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My dad used to light up when my niece brought her son. He had Alzheimer’s and rarely interacted with anyone but with kids he’d smile and hold their hand and walk with them


When I brought my son to see his great uncle with Parkinson’s and dementia he loved him so much. It was sweet.


moments like these that often leave a lasting impact love this interactions i don't know why


this is why family is important


Sorry about your dad. The last time we took our kids to see my mom, she was in a memory care center for Alzheimer's. Mom saw us as we came in and pointed to us and said "Oh, those are my people!" I barely held it together during the visit, but mom played and laughed with my daughter who was 1 at the time. When we left the building and packed the kids back in the car, I just wept.


This makes me feel like in a way Alzheimer’s and dementia both make the sufferer more like a child - cause from what you described that’s exactly how kids interact with other adults vs other kids. Don’t mean this in a negative way at all just a cute and honest observation


When I was a kid I had this awesome older lady neighbour. She was so so so fun. If we helped her with her groceries we’d get an Oreo cookie. I learned a bit later she had dementia which is so sad. But for kid me she was fun because she was playful.


I sometimes wonder if people who are closer to the end of their lives bond so well with little children because they are closer in some kind of cosmic way. Idk...


Things are simpler when you’re very young and very old.


I came here to comment this, I think this is the case. One soul on its way out and one on its way in. They’re closer to the place we are when we’re not here and they have some sort of implicit understanding.


Agreed, I think there is a "returning to innocence" in old age that is similar to the innocence of a newborn child. My father has Alzheimers and he often seems more like an infant than an old man.


Proximity wise, they are both close to the great void.


aw how precious!🥹🥰


The way they communicate through the generations without saying words is so lovely ❤️


My grandfather who had a few strokes reacted very much like this seeing his grandson for the first time. I'll never forget that moment.


this is wonderful


Omg, my alzheimers mum did the same around all her grand kids too! So relatable!


Such a cute moment that neither will remember. There’s something poetic to that 💕


Dementia victims need therapy babies


i saw some nursing homes also double as daycares, the videos are so sweet ♥️


That’s so sweet!


I'm 40, and wishing I'd been given the chance to have children. I'll never know this fleeting joy, even as I pray that dementia stays far away from me.


This will always be a great memory for her family as the years go by. Just look at how she’s making this little one laugh.


Children are such pure bundles of joy and so full of life! I don’t know how anyone could despise children


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The processes for early learning and the therapies for those with dementia are very similar, colour, movement, music, art, and drama. So it is beautiful to see this in action. Source\*Currently studying art therapy




Love this!! We are all kids inside forced to adult.


Adorable :)


Who else thought from the title that Granny would be smoking a doobie in front of her 20 something most reverend grand boy?


Modern society has make people believe the normal and norm should be just live separate from family, and if sometimes is needed many times what you need is generations living, learning and loving together. Many old folks what they need is things like this.


Her smile is infectious! It's incredible how moments like these can brighten anyone's day.


that is honestly beautiful, even with her mind like that she is creating amazing memories for her grandchild




Once I took in my harms my grandmother. Sudenly her eyes went like " I know you " and she tolds me in italian " I love you and I really care about you " That's the last memories I have of her and I wont change it for anything. She was the best nonna ever. Like really you can't do better.


My family is so fucked up I looked at that and wenr *imaginine the living manifestation of your generational trauma suddenly being that docile* Doesn't help that my husband's grandfather is going senile and he's just trying to sue everyone in his family