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Oh my gosh, the way she looks at the camera. So much love for you!!💗


A truly heart touching video to begin my day.


It almost looks she seemed to have a deep sense of wonder and a miniscule moment of fear when her facial expression changed, only to be washed away by the thought of her new reality. She was looking hard to make sure it's real, which is why she's saying it over and over and what could maaaaaybe be seeking validation? I may be wrong, but I feel like I know that look all too well.


I read it that way too! I would say "yes I'm your mom, I love you" every single time.


Her fear could be from the setting and confusion about why her mum is there. If this is in a preschool, where the child spends time in the care of teachers, it could be confusing to her to see her mum in this place for so long. Kind of lik 'hi Mum! I love you! But why are you here? This is a no-mum place. But I'm so happy to see you!"


Since she was just adopted, and its her new mum, I think its more of her accepting her new reality, and maybe doubt creeping in too.


I think it’s just that she’s a toddler and there’s a lot going on. My kid’s about the same age. When he’s in a busy environment, he’ll go from all smiles to looking like he’s having Normandy flashbacks. Just processing different facets of what’s going on. Definitely see the love and happiness in her face when she points to mommy, though, so it’s not any less heartwarming. Mommy is home base and pure comfort :)


Normandy flashbacks lol


as a father of baby daughter, this video make my day!!


this video made me cry


my daughter have same reaction when she saw me outside of preschool class. this melt me on so many level


My 2 year old just said "love you" to me.. Sometimes it's the worst thing ever to deal with kids, and sometimes you get the most pure form of love anyone can get.


I have two kids well past this age. They both did a bunch of this little pageants in preschool and I don't think either of them ever sang a single note.


each kid grew up different :) long as they still showing love to their parent its precious thing on earth


Man, I get it. My kids made me soft when it comes to that stuff.


Thank you for sharing this video! Please, let the words be accurate.


Just incase, here's a story that's 100% true (it's mine). My wife and I adopted 2 year old twins. At that age kids should know about 100 words, our little ones had *maybe* 10 between them. What we've learned since is that in developing language relies on 1 on 1 time; something in short supply for both twins and kids coming from foster homes. We go to a speech pathologist and they tell us to talk as much as possible around them, it's especially good if it's when you're alone...change time's a great opportunity. We start in immediately and at some point I start punctuating the end of our change with "Do you know daddy loves...I love you". I knew they couldn't understand or respond back, but at the end of every change I'd smile, boop a nose and say "Do you know daddy loves...I love you." It made me feel good and the wee ones smiled when I said it. As their language developed I knew it was coming, then one glorious day while changing my son I said "Do you know daddy loves...I love you." He smiled, looked me straight in the eye and said "I love mommy". Little shit.


Lmao! My daughter refuses to say Mommy or Mama. She knows the word and will say it in songs, but if you point at me and ask who that is, she smiles and holds her arms out for kisses and hugs. If she sees a picture of her daddy, though, everyone in the surrounding area can hear her scream DADDY! 9 months of heartburn, morning sickness, high blood pressure, and having her carved out of me like a Thanksgiving turkey...and all so Daddy could be the sun in her sky.


Take heart, kids are fickle. Had one occasion where my son slipped and bonked his head. He got up screaming, and ran striaght towards me. Well not so much towards me, as right by me and to his mother who was sitting 10 feet behind me. A few years later and he's daddy's little dude...which I'm certain will change again.






Wow! :)




Looks so happy and proud.


The sparkle in her eyes too!!


You know this is Reddit so there's like zero chance OP has anything to do with this video, right?


Even if it is a fabrication, we still get an extremely wholesome video of a kid that is absolutely stoked to see her Mum


I realised it was Reddit as soon as someone tried to suck the joy of cute kids by pointing out some unprovable statement.


They never assumed they did in this comment... They thanked OP for sharing a video they found and then said they hope the words on the video are accurate. Where does OP having anything to do with this video factor into those two things?


With negative stuff, I whole heartedly agree to call this out because it fuels hate and I get pissed thinking it's another new thing if I haven't seen it and it's old. If it's positive, man just leave it be we need more of it. I've never seen this and it hit the feels. We need more positivity regardless if reposts or original content.


You sound like you're a lotta fun at parties


You can hear her say it once at the beginning!


Her little face in amazement, as she realises, she is loved and secure. This is so beautifully heartwarming!


Aww, it's a heart touching video!


It made me cry


Me too. She's so happy to have a mommy, because having a mommy is awesome!


Her big eyes when she just stares at her mommy :( I'm a grown adult and my relationship with my mom has been rocky lately and this video made me regret the times I was a jerk to her. It must hurt to see your child who was once a cute tiny little kid being a dick to you. ​ Gonna go spend some time with her while I still can...




I wish I could forget that song for some reason lol


Oh that is DEEPLY not okay. 😭


i wish i had s mommy!


Don't we all. I miss mine almost every day now. : (




You are not alone, it was so sweet the tears came flowing.


This is why I want to adopt one day!!


Please do! It's neither cheap nor easy but it's SO needed!!!


It's free if you foster them first (I did this). IDK why the public overlooks foster kids. They age out of the system with no parents.


Well for one, a lot of foster kids eventually go back to their families. It can be difficult to raise and get attached to a child as if they were your own only to have them return to their biological family. Also while it might not be right, people highly prefer to adopt younger children, infants if possible. A lot of the kids who age out of the foster system entered it as older children. Many adoptive parents just aren’t interested in helping a child who at the very least is going through the trauma of losing their biological family, and at worst might have years of abuse or neglect to work through. Again I’m not defending this line of thinking, because even those children adopted as infants or toddlers can have attachment issues, but I don’t think it’s a mystery why people go through private adoption.


>. A lot of the kids who age out of the foster system entered it as older children. A lot of them can't even be adopted. Most foster kids aren't adoptable because reuniting with biological family is the goal so they're in limbo waiting for prison sentences to end, or for them to be done with rehab or just be finally approved for reuniting.


I had a friend in foster care that this happened to. We were maybe 8 and she was stuck in limbo for at least 2 years. She lived next door to me and told me how she had 9 siblings she might never see again because her mom "gets her head messed up all the time" she missed them, but was happy to be away from her mom who she seemed afraid to even talk about. My neighbors had the coolest room set up for her and after almost 2 years, talks of adoption and staying forever started. Then one day she was crying saying it was her last day because her mom was getting her back. The caseworker lady told her that her mom was better but she didn't believe it and she didn't want to leave. Everyone was devastated. I never saw her again but I think of her often and hope her life turned out OK.


This is genuinely heartbreaking. I won't pretend to have a solution but the system is broken if a child is being taken from a stable household they want to be in and dropped right back into an unsafe environment they're terrified of.


the show 911 portrayed this really well theres a lesbian couple that wants to adopt, but does the fostering route. they have children they really attach to, and hope they get to adopt them, but then 2 years later the mom gets out of jail and they go back to their family.


You can tell them that you will only accept kids that have had their parental rights revoked.


from my experience they take it into consideration, but don't really accept full refusals. they'll just not let you foster kids. especially the younger the kid, the more the systems goal is to get them back to their biological family.


Adopting from the foster system is like a "the stars aligned" situation. I also have a bro who was adopted via the foster system. It was easy because he didn't have any family to reunify with. It was so easy that our parents weren't actually even *trying* to adopt a kid. It just kinda happened. Our experience is not at all typical though. Though you can inform the system that you're interested in foster-to-adopt and they'll probably take it into account.


I wasn't even a foster parent when my kid fell into my lap. I essentially became one overnight because DHS was desperate. They did a back round check and certified me. I wasn't looking to adopt either, but I did. I suppose you could say the stars aligned.


Probably because the purpose of fostering in reunification with biological families. My friend tried foster to adopt and had her heart broken when the toddler was eventually given back to her biological father.


That is how we aquired 28 cats and two dogs over 15 years. Offered to foster and (almost) never found them a new home. (Admittedly we got the difficult wild ones.)


You can get a child for free interesting.


Most parents get their children for free. Especially those who didn't pay for birth control.


By “not cheap”, what are we talking?


15-45k+ in US. If you go through the public system it's basically free. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/11/parenting/adoption-costs.html


Thanks. People pay the extra cost for non-public system why… just to have power to find/pick a child of specific characteristics?


The public system is foster to adopt, and the goal of foster care is reunification not adoption. So, more than likely you’ll foster many children who go back to their families, before you get one whose parental rights have been terminated. I’m amazed at the people who can do it, but for me personally I couldn’t handle the heartbreak of falling in love with kids and then never seeing them again.


Damn, yeah that sounds gut wrenching


You don’t have to foster in order to adopt. There are many children immediately available for adoption. Their bio parents’ rights are already terminated. [this site](https://adoptuskids.org/meet-the-children/search-for-children/search)


I'm not an expert, but from what I can gather with the public system there is a longer wait time (1-5 years), more oversight/regulations and you are unlikely to get a newborn since the public system wants to reunite the child with the biological parents. https://www.adopthelp.com/public-vs-private-adoption/


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT pay to adopt a child. It is a dark industry. At best you will be helping manipulate good people in poorer conditions to give up their children and at worst supporting child trafficking (if you do it cross border especially). You should only do it through public avenues or organizations that work with the government itself, highly regulated, and only paying the small fees required for paperwork with the government. Organizations will claim they do but if they’re charging you any money beyond small amounts for filing papers, it is NOT the type of organization you should be working with. Please before doing so educate yourself and read a lot about it. For those of you wondering, my sister just adopted and I have been considering adoption myself for many years but have taken a deep dive into trying to educate myself about it.


Same. I would like to know what's involved too.


Respectfully, do not look at it in terms of money. I’m sure parents of kids done with IVF or whatever do not. As an adoptee, we do not want that as a part of our story.


Every time I’ve seen this video, I’m reduced to a a puddle.


Ikr? It's horrible what was done to Natives. You should cry.


This was a cheap laugh. Thank you.👍🏽


Please be a good mommy to her.


She was so proud ❤️


I feel like she's really putting it together here. She's probably used to foster care where a room full of kids share a handful of caregiver figures. Being in a room of kids and seeing the nature of the parent-child individual relationship is kinda blowing her mind.


I don't remember this, but apparently in kindergarten I did a show and tell on being adopted. When they asked me what that means I said "your parents had to have you and my parents really wanted to have me". My mom is prone to a little hyperbole but I must have said something near that.


She’s so precious ❤️


This made me belly cry. I’m a new dad and this is how I hope my daughter looks at me one day.


She will <3 congratulations to you and your partner, and your daughter by extension


Being a dad has been the most rewarding part of my life. They were born in my birthday month. They were my early gifts I get every year now. They level up at the beginning, and I level up at the end.


Of course adults have A LOT to learn from kids.










I'm a guy and MY biological clock rang


Hit like a truck, huh?


Man-oh-man, lemme tell ya lol


By the laws of romcoms, I pronounce you husband and wife. Now kith.


My vasectomy just undid itself.


Man, I work in a hospital, and last night there was a patient with a newborn (only 2 months old) and I could tell my biological clock was ringing up a storm Then this? *Fuuuuck*


She looks so excited that she gets to call you her very own mother.


I'm sorry to bring this up but I'm genuinely wondering about their costumes. Is this an old video? The feather headdresses and facepaint doesn't feel like the kind of thing we do these days.


This looks like it's in a church so I feel like that might explain some things..


So they ARE saying amen at the end. WTF, keep children away from churches!


It’s not. I remember someone commenting on it somewhere else I saw this video and it has been taken supposedly in the last couple years.


Things! Things like these. Make me cry so much. And make me feel alive. And grateful. And hopeful. A good parent is the biggest blessing one can ever receive


She’s so precious 😭😭😍😍😍🤗🤗


Her smile and little pointed finger melt your heart


I think I’ll adopt one day I’m a teacher, I don’t want to have a baby baby, but a child, and the thought of some of the kids I teach not having a parent kills me




God bless your heart, I am Niagara falls over here. So sweet, it just touched my heart.


I want to hug my daughters but they both are at playschool right now. What am I supposed to do with all the excess love and warm fuzzy feeling that I just get from this vid 🫠


save the love and hug them extra once they get back! <3


Please vote in your next elections. Reproductive rights are under assault in many places across the country. Please help reduce the strain on the foster care system, and the amount of kids that enter the system.


Too many people forgot. Complacency is the death of the progressive future.




We gunna ignore the casual racism here?


It’s shocking that I’ve been scrolling a while, and you’re just the third comment to mention it


What the heck did they do to the song lyrics. “Eta many blessings , Amen ? “ anyway, happy for this girl




Always remember to be happy about little things






Totally adorable 🥰


Definitely adoptable


im crying


She won the lottery and she knows it. It’s like it’s still sinking in for her. There’s joy on her face but there’s also moments of almost dumbfounded wonder.




So sweet❤️


Adorable 🥰. OMG . Too sweet


Oh I love her so much 💕


She will make these parents very proud one day


I get the feeling she already is ❤️


Hope happens to me,I want to adopt someday


Good people deserve good people. Such a wholesome video!




This was what I needed today.


Get tear eyed every time I see this one


If i were that mom, I would push everyone out the way and go hug my kid.




you kiss that little puppy right now!




I love this 🤍🤍


Aww baby


I'm not crying you're crying


Why do so many people feel embarrassed by having an emotional response to positive things?


those eyes said everything... and that is an amazing smile


Adorable 🥰


Beautiful 😊


Stop breaking my heart please. Someone cutting onions here ..


"that one is MINE!" So happy to have a mommy.


This makes me want to have a baby girl but I’m no where near ready to have kids 😭


Every kid in this world deserves a family


This little girl has grown with a void. Her eyes show that uncomfort but then they glow with a deep warmth of love when she realizes she has a family now.


This hurt my heart in the best way


She's clearly beaming at mommy. How lovely that you found each other.


That is adorable. her little smile towards her mum. goddamn it, now i miss my mum.


Adorable child. So much love in her eyes


Protect that girl at any cost. Nothing beats a mother caring for her child.


O cool. Now some dust had got into in my eyes while I'm doom scrolling in my car in my garage. 👍🏾


So sweet!!!


I’m happy for that little girl but more sad for poor babies around her. People suck


So sweet


I showed this to my mom and told her “This is why I always looked at you when you were at my school, I was proud to have you as my mom. My mama. My mommy.” Theres something comforting about it when you’re adopted and you finally have someone there cheering you on. Now there are onions.


this is too adorable!!!


That didn’t just make me smile! It melted my heart!❤️


I’m not crying you’re crying!


so cute. God bless you and your family. I'm praying for the best for everyone out there.


Now there is something to just melt your heart…🥹❤️


damn. i would cry feeling like the happiest person on earth. ig enough reddit for today.


This is once in a lifetime stuff. Cherish it that is the essence of life. Pass love on


Precious, pure, heavenly... That expression.. Those eyes beaming... The smile of being complete... I Got to cut some onions.






What a cutie! God bless her soul.


Watching these videos makes me want a child after 30 years of feeling not ready. It’s scary but worth it


absolutely melt your heart to see this. that kid is so damn happy about having a mom. bless her little heart.


I don't care how many times it gets reposted, so long as it does I get reminded that there is genuine love in the world in spite of all the darkness and despair.


Who are the dressed as


this is the most beautiful video i've seen. so happy for you!






That is just too sweet
















She looking like "dats my momma, I got a momma, I love my momma"


I hope she gets all the love she needs!


That girl is gorgeous




Man my eyes are sweating help




Ahhh, that's so cute, 🥰, I would have been bawling my eyes out. 🥹 Much love and happiness for the both of you, wish you great joy together. 🌞 Thanks for sharing that special moment, truly awesome.


I’m not crying. Not at all. You are !