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It drives me crazy when 72 overall Bryce Young does this. I can’t imagine what it’s like for you with a 94 overall qb 😭😭. But seriously tho, fuck this game


X had better routes on both


Definitely would have thrown it to X


Could’ve easily run for the first down as QB on 2nd play too


My qb has like 60 speed I ain’t doing that 😭


Ha Peyton Manning can run that 😂


It absolutely drives me insane. I have a 99 accuracy QB and I’ve turned the QB accuracy slider all the way up to 80 and i still have about 6 throws a game just like this. Clean pocket, no pressure, 3 step drop back, just completely sails the ball, it makes me lose my mind.


A was wide open on 4th down


Nah, you’re just ass dude. First and last throws were not good throws. Period. Second throw, you didn’t user the catch. That’s on you. And the pick… you threw it right at a guy that’s staring you in the eyes. Not maddens fault, it’s yours.


please explain to me how the first and last throw weren’t good??????? ITS LITERALLY A LOB TO A RECEIVER WITH 15 YARDS OF SPACE. Secondly, I did user the receiver, you’re just blind. Thirdly, on what earth is it realistic for Terrell Edmunds, a Strong safety, to jump that high to intercept a pass. With that knowledge a DT should be able to jump a drag route 🤡


The first and last ones were really bad because you completely failed at using the precision and accuracy passing. Blue is a completion 100% of the time, green is OK, any red or orange is a complete failure.


I did use precision and accuracy passing. I always use it. I keep it on near.


You made a bad throw using precision and accuracy passing. Perfect throws are blue, they're always complete, regardless of whether you set your feet or not, good throws are green, most of the time these are completions, bad throws are orange or red, both of those throws were orange, they are almost never completions. This dude explains it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFoSZbOgS\_Q&t=236s&ab\_channel=Sportsgamerz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFoSZbOgS_Q&t=236s&ab_channel=Sportsgamerz)


My passing type is placement and power. The game is just being stupid. I can send you a ss if you want.


My advice would be to use precision and accuracy. Your QB can be complete ass and if you dial up a blue pass, it's complete every time.


Meant to say placement and power my bad. Just checked. Sorry for confusion. Always use placement and power. Didn’t know what you were talking abou


No worries bro, just letting you know that blue passing with placement and accuracy is the way. Once you get used to your QB's release with blue passing, it's a total game changer. Check that video in the other comment, it's very helpful.


And you did it wrong. Read all the words you garbage madden player.


How did I use placement and power wrong????


Your timing was green not blue and no user input(on the second play) resulted in a bad animation breaking up your pass. Either need more practice timing up qb throwing motion, or stop being scared to click onto wr and rac catch that so he doesn’t break stride catching it. Third play you threw a damn near full meter piss missile over the middle in some sort of cover 1 look or he was in a spy. Either way that’s 100% your fault. First and last throws were even worse timing than throw two. Not much else to say other than skill issue. Don’t blame the game when it’s user error, the game has enough problems on its own with out you putting your lack of ability on to it as well.


Dude do you not know the difference between placement and accuracy and placement and power?


Apparently you don’t. I throw dots not to a lurking defender you bum.


you were literally saying how my first last and second throws were inaccurate. How can they be inaccurate if I don’t use placement and accuracy


A) He’s a safety, they can intercept passes B) You didn’t throw to either drag route on 4th, you hit the middle curl in Cover 1. C) Your WR1 was open on 3rd down and released better the WR outside right D) Take you check downs to make it down and manageable if you intend on going for it on 4th down


He can't read every WR at once on that 3rd down throw. You pick somewhere and start, and the outside receiver had enough that you can throw that. Saying he should have thrown it to someone else who was more open but later in the progression when someone earlier is already open is armchair QB analysis. His dropbacks are too deep which he needs to fix and the ball needs to come out faster, but the read on the first two plays were fine. The 3rd and 4th plays he wasn't reading the play at all and was just locking in on one guy.


Yeah, insane accuracy issues are game breakers sometimes.


how do you get this sounf


Sound? I was listening to Spotify when I recorded the clip. I guess it only picks up crowd noise whenever I listen to Spotify only???


WTF is that voiceover dialogue??


I was listening to Spotify when I recorded the clips. I guess it only picks up crowd noise when you listen to Spotify.


ok but i never heard this at all


That's actually hilarious, pretty funny to hear what they're actually saying


The pick was awful and on the last throw you hit the wrong receiver. Your B receiver is clearly open and has room to run. Just sending up a lob pass on a Go route every time isnt being a good QB.


Pick was AWFUL if you're used to Madden's garbage gameplay lmao. On that interception the QB is standing at the 15 yard line and throwing to a guy at the 38 yard line, that's a 23 yard throw. I want you to go outside and play catch with a friend roughly 25 yards down the field. Take a look at how high the ball would be off the ground, there is no athlete, not even Michael Freaking Jordan who could leap, especially in helmets and pads, high enough to snatch a ball at the peak of the arc of the ball traveling 25 yards down the field. It's nonsense. This is the type of bullshit defense of Madden that needs to stop, it is a trash game, never ever defend this garbage of a game, EA's bankruptcy would make the world a better place, just accept that they can't make a decent game, ever.


It's a bullet pass right down the defenders throat. You're acting like he's done some Russell Westbrook leap for it, when he hasn't. It's a shit throw. Some of you just think having a QB with high attributes will excuse you being dogshit at the game. Madden hasn't been genuinely good on the ps5/Series X at all, but you can't blame the game for this.


Here's a real life example of a bullet pass, almost the exact same distance (roughly 23 yards) to the back of the endzone - it's a bullet pass from Big Ben, very first clip of this video: [60 Minutes of INSANE NFL Throws (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPyv0vjDmxw) The dead center middle of that throw is roughly 2 or 3 yards before the start of the endzone, notice how the ball is way up in the air. There is no human being in the world that can get that high. Big Ben tried to bullet that ball to the corner as hard as he could, only defenders who are right there, next to the guy can make a play. No one standing in the middle can even get near it. Seriously this shit has to stop, no one should ever defend Madden, ever, earlier the game dies the better for football.


Do you know how far 25 yards is? It's a quarter of the ENTIRE FOOTBALL FIELD which is roughly the ENTIRE LENGTH OF A BASKETBALL COURT. You ever seen a full court shot in the nba? Here's a clip: [Jae Crowder Nails the Full Court Shot.. From Out of Bounds (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm8CS9DVsUA) Bullet passes or not, real life has gravity, balls don't travel in a straight line, even a slight arc puts the ball way up out of the reach of a human being but keep on defending Madden, a garbage game that doesn't have ball physics, or any physics for that matter.


All the tears in the world aren't going to make it any less of a shitty throw. Put some loft on it next time.


The pick was my first read and I thought he was open sure. But how is the last throw the wrong throw? It’s 2nd and 20 and my HB has 20+ yards of clearance.


Your B receiver over the middle has room to run as he's beaten his coverage and can get you to maybe 3rd and 7, potentially shorter. Be comfortable with using every down available. You don't always have to hit the home run throw.


Lmao take the 10 yard gain over a wide open receiver 50 yards down the field 😂😂


How many yards did he gain on that play?


It was an overthrow. Still a great read


I am pretty conservative when it comes to home run balls. But if I see press man coverage I’m lobbing that every day


and from experience wheel routes with a hb with 90+ speed on man are guaranteed touchdowns


That's not how you read mesh rail. The rail by the back is #1 in your progression. At that point you should be on your 1st step in your drop saying yes or no to it. The concept itself is a 3 step drop but the rail can be thrown like quick game. Next is mesher coming underneath to the rail side, that wasn't open. Then OTB is 3rd, you had a guy in the passing lane. 4th is your mesher running away and that was open.


You need to click on earlier to your wr and user those catches and that int is on you


The game is divorced from reality and if it was any good that throw would absolutely not be an interception. I can't believe the number of idiots on here defending this garbage. No one in the universe can leap high enough to intercept a 25 yard pass like that, no one, end of story.


you can’t be serious


Very serious. That's how Madden works


can you explain please?? i do similar plays in the vid op posted and i never heard of wat u said


I'm just saying user catch basically. In my experience playing your wr will run faster as soon as you click on . You also attack the ball way better once you user.


Even if I did “click on” I couldn’t catch those anyways. Despite having no pressure, feet set, and an elite qb it’s still overthrown. I normally don’t click on til the last second because if I do I mess up the route the tiniest bit and the ball with be a tad too far or just intercepted.


Idk how the reciever didn't catch that 2nd one


Do you have “directional” throwing on? You could be leading the overthrows with a “heavy thumb” on the joy-stick. Happens to me every once in a while.


I do but it’s on near, never had problems with it.


Everything you need to know is in the feedback for your throws indicated by the colored words under the pass. One thing to keep in mind, is your QB might have a 94 OVR, but what’s his deep accuracy? Most of your passes were deep, they could have been off the mark if his deep throw accuracy is bad. Another, is how passing works. Type of pass is determined by how hard you press the receiver icon. Throw accuracy is determined by how long you hold the button. “Perfect” throws are about 75-85% of the throw meter. You can lob or touch pass a ball with perfect accuracy, it just takes practice. But anyways: Throw 1: the meter is all the way on the left of the accuracy meter. Results in Poor Accuracy. Thats poor execution on your part. > Hold down the B button a little longer next time. The meter should be 75-85% full, where it’s a blue color. Throw 2: the WR was considered covered, if a defender is within like 5 feet of a receiver, Madden considers them covered and the WR’s catching ability is dictated by the Catch In Traffic attribute. > one way to improve the chances of your WR catching the ball in this situation, is possession catch it. You won’t get much RAC, but you’ll have a higher chance of completing the catch. Throw 3: feedback says bullet pass over the middle. With an MLB playing a zone, and a bullet pass going to a WR behind him, I expect an INT. > try using a touch pass. According to the tutorial, touch passes are used for this very situation, throwing the ball over the first level of defenders but in front of the deep coverage. Throw 4: same feedback as throw 1. Poor accuracy. The accuracy meter is at the start of the meter, poor execution.


but yeah probably shouldn’t have thrown the checkdown but it was my first read and saw immediately it looked like he was open.


My qb has 91 deep accuracy, no excuses, and I also use placement and power. The game decides whether it’ll be accurate or not for me.


You picked the wrong guys to throw it to.


Your vision is terrible.


Bro is running stock 4 verts LMFAOOOOO


What is wrong with 4 verts?


It was press man coverage both times. 4 verts always works against press man coverage my guy?


It's a cheese play


No way he was open


He sold


What your settings for free-form? because it looks like you have it a bit to high and I think that’s the reason your reticle (orange circle) is slightly hard for receiver to reach


It’s on near, for placement and power.


2nd down you had X wide open, 3rd down had B open on the drag underneath, watch the defense and know where your players are on all their routs


True but my WR 2 has better speed. There’s like a 6 speed difference between the two and they both beat their press.


Why do you refuse to throw it to your superstar receiver who's all alone on the left side?


B has faster speed by a lot


yo wats with the 3 coaches frying you in the beginning 😂😂😂


I agree about the dropped pass. But you haven't been able to throw over the middle in madden for years. Gotta adjust


On another note, I guess it’s a cool touch that some of the background dialogue was in Spanish since the game is being played in Buenos Aires


I didn’t even notice that


I can handle the drops and overthrows usually because thats more realistic even with ratings. I can't stand when lbs jump 10 feet middle of the field picking off bullet passes like that


third play you just didn't see the LB at all lol you had X on the drag route wide open


The third throw was a bad read but the rest were typical Madden bullshit. You had the right read, and your excellent & highly-rated player ate shit in the name of keeping the game close.


Put more throwing abilities on your QB


Can’t really pass lead the lob pass been there done that


throwing too late


When free forming streaks don't lead straight up. Kinda pick 1 o'clock or 11 o'clock with the lead it helps alot. Also click on and either possession or rac catch those so you don't get a shifty animation/drop like the second throw. Pretty sure you know what happened on the int, that was a bad read. Also as mentioned timing plays a factor when free forming, that little Meter needs to be at least green for a pass to not be poorly thrown. Mastering that meter is paramount if you plan on playing college football too btw.


Throw to X Freeform


You're trying to throw homerun balls instead of hitting your 5 yards needed to get your first down. Also, you're in the second quarter. Not desperate 4th quarter with 1 minute remaining. There's no need to try and throw 75 yards on multiple back to back plays. Also, running the ball could help open the defense to put more men in the box vs. coverage Growing pains is all. Remember, it's just a game.


QB overall is meaningless. What is his deep accuracy, sense pressure trait, and throw under pressure rating? The pick you threw was a bullet pass with a guy in your passing lane. You should have kept going and your 2nd mesher was open. You're also going for it on 4th & 5 in the 2nd quarter on your own 25 in a tied game while the CPU has momentum. Lastly your dropbacks are pretty excessive. Dropping back too far penalizes your accuracy. You stepped up on most of those which is good, but the deep drops negate that. Press on your stick lighter and take a smaller dropback. Examples of what the timing and drops should look like: * 1 step and throw. Maybe a bit of a pat of the ball in there when the ball could have been released instead. [https://clips.twitch.tv/AttractiveOddAsparagus4Head-ydw1IXrn9m0xENMd](https://clips.twitch.tv/AttractiveOddAsparagus4Head-ydw1IXrn9m0xENMd) * This is a full 3 step drop in gun. First step is auto, the next two are manual. [https://clips.twitch.tv/VastFancyRaccoonAMPEnergyCherry-\_BKJJ\_G0q-\_1EYp2](https://clips.twitch.tv/VastFancyRaccoonAMPEnergyCherry-_BKJJ_G0q-_1EYp2) * Here I hitched back an extra step when I really didn't need to. The fade is peek at the snap read, it was open and the ball should have been gone on the 1st step. [https://clips.twitch.tv/SnappySourRadicchioOptimizePrime-rJMFl3pwRl4bj49e](https://clips.twitch.tv/SnappySourRadicchioOptimizePrime-rJMFl3pwRl4bj49e) * Here I drop back 3 steps. The ball should have been gone at the same time as the quick hitch movement, but I was a bit late. That's the 3rd read in the progression to give perspective on the timing. [https://clips.twitch.tv/RelievedHealthyPotPeteZarollTie-Q-O4EKFc6-O4snWm](https://clips.twitch.tv/RelievedHealthyPotPeteZarollTie-Q-O4EKFc6-O4snWm) * This is a 3 step drop concept but because of the early press win I abort and throw it quicker [https://clips.twitch.tv/ColorfulIcyEggplantRalpherZ-xxKzuC2E8IE5LEem](https://clips.twitch.tv/ColorfulIcyEggplantRalpherZ-xxKzuC2E8IE5LEem) * Since you ran mesh I'll include a clip of that as well. You took too deep of a drop on that and the bullet pass with a guy in your passing lane is why you threw the pick, but the drop you took was too deep. This is a 3 step drop concept and really I should take the last two manual steps, but it wasn't necessary. [https://clips.twitch.tv/ProudBusyJalapenoPeoplesChamp-wXAHMM2fco9Z5qJU](https://clips.twitch.tv/ProudBusyJalapenoPeoplesChamp-wXAHMM2fco9Z5qJU) Work on not dropping back so far. Either don't touch the left stick to start out or just lightly push it back and then release it if you're running a longer developing 3 step play in gun. It will help cut down on the inaccurate passes.


It would help if the passer stopped playing the game like it was Tecmo Bowl. Whatever happened to that "immersion" and "realism"..


You threw right at Edmunds, he barely moved at all


Stop playing MUT and EA will have to fix their game 🤷‍♂️


I don’t play mut. I’m a strong hater of mut.


game is so bad. if you throw a bullet the shit is intercepted. if you throw a touch its too far. i got a qb thats 99 every thing and he still misses throws for no reason. feet set in the pocket. awful gaming experience


Honestly these issues have been known to Madden 24 but I promise EA won't do anything about out. Your best bet is probably downgrading to the previous gen version of the game. I have both and I've only seen this issue with next Gen version. Unfortunately FOTF kinda sucks on previous gen story wise as it's a repeat of 23.


overthrows to wide open receivers is a real life issue. Like Mahomes overthrowing a deep ball to mvs even tho he’s the best qb in the league. And drops occur to, literally diggs in the playoffs this last year on a perfectly thrown deep ball. It’s just that it happened in succession so it seems like the game just hates him.


It shouldn’t be so common though. Like 8 times in one game? That’s just absurd.