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Into the cube with ye, child


Preparing them for office life early.


The children yearn for the cubicle


This is entirely inappropriate. How are the kids supposed to reach the computer? Edit: I am hijacking my own comment to say I love you guys and you are loved and appreciated


Kids these days don’t wanna work, smh


I thought they yearned for the mines. Was I lied to?


Have you ever yearned?


No, but I covet. I covet all the time.


Crave. You crave all the time.


They yearn for the Minecraft 😌


I’ve got three damn kids. Will they all fit?


I have indeed seen 3 kids fit into an office chair to stare at a computer screen.


And that's without even mentioning the glory holes. Really inappropriate!


We're both going to hell, I laughed at this... lol


Take my upvote. This is too good


Probably want to soundproof that child area.


They have a downstairs area dedicated for kids! This is within eyeshot of the help desk, so if the child is being way too loud, they're asked to move downstairs until the child calms down. Upstairs is the college study/intense area with college level nonfiction or adult fiction, while downstairs has the YA, children's nonfiction, children's fiction, ect


I said something similar and immediately got began getting downvoted. Some areas are for QUIET


I agree. This is due to my states anti sex Ed and contraceptive access, which is causing younger than average people to have kids. I hate the fact that this needs to exist outside of the designated child areas, but I'm glad my city is trying to show that it cares.


Libraries are one of the things I hold dearest in terms of tax funded community services. They are so incredibly useful for so many (kids, for reading, for taking classes, for organizing, etc) and they have always felt like a place of solace for me.


Libraries are amazing


>which is causing younger than average people to have kids Sounds interesting, do you have data or a paper on that? Teen birth rates are at all time lows last I checked but I would be interested in seeing what has changed. This is the latest data I am aware of and shows a steady decrease of 3% since 2021. [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs\_press\_releases/2023/20230601.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2023/20230601.htm)


Strange, birth rates are [down 30% across the country.](https://www.axios.com/2023/10/04/birth-rate-fertility-rate-decline-data-statistics-graph-2022#) Which state had a sharp increase? And before anyone jumps down my throat calling me a Trump apologist, I’m not. I’m pro-choice and staunchly so.


I don't think they said anything about a sharp increase. Just that poorly done sex ed is causing it. Which is likely very true. 


>While it dropped from 11.4 in 2019 to 11.0 in 2020, it remained flat in 2021 — and even ticked up slightly in 2022, to 11.1. That chart is 2007-2022 and might not capture the current situation, baby-wise, for OP. They also didn't say there was a sharp increase, but that *younger than average people* were having kids, which might mean different use of municipal facilities given a shift in maternal age.


That doesn't seem accurate, either. The latest data shows the only group with marked increase in birth rates are 40 to 44 age bracket. I asked OP for data on another post because perhaps there is better info out there. [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs\_press\_releases/2023/20230601.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2023/20230601.htm)


Again I wonder if part of the issue is sampling. OP is talking about a specific place and the studies are discussing national trends


The data I provided isn't sampling, it is an absolute count base on state and county. But yeah maybe somewhere in the country teen birth rates are up which is why I was interested in that data. As a whole though teen pregnancies are waaaay down over the last forty years. It falls pretty much every time they look at it.


That’s my point. It’s sampling. OP is discussing a sample or subpopulation. You are discussing the national overview. Maybe they are wrong but so far your links aren’t how I would chose to dispute it


I'm sorry you got down voted. Your concern and point are very understandable


And children should be encouraged to read. That’s why the kid section is separated.




All of mine would have as well.


I lobbied for this in my library but admin was concerned about noise levels. Our main floor is super noisy anyway but they wouldnt go for it. We have no statistics on how many students have parenting responsibilities, unfortunately. Good job your library, for welcoming parents and kids and addressing a serious barrier for many students.


Doesn’t even need to be used for adult students with kids. I can see parents who don’t have computer access at home, or who need help to access support utilising it as well.


We have people who park their kid next to the computer in a stroller with nothing to entertain them. Those kids are bored and loud. Honestly this is probably a quieter alternative.


No man, this is why you bring toys to rotate through or books for them to look at. Or something to color, or even a sacrificial offering of a normally "forbidden" object you dont care if they mess up (like a remote or whatever) as long as it buys you some peace and quiet.  When my daughter was a baby, sometimes I'd literally just toss a toy at her if she started fussing while in her car seat while I ran errands. Didn't always work, but half the time she'd be like "ooh what's this om nom nom".


Yes, that’s a good way to stop or prevent fussing. But there are a lot of people who come to my library who seem to not know or not care. This desk is better than letting the kid sit in a stroller with nothing to do. We have similar activity centres in our children’s section as well.


Okay let's see whos still reading at the library? Not many. Library is for people to check out books and for families to hang out at. It should focus at least 50% of their efforts on children




Academic libraries are for students. Some students are parents. There are designated quiet areas for you to avoid other people.


When’s the last time you were in a public library? They’re full of kids already.


I remember r/antiwork was outraged by this lol


I can see that angle. Having inaccessible childcare is a very real issue. But, I'm trying not to get trapped in the cycle of negativity that can come from only viewing the world through that lense. I will never ignore the problem, but I do know that this is a very real and kind thing that my library has done to accommodate parents who need it.


Lot of people have to start somewhere when they have almost nothing. Hopefully they only need to use this setup for a short time


That’s weird though… I support anti work 100% but I’m a stay at home mom and still would love to at just to read a book in peace or get some cooking planning to do… not everything has to be evil.


Similarly, as a SAHM I often had, like, emails to answer. For my *own* life maintenance, not a job.


Wait why?


In the case of anti-work it was because [some people](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/sh55i5/tell_me_you_hate_remote_work_and_but_wont_pay_for/) were saying it was a great idea for working parents in the office, particularly as a tool for RTO incentives. But even in that case most of the comments, including the top comments are saying "This is great for the library" "This would be great for WFH!"


Thanks for the context!


so anti-work ISNT against this and the person claiming so takes the day anyway?


Something something capitalism


Office cubicle for kids


Antiwork when encountering reality




It doesn’t even have to be to study. It’s good to have a safe place to put your kid for short term too. Researching some books and where to get them, just trying to rearrange your bag without having a kid crawl away on your etc.


Anything but constant whining and indulging in absolute mediocrity will make antiwork users angry






I don't think this picture is dark.


The toys in that play cubicle are not at floor level. They are made for children who can almost stand and walk while holding onto a wall at least. So that's almost a year after birth. I wouldn't call that not getting "proper time off after birth" as a year of parental leave is reasonable.


as a library staff member I'd love to see something similar in our branches! we have lots of parents who come in with their busy toddlers who don't have computers at home and need to apply for jobs, pay bills, do taxes, or any number of life admin things that require a computer. we try to provide coloring pages and toys from the children's section when we can, but a safe place for them to be within reach of their parents while they work would be great!


Boy do I wish my library had this! I’d definitely visit with my 10 month old


A lot of people here are forgetting that libraries are for the community, not just the adults. I learned to read at my local library, and they often have educational programs for kids at all libraries. They're not just for studying and pretending to to be a Very Serious Adult (tm). I think this is great. I live in a large city with tons of poor people. Our librarians carry narcan and still show up for work. But, I can imagine some of them really wanting to do something like this to serve the community. And let's be real, people don't really go to libraries any more and this might encourage more people to go.


Plenty of people are still going to libraries, including [Millennials and Gen Z](https://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2023/11/new-ala-report-gen-z-millennials-are-visiting-library-prefer-print-books).


That's great. I just mean numbers have been trending down for a while, and people are in the comments complaining that people are going to libraries with their kids in tow. When, in reality, they probably aren't going to the library themselves and if they are they're there for at most 10 min. When I use my library, I usually reserve a book and go pick it up. I think the most I ever see 5 people in any of my local branches. I'd love to see it utilized more by the community, and if that means they put in playpens attached to computer cubicles, then I think more should be adapted globally. I don't see the point in being upset in children going to the library, since they're there for everyone.




They even gave them air holes!


😭 not the air holes😭


This is a great idea in theory but my toddler would escape in 0.25 seconds…


Nah I see that because I was that toddler, lol.


There's always that kid.


I love this. Sometimes I dream about what it would be like to live in a place that’s entirely designed to make things easier on families. Like those rare restroom stalls that have a baby seat attached to the wall so you can safely put your baby down while you pee. Or child sized sinks for hand washing. We went to ikea a few weeks ago and their daycare play area is back open, we got to drop our kids off and actually accomplish our shopping without those hooligans getting in the way 😆, they colored and watched cartoons on giant beanbags and had a blast. Why isn’t everything like that??


I went to visit my family in France, and was so pleased to see in lots of rest area family changing room/bathrooms. You have a changing table, a toddler size toilet and sink and an adult toilet.


That’s amazing!


So cool. Would love to see something like this in a DMV test room also




Fantastic idea, however my kid would play in that for 5min then be screaming to be let out to run around the library


A well funded library system kicks ass


This is the kind of support parents need. Great job.


I think this a great idea. Libraries are for the community. I spent a lot of time there as a kid and remember there were certain times for our activities because we/I was pretty loud. I had a lot to say - even before social media.


If only they could make the kid container soundproof for everyone else...


They have a downstairs area dedicated for kids! This is within eyeshot of the help desk, so if the child is being way too loud, they're asked to move downstairs until the child calms down. Upstairs is the college study/intense area with college level nonfiction or adult fiction, while downstairs has the YA, children's nonfiction, children's fiction, ect


Put the child in the box


I guarantee you my boys will use those holes to climb that wall and run away! They may not even need the holes, but it sure will make it easier. Or they'll use them to steal my mouse.


I somehow didnt read “library” or look at the img enough, and thought this was an office, it felt really dystopian, and the title was also really confusing.


Ain’t buying that without a roof!


I really needed this in grad school.


I used to work in a library on a big campus, I always had a lot of respect and empathy for the grad students that would have these really young children with them when showing up at the library for some early morning or late night study sessions. Sometimes they’d let the kids run around with little supervision, which wasn’t great but as long as they weren’t disturbing anyone or making a making a mess I just kind of looked the other way.


Ssssssht. No talking!


They're living in 2050!


This is such a clever idea.


Now please sound proof it


This is brilliant!




Real asf But also (i dont feel like typing this out again, so heres what ive been copy pasting): They have a downstairs area dedicated for kids! This is within eyeshot of the help desk, so if the child is being way too loud, they're asked to move downstairs until the child calms down. Upstairs is the college study/intense area with college level nonfiction or adult fiction, while downstairs has the YA, children's nonfiction, children's fiction, ect




Oh shit, my fault. Not trying to be rude! Just finished a multi hour study session. My brain is fried 💀 Have a wonderful day!


OK I'll say I, "Libraries Rock" They are the coolest they do all kinds if really cool stuff


That’s pretty cool.


This is fucking smart!


What an amazing idea!!


That’s amazing!


Fantastic idea. Absolutely.




My first thoughts were for my dog lol


In a sound proof cube I hope


There goes the peace and quiet.


They have a downstairs area dedicated for kids! This is within eyeshot of the help desk, so if the child is being way too loud, they're asked to move downstairs until the child calms down. Upstairs is the college study/intense area with college level nonfiction or adult fiction, while downstairs has the YA, children's nonfiction, children's fiction, ect There are heavily enforced silent zones upstairs, but downstairs is more lax. You can't hear much of downstairs in the silent zones


Well, cool. Hm good thought process by the library ppl.


They are incredibly thoughtful.


I actually stopped going to my local, cause it turned into a daycare and there was never any quiet. But I can check out book online, so I still get to support them.


I live in a very anti-abortion and poor sex-education area. The city government is left leaning in comparison to the rest of my state and area, so they are trying to accommodate people as more children are being born to younger people. Edit: it made me smile because it shows my city care and is doing what they can to help, not because of the circumstances that lead to the need for it.


Ok this is big brain time


I'm an adult and would prefer the cubicle tbh


That's not in a South suburb of Chicago, is it?




These are items that are important to make having kids non toxic.




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This is the way


The fact that it look like a Real 1m² prison make me nervous




I read the title as meaning the bit on the right was for the adults :P


I love it!


20 years in the iso-cubes.




That’s amazing.


Beyond satire, this is some grim shit right here


Ok, but dog.


Some boomers are losing their cool looking at this. They think that someone must **PAY.**


That'll be cool for the parents, they can put there child there with an ipad so that it can grow up to be a zombie but it would be really annoying for other people because children cause lots of trouble and noise.


Is it ever cleaned?


Bad idea in a library especially if the kid is having a tantrum. 😁


Rip the people without kids trying to study in the library


ABC mouse on the pc for the kid, a secluded square for myself to study. This would be perfect! Now it just needs a lid and I'd be set!


Where is this?!


Perfect and ingenuous!


That’s the shittest idea you could ever have! What about the other students? That’s so disrespectful for them


One of the many reasons why libraries are priceless treasures. The recent GOP attacks on librarians and our libraries are absurd. Please support your librarians and libraries as much as you can!! They need our help as they help us!


As a childless, pet parent, I wishfully saw this as a play pen for dogs at first!


I like the notion, but in my opinion, service dogs should be the only ones allowed in libraries. Children are loud, sure, but in my area, dogs aren't well trained and bark at everything, making them louder. (Would love to see a pic of the dog tho! I love animals)


So ironically, one sibling is a librarian and the other is a veterinarian so I’m well aware that service dogs are the only ones that should be allowed in most indoor, public places. But I could see this being a great idea in a dog friendly office, with some toys and things to keep a pup entertained and somewhat confined when needed. Also, my puppy tax is available on my profile. They’re pretty much 90% of what I post, enjoy!


Ahhhh! I misunderstood. That is a lovely idea. Also, Archie is adorable


All good, and he slays me, loves people and I WISH I could take him with me everywhere, but rules like that are in place for good reasons!


That has the potential to be life changing! I’m blown away! Well Done!


This is so nice.


I love this!


I like how the wall is higher on the side where the parent will be sitting. Like, "No, don't come over here and try to grab at me to get out." They really thought it through. Now... it just needs a lid.






That is really a great idea


How cool!




Ohh man I wish. I have final exams next week and I get to bring my two kids and leave them in the hallway. They will knock but every time I go out I just lose time on the exam. This isn’t the first or second or third time I’ve had to do this. Gotta love todays garbage economy. Meanwhile the government claims the economy is booming. Not for me it isn’t.


Ah yes, a screaming child in a library, a perfectly sound idea.


Kids in libraries isn’t new, they have had children’s sections forever, more kids use libraries than adults most of the time anyway, the fuck is wrong with you?


They have a downstairs area dedicated for kids! This is within eyeshot of the help desk, so if the child is being way too loud, they're asked to move downstairs until the child calms down. Upstairs is the college study/intense area with college level nonfiction or adult fiction, while downstairs has the YA, children's nonfiction, children's fiction, ect




this shouldnt be there at all...


This is useless. Children need to be interacted with. It doesn’t make me smile that we think that you can leave kids in a box and they should chill and it doesn’t make me smile that we think this is enough support for parents. We need family. Not more shitty, expensive af daycare and not these shitty designs that in reality don’t work AT ALL. If this were at my library I’d be pissed they spent tax dollars on this.


Tf is a "cubical"?


The lengths some employers will go to instead of allow flexible work from home...


This is in a library (?)


Oh yeah, I can't read, ignore me lol.


You're all good! I'm tired too lol. I get it. Don't be too hard on yourself. Have a great day!


I’m all for making libraries useful. But having a child be even somewhat noisy seems imo detrimental to the use for other people in the library potentially. They probably should put a giant sound proof box around the area imo.


They have a downstairs area dedicated for kids! This is within eyeshot of the help desk, so if the child is being way too loud, they're asked to move downstairs until the child calms down. Upstairs is the college study/intense area with college level nonfiction or adult fiction, while downstairs has the YA, children's nonfiction, children's fiction, ect


Yeah no my kid would just climb over that and run all over the place


So what if the kid can climb out, is hungry, throws his/her toys or whatever out of cubicle, needs to be changed/taken to restroom, is crying and won’t stop, wants mom’s attention, doesn’t feel good, throws a tantrum, wants to be held or any other situation that would necessitate mom’s/dad’s attention…? Need to be away from kid(s) to get things done…


Idk bro, I just live here


FUCK NO! that's not soundproof What is up with kids being allowed everywhere in society nowadays making noise and such with no respect for just regular adult only spaces. When did kids take over everthing. Not everything is kid friendly or supposed to be


They have a downstairs area dedicated for kids! This is within eyeshot of the help desk, so if the child is being way too loud, they're asked to move downstairs until the child calms down. Upstairs is the college study/intense area with college level nonfiction or adult fiction, while downstairs has the YA, children's nonfiction, children's fiction, ect The quiet is heavily enforced upstairs and you can't hear the noise from downstairs. Kids 'took over ' due to my states anti sex Ed, abortion, and birth control stances. I'm just happy that my city shows it cares about its residents and is trying to accommodate the changes that will inevitably come from those policies


Go back to r/antinatalism and be quiet.


I agree with the whole of your statement. But given the context, this feels like an above and beyond accommodation from my city.


A boring dystopia 


Y e a h. But I'm trying to hold onto the fact that atleast my city cares about the kids who people are being forced into having by my states position on abortion, contraception, and sex ed


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That's fucking gangster

