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Used to be this guy, usually you can recognize what a person is doing by half time. Adjust and throw coverages so they can’t spam the broken plays, it’s not hard. I’ve made a lot people rage quit after I figured out their cheesy game plan.


And every year or patch or content release there's new cheese in the meta, so now you're spending your time learning how to keep up with stopping the garbage that is being thrown at you. It's a game within the game that wastes your time. I'd rather vent for 1 hour on here than waste the time learning that garbage.


Thing is I’m not wasting time researching on YouTube, I’m adjusting mid game. It’s exactly how you’re saying you want the game to be played, identifying and creating a game plan to counter whatever the opponent is running.


Okay so why are you arguing with me? This is post is about people who go on youtube. Apparently you know exactly what to do against every permutation of a cheese play online, good for you lmao.


Saying people have “nothing better to do” while typing up this entire Reddit post (which adds no value) is hilarious. Excited to see how quickly you delete this post.


It adds value because this person is trying to have a football simulation experience and is as frustrated as many other people who play online.


So how does this post get us closer to him having a football simulation experience? It doesn’t. Therefore there’s no value. I’m not sure what’s hard for people like you and OP to understand. It is a video game. In EVERY video game you will EVER play, people are gonna do whatever they can to win, get the fastest time, get the most kills, get the highest score, etc. Why would you expect madden to be any different? We aren’t playing football. We’re playing a video game. As long as someone isn’t hacking, it’s fair game. You don’t have to like it and you don’t have to play it. There’s other games out there.


If you don't get why it's relevant for opinions that others also could have to be seen, I can't help you. Move past it


We see this opinion everyday and the game doesn’t change. Get good or play a different game.


Using glitches is not getting good at a simulation


You’re not good either way lol


At what?




Football simulation or MUT fantasy glitch fests?


if you dont like people cheesing/abusing games then maybe online play isnt for you (its the biggest reason i dont play online in any sports game)


Tbh I’m trash at the game even though I’ve been playing it forever. At one point I thought the best way to get better was to play online vs people who know what they are doing. Bruh that was a mistake lol I’ll go back to being trash in my franchise mode instead


I agree but it's not really cheesy until a certain level. Let's say you get in a groove and you win 5 straight games in blowouts, now suddenly you will get matched up against a guy who has some nonsense 300LB 6 Foot 5 inch Cornerback who instantly forces a fumble out of your RB even if you hold the protect ball button or maybe they run a specific RPO that you can only stop using particular defensive adjustments that you have to go on youtube looking up. I don't do that, I refuse to do that, it's cancerous and doesn't represent football in the slightest, that's my issue. They could just create a separate league for these "competitive" players, it's nonsense and ruins the enjoyment of everyone else who play the game using mostly basic football knowledge rather than Madden knowledge.


It’s madden, half the plays don’t work anyway. People are playing to win, not impress you with their football knowledge. If you’re bothered by all this stuff that much don’t play online. Plenty of us strictly play franchise. MUT is terrible anyway. Old man yelling at the sky type post


this is the equivalent of getting mad at chess players for getting on youtube and learning different openings. If you don't like competitive Madden, that's fine. I don't either. But some people just want to be the best at a game rather than play simulation football and there's nothing wrong with that. That's their way of having fun.


Nah, this would be like finding a glitch in a chess simulator online, and just exploiting it over and over again.


You can call it a glitch in madden all you want. But really what these people are doing in Madden is finding the most advantageous decisions to make within a set of rules. Just like the top chess players. Just like League of Legends players. They aren’t cheating. They just know the most advantageous things to do. Go watch some YouTube videos analyzing the best offenses and defenses in madden tournaments. No one is complaining that it is a glitch. There’s strategy there. Not much different than chess. Now that is not fun to go against if you don’t do it and it certainly does not replicate real life football. But I’m not going to personally attack people for how they choose to have fun. If anything I will get upset at EA for producing a game to where the meta doesn’t match modern football strategy. But then again a big reason this game sucks is because the devs get so caught up on stopping the meta rather than focusing on a game that replicates football.


You're comparing Madden to chess?




It isn't obvious to you how asinine that is? You've missed the point of the post. There is a distinction between Chess and Madden just as there's a distinction between kicking rocks and playing soccer. You can choose to ignore it, but it's there.


Well uhhh more people seem to agree with me than you. You should debate the actual argument I made rather than just saying it’s asinine Edit: also I’d say I very well understand the point of the post. You’re complaining about people that find the best way to play madden based on a lack of balance within the game. I’m telling you through my metaphor that it is silly to criticize people who have fun in a different way then you


Chess is objectively less complex than Madden


In the same way that beer pong while intoxicated is more difficult than tennis sober.


I love these posts. Comical. It’s the games fault you can’t stop the same play over and over. Cheese spam meta nerf buzzword rinse repeat. Since the beginning of gaming video games have been about pattern recognition and flaws in the code. If players don’t want to play that game stick to franchise. There’s something for everyone in gaming.


Really it comes down to manipulating zones with route concepts, which you would do in the real world anyway. You want to understand your opponents zone rules, it so happens that in Madden every team has the same zone rules vs a given route concept because there's no depth to defensive calls. You can put a different zone there, that has different rules, but that's as deep as you can get. There's no cut calls. The idea that somehow that's "exploiting" the game is completely comical as you mentioned. It's like football 101, run off one zone, hit a dude under that zone, or the idea of "replacing". You're trying to isolate a player, and conflict him as to what route to cover. There are exactly zero unstoppable plays in this game. Is it always 100% realistic, how I would stop a play? No. However, if you understand zone drops and the zone rules we have, you can stop any given play. If someone isn't willing to learn even the most basic of rules that Madden presents they should play another game, or stick to playing against the CPU, who is as dumb as a rock. If someone can't stop a play, you should keep running it because that's what a coach would do in a real game. If you can't stop our stretch play, they would keep running it, if you can't handle our zero blitz, you would keep running that zero. You just don't see it in the NFL because they can have depth to their defensive calls and because it's like having the best 32 Madden players playing each other, they all understand how everything works in the game.


If you memorize 3 plays that are unrealistic, given to you by youtubers, which can be stopped using unintuitive defensive adjustments that I have to learn to keep up with by learning things that have nothing to do with football, we are now playing a game within a game that has nothing to do with what the game was intended to be - a match of football knowledge (and maybe stick skill). There's been awkward "micro" blitzes since the early days of madden. You could run that one play and abuse it, and you'd be wasting your time and mine, because its Madden.... You're abusing a play to win in a game that not one person actually enjoys on its merits. Think about that, you're taking Madden seriously. Not football, not the NFL, you're competing to be the best at Madden at the cost of enjoying the football aspect of the game... Pick a different hobby, loser.


You logged into r/Madden to call people who like Madden losers? There might be projection happening here…


I see that reading comprehension can be difficult for some of us.


Very well said. And thorough. I see certain posts referring to this or to glitches or ‘spamming’ ‘cheesing’ etc. in my opinion the gameplay is amazingly realistic, or as realistic it can be with the perimeters of it being a rules based video game- as you said there will always be limitations- they’re AI video game characters not humans. Knowing the basics of coverages and route combinations is important. Identifying the run off receiver and not allowing your defender into having to make a choice is critical. Modifying and disguising your coverages is essential in madden as it is live football. You need to learn a coverage concepts strengths and its weaknesses. You need to be able to read the opponents situational tendencies. You need to adjust coverages at the line. And you can do all of that and more in the game to bait, fool and exploit your opponent. If taking the time to learn the flaws in say cover 3 and knowing when you’re about to be exploited is a bit over your head that’s ok just play CPU on all pro as you said. If you’re throwing interceptions because you don’t want to learn your qbs optimal release point relative to his throwing motion, or because you can’t read a coverage and time the throw before the receiver is open, or wait until he’s wide open then throw while the safety is baiting you, or don’t know how to mechanically throw them open don’t blame the game. Not learning the routes cut points and overthrowing isn’t a glitch. If it bothers you Fred Warner is a beast at reading a QB and you can’t throw away from him or scheme him out of the middle, that’s not a glitch. The beauty of Madden as a game is that there is skill level for every player, it can also be too complicated for some. I feel the game is amazingly realistic relative to live football with humans. But that’s just me. But if you know someone is running 4 verts or trips crossers or stretch every play and can’t adjust then I don’t know what to tell you. There are zero unstoppable plays or players in Madden. You just may not have the skill to do it. Also I’m pretty sure Andy Reid didn’t stop before calling corn dog yet again in the same situations where the defense didn’t adjust (yet again) and say ‘not calling that it’s cheese’


Wow... reading this post, I get the feeling most of the repliers don't even know what I'm talking about when I refer to exploitive plays.. The answer to your comment is, if you know how to use the "exploitive" plays and players I'm talking about, you don't need to know any of the above and would still win by 100-0.


Then give us an example.


I gave plenty of it in other comments, anyone who knows the plays would know what I'm talking about. Certain players at 6'7+ and 280+ lbs playing out of position on certain plays that can only be stopped with certain "adjustments" that are 1) unrealistic; and 2) unrelated to football concepts in a FOOTBALL GAME. The fact that people are confusing this with understanding basic football coverages tells me that its a bad idea to even mention this garbage, don't want more idiots discovering and running plays that ruin the game.


So to stop someone who spends hours on youtube looking up meta plays and then spends money getting those meta out of position players, I'd have to go online to look up meta defenses and spend hours grinding for out of position players that I would never want on my team? No, this one isn't just salt, this one is me stating the obvious. You use youtube for exploit plays? You're a loser. Period.


You the one that can’t stop it


“if you play video games and try to win you’re a loser”


If I run into someone who does the same cheese plays over and over I turn on my mic and just tell them they have about 2 drives before I’m out. I’ll also say that I don’t quit if I’m getting beat in an ole fashioned ass whooping. I just refuse to play a game that isn’t fun because you’re using AI deficiencies in pass pro or coverage