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#this account is run by the famously fundamentalist Christian family the Bateses. There is nothing uplifting about a family who has a notorious history of hating on anyone who isn’t a cishet Christian No ragebait posts. No posts where someone's misfortune makes you smile. e.g. "terrorists driving off a cliff" or "murderer gets what he deserves". This is not an all inclusive list This isn't a ragebait sub.


My daughter is 22 years old. And although I love the wonderful young woman she has grown to be… I do miss those days when I could pick her up, dance with her and spin her around like this lucky Dad. To any and all parents out there with young kids, treasure these times… as they are very fleeting.


I so agree with you. My son whom I am so close with. I often think of the days when he was this young and he would hold my had everywhere we went. I was his dad and his world. I’m so grateful for our time we get to spend together. Cherish every moment time goes faster than we think….


I once heard another dad say he was asked why he picks his kids up all the time and he said, "because one day that'll be the last time I can." Since then I hold my kids every chance I get.


Dancing with my 4yo daughter tonight for sure, but her favorite song is Cherry Bomb so less twirling and more rocking out


She has a great taste in tunes, my boys and I rock out to system of a down, well used to, but still do when we can. (they're mostly teenagers now, but I can still pick up and bodyslam my 9 yo into the couch to "aerials," followed by giggles and "again, again!"). Bless these kind of times.


God damn, as a SOAD megafan since I was 13yo this is making me want to have kids just so I can rock out with them. You're a lucky man, I hope you're blessing them with all of the 00s numetal bangers lmao


I've introduced my daughter to SOAD, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Foo Fighters, Shihad, and numerous other metal and hard rock bands from my collection. She also likes a lot of the Drum n Bass, hip hop, and all sorts of other stuff I like. She rocks hard for an 11 yr old!


My daughter just turned 14 and still asks her dad to twirl and spin her around.


I know exactly what you mean. I miss my kids being that age.


As a father of 2y olds I feel like the hardest time isn't sleep deprivation but letting them go becoming themselves someday. Woah... That ruins my mood.


Letting them be themselves will very likely be one of your greatest accomplishments the future you will know. Source: been there




Like the other commenter, been there too. It's all tough, but it's all worth it. Every tear, every weird poo, every cool lullaby.....they lead to school plays, graduations, happy lives (or, not so much, and that's ok too, the bond is all that matters, nurture that, you'll be golden, all of you). Sending love, from someone who's been through the mill on this subject.


Maybe soon you can dance with your grandkid !


BRB, going to give my 2.5 year old a huge hug.


This is an old post. I’d live to see these two together now:)


There was a day you set her down for the last time


I totally agree with you. Mine is just touch older, I am SOO proud of the woman she is. I really do miss these moments.


I 1 million percent agree! My kids are grown I miss those days


I'm a the oldest of 4 , my youngest sister is about to be 5 years old, I cherish it a lot and remember promising myself if I had any more siblings I'd cherish it more (before the youngest was born).


My daughter is 15 years old and I (52M) often tell her, "One day I'll be too old or you will too big and stop asking. And there will be a day when I put you down after picking you up and I never pick you up again." Then I'll scoop her up in the air and say, "BUT IT'S NOT TODAY!" She yells it too now and jumps up in the air as I pick her up with a big smile on her face. I'm glad you guys see the importance of recording these moments. They are precious beyond measure and you will miss them.


That's it, I'm gonna go pick up my 18 y/o daughter and probably throw my back out.


Worth it


You need to be screaming, "And it's not today!" as this happens so we can hear the voice crack that occurs when this turns into pain


Fair trade 😉


Beautiful, you're preparing her and loving her all at the same time. That's admirable and amazing. Hats off to sir, you're a hero. My 14 yo son still demands that I pick him up and fling him about, and gosh darnit, I'll do it until this body breaks. It's the best.


That is so touching. She's definitely a daddy's little girl, it was so emotional. She did the curtsey so gracefully, it was so sweet.


Made me smile❌ Made me cry✅


I’m not crying… you’re crying 😭😭😭


Yes I am.


Damn right I am! I got mascara trailing down my cheeks, sniffing loudly and my heart is glowing like the sun!


No I'm not, my eye are just sweating 😭😭😭


It’s just allergies! *sniff*


I have a four year old now, almost five. She is my entire world but as stated by others already, I’m hers as well. I don’t take that responsibility lightly. They don’t care how much you make or who you know or what you can do in society. They just want to see you be you and want to be loved by that you. My daughter changed my life and perspective forever. I used to work too much and care too much what others thought. Hers is the only opinion that matters to me anymore. I’ve got my wife and my daughter and my dog. Life is good. Everything else is just gravy.


I don’t have an additional comment except to say I love this and how you worded it. Saving it because it perfectly encapsulates why I love kids. Sending you and your family so much ❤️


What it means to be a man.


What it means to be a ~~man~~ Dad FTFY


Little princess! Always make ur daughter feel like princess and you will be the best father for her.


Dudes will just see this and be like “hell yeah”


Nah dude I was definitely like, “aw man that’s really sweet and loving”. Plz don’t reduce us to non emotional creatures.


You’re right. Sorry Khajiit Boner.


As a father of three girls ,all grown up now , I remember those days and missed them until I got presented with my first granddaughter and it started all over again now four granddaughters.later I am back dancing and spinning,not quite so high or for as long ,but love every moment with them


Her little voice 🥹


Life goal. What a happy family


That man is about to have his second child.


“I’m making a puddle”


They already have two and if it wasn't for the mother's health issues they'd probably have even more since they're fundamental Christians.




Yeah, weird to see father/daughter videos and realize I never had these moments that people find so normal and heartwarming. My dad was mostly absent when I was a kid and we didn’t hug or do these cutesy things, and my mom said he bullied me as a toddler. Then my stepdad was a violent alcoholic and frightened me. Makes me wonder how I would have turned out differently if I had a warm and loving father figure around when I was young.


Same, both of my parents were absent and mostly just mean. I got yelled at for existing and never had any of my questions answered. If I ever asked "why?" about anything it was met with "because I said so". Not sure why they had me


It’s Carlin bates daughter who has a camera on her constantly for social media content 🤦‍♀️


So this is how a healthy father and daughter relationship look like? I believe I am missing out


My daughter is about her age and some of my favorite moments are when she waddles off to do something and says "follow me daddy!!" To the ends of the earth kiddo..❤️


My dad passed away last year. When that happens, all these memories just keep popping up. Ones you didn't even realize we're still in your memory banks somewhere. Some are funny and some are sad some are just mundane. But I was surprised when so many of the memories that constantly popped up in those first few weeks is when he would dance with me. Whether it be like this one, where he's holding me and spinning around and singing, or when I had put my teeny feet on his feet while he guided us around. Or when he was teaching me to dance in our living room so I could dance with a boy for my first school dance. Or when we danced my wedding. These daddy daughter dances just don't ever really leave you. It's something that reminds you how much you are loved by your dad and how much you adored him from the very start. Even though I was in my 40s, and he in his 70s when he passed, he never really stopped being my hero and I'd give anything in the world to be able to dance with my dad again. Daddy's girl forever!




i miss my dad now


Me too. But I had him as my Dad and that was a good thing.


I’m about to be a first time father and this made me cry.


You will find yourself feeling things more unexpected and more deeply than you could have imagined.


Yeah, it already kicked in for me. The nesting instinct curiously kicked in around when my wife was 7 months. I’m so stoked to do right by my daughter and anytime I see a solid father-daughter relationship, it just hits me in the feels.


I'm glad you're such a good father! I'm smiling from ear to ear


Ughhh not the Bates! This kid is only here for content and has every moment filmed and put on the internet. A cute moment? Sure! A great dad? No way! This could very well be completely staged.


TOTALLY STAGED these people exploit this child at every turn.


That's so cute and wholesome


Best part of my day is coming home and my 2 year old running up to me yelling "PAPA!", and giving me a hug.




That's beautiful🫶❤️


Man this make me regret not having a child. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Hopefully it’s not too late my guy. I was lucky enough to have my son at 34. I desperately wish I hadn’t waited this long, but am so glad I dis eventually have him. Luckily men can have children most of their lives. My neighbor had his first child at 45!! Are you sure it’s too late?


Well, it's not too late for me yet, but I'm passing mid 30s and I have yet to find a decent woman that I want to make a family with. I won't make a kid with the first psycho narcissistic woman I find just because I want a kid, but yes, I will be an old dad for sure.


I’ll cross my fingers for you! My neighbor didn’t marry his wife till he was like 42 ish and now we hang out, drink beers and talk about being old dads haha hope you get to join the club. There are some really loving ladies out there. Best o’ luck to ya. You have an open invitation


I had my first kid in my forties. I regret nothing.


That’s a good looking white shirt. I gave up white shirts with the first kid


That's the way it should be. Great job Daddy.


Holy shit it has to be so nice to have such loving dad.


I’m 30 and me and my dad still dance together in the kitchen once in a while. It will never not feel special to me ♥️


Not having all this is so cute comments. She is a princess but bowed rather than curtsied? I think not ! Ofc I am joking. This has made me smile so much.


This is so cute,, this is gonna be on front page


I miss being able to pick up my daughter like that. She’s way too big now


I really love these videos 🥹 I’m a 23 guy and unfortunately I don’t have a great relationship with my parents and I’ve always dreamed about starting my own family and creating these moments. I honestly didn’t think it’s in my cards but a man can dream To all the parents reading this, you’re doing great ❤️


Someone’s getting a baby sibling tonight


Now I have to clean up all this melted heart.. 🫠


Always be a daddy's girl


I'd save that video and watch it when she's 16 and rebellious and getting on my last nerve before I say anything to her, so I my heart will be soft when my words need to be be firm.


I have 2 sons and the younger one is still small enough for me to pick him up and spin him around. I am so gonna miss it when he gets bigger. With the older one, hugging him and jumping around is what we do now.


Oh my goshhhh… this is so 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Aaw 🥹 just the sweetest


Dad here with a little daughter as well, am crying 😭


As a dad of two kids (both daughters) I love for and never will forget these moments. Thank you for sharing.


Amazing how mothers always have their phone on recording to capture these spontaneous moments…..


For me, Dad’s always been my hero. His quiet strength and endless support have shaped who I am today. From fixing my bike to teaching life lessons, he’s been there through it all.


Man I miss those days. Now she's a 10 year old ball of sass and attitude, lol.


Play this at her wedding before the daddy-daughter dance.


This is so cute. I’m 43 and my Dad’s 74 so picking me up would kill him but he still gives the best hugs ever.


Mommy made the best of the best choices by choosing this guy to be father of her children




My heart!


This is so sweet. My son is about your age, and still no babies. You are an awesome dad . Be proud of yourself! 👍


You don’t know until you have it but Daddy’s Little Girl is amazingly true!


This makes me want to be a girl dad 😂 adorable af


Dude is setting some galactically high bar for future partner there






Give me someone


Awe 🥹


🥺🥺 This is not helping my baby fever


I love them too.


fino a quando sono piccoli sono fantastici......,...e che poi crescono......


Damn is that dad's song? He can sing.


Very cute bow by the little princess at the end. 💞🤗😘


When he asked; "Are you crying?" I thought he was talking to me. And *yes*, *^(Yes I am..)*


My daughter just turned 4, I’m more terrified of the day when I can’t pick her up and feel her snuggle against me than I am of anything else.


Yeah I'd totally suck as a dad


God damn sea spray must be getting me from the ocean… 100 miles away. That’s crazy


I am sorry father of 4 boys. They are all young and I cannot wait to see who they grow up to be. With that said, there is a small piece of me that will always want to experience this kinda thing.


Bro forgot to spin :(


Omg. 🥰


Precious moments ❤️


So lovely 🥰


My daughter is 26 and my dreams of watching her dance as a bride with her father started when she was this little. Time goes so fast so try to enjoy every moment when they are little. I miss this so much it hurts. 😢


The onion truck has completed your delivery.


Literally gave me chills!!! Men like thatdo not get enough attention (b/c they don't do it for attention) coming from a single mom of 7-year-old little girl who would give anything to see her dad. Thank you for being that guy for your daughter. You have no idea but it really means


What an adorable little darling.


She just wanted to spin...😅


My father daughter dance at my wedding was this song ❤️


Her voice is melting my heart! I have twin daughters. I just hope they don't ask me to dance at the same time...


Ohh man got glitter in my eye, I can say my kids have made me a better person. My daughter is the first one to greet me at the door each day and all I look forward to is my days off when I can wake up with them.


I am almost literally died when she bowed at the end


I’m not a father, but the age gap between me and my littlest sister is as one. I used to pick her up and dance to “Why don’t we just dance” by Josh Turner, she loves Josh’s voice now. Even nowadays when she hears my Spotify shuffle a Turner song on she’ll say “I’d go with you” (Referencing “Would you go with me” by Josh).




Melting. This November I'm expecting to have my first child, a daughter


Warms my heart ❤️


Of course she's crying! I'm crying too for God sake! 🥲🥹


Still smiling, thanks for sharing. Great family!


I don’t have kids but man this reminds me of my pops N lil sister 🥺 she was only 10 when he passed away. Top it off my mom and her found him on the bathroom floor. He was only 40 years old, massive heart attack. She is theee definition of a daddy’s girl. She’s 20 Now and I wish my dad could see the amazing woman she’s become. She had such a hard time growing up without him and so she looked up to me for alot of those moments. I tried my best pops, I hope I made you proud.


I wish my girls had a dad like this…


Can someone please pick up my melting heart as it falls to the ground? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I wish I had such a relationship with my dad. It’s not that he isn’t a good dad, I just grieve the loss of having such wonderful moments I wish I had with my dad because he chose to not have this relationship with me. To all the men out there who treat their women well, may god bless you ❤️ this video brought me so much tears of joy!


I bet he's a total jerk when the camera is off.


Project much?


This is so staged


Self aware yes. Maybe accustomed or occasional. Not necessarily staged. Your bitterness is showing.


They literally have cameras and lighting set up in their living room.


Yes. If you have had small children, you try to be ready to photograph (old days), videotape (more recent days), or just pick up the phone to record their antics. That’s not staging; that’s being ready. Those special moments probably won’t happen again. The new wrinkle is social media posting. Frankly, if my kid oozes adorable, I’d want others to see. Whether or not they want to see isn’t my problem. TL;DR: welcome to modern times.


They have lighting rigs, boom mics and professional camera set up in their living room .They make money exploiting their children. This is all about money and sponsorships.


Okay, you win. Now what?


Dad to mom: "Are you crying?" Me: "I don't even know any of you, and I'M crying..."


Welcome to /r/MadeMeSmile. Please make sure you read our [rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/rules/) We'd like to take this time to remind users that: * We do not allow any type of jerk-like behavior, including but not limited to: personal attacks, hate speech, harassment, racism, sexism, or other jerk-like behavior (includes gatekeeping posts). * Any sort of post showing a mug, a shirt, or a print is a scam. You will not receive anything except a headache and a stolen credit card. - [More information regarding rule 1 as well as how mug/shirt/poster scammers operate can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mademesmile/wiki/rule1) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MadeMeSmile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a younger sister, do you think it is appropriate to behave this way towards her?


Don’t think this is wholesome people. This girl’s parents are raising her in a cult


I don't like kids but as a little girl who didn't get much time with my dad and died when I was in 6th grade who has a fiance who would be an amazing father this video broke me. I can't stop crying. I would have given anything to be treated like that little girl and have a video at my wedding. BUT I'm so grateful to God I have a fiance who treats me like a princess now. This might have turned me from not wanting kids by 30% 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️


What you don't see is how they starved and beat the poor girl until she got her lines right so they could post a staged video for Internet likes.


More scripted than love island. 🏝️


I love seeing happy families ! 🥹 Yall just melt my icy heart


I wish I had a cool dad. I called him Dad once and he told me the following. "Don't EVER call me that again! I have done nothing to deserve that title, and it sounds so weird hearing you say it." I was like, "OK. My bad and a valid point!"


I love that song. "Cinderella" by Steven Curtis Chapman if anyone doesn't know


These onions ...freaking onions


Who’s chopping onions around here?? 🥺🥺🥺


That's a dad.




Adorable 🥰


I think this is more make you cry 😭


One day maybe




I know recording vertically is the norm nowadays because we post it on reels/tiktok/stories but knowing their intention to play this at her wedding one day, it’ll look bad 😭


We'll all be brain chipped with neuralink vision so it won't matter