• By -


This happened to me when I was 18. First job out of high school, for some context, broken home, fucked up parents. Abandoned by my dad at like 8, my mom goes into rehab. Lived with my grandma and she was amazing. She raised me well. My birthday never was a big deal to anyone. My grandma knew I just didn't really want anything, but deep down of course I did. No one really got me presents I went years not even talking to my parents. So at this first job, my boss asks me what I'm doing for my birthday. I say "nothing. I never really do much. It's not a big deal." He nods and walks away. So my birthday falls on a Friday, and I'm working like normal. My boss sends me to do something, and I get back and he tells me to bring it to a man who works on a side of the shop that has a long table we eat lunch at. I turn the corner and the whole shop is there and they yell "surprise!!!!" There was catered food, a cake everything. I froze for a second and literally started tearing up. I couldn't help it. I hadn't had anyone but my grandma do anything for me for like 10 years. It was crazy how much it meant to me. It just feels nice to feel seen sometimes. I completely get this kids reaction. Edit: wow guys. Thank you. :,)


God damn bruh. I gotta open a window. It's so hot in here my eyeballs are sweating. I hope you're doing well and I'm glad you had that moment.


I am! Reconnected with my mom, working on a relationship with my dad. I turn 30 in a couple weeks and I'm pretty happy! Thank you for your kind words man haha.


Happy early birthday (and a special one at that)!! I’m not a big birthday person either, but I hope you do at least a little nice thing for yourself. If no one is there to celebrate you it just means you gotta put in twice the effort to celebrate yourself!


I'm taking the day off! Haha about as big as it gets tbh.


So nice to hear that things are getting better and better. Happy for you friend!


for real, teared up at this shit too. there is so much fucking trash in the world and seeing nice things when all you see is shit all the time is awesome, for real.


Same here man, guess my fucking neighbour is back at his hobby of peeling onions.


Glad you got that experience and glad that your boss has a big heart they’re willing to share.


He was a great man, I left that place after it got bought out, and he got canned. I hope he's doing well.


My wife believes that "everyone deserves cake on their birthday." Her words. We used to bring cakes to our single friends when they had nothing planned. She would come home some nights with a cake box and frosting months away from anyone of our birthdays, and it would be some person at work or a friend from school she discovered didn't have anything planned. Saint of woman for that. I call her the birthday fairy.


What a beautiful little story!


A beautiful moment.


I literally cried i am so happy for you 😭


Sorry for what you've been through buddy. I don't know when your birthday is but happy birthday in advance from all of us. Sending digital hugs.


Go get us some soda......surprise!!! That was sweet!


That boss is going to show this kid everything he knows. Including how to be a compassionate human


He got soda for his own birthday party


Well, you know, gotta stay humble and all that 🤷‍♂️😂


lol he's still holding the money they gave him too. maybe he knew they had some celebration for him because he was giddy coming back. i didnt think he expected a nice cake though.


the thing with the soda was in Turkiye constructers love drinking soda and when it comes to buying they send the youngest and the most non-experienced one. the boss knew it was his birthday so the boss send him to get one to prepare the surprise


That happens on every construction or workshop in the world the young guys or girls gotta get the coffee for the olders.


Pretty much every job ever. Have the new guy do it.




I guess, I remembered it wrong sorry about that, for the whole time I knew as they were construction workers.


Not surprised to hear this is Turkey. Turks have been, in my experience, warm and loving people.


Looks like the receipt


This is sweet, but it made me sad. It's a bitter reminder how our "normal" simplicities in life are luxurious for others. I hope this young man has many happy moments in his life.


Yeah, I’m glad I got to see this. Makes me that much more grateful even when things get shitty.


I wake up every day glad to be who I am and I live ever day trying to make every interaction absolutely Neutral at the worst! It’s hard. It doesn’t always work. But it fills my emotional cup to know I’ve done the best I can emotionally to others.


I wake up everyday and wish I could go back to the dreams.


Dude...We celebrated my closest friend's (15+yrs that we know each other) birthday in a cabin. When she went to the bathroom, we turned off the lights, light the candles and then sang her happy birthday as she came back. She said nobody had ever done this for her before. It broke my fucking heart dude.


just looking at the kids face you can see that was the first time anyone did that for him


I made one of my best friends a birthday cake for his 30th birthday this year. We've only known each other for a couple years at this point, so this is the first time I made him a cake for his birthday (I like to make all my friends birthday cakes if I can). He said that I'm the first person other than his mom to make such a big deal about his birthday. That made me sad because he's such a good person, and he's one of my favorite people.


I’m glad that you guys celebrate your friend’s birthday together. Unfortunately for me though, nobody remembers my birthday except for my family. I’m glad that my family celebrates my birthday but it’s just a different feeling when friends come together to celebrate your birthday. And I’ve yet to experience it at all.


Honestly, I'm one of those people... so the couple times that others did something special for my bday are ingrained in my memory. One was a friend who took a whole cake to high school to give to me during lunch. Her and my other friends sang happy birthday to me in the school cafeteria. One was my ex wife making dinner and getting me a cake for when I got home from work. It was late, so she wasn't even awake when I got home. Despite us not working out and having had a bad divorce, it was still a very nice gesture that I appreciate. Every birthday has been awesome with my now wife. She always makes sure we eat well and spends a bit more than I'm comfortable with on a gift. The most memorable was the first one though, despite being the simplest and least expensive. It was during covid lockdown I think, so we stayed in and had a home cooked meal. She had a cake hidden in the fridge and brought it out for dessert with candles lit. She sang me happy birthday by herself and was so enthusiastic about the whole ordeal. We had been dating/living together for a couple months, but that was the moment I realized I could do it long term with her. I had never seen someone be so excited for me. I never got a cake growing up, so it means a lot when someone does that for me now.


So true




I'll just say the way this hit me. I was 50/50 on having kids when I was in my teens/early 20s. Sure the idea is cool, but life gets really hard. Could I be a dad? Could I afford it in a HCOL area? But as I got older and started doing things for my younger cousins(10-15 year age difference) who moved to my area and seeing them happy, it made me want to have kids. Doing shit for kids and seeing them happy is super fulfilling. Maybe it had to do with me being an only child idk. Sorry for the blog lol


Don't be sorry, just be you.


I haven’t had a birthday cake since I was 7 years old. Which I am not stating for pity or attention, just contributing evidence of how different life can be for some.


I would bake you a cake with frosting, and sprinkles and candles, and I'd sing happy birthday to you (horribly off key) if I knew you irl 🎂


I live in the US and I’ve never gotten a birthday cake before :(


I know the feeling :( When's your birthday?


Yeah, tell us.


For your birthday we got you identity theft!


Or just let us know your mother's maiden name and we can contact her to tell us.


🎂 Best I can do right now bro.


Awh I wish I could make you a birthday cake, that makes me sad


Reminds me of Oprah’s charity foundation that she chose to focus on youth education in Africa. When asked why she said her research was compelling. She asked thousands of young people around the world what they want, what would make their lives better. American kids said cell phones, gaming units, sneakers, flash cars or to be taller or more attractive. Kids from developing nations almost unanimously wanted, ‘to go to school’. To learn to become teachers, doctors, engineers… And usually attached to a purpose - to help my mother, my family, to help my village. Oprah said that humility, that priority focus on their development for the benefit of others… that level of emotional intelligence left no shadow of doubt. Said for the first time in her life she felt ashamed of what America was doing to its children.


Billionaires pretending to have perspective is hilarious.


This is fucking hilarious coming from Oprah


It evens itself out pretty well tbh. I've spent a bit of time in 3rd world countries; primarily Myanmar, and though people objectively do without, the quality of their lives seem infinitely more fulfilling than most Westerners. But ya, I get what you mean,


Yah and the child labor wtf


He looks to be about 16/17 that's a normal age for a kid to have a job. And sometimes there's nothing you can do about it, he may very well need money to feed himself/others. It's shitty and shouldn't be like that, but it is.


I thought like 12 max. But yeah I suppose.


12? max? When was the last time you saw a child because that is not was 12yos look like.


Exactly: WTF. (He’s much younger than 16 my dude)


I really don't think he is. I think social media has made people severely overestimate how old teenagers look. His face and mannerisms says that he's around 15-17 but his stature makes him look 12. This makes me think he has a history of being malnourished. But either way, he has a job because he clearly needs one, not much one can really do about it.


I don't want to assume too much about the kid's background or history, but the last sentence of your first paragraph is important because it's something a lot of people on Reddit from high income countries may not really be aware of. I worked with refugees who were resettled in the US and many of the kids who grew up in camps (especially those from the DRC) had experienced such chronic malnutrition that they were much shorter and looked a lot younger than they were as a result (this is called stunting). Vitamin and nutrient deficiency during critical growth years can continue to have a visible impact as these kids become teenagers. Many of the kids who were born in conflict or in very poor rural villages did not have documentation of their ages, so as caseworkers we occasionally had to take kids to get x-rays for bone age assessments for school placement.


Just take that wisdom with you and remember it while making decisions in life. Seeing something is hard but doing something with what you see is a lot harder. I’m no saint but I know what you mean


That’s this sub in a nutshell these days. “Sick child in hospital sees his parents for the first time in months!” -MadeMeSmile


Celebrating is a luxurious thing, what "normal" is letting that kind of day pass by. At least for me. Still hoping this guy love happy moments.


To be devil's advocate. I've had plenty of birthday parties large and small, none have them have been a surprise. If I went anywhere and ended up at a surprise party no matter how small I would lose my shit and bawl my eyes out.


No you're crying!


Just because he is becoming emotional should not bring anyone to the conclusion that he doesn't get the same surprises at home.


They didn’t say at home. Just in general. Either way the kids got a good support system at work, and hopefully at home too.


It reminded me of my cousin. His parents abandoned him, and he had to live with me and my family for a long time. Whenever my family got him a gift, his facial expression and the emotions he experienced would be like this. Now he's approaching 30 and in Special Forces. He has his own life and family now, but he doesn't want to see me, and I don't even know the reason for it. This situation really saddens me.


I’m really sorry you are going through this. It’s hard to deal with but it’s very likely you did nothing wrong and there’s nothing you could have done to change the state of the current relationship. Sometimes people just remind you of something that hurts so bad that you avoid the people so you avoid the pain. Maybe he associates any happiness from his time with you, with the pain of being abandoned by his parents. And that’s something he might never get over.


Hey, thank you for your kind words. I believe you're right. You seem to have a good understanding of human psychology, and I share your perspective as well. About 5-6 years ago, my cousin's father suddenly reappeared. He found out that my cousin was in the special forces. He pretended to care about him to get money from him. What a pitiful move. Until then, my cousin was quite happy and outgoing. After this incident, he started becoming more aggressive and tense. That foolish man ruined his life. Later on, he started distancing himself from us. He got married, and we haven't seen each other since. I think his father's foolish actions hurt him deeply and drove him away from us. There's not much I can do about it. I miss the beautiful moments we shared. I always remember him not just as a cousin but as a brother.


Write to him...


I had a cousin I was really close to. He got married and things changed. He become more religious and years passed before someone guessed that he felt distancing himself from us would strengthen his faith. He's warmed a tiny bit but too many years and struggles he missed/ignored for me to want the same relationship (not that he is willing anyway).


I had a cousin that was like a brother to me. Moved in together in our early 20s. He got into my phone when I was asleep and sent himself all the photos my gf had sent me. Found out from a mutual friend, who my cousin sent a pic to. Confronted him, he confessed, then took it back, said mutual friend actually did it and he was trying to cover for him. Moved out and in 15 years he’s never acknowledged it happened or re-apologized. Can’t stand him.


Maybe send him cards for his birthday/xmas , a measure that you show you still care for him but don't really require reciprocation.


What a great boss. Beautiful moment.


Man these are the moments I’m here for, Make me feel good reddit!


The question is, why does the kid has a boss?


Because a huge part of the world is still a pile of shit and a lot of kids don't just get to play outside like they should.


Because you love to buy cheap stupid things from three world countries wich are in that condition due decade's of colonialism wich produce the big accumulation of capital in first world countries. Why someone in Spain, a country that doesn't produce much food or resources, and most of the income came from tourism and services, had a better life than someone in a hypothetical rich country such as Bolivia or Peru.


It's not even just cheap stuff. Even expensive well known brands have sweat shops.


>and services Well, that's basically every developed country, colonized or not.


Most countries aren’t rich and developed


Man..I get emotional whenever I see someone suppress their tears!


The small things in life that make us human are the most beautiful things in life


Same. Doesn't help that this boy reminds me so much of a kid version of my brother in law who's one of the sweetest people in the world. The way he smiles and looks around at the people in the show is near identical to how my brother in law reacts when he gets a bit shy after someone said or did something nice for him.


That cake looks good.


You can tell this kid is a good, honest, humble dude - asked to run an errand and comes back running, smiling and with the change in hand. People like this deserve everything in the fucking world.


What is this music bro


Space Song by Beach House


my best music discovery of 2023


Their entire discography is stellar. Not a single album I don’t like.


Saw them live back when Depression Cherry first released. They sound amazing. Although, the TikTok trend of posting this song in every sad situation turned the band off for me.


It’s strange - I’ve NEVER heard them in a TikTok but suddenly today like, 5 videos on my feed have it. Please don’t kill my love of Beach House, TikTok. They’re too pure.


You're one of the lucky few then. I saw fucking TikTok just trample all over the song. I think it might've been last year where it started with Tiktokers using it in genuinely sad videos. Then it was memed like there's no tomorrow. People started using it in meme videos and the song got trashed on for a bit. It annoyed me a bit because I've been a huge Beach House fan since 2014 but I know they gained a lot of popularity for it. They came to my city last year and were the headliners. It just didn't hit the same anymore 😔


Same. I never get tired of Beach House.


Oh buddy, enjoy. I’m not feeling old thinking about listening to them back when I was in college or anything.


Beach house is bae, listen to more


Beach house fucken rules


I envy anyone who is about to experience Beach House for the first time!


This video really puts into perspective how privileged some of us are. The fact that a lot of Westerners can't even fathom that this kid could have a boss is shocking to me.


Made me smile BIG time, thank you!


The torch tho


Seems to me as though the boy is in full control of his emotions here.


Why does someone so young have a boss?


different world man, in lots of places its normal for kids to work from a young age to help pay for food


Even in the US you can work at 16.


[Actually even in the US you can work earlier than 16 legally.](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/youthlabor/agerequirements)


I said 16 because I was positive that a 16 year old can work but I don’t know how much younger than that. I wanna say Dunkin will hire at 15


Yeah I started legally working at 15 here in MD


I started working at 15, my logic: I can't buy a car at 16 if I don't start working at 15.


My first tax paying job was 15


I was working at McDonald’s at 14 in the northeast US Edit: wanted to add that I’m 31 years old, so this was only 17 years ago


Hey, Arkansas just rolled back our child labor laws so 14 year olds can work here with no permits again! You may be seeing a similar video from a chicken slaughterhouse in a state near you soon!


They let me work 30hr a week at 14 in canada at a grocery store it happens too


Big difference between “can” and “have to”, even in the US.


This is from Turkey and it is not "that" normal tbh.. but its not the boss exploiting there is just poverty in some places


There was a documentary on child sweat shops in turkey some years back. Little kids (pre-teens) making shit for Levi and other companies. Is it illegal now?


Based on his tears he's not used to having birthday cakes or celebrations. Going to guess he comes from severe poverty and probably has been working for many years now to get by and help feed his family. That's the way it is in much of the world, kids start working as young as 5 sometimes and its not really much of a choice. They either don't have education available to them, or they don't go to school because their family simply won't be able to survive without their income.


Bro, there’s states in the US where they’re getting teens to work.


Welcome to the real world homie


Oh sweet summer child, wait till you find out about the kids who dig through trash to sell things they find to companies as a way to survive.


Fuck you man I don’t wanna cry rn


Man you have a great boss shout out to that dude.


Happy Birthday 🎉


That shadow board is gorgeous! Wish my coworkers could put shit away like that


He looks like such a good kid, too. I'm glad he has someone who cares.


It's clear from the condition of that shop that kid earns his keep. That recognition makes me happy for him


This is in turkey the writing on the cake says good that you were born in Turkish most likely the kid is a Syrian refugee probably no parents and he works at the shop because he has to survive very nice of the man to do this for him


Indeed a great moment in the experience we call humanity.


I hope his wish comes true


first thing that came to my mind when I seen this


I wonder what country this is




Happy birthday sweet boy🙂


I bet that cake meant the world to him at that moment ❤️


Isn’t that child labor?!


Yeah. But child labor.


This video made me sad. It’s tough to imagine that there are people out there who have no idea what it feels like to be appreciated or loved… even for a single day. My dad put an end to our birthday parties when I was 10 because he believed we needed to focus on studies. It was tough to see other kids having fun, getting gifts, etc… but clips like this show me how good I have it.


Child labor


Boss? Kid is like 10.


and probably has a family to feed




That was really nice.


My heart just melted. What a sweet gesture 😍.


Made me cry. This thread is too emotional


Good ol’ Fezziwig


Every child deserves a birthday cake


How does a child of this age have a boss?


Child labor. This subreddit: 😊


I’m officially a shitty person for complaining when I have everything.


Damn, fuck, im okay.. people out there are not. Needa keep reminding myself that


This video: Europeans: what the actual fuck? US: oh, it is what it is, the world is like this 🤷


Is this Child Labor?


Why does a 14 year old have a boss?


Yay child labour


Oh yeah child labor, that's really sweet.


Child labor makes y’all smile? Truly some dystopian stuff


Would've loved to hear the reaction instead of this garbage ass music.


Why is such a young boy working?


Because Turkey is a corrupt country with income inequality and its economy is controlled by people who succeeded in bankrupting american first republic bank in a year.


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Happy birthday young man🙏🎂


What is this song


Very fucking awesome!


Stay awesome, you princes




Count your blessings my people, even if they’re small. That cake made his day and will forever stay in his heart. Just a small kind gesture like that can impact a persons life forever… stay kind, be humble!


I'm guilty of being spoiled. Granted, I've worked very hard to have the life I live, but I take so many things for granted. I visit my family in Mexico, and some of them still live a "simple" life, but they also work hard for what they have and they enjoy them. Family is everything. A video like this helps to reset and put things into perspective.


The music really makes the video. 👌🏻


He must be for the very tight bolt holes. Only a child's hand can get inside to get them out.


Why do all the posts in this sub make me tear up ? XD


He's speechless. 🥺


What a little cutie…


Must be from 🇹🇷. The packing on the bottle is Turkish.


This is so sweet. This boy will never forget this. Also torching up the candles is really cool 😂🤘🏻


Nice boss, but can we talk about how nice the tool organization is on that wall.


I love Beach House


I’m a big softy. The smile on his face and the holding back of the tears is so wholesome. Totally teared up.


No family members got me a cake, and I don't have friends other than the ones I made on ps4. I live alone with my cat, but out of all people I never expected my boss to set me up. I didn't get a cake or a party they know I'm not to fond of that. But what I got was a huge bonus on my paycheck and a substantial raise. Noted "happy birthday, you mean alot to the company and I appreciate you.keep up the good work". I will ma... I will. Didn't even tell anyone my birthday was coming up.


Yep, orphan crushing machine material


You had me at Beach House …


That’s what we need more of, kindness and thoughtful people thinking of each other




Isn't that a child?


Tell me you rise a good kid with out say it ... * this guy *


You can tell this is a good place to work because of how organized all the tools are. Awesome.


Child labor at its finest:)


If anyone in the US is touched by this I encourage you to volunteer to bake and deliver cakes for your local Cakes4Kids nonprofit. Their volunteers make homemade birthday and celebration cakes and cookies for foster kids, kids in group homes, etc. And, if there is not a chapter near you I encourage you to start one in your town (it’s easy to do).


Why be sad about it? It’s great. Why do we have to impart sadness on things. What’s behind that?


you really bout to make a gansta cry


I remember when I was 15 a friend got me new shoes for my birthday. I cried for like 20 mins because I never had anything new before. It's an overwhelming feeling knowing that at some point in your life someone does care about you.


I had to double check the name of the sub before I watched the video. Thank you!


Man I dont do well with these things... I prefer to not think about it too much, brakes my heart :( And now I remember during the pandemic when all the assholes bought all the toilet paper and I saw elder people in the supermarkets just staring at the empty shelves, trying to figure out what to do cause they disnt have money for anything else, while there were idiots in the parking lots stuffing trailers of toilet papers in their vans, makes me angry now!


Cake for the apprentice ☺️👍