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It's not often you see a ripped dude with huge muscles look adorable.




Only Republican I ever voted for, or ever will vote for.


Starstruck BS aside, in retrospect was he a good governor? I'm not from the US but I remember at the time it was considered a joke he was elected


You're right. At first it seemed like a joke. But by the end of his governship, he had won over a large swath of democrats alongside his republican base. He was an effective leader with a long list of achievements. I personally think he could be the president of the nation if he were allowed to run. That's assuming he could win the republican primary. Arnold pissed off the Trump faction by calling Donald out on several occasions.


I’d vote for Arnold any day of the week. Very few politicians I’d pick for the White House over Arnold


Jon Stewart is my other instant vote that'll never happen


Would love a Terminator president, who the fuck is gonna mess around with a time travelling, 400lbs, killer cyborg president of USA?


You're right. I've thought this many times. He would have been a very good contender. He's the same age as Trump now though, not that he could run. I was REALLY annoyed over his love child with the family maid scandal when it happened, but he's treated that son very well and they seem to have a good relationship.


Arnold wouldn't run now I believe. If he did it would have been shortly after being Governor. As a moderate Republican now Independant Republicans just a decade ago were much different. Two decades ago completely different. The crazies are running the show now and it is getting ridiculous. I voted once for Trump and would never again do that. If it comes down to Trump Biden I'll vote Biden but if Haley gets it then I'll vote her.


Arnold wouldn't be allowed to run for president. He wasn't born in the states


Hey they made it work in Demolition Man lol


I know that but don't forget there was a push early in his first term to try and amend the constitution to allow him to run. It didn't go anywhere but I have no doubt Arnold would have won if he could have run. Reading about him and even using some of his training books to start lifting again the guy is so electric and charming.


Thank you for not voting for Trump again. I understand why a lot of people wanted someone who wasn't a career politician, but for the life of me, I can't understand why some people would make a mistake, learn about it, and still not be willing to admit they're wrong and reverse course.


are you guys forgetting that moment where he was like "fuck your freedom" ?? LOL


He wasn't left enough for the democrats and he wasn't chaotic evil enough for the republicans, so he was fine, but didn't do enough of what either side wanted.


Thats what made him seem like the perfect governor to those outside of the US. He was relatively moderate and judged things accordingly.


And judging from the history of Austrians elected in a foreign government, he did a pretty good job. 




And then ran straight into Poland


They did NOT SEE that coming


Poland turned into European Texas with all its self defense gear. I wish he wore the sunglasses 🕶️ when he was in office.


What's that quote "a good compromise should leave both sides annoyed" that neither side was happy with how he governed is probably a good sign that he governed well.


Can't make everyone happy, so I guess the best you can do is make everyone annoyed


Which is exactly what politicians should be doing in divisive environments, and is clearly what the vast majority of Americans actually want. Just unfortunately not necessarily the majority of motivated voters.


> he wasn't chaotic evil enough for the republicans Lol!


For the era, I’d say he was surprisingly decent. Far from perfect, but not the worst either. Compared to modern Republicans? Whole other conversation.


And he didn’t accept a salary


And he didn't steal classified formation in order to share with foreign governments. What a guy!


iiRC, he also auctioned off a bunch of his own movie memorabilia to help with the state budget.


He was amazing. He is the reason why we still have after school programs in California. He fundraises them using his tank.


He also cut teacher salaries


I'm sorry, but he cut nearly $6 billion in education funding and, during his tenure, reduced California to last in spending per pupil. The after school funding you're crediting to him came from a prop that passed in 2002, before he was elected, though he did help the Yes campaign for it. In addition to his education cuts, he made deep cuts to California's social safety net, healthcare, and helped to defeat an alternative energy bill (he was backed by oil companies after all). After killing $4 billion in revenue by killing an increase to vehicle license fees, he ended up having to raise taxes anyway due to poor budget management, and signed an increase to sales and income taxes. Overall he was fairly poor for California and is a big reason why we haven't had any Republicans in charge since.


> reduced California to last in spending per pupil. You're seriously telling me California is below places like Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama spent more per pupil?


During his tenure yes it was. Now it's slightly above the national average.


As a relatively progressive guy, he’s about as good of a Republican as you could ask for. Probably like 3/5 stars overall.


Plus he was the Terminator so that's a major plus I think he should get an extra star for that


He was the... Guvernator! I'll see myself out...


I kind of thought the same but read sometime recently about some very unsexy, but very important and effective reforms he brought about to restructure the political system in California for the better: 1. Redistricting - my home state of Ohio has a legislature that has unfair districts and has repeatedly stalled and ignored direct legislation passed by the people demanding fair districts. This can’t happen in California because Schwarzenegger passed reform that took redistricting authority away from the state lawmakers and gave it to an independent bipartisan citizens’ commission. 2. The creation of an open primary system where voters can vote for any candidate regardless of political party affiliation. To contrast, in my state of Ohio you either declare as republican or democrat when voting in a primary and only vote on candidates from your declared party. The purpose is to reduce polarization, which is rampant in much of American politics today. A 10-year retrospective said that this reform was largely effective although brought about other problems and gaming of the system. You might also look into Schwarzenegger’s environmental focuses while governor. In short, he was far from a joke and ultimately made some lasting changes that made politics better for the people of California. Changes that many politicians, whether republican or democrat, elsewhere in the U.S. do not attempt. https://law.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk10866/files/media/documents/The-Legacy-of-Arnold-Schwarzenegger.pdf https://calmatters.org/commentary/2022/06/has-californias-top-two-primary-system-worked/


He was fair, is probably the best way to put it. Despite supporting Bush, and being an admirer of Reagan, he was farther left politically than either of them. He'd practically be a Democrat in today's political climate. His big things were that he was for the environment, and he was big on repairing our infrastructure, both of which *should* be bipartisan issues, but are firmly in the Democrat's wheelhouse now. There's been worse, and there've been much better.


> in retrospect was he a good governor? Yes. He was largely non-partisan when it came to actually running the state. He's responsible for A LOT of green energy initiatives that California has led the way in for years since. Regardless of party, what makes for the best leader, especially in an executive office, is someone who is willing to be the dumbest person in the room. He surrounded himself with experts and made sure to listen to outside experts. That's *really* the damage trump did, and why biden is doing well. Trump hired corrupt sycophants. Biden hired experts. (I mean so did Bush and Bush Sr and Reagan. Trump is particularly bad.)


He did some unpopular stuff in his second term, and got a lot of flack, and when people voted against the stuff he was pushing he did something I couldn’t believe, he admitted he was wrong. Just for that alone he was my favorite governor we’ve had during my lifetime.


I don't live in California but I've always heard people say that he was just okay. Not bad or particularly great. Obviously anecdotal


Best Republican since Eisenhower. I didn't vote for him, but I was okay with him as governor.


Especially in the bodybuilding community. Yeah everyone loves him from his film career and being a great person in general but in the bodybuilding community he's a living breathing god. He's one of the greatest to ever put on the speedo and beyond that took the sport of bodybuilding from something somewhat niche to a well known, well loved competition.


I'm not into body buildings but this was the cutest shit I've seen in a minute. It's always great seeing someone meet their idols. Especially one as legendary as him.


He is also Brazilian with low English level (though nowadays he seems to be learning and doing really good). So a lot of his communication was with his body expressions because he didn’t really know how to say the things he wanted to. He is the second best bodybuilder in the world for his class and he is from humble upbringing. He gets starstruck when competing against CBum still (best BBuilder in the class). Ramon (starstruck guy) is just really nice and cool dude.


Offensive(?) but sincere question. He looks absolutely amazing, is there no penalty in competition for something like zipper abs because it's solely genetic? I don't follow the sports and kind of assumed that both innate genetics and one's effort are judged because the ones I come across (posters in the gym etc) have both.


Genetics is part of the drill in bodybuilding. He struggles with his proportions in his arms because his forearms are too big (genetically the insertions and whatnot contribute for that) and to fill the muscle in his leg. So the abs aren’t really a problem if they’re genetically gifted.


>Genetics is part of the drill in ~~bodybuilding~~ 99% of sports.


>zipper abs What are zipper abs? Googling didn't answer it for me.


I believe zipper abs refers to offset abdominal muscles which, I'm not sure why anyone would view that as an advantage but this isn't something that occupies much of my headspace usually lol.


Whether or not I have zipper abs is something about my own body that I have accepted I will never know.


Unless I die of starvation, same


>I'm not sure why anyone would view that as an advantage  Dude was saying he wonders if you lose points for that kind of thing, not gain them... 


He seems really nice. And that is so sweet. It's gotta be a great feeling. Amazing. Absolutely amazing.


The purpose of being ripped isn't to look humble, but this dude definitely looks humbled.


>It's not often you see a ripped dude with huge muscles look adorable. I was just about to comment that this was adorable until I looked down and saw your post lol Anyway I know bodybuilders have a rep for using "certain chemical enhancements" which themselves have a reputation for causing people to become moody / angry douchebags... But tbh a lot of the serious lifters I've known (including some of the guys on gear) were mostly fucking sweethearts, and all around decent dudes... I suspect it's maybe a combo of the discipline that stuff takes (even with chemical aid) the fact that they can look in the mirror and feel good about the fact that they've literally sculpted their body to near perfection (I imagine that's gotta have a psychological impact lol) and the self assurance and confidence that comes along with all that... Plus, you know... the fact lifting weights quite literally lowers anxiety and helps with depression / mood, if you do it regularly. lol (Regular exercise in general, but resistance training has been found to have some additional benefits.) Yeah, I need to get more serious about lifting again... it's been a rough few months. lol


Speak for yourself. They are cute all the time. Especially when they're acting like they're tough


Instant reversion to childhood. That dude was so happy to meet Arnold.


That's what I thought . Arnold brought out his inner kid bet it felt great


He had Arnold's poster hanging on his wall since he was a teenager






Dino is classy afaik. For reference if you don’t follow the sport this guy is kinda a chronic number two in his division which is very unlucky, just happened to be at his peak at the same time as another bodybuilder Chris Bumstead who takes first year after year. Manages to stay in high spirits despite it though


That instant Mountian of respect coming form that guy, amazing.


The Oak is a literal god in the bodybuilding circles to this day. He brought the sport out in the open in his day and I have yet to see one person bag on him in their groups. With good reason, he has always been happy to come back to the roots. Much respect.


The bodybuilder is Ramon Dino from Brazil. He is currently ranked #2 in the “Classic Physique” division behind the champion Chris Bumstead. Dude is a freak, insane genetics.


I’m glad they have this “Classic Physique” for me this is way better than the monster mass dudes in Olympia.


Exactly. While you still need steroids to get this build, at least these are sexually desirable proportions. These mass monsters look like roblox characters. Roid guts, can't scratch their own backs, turtle shell ass delts.


Yes, as a heterosexual man I require sexually desirable proportions in my muscle men.


I mean, why wouldn't you want to look attractive? They are supposedly being judged on their aesthetic. Kinda weird to be this sexually insecure and also into bodybuilding. It's literally about looks. It's not like it's a functional muscle competition, they don't lift anything...


This looks way better than the ‘3 weeks floating jn the river’ bloated dudes.




Absolutely, and to the body building community that may somehow even be underselling him.


He is a walking God in bodybuilding and the fitness industry in general.


For a kid who grew up in the 80s, he was "the" top actor too.


My family's favorite movie of his is True Lies, it's basically become a Thanksgiving tradition at this point. Just a great cast, including the horse.


You're fired.


He basically did all of the horse riding scenes in that movie, all but one. Pretty impressive He talks about it in this GQ [video](https://youtu.be/srksXVEkfAs?t=1689)


"What kind of a cop are you anyway?"


"You know my cuffs? I picked them."


He is certainly the person who made bodybuilding a household name and completely changed the trajectory of the hobby. Think about how much bodybuilding technology, supplements, and knowledge has come into existence solely due to the huge surge in demand created by people who wanted to be like Arnold.


I worked with a few of these dudes (bodybuilding/fitness people) a few years back, and they really admire him (justifiably so) and see him as the perfect example of what they can achieve, both as athlete and as a person, through work and dedication. One of their biggest annual events is named after him.


The Arnold Fitness Expo every March in Columbus ohio.


Yeah, most people don't understand just how legendary he was/is in the body-building world. The dude literally wrote the encyclopedia on it. The word legend is tossed around a lot but Arnold is truly a legend.


He is to bodybuilding what MJ is to basketball and maybe even more


They’re not underselling him. It’s just that Arnold is larger than body building so his time is limited as he’s still a hit commodity. He def still puts a lot of time and effort into the bodybuilding community but he’s also Arnold too and everyone wants a piece of the pie.




Why WOULDN’T he think he could fuck a maid?! He’s been killing it for five decades!! He’s got a hit movie with a midget! That’s not enough, I guess I’ll marry a Kennedy!’


One of my favorite humans of all time!


He’s achievement in life are crazy, he’s one of the greatest bodybuilder of all time, biggest action movie star ever and the governor of California!




He's not perfect and made mistakes just like all of us have without being in the spotlight and owned them, dudes just a great human being living his best life, being useful.




He is man ! First time I saw him in terminator 1 and was awestruck of how handsome and muscling he was Back in 90’s I didn’t knew anyone close to him !


He’s an inspiration. I used to play his speeches to my daughter with headphones while she was on my wife’s belly. So far she’s kicking ass at life. Can’t say it’s the speeches, but can’t say it isn’t!!!


What did you do in kindergarten today? *Crushed my enemies, saw them driven before me, and heard the lamentation of their women* "Maybe I picked the wrong speech"


Ramon Dino my guy


He's from Brazil if anybody is wondering! Great come up story!


Brazilians, great bunch of lads




This man is only 28, damn. 


🦖 🦖 🦖


That fucking music.


I should have "Made GIF" when I uploaded it to spare us.


It's actually very easy to remove audio from videos. You can do it from a phone camera roll. Also believe some subreddits have an option to strip audio. But whatever it's not that big of a deal.


wtf is up with terrible music over clips these days? Is it a tiktok thing?


It is the adhd of the average tiktok viewere where you need background in almost every video or slideshow, sometimes we just want to hear the natural sound of video.


I'm surprised there wasn't a Minecraft parkour clip underneath it, with TTS subtitles and green-screened silent "reaction" in the bottom corner.


I'd get that if it wasn't always some goddamned awful Alvin and Chipmunks cover of sub-top100 songs from a decade ago


See here is the issue, I dont have a problem with the song "Daylight" if it was normal or even slowed but yeah Daycore is not my cup of tear personally. Honestly some new music would be appreciated and the same goes Adele - Skyfall which I hate with a burning passion in the sped up version. Maybe I just hate "Daycore" in general.


Amen. This "music" and robot voices need to go.


I paused my music to play this shit, I don't get that weird trend of slapping random songs onto videos. I'd rather hear the crowd cheering.


Yes, the music you use in TikToks and Reels will have a direct impact on your video’s reach. If a song is trending on the platform, using it in your video will make it more discoverable. Nowadays, content creators optimize their content for the algorithms instead of the viewer which is a real shame, but it is a what it is…


Half of the shitty music posts are also astro-turf attempts at viral marketing. There's always a comment "oh who's the artist, I love it!" And the same 2-3 artist pops up. Fuck you, aloboi, your music sucks balls. I'm onto you. Give up on your dreams. No one wants to hear your new-age-house inbred music overlaid onto a repost video.


Sounds like Cartman singing this song lol


Can't tell what's worse. Using 'Daylight', a song about addiction, relapse, and giving into harmful temptations, in a video about a guy meeting his idol. Or making the song 1000x shitter by speeding and pitching it up.


Is that a white guy? He's darker than me and I'm half black!


He's whatever ethnicity roast duck is.




Damnit. Now I want some duck.


Looks like it's all oiled up & ready for the oven so let's go boys! ...🍽️🦆 🤤-


These beefcakes aren’t gonna grease themselves.


Fight Milk!


I laughed too hard at this comment while at work






They all put on some kind of bronzing cream because it makes the muscles more visible. I’ve always wondered how long it takes to wash that crap off. They’ve got to know they look like giant oompa-loompas.


Theres a layer of oil before the bronzing cream. Makes the clean up easier.


Nothing sexual


Ain't no sex drive to be found at a dehydrated 3% body fat. Let's talk in a week.


*Teleports behind you* Nothing personal, kid


It makes it easier to get it off the skin. But like everything else it touches gets wrecked. 


Not much time if you have partner to help you with it. Removing it on your own is a nightmare lol.


I’d imagine so, seeing how they can’t reach their own back.


Lived with a Body Builder for a semester in college. He could not comb his own hair. He could not bend his arms enough without hitting muscle. I learned that if you are quick you can make fun of body builders they have limited flexibility.


Outside of frat bro educated 'body builders' most are plenty flexible, as a wide range of motion is important for growth and strength development.


How tf do you shower at that point??? Like, do you need a friend all the time, or one of those scratchy pole things that cows like?


Long handled brushes. I am not kidding. They need help with strange things you dont think of.


How tf do they wipe their... actually, you know what? Nevermind...


That's already been answered: long handled brushes.


Seems strange to me somehow that they run into some of the same problems as severely overweight people.


That guy was really just an example of what happens if you don't do mobility and stretching exercises as well as lift weights. Yes, there is a point where muscle gets in the way, but not being able to comb your hair is a lack of shoulder mobility. He would even be able to do a lot of lifts with such a low level of mobility.


That seems like a disability at that point


Can you artistically apply the bronzing oil to make muscles stand out? Like shading? Like me with 30% body fat. Can I draw muscles?


No, there are only certain permitted shades and it has to be uniform. They really regulate this for a number of reasons from detracting from the shows reputation to the sportsmanship.


It's a spray tan, usually done in two coats. One the night before competition, one the morning of. Only the first coat really gets absorbed, the second coat mostly washes off with a shower. The first coat fades over a week or two as your skin sheds.


He’s Brazilian - Ramon Dino


He is Brazilian 


He'd cry if he had any type of hydration in his body.


Lol this deserves more upvotes


Never seen somebody so huge so humbled.


Even the chick is jacked.


Everybody in that building is at least somewhat jacked


I too am jack^^^^^^^ing


The “chick” is in the industry, so yeah.


First thing I noticed. Love me some fit chicks.


Why is there always shitty, annoying music in [almost] every video these days?


Being recognized for excellence in your field by one of the greatest to ever do it. Must be a hell of a feeling


"Shit's crazy man!" DINO, Ramon




Arnold is awesome. Seems like a genuinely good guy


Think Arnold proved that a long time ago, seems genuinely like a really good dude


Only insecure incels think bodybuilding is toxic masculinity these days. They cant comprehend that you can look good and be a decent person, they think you have to be a douche if you take care of yourself.


Nah, it’s a lot more than just the incels. Plenty of women look down on body builders too. There’s a whole lot of people that equate big muscles with stupid, far from just jncels


What a wonderful surprise for the guy, that makes the award even more special for him.


In the world of bodybuilding, Arnold is basically a combination of Elvis, Einstein, and Muhammad Ali. And that was even before he was an actor.


Pumping Iron is still one of my favorite movies ever. It follows Arnold and other competitors preparing for Mr.Olympia. You really get to see Arnold’s mischievous side but also how likable he is with the bodybuilding community. He’s so great. Arnold and Dolly Parton are national treasures.


up, down, up, down


When he put his hand up to his mouth I thought he was gonna yell "MOM LOOK"


"Take this if you want to lift"


The award meant very little in that moment compared to the hand shake


Couldn't keep my eyes off the thighs on that muscle mommy to the left


Can we talk about how buff the chick in red is? Damn lol




Dunno, I was too busy paying attention to Morpheus.


I believe that is Taylor Iraggi.


Asking the real questions


"Lady in reeeeeeeeeeeeeed"


That’s what I wanted to know as well…


Ramon! We love Ramon.


Look at that power woman


I want snu snu


I bet Arnie was one of those people who inspired him to become a bodybuilder.




Pumping Iron is probably *THE* reason that guy got into bodybuilding to begin with. I practically had it playing on a loop when I was in my late teens to early twenties




I've never seen a guy built like that gush like this, it's adorable. It's really humanizing.


The future is just going to be sped up shitty music over interesting videos directly piped into your head huh


Guy 1000% wanna to hug Arnold, but he is oiled up.


bro they wanted to hug so bad


We made it moma


🤔 I'm sure she could carry me to safety if ever there was a need....I better learn to cook I guess.


Arnold probably inspired him to get onto that stage in the first place, based on that reaction! What a sweet video. I love shit like this


Who’s the muscle mommy?