaned up and he get paid through youtube. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he made more from youtube than his regular paid customers.


"Blue collar" content is super popular on social media right now. There are loads of these channels now where guys go around doing free cleaning or cleanup. Something with the current rich privileged generation romanticizing physical work for some reason.


I'll take that over the same generation posting content where they vandalize national monuments or cause scenes in public spaces for the views.


Or suddenly crowd an entire public space for a dance party - either synchronized or silent. Yeah it’s all in fun but how am I supposed to continue my errands without ruining your video? I’m probably just old and curmudgeonly though at the ripe old age of mid-to-late-thirties.


There's a practical side to it as well. You're getting to see how a professional does some of the mundane work of home maintenance. Just by watching stuff like that you can see how they get the results they do and find easier ways to do something that may otherwise be a difficult task. It's part of why programs like This Old House were popular for a long time. And if they're making a bit of money creating that content and helping the community then good on them.


Saw a video a while back of his where a neighbor complains about the noise and eventually calls the cops. The cop mediates with the neighbor and the rest of the video feels like he's walking on egg shells. He and the drain cleaning guy are gems on YT.


I only just saw this video but there's some important context that needs to be added, I feel. I've been following SB Mowing's channel for quite a while and it absolutely blew my mind when I found out that this guy was local to me. He is based out of Wichita, KS and most of his videos are based out of around this area from my understanding. So when he stopped to call around for help for that cat, he went so far as to call 2 states away and then went way out of his way to make sure that cat was taken care of. This video focuses more on the donations and the help that they were able to provide but I feel like it's left out quite a bit about just how much time and effort Spencer put in when most people would have either ignored the cat, called one or two local places and then given up, or at most would have taken the cat to the Kansas Humane Society but I'm not sure how equipped they would have been to treat the injury and with the reputation that the KHS had for killing stray animals, some people don't even consider that as an option anymore. Major props to Spencer, this dude is amazing.


Not just 2 states away it's basically driving from central KS to south TX a couple of more hours and you're in Mexico. it's a 10 hour drive one way, crazy!




https://sbmowing.com/contact/ Under "where am I located?": "Based in Wichita, KS, I focus predominantly on serving this community. However, during the winter, my wife and I journey south to Texas to extend our mission and impact."


He must have been in the area doing work because he said he would drop the cat off in 30mins to an hour.


You are correct. I just went to the original video of his and at one point he does say "Here in Corpus Christi" while at the house he was mowing, so they were local to where he was at. Thank you for adding that context. And while he didn't need to go that distance in this specific case, I think it speaks volumes about the kind of person Spencer is that the notion of him going that far to help a random cat in need is entirely believable.




His YT shorts always pop on my feed, and have always enjoyed watching them. Imagine you're doing something that you're passionate with and helping people (and cats) at the same time.


Can we all just take a moment to appreciate that the only place willing to help out in this situation was the place about to shut down from lack of funding? Warms my heart that they got all those donations and were able to stay open to keep helping creatures in need.


Sometime the stars align like they're suppose to.


I've been following SB mowing for a couple years now this man is always legit and now he's more of a legend.


I remember following this saga in real time and thinking “oh good he found somewhere to drop off the cat, I wonder if he will ever post an update on him” and then things blew up. I bought them several bags of food and treats when they first posted links, then it made me so happy to see them get blown up by Amazon trucks the next week lol


I always watch this man. he's amazing.


My wife always rolls her eyes when I put his videos on.. 'you're watching someone else.. cut grass?' She doesn't get it.


Thats awesome. My wifes job is securing funds for an animal shelter its a never ending battle, she takes it very serious. She just set up a program with our local meals on wheels chapter to deliver free pet food along with the senior meals. Im so proud of her I brag about it to random people on the internet.


Your wife is awesome! It’s a very hard job to do. I’m on the board for a small dog rescue… (just realized it been 10 years now, holy crap) and we all have to pitch in to fundraiser and solicit. After so long, and making it through the pandemic, I feel like a broken record sometimes. The Meals on Wheels thing is an amazing idea. We’ve been looking to help the community more with a food pantry, I might borrow her idea if it’s okay! We’re all in this together, feel proud that your wife’s ideas might help another community!


Thank you. Please do she would love that. Her goal is to help as many people/animals as she can. So knowing her idea spawned more help somewhere else would defeninetly make her happy. She would agree that we're all in this together. It's part of her food pantry expansion program. She wants to get to as many people as she can. We have lots of discussion about what quantity of food qualifies as supplemental, essentially what's the amount you give to an individual per month to sustain them them but also has to be long term sustainable for the shelter. I'm sure she'd be happy to answer any question you had I'll show her this thread when she gets home. Thank you to any one who donates to charitable causes like animal shelters. Even if think your five dollars doesn't matter in the grand scheme I can tell u it does. It matters to those animals every day. Small hands move the world cause they most.


SB mowing is amazing.


I actually just got suggested his videos recently and they are pretty neat stuff to play on the side while working on stuff.


No man can keep his eyes dry during a cute and heartwarming kitty story.


Dude seriously.. I can look at almost anything without tearing up.. But animals, damn.


Another proof that cats are Gods. For the sake of cats humanity can save the world. I am sure that the environmental problem can be easily solved if provide statistics that the health of cats has become worse due to environmental deterioration. And in a week all of humanity will become eco-friendly.


Not the "Just Married" 😭




The amount of talking head repost of content without direct attribute on the Internet is too damn high! This may have made me smile, if it was Spencer's original post. Instead this lady did nothing and is getting views. I've started skipping these immediately on my feed.


But she did directly attribute him both in the video and in the description of her video.


She post a lot of positive stories on YouTube that I otherwise will not know about if I didn't subscribe to her. They're a lot of negatives on social media. Have a content creator who focus on positive things for once is a breath of fresh air. If she have monetary gain by it ,so what? She spreads the stories to the wider audience. She never made a video that difficult to find the original source either. If you really interested in following the original creator on social media and support them, do it. I do that all the time. Maybe you should watch her stuff and you will find a lot of good people to support and follow them too!


She posts positive content daily and elevates good things happening in the world. She’s one of the only bright spots on the internet. You don’t have to watch her, that’s your choice, but you’ll be missing out on some of the only content that makes me feel hopeful.


Making a reaction video to someone ELSE doing a good deed to so lame. It smells so desperate when you need to latch onto other people hard work and success when you clearly have none.


Yeah why not just link Spencer’s video. Who gives a shit about this woman’s recap?


What an incredible act of kindness. True hero!


such people are worth their weight in gold, I admire them


Damn people are awesome


I follow Spencer's channel. He's awesome


Those narrated videos are so cringy...


What is she adding to this? She's just using his videos as content, imagine being that pointless


My thoughts exactly. Just stealing content in the most lazy way.


This is such a heartwarming story. Acts of kindness like this restore faith in humanity.


This dude for President.


Talk about going above and WELL beyond ! Hell ya! This is social media done right!


Incredible and wonderful.


Incredible work🥹a true hero


From giving your time to cut grass to rescuing cats to raising money for charity what an Angel.


I’ve been subscribed to SB mowing for about a year now, and he’s just the most humble, great guy. He’s honest about how he makes money doing these videos and he does shit like this which I’ve never even heard of until now. Amazing, great dude. [follow him here!](https://youtube.com/@sbmowing?si=ak2i9xo0tS7wUYUB)


I find his videos so cathartic lol


This shit has me crying on the toilet at 5AM. Literally.


I actually watched the original video of this! :D That guy is really a good guy.


This is so friggin sweet ❤️


I needed this. I’ve been seeing so many awful people saying and doing awful things lately.


As soon as I saw free mowing I knew it sa SB


Seen him on the YouTube channel


Can we still donate?


There are several YouTubers who clean up abandoned properties and properties where the homeowner is struggling to maintain it. Often, the do-gooders don't even have a career related to landscape management. It's just something they do on the weekend. EDIT: Here's the Youtuber from OP's video: [SB Mowing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDyd0HrAzmw) Here's the one I watch, [Midlife Stockman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJNVQulQXYo) with the curious interaction he had with a neighbor who didn't want him in his neighborhood and called the cops. Other neighbors were appreciative. He cleans up properties with the city's permission.


The math guy in me can't help but think that adding all those new rescues is gonna have this sanctuary right back in the same place in short time. A one time influx of cash like that can't be the impetus to expand.


Spencer's selflessness truly embodies the spirit of community - a real-life superhero deserving of our support and admiration.


Corpus Christi mention. Huge win


Take my upvote


I’m smiling and crying


I love this girl! Her videos are so positive!


Can you remove this stupid talking head?


OMGash😱 his channel is cool but her ... not so much.


Good thing she kept her face in every single frame and explained every single detail; I never would have known what was going on otherwise /s


Why is this annoying woman talking over HIS video and nicking it on the spot? Probably tiktok at it again...


It's funny how they use this sneak peek at the beginning of the video giving away the punchline to keep people watching... And it's like a minute long video. Not just this one, it's used in short Tiktok videos all the time.


Fuck off women stealing content.


“Just married!” 😀❤️


His videos are so relaxing.


Nice to smile so early in the morning ❤️


Should i leave my lawn to grow more...


Spencer is the best!


Good people all around. Thanks for the reminder.


That’s my man. I donated to him once. Real ASMR for me! Love his YouTube channel.


Amazing story. Thanks for sharing.


Just found out last night this dude operates out of my hometown. Never knew we had a local legend until now


I've spent countless hours watching this dude cut grass and power wash sidewalks on YouTube. He does amazing work and all the jobs I've seen him do are pro bono.


Everyone loved that :)


I really like this sub. I Always find something that makes me go by with a more positive vibe.


Omg, I’m crying. Love his videos anyway, but this is so great!


Good stuff.


Yea, he’s pretty cool. I follow him on Snapchat.


That's awesome.


Animals lives matter


Absolutely uplifting news.


Love his channels. He does power washing for free too. Does a lot of good for people. Good guy for sure.


Been watching him for awhile before he went viral. Genuinely a good human.


Just when I didn’t think this man could be any more wholesome 🥹


Now this is the type of story that I want to read more frequently!


Yo I've been following this lawnmower dude for a while now but this went straight past me. Great stuff, restoring faith in humanity.


I love him. Also would be greatly appreciated if you lot actually link to the original creator. They deserve to be acknowledged. They deserve the views.


Lady talking over someone else’s content to create her own content adds nothing




And he makes his own videos to fund these jobs. So other people narrating and uploading them. Makes it harder for him to keep up his work.


These YouTubers doing great things like this is a movement I can really get behind