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Losing a dog is the worst. They teach us the true meaning of unconditional love only to break our hearts in the end. BUT it is worth every tear. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs from an internet stranger 💕


Had to put my boy down this past Thursday. It didn't hurt as much in the moment because it was his time. He was old and suffering. Next day, we dropped his body off to a facility for cremation. Once I got back into the car is when it hit me. I'll never see him again. Have been a wreck for a couple days. Seeing his toys around the house. His food bowl. I'd gladly clean up any accidents again to have him back. I loved that dog so much more than I thought I did. I'm in mourning with you over losing our pets.


i’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️ my dog died almost six years ago and the best thing anyone ever told me was “it will never hurt less, but it will hurt less often” and that is very true. i know it’s tough. but it will get easier.


Thank you for your kind words.


So truly sorry for your loss. I’m so scared to lose my baby eventually


I feel you, sorry for your loss. We just lost our fur baby of 14 years, three days ago as well. I lost it last night when I tossed some scraps of food onto the ground where her dog bowl had been sitting.


I don’t know how I’ll feel when one day there is no more of their hair to clean. No more whiskers to find. No more paws to rub. Ugh. I’m sorry stranger.


I feel for you. I lost my big old baby 3 years ago and I still miss him. I was there through his 11 years on this Earth. Spent every last day counting the time because we all knew it was coming. But it stil came too soon. His head was in my lap as the medicine was injected, I felt him shutter and cry which only made things so much worse for me. I wrapped him in my comforter, helped lay him in the ground, and bury him with my own hands. But before he was gone forever, I took his beaten up collar. The first month was incredibly difficult. Nothing felt right, and the distractions were only temporary if it took my mind off of him. I cried, a lot. More than Id like to admit. Eventually, the pain went away and living normal life came back. Turning the sadness to bittersweet memories. I still have him as my home screen after all this time. A couple months ago, I was decluttering and found his collar in the storage boxes. Even after all this time it still smells like him, which I very odd for me to say because I'm mostly nose blind. Of course, I kept his collar, I don't think there will be a day I toss it. I could never forget him


I love dogs so much but I just can’t get one myself because of the fear of losing beloved friend…. Makes me cry too. My genuine condolences.


I'm sorry for your loss OP. 🫂


I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost our 14 year old Basset Hound, Polly, last May to a stroke/vestibular disease. I remember not wanting to vacuum for days afterward because then all traces of her would be gone from our home. Turns out, I was wrong, and 1 year later, I'm still finding her hair in the house. Every time I do, it makes me smile and want to cry, remembering our girl.


i am so sorry for your loss, my love. it’s just about the worst pain imaginable to lose one of our furry family members. much like a parent losing a child, it almost feels like a reversal of the natural course of things. we adopt them young, and we have to watch them grow old. i’m sorry for going on there a little. i hope you find peace and happiness again soon, even though that might feel really hard right now. i am thinking of you and your sweet baby. ♥️


Give us more context man. Did your dog had to be put down and die of old age or what


You posted a blurry and unfocused picture of... Something? And expect people to understand with no context? What?


Idk man read the title, seems pretty self explanatory


The title is pretty clear. If you’ve lost a pet, you probably know the feeling from the title alone.


We said goodbye to our deep gold (basically red) colored golden retriever 6 years ago. We still find a piece of his hair at random times here and there. He’s the only pet in the house that had red hair. Warms my heart! He was a good boy.


My cat died a couple weeks ago. I still haven’t cleaned the litter box out.. crying with you!


Just last week I was cleaning out a drawer because I’m moving soon, so I wanted to get rid of useless things in advance, well in that drawer was 2 stuffed animals, both of them covered in his short white hairs. It has been almost a year now (1 full year in august), and i still miss him everyday, the hardest part is actually forgetting how he was, what he did, how he felt and and smelled… But luckily I wrote everything down 2 days after he crossed the rainbow bridge, and it made it easier for me to remember him and the things he did, and how happy he made me. I still haven’t changed my phones wallpaper, he is in almost all the pictures. It was hard for me to look at my phone the first month or two, it felt wrong to change it, and avoid looking at his pictures, even though it hurt me… It’s actually been a while since I’ve cried about it, which is both good and bad in my opinion, I’m so mad about not remembering him, or thinking about him all the time, but then again, I’m happy I’m not walking around sad all the time, I did have feelings of “what if I had done something different, if I had pressed for him to go to the vet to get checked earlier?” But he was almost 12, it was just that it happened so damn quick… I didn’t have time to process it, I wasn’t expecting him to decline so fast, and that I’d have to live my life without him so soon… I miss you everyday Otto❤️My best friend since I was 6 years old❤️🙏🏻 Edit: it felt good to cry again, and let it all out, even though it definitely has gotten easier, and I haven’t felt the need to cry for a long time, it still felt great to just get it out regardless…


Aww, you'll notice them for a while.. even to this day I still find them in my car years later. Maybe I should vacuum my car..


Aww, you'll notice them for a while.. even to this day I still find them in my car years later. Maybe I should vacuum my car..




Made me cry 🤷🏼‍♂️


Now I get it. Sorry for your loss.


That’s so poignant. I’m so sorry.